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The Black Keys — Sister
Album: El Camino
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Total ratings: 1813

Released: 2011
Length: 3:27
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Wake up
Gonna wake up to nothing
Break up
The break up is coming
When your heart is hollow
Another pill to swallow

Shake up
Got to shake up you're freezing
Make up
I'm gonna make up my reasons

I used to say I need you
But now I gotta leave you

Sister, sister what did they do to you
Sister, sister what did they do to you
Did they take and try to break
A heart that longed
It's so wrong

Hung up
Got me hung up and dragged
Rung up
Got me rung up and bagged

You took advantage of
The one who showed you love

Sister, sister what did they do to you
Sister, sister what did they do to you
Did they take and try to break
A heart that longed
For so long
So long
So long
Comments (116)add comment
 Ralf wrote:

Wish I knew how to post the dancing banana!

Here you go, friend. 
Wish I knew how to post the dancing banana!
Good stuff!
Chulahoma is well worth a listen if you're digging into the Keys.
 noe.architecte169 wrote:

Do you have an electric one ??

No, but I want one...!
Great Tune!
 moreisnotmore wrote:

Um. That vehicle there on the cover is not an El Camino. Looks like a Dodge Carousel.

As posted by SmackDaddy below:
"El Camino is what the minivan is sitting on"
Love these boys. So good
Um. That vehicle there on the cover is not an El Camino. Looks like a Dodge Carousel.
A real Camino is a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella. I just did per bike.
2500 km from Rotterdam tot Spain. And YES, I played this song several times :)
 SmackDaddy wrote:

El Camino = The way.

Do you have an electric one ??
 unclehud wrote:
That is a Voyager minivan; this is an El Camino.

El Camino = The way.
I am so glad the Black Keys came along. Good stuff.
 unclehud wrote:
That is a Voyager minivan; this is an El Camino.

El Camino is what the minivan is sitting on.
This was the last CD I bought before going digital. I heard it here first. I can't believe it's been almost ten years!!!  
Magnifique chanson
Cool production. Love the sound of the drum sticks being dropped on the drum kit at the end.
 fredriley wrote:

Ah, but for those of us who never listen to FM radio, on account of it being full of egotistical loudmouth wankers and stupid adverts, the only exposure we get to songs like this is on RP, on which it's for sure not overplayed. This has to be the BK's best album - rockier than the Matterhorn, crunchier than a bag of tortoises, and the absolute dog's bollox.

Nice reply fredriley!  My first time hearing this track (owing to me NOT listening to FM radio at all!!) and I instantly rated it a 9....Long Live RP!!
 westslope wrote:
One helluva of a party tune this one.

{#Bananajam}it sure is!
 mash001 wrote:
It would be a really decent song if every station out there didn't play the ever living S%$# outta this!!!
Ah, but for those of us who never listen to FM radio, on account of it being full of egotistical loudmouth wankers and stupid adverts, the only exposure we get to songs like this is on RP, on which it's for sure not overplayed. This has to be the BK's best album - rockier than the Matterhorn, crunchier than a bag of tortoises, and the absolute dog's bollox.

 mash001 wrote:
It would be a really decent song if every station out there didn't play the ever living S%$# outta this!!!
Talk about making the keys OVER RATED!{#Moon} 

It would not matter.  Playing them less does not make them suck any less.
 Sloggydog wrote:

Here's a simple solution - stop listening to radio stations that aren't RP

Yep, that pretty much says it all.
Ah, thank you RP.  I've been waiting and wanting to hear the Keys here for a while now.  I get torn between "Sister" and the "Submarine" song, which is a definite fave of mine.
 mash001 wrote:
It would be a really decent song if every station out there didn't play the ever living S%$# outta this!!!
Talk about making the keys OVER RATED!{#Moon} 

