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Led Zeppelin — Your Time is Gonna Come/Black Mountain Side
Album: Led Zeppelin l
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Total ratings: 4443

Released: 1969
Length: 6:47
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Lyin', cheatin', hurtin, that's all you seem to do.
Messin' around with every guy in town,
Puttin' me down for thinkin' of someone new.
Always the same, playin' your game,
Drive me insane, trouble is gonna come to you,
One of these days and it won't be long,
You'll look for me but baby, I'll be gone.
This is all I gotta say to you woman:

*Your Time Is Gonna Come X4

Made up my mind to break you this time,
Won't be so fine, it's my turn to cry.
Do want you want, I won't take the brunt.
It's fadin' away, can't feel you anymore.
Don't care what you say 'cause I'm goin' away to stay,
Gonna make you pay for that great big hole in my heart.
People talkin' all around,
Watch out woman, no longer
Is the joke gonna be on my heart.
You been bad to me woman,
But it's coming back home to you.

* Chorus


Black Mountain Side (instrumental)
Comments (568)add comment
That organ is lovely, to complement the big one on the record sleeve
Talk about a debut album!!!
I was a mere 7 when it came out, but I had teenage siblings.
Wonderful stuff
Awww to be Yonge again...
More cowbell, please! Can't ever get "too much" of Bonzo! May he be rocking the heavens with the angels! RIP JB. 
1969? That's when I used to drive to Santa Barbara and back just to listen to this band over and over again!
I was BLOWN away by this record!!!!!!!!!!
It should be followed by Communication Breakdown!   
Thanks for keeping them together. Human's rule!
 thewiseking wrote:

Breaks my heart to have realized it but Page was one of the worst plagiarists of our times. Several egregious examples stand out: Bert Jansch's Black Water Side was ripped off completely when Page did Black Mountain Side and again when his arrangement of The Waggoners Lad was stolen for Brony Aur Stomp. Davey Grahams She Moved Through The Fair was turned into White Summer and Page had the balls to confabulate a story that he "learned Eastern Music styles while backpacking through India" which was precisely how Graham went on to innovate the DADGAD sitar style tuning Page ripped off. Jake Holme's Dazed and Confused was note for note theft. Breeden's lovely arrangement of the folk ballad Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, the Willie Dixon, the Howling Wolf, all of it stolen. It is clear that Page and his lawyers took the "fuck em, let em sue us" approach to doing business. The chickens are coming home to roost. Read this piece and go to the sources. It's an eye opener. https://alanwalkerart.com/wp/?tag=bert-jansch

OR alternatively... don't let the trolls get you down and don't bother with thewisebile's efforts to bring down LZ and Jimmy Page and, instead, just enjoy the music from one of the greatest rock and roll bands in history.
Zep a day keeps the Dr away!!

thewiseking wrote: I don't care what anyone tells ya kids, it's wrong to steal

 S-curvy wrote:

thewiseking:  Here's the sad news:  It may be hard to believe, but musicians are collaborative by nature, they're social, the like to play together (called "jamming'"), and this is where each one tries out new ideas, listens to their mates' ideas and techniques, offers some insight (good or bad), and then everyone goes home with new ideas that they experiment with.

Who's to say that this artist or that artist was the "O-riginal?"  Amazingly, all contemporary Western music can be traced back to the "Deis Irae," so by your standard, every musician in recorded history is a ripoff artist.  Who's to say that Page didn't first come up with some of the musical themes or phrasing that was then picked up and adapted by the umpteen artists you cite, and then he came back and diddled with them some more?  Were you personally there?  Remember, there's a world of difference between what any of us KNOWS versus what we BELIEVE.

In the end, Led Zeppelin and Page fuckin' delivered the goods better than any of the other musicians you reference did, and that "thewiseking" is the history of why LZ is one of the gold standards.

I get the why thewiseking wrote what he did, Page took some pretty big liberties claiming songs as his own work, but in this case his comment of the mark. This is a traditional folk song with, apparently, an Irish lineage and is inherently part of the public domain.

