This post, and many of the responses to it, is pretty much my attitude to the situation. It doesn't matter if the intended victim was Trump, Harris, Obama or a Clinton - I would have the same stance. The fact that some people believe resolving political disagreements by assassination of an opponent is okay-fine, and are even disappointed at any failed attempts, is beyond sad. We have some of those very fine people here. Serious people will recognize the problem and start working to undo the damage to our discourse.
That's all I got for now. Too many deaf ears and crocodile tears here so no need to add any further thoughts.
This post, and many of the responses to it, is pretty much my attitude to the situation. It doesn't matter if the intended victim was Trump, Harris, Obama or a Clinton - I would have the same stance. The fact that some people believe resolving political disagreements by assasination of an opponent is okay-fine, and are even disappointed at any failed attempts, is beyond sad. We have some of those very fine people here. Serious people will recognize the problem and start working to undo the damage to our discourse.
This would be so oh-so-touching and heartbreaking if it were a tad less deluded and cynical.
Trump and his supporters have repeatedly whipped up resentment, anger and demonization of opponents. Trump doesn't oppose Harris and Biden on points of policy, he calls them crooked, Marxist, enemies of the people, etc. Trump keeps claiming that the Democrats will destroy this country and economy and that he must be granted powers like a dictator to "save" America.
We didn't have that much political violence until Trump came along. Granted, it wasn't all his fault but he's done an extraordinary amount to encourage it. And you, with your wallowing in the sensational and idiotic, just play up and add to the ceaseless stream of disorienting BS and hate.
Frankly, if Trump's would-be assassins (both Republican, how 'bout that) weren't such f&k-ups and aimed for Harris instead (the more logical target for their twisted thinking), I don't think you'd be crying "O tempora! O mores!" quite so loudly.
So do us all a favor and stop adding fuel to this burning trash pile of a man.
This post, and many of the responses to it, is pretty much my attitude to the situation. It doesn't matter if the intended victim was Trump, Harris, Obama or a Clinton - I would have the same stance. The fact that some people believe resolving political disagreements by assasination of an opponent is okay-fine, and are even disappointed at any failed attempts, is beyond sad. We have some of those very fine people here. Serious people will recognize the problem and start working to undo the damage to our discourse.
In modern times, the saying may also be applied to those who knowingly engage in dangerous activities as part of their occupations or for entertainment purposes, but accept the risk of serious injury or death from those activities.
Waiting for the usual suspects to chime with their venom and bile, on this second attempt on Trump's life... crickets? Unpossible.
His first sentence is pure unadulterated bullshit. I remember a recent president who was vilified every day by every whackjob in America including *checks notes* Oh. That guy.