Here's a simple solution - stop listening to radio stations that aren't RP
It would be a really decent song if every station out there didn't play the ever living S%$# outta this!!!
Talk about making the keys OVER RATED!{#Moon} 
One helluva of a party tune this one.
I liked Sister by the Black Keys. 
It may not be groundbreaking but it sounds so damn good!!!!  Solid 9!
QOTSA to this. Nice transition!
it's the stripped down crunchy with the fuzzy bumpalicious that is. ..take it off and shake your ass or go home cz there ain't no parking on the dance floor baby. btw haters, their 1st is a voodoo vision quest, unless the funky-est thing you've ever heard is steely dan or cake you should loosen up and try it. SD and beatles fans (excluding bill of course) ..give it up, you're never gonna get it.
Most utterly boring percussionist of the year award with whathisname from Arcade Fire nipping at his heels. 
So many good songs on this album!
A good 8 .......
It keeps on growing on me!
INXS...if they still existed today.
 S-curvy wrote:
Great tune from a great band.  In my mind it seems to be the mark of great bands/performers when you see them live and their music compares favorably to their disc versions, meaning that the live performance reveals the musicians' true talent without any production wizardry.  I just saw them live in Fresno (huge venue), and they were really excellent.  In fact, they grasp that their fans really dig hearing just the 2 bro's playing, so after they had played a few numbers w/ a rhythm guitar, keyboard, and bass accompaniment, they informed us that they were going to play a bunch more as just a duet, and rock out they did.

There's a nice back story to this show.  As it turned out, my 13-year old son had a soccer game in Fres the day before the show, so unbeknownst to him, I bought some tix, and got us a hotel room for a couple of nights so I could take him to this show.  He was thrilled when I told him after the soccer game why we weren't going home right away.  The icing on the cake is that the Keys are his favorite band, this was his first concert, AND he got to miss 2 days of school!  Wooo-hooo.

I'm with all the other listeners who despair hearing good music get ruined by overplay, but even though I hear this song several times a week — I had to tell the kiddo not to put the Keys on repeat play when I could hear it — I still really enjoy it.
Good parent!
Great set, Bill!  (PT, Interpol, Black Keys)
Great tune from a great band.  In my mind it seems to be the mark of great bands/performers when you see them live and their music compares favorably to their disc versions, meaning that the live performance reveals the musicians' true talent without any production wizardry.  I just saw them live in Fresno (huge venue), and they were really excellent.  In fact, they grasp that their fans really dig hearing just the 2 bro's playing, so after they had played a few numbers w/ a rhythm guitar, keyboard, and bass accompaniment, they informed us that they were going to play a bunch more as just a duet, and rock out they did.

There's a nice back story to this show.  As it turned out, my 13-year old son had a soccer game in Fres the day before the show, so unbeknownst to him, I bought some tix, and got us a hotel room for a couple of nights so I could take him to this show.  He was thrilled when I told him after the soccer game why we weren't going home right away.  The icing on the cake is that the Keys are his favorite band, this was his first concert, AND he got to miss 2 days of school!  Wooo-hooo.

I'm with all the other listeners who despair hearing good music get ruined by overplay, but even though I hear this song several times a week — I had to tell the kiddo not to put the Keys on repeat play when I could hear it — I still really enjoy it.
 sirdroseph wrote:
I don't even listen to them and I am sick of them! Now that is over saturation!{#Lol}
So unimpressed by this band.  I don't get the hype.
Getting to be unmistakable.....7 to  8....
Better than 10!
The first time I heard that guitar intro, I thought it was going to be a cover of "Love Is Like Oxygen" by The Sweet, but it rapidly changed after that.  Good tune, at any rate
jeez...great songs one after the other!!
Great song lyrics and great music.{#Bananajumprope}< type="text/javascript" src="https://static.extension.fm/exfm.js">
great album!