Down by Blackwaterside - Wikipedia

 memoryboxer wrote:
Nice enough but Dread Zepplin's cover blows it out of the water.
gotta agree.  Had the pleasure of seeing DZ in a dive bar down in the Cleveburg Flats some 20 years ago. Peabody's Down Under for any who might remember.  They were a total hoot.  Tight and fun as all get out.

Most all of their versions of LZ songs are awesome actually.
lot of organ for a folk band.
 musikluvr wrote:
Thanks Bill for playing both these songs together instead of cutting out Black Mtn Side like FM radio always does, You rock! {#Dancingbanana_2}

If only it rolled on into Communication Breakdown...
I don't listen to Zep much anymore, but when I do, the neighbors do too.
my goodness...

that drumming

hold it...

i mean that guitar
Black Mountain Side! -tabla drum heaven!   ...except for some tunes on "World Mix"!
 newbolddrive wrote:

It's inescapable, Bill's favourite band is Led Zep.

Ya got a problem with that?
It's inescapable, Bill's favourite band is Led Zep.
 twp wrote:

none of Page's fan boys nor Page himself will clear his name. Page indicted himself, not so much through artistic theft but by refusing to acknowledge the theft and attribute the sources, even after having grown fabulously rich. the good thing about youtube and the internet is that we are now in an age of information. Page fooled you but he hasn't fooled our kids. they have easy access to all of the sources
"The thing I've noticed about Jimmy [Page] whenever we meet is that he can't look me in the eye," Jansch told Classic Rock in 2007.
When pushed to elaborate, Jansch continued, "Well, he ripped me off, didn't he? Or let's just say he learned from me. I wouldn't want to sound impolite."
 S-curvy wrote:

thewiseking:  Here's the sad news:  It may be hard to believe, but musicians are collaborative by nature, they're social, the like to play together (called "jamming'"), and this is where each one tries out new ideas, listens to their mates' ideas and techniques, offers some insight (good or bad), and then everyone goes home with new ideas that they experiment with.

Who's to say that this artist or that artist was the "O-riginal?"  Amazingly, all contemporary Western music can be traced back to the "Deis Irae," so by your standard, every musician in recorded history is a ripoff artist.  Who's to say that Page didn't first come up with some of the musical themes or phrasing that was then picked up and adapted by the umpteen artists you cite, and then he came back and diddled with them some more?  Were you personally there?  Remember, there's a world of difference between what any of us KNOWS versus what we BELIEVE.

In the end, Led Zeppelin and Page fuckin' delivered the goods better than any of the other musicians you reference did, and that "thewiseking" is the history of why LZ is one of the gold standards.

This is a really dreadful take. It suggests that all Western music is to some degree plagiarized, and therefore it's not useful to regard any work as plagiarized. That's a really lazy slippery-slope argument that I hope no one else here is buying, despite the upvotes on it.

The bones of this argument are valid: music is fundamentally a collaborative activity, and musicians are constantly inspiring each other and borrowing from each other. It's a tension that has existed since the dawn of creation -- as Steve Jobs put it, "Good artists borrow. Great artists steal." (A quote he lifted from Pablo Picasso, who rephrased Igor Stravinsky, who was inspired by T.S. Eliot. and so on.)

But the fact that music is a constant act of borrowing from each other does not mean that we can't draw a useful distinction between "borrowing" and "stealing." There is a spectrum of behavior here that ranges from "vague inspiration" to "note-for-note copying". It's a distinction that's sometimes hard to draw, and leaves room for reasonable people can disagree -- and sometimes it's very clear and unambiguous.

Black Mountain Side is a pretty unambiguous case. It is taken directly from Bert Jansch's version of the tune. Of course Jansch is playing a traditional Irish folk song, which itself has inspired many other versions -- but Black Mountain Side uses specific guitar riffs and phrases that do not appear in other artists' versions of the song. There really isn't room to argue about whether Jimmy Page stole this from Bert Jansch -- only to argue that what he did isn't really "stealing" because artists do this to each other all the time, and that's a pretty silly argument.