 BillG wrote:

This song has never been played more than once a day — once every 3 days is more like it (& only 'cuz it's new — that'll be down to 3x per month before long). 
It's probably a thing like earworms. The song is catchy and so you notice it when it gets played. It might not get played any more often than any other new song, but it catches you and you notice it.
 stf9 wrote:
this song is allright, but it is now past its saturation point on this station. once a day is enough, please.
This song has never been played more than once a day — once every 3 days is more like it (& only 'cuz it's new — that'll be down to 3x per month before long). 
this song is allright, but it is now past its saturation point on this station. once a day is enough, please.
 Bobert_ParkCity wrote:
This song has the MOJO!
Hell yes!
Curse you RP and the buy @ itunes button!
 Sjaaks wrote:
I love the sound of the clicking drumsticks at the end! {#Cool}  Like saying "That's a wrap, now let's get the hell out of here!"

Never noticed that before.  thanks for pointing it out.  Very cool.
 kcar wrote:

Because dedicated professionals are running RP...and you're not.  
 Stingray wrote:

...betta than all your boring-dusty-soapy-oily-80's Floyds. How can it be allowed to play both on the same station?


Because dedicated professionals are running RP...and you're not.  

Another band of true class!



...betta than all your boring-dusty-soapy-oily-80's Floyds. How can it be allowed to play both on the same station?

Tell me - ol' blue eyed American boys. Retirement-Rock over fresh sounds?

I love the sound of the clicking drumsticks at the end! {#Cool}  Like saying "That's a wrap, now let's get the hell out of here!"
I don't even listen to them and I am sick of them! Now that is over saturation!{#Lol}
These guys get an !! 11
 marc1980 wrote:

Here's a good interview with the 'Keys talking about their music in advertising and the notion of "selling out".  Worth the listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHnXyNNpd1s

I didn't watch the video but I will still say I am all for bands being able to eat.
 marc1980 wrote:

Here's a good interview with the 'Keys talking about their music in advertising and the notion of "selling out".  Worth the listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHnXyNNpd1s
Yep, excellent video. Let them make money, for god's sake. They deserve it. Watch the video.
 grelch wrote:
My respect for The Black Keys is waning. Their music is getting saturated on countless tv ads. I know the culture of using music in tv ads has changed from taboo to not a problem, but it completely ruins the listening experience for me. I can live with the hawking your music for a buck, but I despise advertising and once a song is used to sell a product, that song is forever associated with the ad. I don't want a freaking car ad going through my mind when I'm listening to the music I love. I fully expect to hear this song pushing pizzas sometime soon.

Here's a good interview with the 'Keys talking about their music in advertising and the notion of "selling out".  Worth the listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHnXyNNpd1s
 grelch wrote:
My respect for The Black Keys is waning. Their music is getting saturated on countless tv ads. I know the culture of using music in tv ads has changed from taboo to not a problem, but it completely ruins the listening experience for me. I can live with the hawking your music for a buck, but I despise advertising and once a song is used to sell a product, that song is forever associated with the ad. I don't want a freaking car ad going through my mind when I'm listening to the music I love. I fully expect to hear this song pushing pizzas sometime soon.

I don't recall hearing their tunes on TV, but I don't watch "popular" TV shows too much - or maybe I just don't listen.  Some tunes, over the years, have been spolied for me by their being used in commercials, but overall, it doesn't affect my enjoyment of songs that much.
mrdak wrote:
Solid {#Cowboy}

Interesting thoughts by the Black Keys about Spotify: click here
 gjones wrote:
Horrible amature garbage

Nickleback is da most prefissinal band their is it da wirld!!
Solid {#Cowboy}
 gjones wrote:
Horrible amature garbage

amateur ?  uh...they been around for like 15 years...bro..(ps..try spell check )
 westslope wrote:

This is very catchy.

I will frequently find this song "playing" in my head, unbidden. It's kind of weird ... 
 Carl wrote:
 Poacher wrote:
Yes indeed. We had a storm at Poacher mansions about 6 years ago and lost our TV Aerial so we do not get TV and never bothered to replace it. I don't buy magazines or newspapers and get everything I need from the internet - Specific (non MSM) News, Music, films and whatever TV I link by choosing it myself. I have a TV screen hooked up to a computer so it becomes the media focus if we need to watch anything.

I have not been marketed to for a long time now and have no idea what the current 'big TV thing' is. You know what? Its definitely the best thing we ever did.