Led Zeppelin struck it big for a lot of reasons. One is that they are very, very good at what they do. Jimmy Page is certainly one of the best guitarists of the twentieth century. I'm not going to dispute that. But that doesn't mean that they are incapable of stealing work from less successful artists. You can love Led Zep and still recognize that they behaved in pretty rotten ways sometimes. This is one of those.
 S-curvy wrote:

thewiseking:  Here's the sad news:  It may be hard to believe, but musicians are collaborative by nature, they're social, the like to play together (called "jamming'"), and this is where each one tries out new ideas, listens to their mates' ideas and techniques, offers some insight (good or bad), and then everyone goes home with new ideas that they experiment with.

Who's to say that this artist or that artist was the "O-riginal?"  Amazingly, all contemporary Western music can be traced back to the "Deis Irae," so by your standard, every musician in recorded history is a ripoff artist.  Who's to say that Page didn't first come up with some of the musical themes or phrasing that was then picked up and adapted by the umpteen artists you cite, and then he came back and diddled with them some more?  Were you personally there?  Remember, there's a world of difference between what any of us KNOWS versus what we BELIEVE.

In the end, Led Zeppelin and Page fuckin' delivered the goods better than any of the other musicians you reference did, and that "thewiseking" is the history of why LZ is one of the gold standards.
There are some people with mental issues and the inability to understand how all artists feed on each other. Chords, chromatic sequences, riffs, cadences, etc, etc, etc, they all interact. There is nothing new under the sun. They provide to their music their own original color. For whatever reason, some people just can't give these group credit for their own originality.
J'adore Robert Plant.
Miserable spiteful bastard. She was well rid of you, Page.
Spirit called. They want Stairway to Heaven back.
John Paul Jones was truly underrated yet he is a phenomenal studio musician.  I remember, I never heard of Led Zep.  Was probably '74 went to buy an album with my allowance and I already owned all the Alice Cooper I could find and I noticed  Led Zeppelin ll ... OMG when I put it on my turntable...  influenced me ever since...  
Nice 2 Zeppers in a row.  Kicking off the morning here in the Rocky Mountains with my Latte and some Heavy.....
 S-curvy wrote:

thewiseking:  Here's the sad news:  It may be hard to believe, but musicians are collaborative by nature, they're social, the like to play together (called "jamming'"), and this is where each one tries out new ideas, listens to their mates' ideas and techniques, offers some insight (good or bad), and then everyone goes home with new ideas that they experiment with.

Who's to say that this artist or that artist was the "O-riginal?"  Amazingly, all contemporary Western music can be traced back to the "Deis Irae," so by your standard, every musician in recorded history is a ripoff artist.  Who's to say that Page didn't first come up with some of the musical themes or phrasing that was then picked up and adapted by the umpteen artists you cite, and then he came back and diddled with them some more?  Were you personally there?  Remember, there's a world of difference between what any of us KNOWS versus what we BELIEVE.

In the end, Led Zeppelin and Page fuckin' delivered the goods better than any of the other musicians you reference did, and that "thewiseking" is the history of why LZ is one of the gold standards.

Give this man a cookie
Always love when the pedal steel guitar comes in...
diannemck56 wrote:
thewiseking wrote:
... Page was one of the worst plagiarists ...

Is it wrong that I just want to enjoy the music?

Of course not, but do you care whether artists are compensated? Or that their work be protected? Let us enjoy Zep music, but let them acknowledge their sources.
I hope my time is gonna come, I love this song.
Bert Jansch. The original Blackwaterside. Jimmy just stole and never gave credit. Great going.
 wolverine wrote:
I love in zeppelin songs how bono's drums just come in BAM! and hits you upside the head, out of nowhere.
Yes.  Just now had to crank up the monitors, stand in the middle of the room and wait for it...because you don't walk out on a moment like that.
"Thou shalt play Led Zeppelin at least once per hour"
- KMET Los Angeles
I love in zeppelin songs how bono's drums just come in BAM! and hits you upside the head, out of nowhere.
Dedicated to Linda.
 drewd wrote:
Oy!!! I was expecting Communication Breakdown next LOL!
And you got it today....hooray!! 
 diannemck56 wrote:

Is it wrong that I just want to enjoy the music?
Not wrong at all......LLRP!!
 thewiseking wrote:
Breaks my heart to have realized it but Page was one of the worst plagiarists of our times. Several egregious examples stand out: Bert Jansch's Black Water Side was ripped off completely when Page did Black Mountain Side and again when his arrangement of The Waggoners Lad was stolen for Brony Aur Stomp. Davey Grahams She Moved Through The Fair was turned into White Summer and Page had the balls to confabulate a story that he "learned Eastern Music styles while backpacking through India" which was precisely how Graham went on to innovate the DADGAD sitar style tuning Page ripped off. Jake Holme's Dazed and Confused was note for note theft. Breeden's lovely arrangement of the folk ballad Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, the Willie Dixon, the Howling Wolf, all of it stolen. It is clear that Page and his lawyers took the "fuck em, let em sue us" approach to doing business. The chickens are coming home to roost. Read this piece and go to the sources. It's an eye opener. https://alanwalkerart.com/wp/?tag=bert-jansch

Is it wrong that I just want to enjoy the music?
John Paul Jones is a genius.
I almost skipped because of the intro . But so good rhythm and grove. Never enough
Nice enough but Dread Zepplin's cover blows it out of the water.
Looks like someone requested a song for Ryan Adams
Listening to this a way long ago, my buddy and I singing out loud in the car. Something's not right...I ask my buddy "what are you singin" he looks over and says "Your driving on my fault" I nearly drove off the road in laughter. Good times...
 mread wrote:

Your defense of Page is admirable, but seems naively defensive.  I'm a Zep fan too, but no one can deny the amount of actionable evidence of "adapting", "borrowing", "stealing" (pick any one!) by Page -- unattributed and uncompensated.
Page blames Plant for most of the "thefts" - which makes sense since the lyrics are often the most obvious in these "rip off" scenarios.  This RS article does a great job of sourcing the Blues tunes used by LZ and shining the light on them.  I'm still a fan of LZ's output....maybe it's the Blues roots that makes the "adaptations" palatable to me.  Long Live RP!!


 S-curvy wrote:
Who's to say that Page didn't first come up with some of the musical themes or phrasing that was then picked up and adapted by the umpteen artists you cite, and then he came back and diddled with them some more?  Were you personally there?  Remember, there's a world of difference between what any of us KNOWS versus what we BELIEVE.
Your defense of Page is admirable, but seems naïvely defensive.  I'm a big Zep fan too, but no one can deny the amount of actionable evidence of "adapting", "borrowing", "stealing" (pick any one!) by Page -- unattributed and uncompensated.
Breaks my heart to have realized it but Page was one of the worst plagiarists of our times. Several egregious examples stand out: Bert Jansch's Black Water Side was ripped off completely when Page did Black Mountain Side and again when his arrangement of The Waggoners Lad was stolen for Brony Aur Stomp. Davey Grahams She Moved Through The Fair was turned into White Summer and Page had the balls to confabulate a story that he "learned Eastern Music styles while backpacking through India" which was precisely how Graham went on to innovate the DADGAD sitar style tuning Page ripped off. Jake Holme's Dazed and Confused was note for note theft. Breeden's lovely arrangement of the folk ballad Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, the Willie Dixon, the Howling Wolf, all of it stolen. It is clear that Page and his lawyers took the "fuck em, let em sue us" approach to doing business. The chickens are coming home to roost. Read this piece and go to the sources. It's an eye opener. https://alanwalkerart.com/wp/?tag=bert-jansch
what a segue! chilling
 NickDanger wrote:
I need a 12 rating scale.
 "...Pyramid Patchouli! There was only one joker in this town sensitive enough to wear that scent. And I had to know who he was..."

 Tomasni wrote:
To me a strong  8 - Most Excellent  

10 from me. Love Zep.
This is just a small sample of such a great talent! You don't need to go the most frequently played!
Numba9 Numba9 Numba9 Numba9
 Tomasni wrote:
To me only 4 - Acceptable  

Straight from the intro ~This one just gets right under the skin and causes De Goose ~Bumps!
What a debut album... Beginning to end!
I still can't decide whether LZ1 or Houses of the Holy is my favorite.  Well, i guess I'll need to try to figure it out this weekend.  Again.  Loudly!!
 thewiseking wrote:
I don't care what anyone tells ya kids, it's wrong to steal   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHYE7etshpM

thewiseking:  Here's the sad news:  It may be hard to believe, but musicians are collaborative by nature, they're social, the like to play together (called "jamming'"), and this is where each one tries out new ideas, listens to their mates' ideas and techniques, offers some insight (good or bad), and then everyone goes home with new ideas that they experiment with.

Who's to say that this artist or that artist was the "O-riginal?"  Amazingly, all contemporary Western music can be traced back to the "Deis Irae," so by your standard, every musician in recorded history is a ripoff artist.  Who's to say that Page didn't first come up with some of the musical themes or phrasing that was then picked up and adapted by the umpteen artists you cite, and then he came back and diddled with them some more?  Were you personally there?  Remember, there's a world of difference between what any of us KNOWS versus what we BELIEVE.

In the end, Led Zeppelin and Page fuckin' delivered the goods better than any of the other musicians you reference did, and that "thewiseking" is the history of why LZ is one of the gold standards.
Someone forgot to change the album.... {#Sleep}
 Grammarcop wrote:
Enough Zep already. 
Impossible! {#Naughty}
Enough Zep already. 
No this is not Chest Fever.
To me only 4 - Acceptable  
 nemfield wrote:
Just wondering. Why can't I get FLAC on my browser player?


You should ask Bill with a PM or on the RP Forum. As he and/or Rebecca note on the RP front page, that feature is coming. 

Have you tried the FLAC stream on your phone? Pretty wowser. 
To me a strong  8 - Most Excellent  
How did they record Bonham's drumming, was it a special technique?  It's very pure and distinct. 

 Or is it the man (e.g., Keith Moon, Ginger Baker, Ringo Starr)... something in the English water system?   
 latrippa wrote:

IndyDoug wrote:
Black Mountain Side is based on a Scottish folk tune brought to pop music by Bert Jansch. RIP Bert Jansch.


crikey, I wouldn't mind having that on the playlist.  Love Bert Jansch. Was heavily into Pentangle back in the day.
I don't care what anyone tells ya kids, it's wrong to steal   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHYE7etshpM
I need a 12 rating scale.
 pfreet wrote:
Where are today's Led Zeppelin? Why do we seem to have to little creativity going on in music nowadays? Or am I falling victim to survivorship bias?
Maybe it's just that the music you hear from "nowadays" is lacking creativity to you, but there are still plenty of creative people making music all over the world.  It may take a little more work to find it though.  I imagine a lot of people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s back in 1969 didn't think that this (or much of rock 'n' roll) was very creative back then.
 Just read the description on the main page! Its coming in february!
nemfield wrote:
Just wondering. Why can't I get FLAC on my browser player?


WOOOOO-HOOOOOO!!!  Communication Breakdown too YEAH BABY!!!! HAPPY ZEPDAY MAN!!!
John Bonham
Just wondering. Why can't I get FLAC on my browser player?
Also to the wiseking...read the Rolling Stone transcripts of the court proceedings...the jury was justifiably mesmorized by the stories about how Stairway came together.  Good artists always have all the melodies they have heard at their disposal.
Wish I could rate this one higher.



 gazcon73 wrote:
Not so wise king , with a rating of 8.4 , possibly the highest I have ever seen on RP , nobody really cares , and your attempt at self aggrandisement cannot distract from Pages excellent recording .

Breaks my heart to have realized it but Page was one of the worst plagiarists of our times. Several egregious examples stand out: Bert Jansch's Black Water Side was ripped off completely when Page did Black Mountain Side and again when his arrangement of The Waggoners Lad was stolen for Brony Aur Stomp. Davey Grahams She Moved Through The Fair was turned into White Summer and Page had the balls to confabulate a story that he "learned Eastern Music styles while backpacking through India" which was precisely how Graham went on to innovate the DADGAD sitar style tuning Page ripped off. Jake Holme's Dazed and Confused was note for note theft. Breeden's lovely arrangement of the folk ballad Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, the Willie Dixon, the Howling Wolf, all of it stolen. It is clear that Page and his lawyers took the "fuck em, let em sue us" approach to doing business. The chickens are coming home to roost. Read this piece and go to the sources. It's an eye opener. https://alanwalkerart.com/wp/?tag=bert-jansch
All right...it's the Foo Fighters!  
This song was always played at my college house as a warning to our one roommate, Crazy Casey, he who shagged nearly anyone.  And we were right to warn him, too late for the diagnosis and the repeated giving of his "gift" to the ladies. We kept a mental list going of which girls to avoid. 
Long live RP and LZ!! 
Oy!!! I was expecting Communication Breakdown next LOL!
Yay, Zep!  This is exactly what I needed right now!
 agd3 wrote:
Needed this one.  I say Bill should install a PSZ button.  Automatically plays Zeppelin next.