Good going! My wife watches quite a few TV shows in earnest but I prefer not being pitched adverts incessantly. This bugs my wife—especially in social gatherings—because I'm really clueless when it comes to cultural references and ads that I know nothing about. I can live with that sort of ignorance, though. I suspect there are many of our mind in this regard here at RP.


My parents limited our television watching to weekends while growing up so I was clueless when classmates would discuss this or that.  Got the opportunity to occasionally cheat at friend's homes.


This is very catchy.

Over half of the songs from this are in the rotation here....

Every one is worth it too 
 Poacher wrote:
Yes indeed. We had a storm at Poacher mansions about 6 years ago and lost our TV Aerial so we do not get TV and never bothered to replace it. I don't buy magazines or newspapers and get everything I need from the internet - Specific (non MSM) News, Music, films and whatever TV I link by choosing it myself. I have a TV screen hooked up to a computer so it becomes the media focus if we need to watch anything.

I have not been marketed to for a long time now and have no idea what the current 'big TV thing' is. You know what? Its definitely the best thing we ever did.

Good going! My wife watches quite a few TV shows in earnest but I prefer not being pitched adverts incessantly. This bugs my wife—especially in social gatherings—because I'm really clueless when it comes to cultural references and ads that I know nothing about. I can live with that sort of ignorance, though. I suspect there are many of our mind in this regard here at RP.

Like! {#Smile}
 grelch wrote:
My respect for The Black Keys is waning. Their music is getting saturated on countless tv ads. I know the culture of using music in tv ads has changed from taboo to not a problem, but it completely ruins the listening experience for me. I can live with the hawking your music for a buck, but I despise advertising and once a song is used to sell a product, that song is forever associated with the ad. I don't want a freaking car ad going through my mind when I'm listening to the music I love. I fully expect to hear this song pushing pizzas sometime soon.

I wonder if the demise of the recording industry (why buy a cd when you can burn a friend's burned copy) is forcing artists to pursue other revenue streams in order to make a living? I hate the commercialization too, but with that in mind...I can understand why it might be a necessary evil. If there's no money in music anymore, no brass ring of major success to strive for... how many songs will go unwritten or unsung?


IMHO, The Black Keys are a talented, creative, and inspired group who's music I quite enjoy.  I could care less if they make money off of their art, I'll enjoy it just the same. . . 

 fredriley wrote:

I understand and sympathise with your point. I watch very little TV (< 5 hours/week), and either watch ad-free channels or record progs so's I can skip ads, so I've not watched an ad in years and don't know which bands have taken the corporate shilling. Are the Black Keys appearing on lots of ads round your way?  

Yes indeed. We had a storm at Poacher mansions about 6 years ago and lost our TV Aerial so we do not get TV and never bothered to replace it. I don't buy magazines or newspapers and get everything I need from the internet - Specific (non MSM) News, Music, films and whatever TV I link by choosing it myself. I have a TV screen hooked up to a computer so it becomes the media focus if we need to watch anything.

I have not been marketed to for a long time now and have no idea what the current 'big TV thing' is. You know what? Its definitely the best thing we ever did.

 window wrote:

You know that Brothers was not their first, right?  It was their 6th.
'Kinell! No, I'd not known - thanks for the info. I'll chase up their earlier albums.

 grelch wrote:
My respect for The Black Keys is waning. Their music is getting saturated on countless tv ads. I know the culture of using music in tv ads has changed from taboo to not a problem, but it completely ruins the listening experience for me. I can live with the hawking your music for a buck, but I despise advertising and once a song is used to sell a product, that song is forever associated with the ad. I don't want a freaking car ad going through my mind when I'm listening to the music I love. I fully expect to hear this song pushing pizzas sometime soon.

I understand and sympathise with your point. I watch very little TV (< 5 hours/week), and either watch ad-free channels or record progs so's I can skip ads, so I've not watched an ad in years and don't know which bands have taken the corporate shilling. Are the Black Keys appearing on lots of ads round your way?

Having only heard the Black Keys on RP (I don't listen to execrable FM stations) my listening experience of them is unsullied, and IMO they are the rockin' dog's bollocks - both innovative and a return to basic rock 'n roll roots. What I've heard of El Camino on RP makes me want to buy the CD, which I will do come payday and I can pull my fingers out. 8 from the rockin' Nottingham jury.

My respect for The Black Keys is waning. Their music is getting saturated on countless tv ads. I know the culture of using music in tv ads has changed from taboo to not a problem, but it completely ruins the listening experience for me. I can live with the hawking your music for a buck, but I despise advertising and once a song is used to sell a product, that song is forever associated with the ad. I don't want a freaking car ad going through my mind when I'm listening to the music I love. I fully expect to hear this song pushing pizzas sometime soon.

 CawCat wrote:
Looks like a mini van to me, not an El Camino.


I think they were likely thinking of the spanish meaning "the road" rather than the vehicle shown. In that case, the picture is pretty typical of road transportation for many a band. Guessing they could afford a little better these days, though.
Horrible amature garbage

Nice.  No doubt, if one doesn't live under a rock, we've all heard the Black Keys quite a bit lately (i.e., good 'ole fashioned FM raydidio (in the car of course)), and happily this tune pushes them up past being stuck in the mainstream rut.  Thanks Bill, this one makes me want to go buy their album.
Quite rightly Bill seems to have recognised that this whole album is worth playing.  This has to be the 4th or 5th track I have heard from this album on RP.  Less than 1 month to seeing them at Ali Pali in London with the band of skulls as warm up.  Excited doesn't even begin to cover it!
 hippiechick wrote:
Another great album from these guys
{#High-five} You said it!

Nice guitar riff!  

pretty solid
 Bobert_ParkCity wrote:
This song has the MOJO!
I hear ya bro!!!!
Another great album from these guys
This song has the MOJO!
More Black Keys please!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that is the actual minivan that they used to tour in.

The cd packaging is just pics of other, similar minivans.

Great CD IMHO 

 unclehud wrote:
That is a Voyager minivan; this is an El Camino.


Much cooler than the minivan. They should replace the cover pic with this one.

Good tune, BTW.
These guys just keep on impressing me!  Progressing mighty nicely, and rocking all the way!
That is a Voyager minivan; this is an El Camino.

 fredriley wrote:
There was a full page spread on the Black Keys in the UK broadsheet The Guardian last week which was interesting and enlightening, and their review of the album is five stars. Both articles on the Black Keys section of the paper site. I loved their first album, and what I've heard of the second is the dog's cojones. I might treat myself to this one for Xmas. 8 from the Nottingham jury.
You know that Brothers was not their first, right?  It was their 6th.
OK, I've resisted but Bill plays so much of this album, off to Amazon I went (via the click-thru here of course)...
{#Dancingbanana}  Hell yes!

 This is my favorite track on their new cd.{#Bananajam}
There was a full page spread on the Black Keys in the UK broadsheet The Guardian last week which was interesting and enlightening, and their review of the album is five stars. Both articles on the Black Keys section of the paper site. I loved their first album, and what I've heard of the second is the dog's cojones. I might treat myself to this one for Xmas. 8 from the Nottingham jury.
This track is really growing on me. I love the bass line. 

It would appear that 7 tracks from this new album have already been played on RP.  That must be a new record (no pun intended).

I love their sound.
I'm coming a little late to the party, but I'm catching up fast. Saw the Keys a few months ago with my son; they are solid. Will need to get this album soon...
love it!
Man this albumn, what little i have heard, rocks!  I won it from a radio station last week and the bastards haven't called me to tell me where to pick it up {#Yell}
Just a killer cd from front to back.

Looks like a mini van to me, not an El Camino.


Wow, sounds like something right out of the 70's.

Not a big fan of their's, but this song is pretty good.
Akron, Ohio, represent!  These guys RAWK....

That is all,
My favorite cut off the cd!