That's the best idea I've heard in years.
Unbelievably great song after 40+ plus.  An exceptional debut album of all time.

IndyDoug wrote:
Black Mountain Side is based on a Scottish folk tune brought to pop music by Bert Jansch. RIP Bert Jansch.


 rpdevotee wrote:
(sneaky to put both names under the same heading like that) 

Nah, there are several other occasions where they do that, but I think they also have the titles combined like this pairing does.
(sneaky to put both names under the same heading like that) 
Play the whole album, what the heck...
Just. Made. My. Day!

This is one of those songs for me. {#Zip-lip}

Does anybody know if this version played by RP is the same as the remastered album? I could be dreaming but the difference is huge to me.
Black Mountain Side is based on a Scottish folk tune brought to pop music by Bert Jansch. RIP Bert Jansch.
This song is pretty cool.  According to the wiki Jones played the bass line with organ pedals and Page played an out of tune Fender 10 string steal guitar that he had only recently learnt.

Love the big organ intro.

Hey that drummers pounding is GODLIKE!!!
Once you start playing this side of this album how can you not just play the whole thing. First of two great LPs in 1969.
 Hannio wrote:
Aaaagh!  Quite possibly my favorite LZ song and I have to leave my desk for a meeting.  Might be a few minutes late.

Close the door. Crank it!
Aaaagh!  Quite possibly my favorite LZ song and I have to leave my desk for a meeting.  Might be a few minutes late.
Thanks Bill. Never can get enough Zep!
 agd3 wrote:
Needed this one.  I say Bill should install a PSZ button.  Automatically plays Zeppelin next.

Needed this one.  I say Bill should install a PSZ button.  Automatically plays Zeppelin next.
 LaurieinTucson wrote:
do we have to hear him every day? multiple times a day? does rp stand for robert plant?

Wish it did.....
 musikluvr wrote:
Thanks Bill for playing both these songs together instead of cutting out Black Mtn Side like FM radio always does, You rock! {#Dancingbanana_2}
.... like ham and eggs, baby. 
do we have to hear him every day? multiple times a day? does rp stand for robert plant?
 buddy wrote:
Wait!  What?  Black Mountain Side sounds a lot like a Leo Kottke song from the late 60's!  Grab the lawyers, sue their butts!

Most famous cover band of all time.
Thanks Bill for playing both these songs together instead of cutting out Black Mtn Side like FM radio always does, You rock! {#Dancingbanana_2}
 buddy wrote:
Wait!  What?  Black Mountain Side sounds a lot like a Leo Kottke song from the late 60's!  Grab the lawyers, sue their butts!

If you haven't already give Bert Jansch's Black Water Side a listen.
Wait!  What?  Black Mountain Side sounds a lot like a Leo Kottke song from the late 60's!  Grab the lawyers, sue their butts!
 Milano wrote:
2158 ratings for an 8.5 and this is the first comment? I have never seen that before!

Sorry. There was a corrupted database entry that was preventing the comments from showing. Fixed now.
Zeppelin has ALWAYS been my favorite for 40 years!   Would love to hear more off albumns 1, 2 and 3!! 
2158 ratings for an 8.5 and this is the first comment? I have never seen that before!
WOOOOO-HOOOOOO!  just psd'ed some nonsense and was awarded Rock-God Johnny Winter doing' Dust my Broom
Terrific song from a terrific debut.
I can't be the first, can I?
Why am I the first?

Why am I the first?