The Bad Plus — Heart of Glass
(no lyrics available)
Comments (38)add comment
tragic_king wrote:
As Debbie Harry herself sez, "soon turned out, was a pain in the ass!"
Oh and I'm sorry, this is NOT jazz!
Heart of Glass is a Blondie song, but it would have been difficult to pull that out from just listening to the song. Wow, this gets better as it goes, though!
No it doesn't, it gets worse, MUCH worse! 
Sorry, anderiv, I just can't get into it this listen...
Maybe I need to be in an altered-mind state.
There are parts of it which in their own right are okay (drum, piano). However it doesn't sound good to me all mixed up together.
edit: agreed on the drum solo being good;
and yes, that last bit made me feel I was in high-impact aerobics and should be jogging at a fast pace.
The speeded-up piano "na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na..." at the end of this song really made me laugh.
Drummer4soul wrote:
The drum solo at the end was cool.
whew - at least this tells me that it's close to the end.

This song sucked the first time around. Who knew it could get worse? A lot worse!
Kind of sounds like my 5 year old twin boys pounding on the piano and otherwise making a mess of the family room.
All I can do is ask "Why?" Why play it in the first place, why record it, and why play it on RP? But that's just me - I'm sure it makes sense to some of you.
Yet another gratuitous and awkward juxtaposition of divergent musical genres. Sorry, it just doesn't fly. What a waste of technical talent.
anderiv wrote:
Thanks for the sanity check...I totally agree, and didn't mean to attack anyone here, but I get a little hot when someone says of one of my favorite groups: "Its simple crap!! Utter B.S."...without giving it a chance. I'll admit - the stuff that The Bad Plus puts out is quite innovative, and hard to understand at first. I've been listening to them for 1.5 years or so, and I'm still trying to figure them out :-)
...anyways I'll try and keep it cool now :-)
Thanks for a level-headed, positive response. Rock on.
ploafmaster wrote:
Oh boy, do I really need to post this again? Here goes...
Thanks for the sanity check...I totally agree, and didn't mean to attack anyone here, but I get a little hot when someone says of one of my favorite groups: "Its simple crap!! Utter B.S."...without giving it a chance. I'll admit - the stuff that The Bad Plus puts out is quite innovative, and hard to understand at first. I've been listening to them for 1.5 years or so, and I'm still trying to figure them out :-)
...anyways I'll try and keep it cool now :-)
Oh boy, do I really need to post this again? Here goes...
You know, I love to rant about music I hate. I do, really. It gives me a great feeling of release, spewing forth vicious criticism for those acts which rub me the wrong way. But there's a line I try very hard not to cross, and that is attacking other lovers of music who don't agree with me. I hope some of you noticed my entry in the review board for Joni Mitchell's "Love or Money." If you didn't, here's what I wrote:
Wow, isn't it really really cool when someone states an opinion (not a refutable fact, but an irrefutable opinion), and other people like to jump on in and attack it? Like, for example, stating that those rating this song low are 'loons'.
I mean, I like the color green, and I hope anyone liking yellow suffers from a debilitating brain anurism.
But finally moving to the realm of the serious...
I wish more people would simply share their opinions about the song/artist/album, good or bad, without attacking each other. LIKING or DISLIKING music is not a matter of intelligence or skill, it's a matter of taste. Now arguing about an artist's abilities may be debatable, but how their work affects each of us on an individual level can never rationally be struck down.
The Dude
P.S. I think I'm gonna put this message everywhere I deem appropriate today. Call it my dopey little crusade against angry music lovers. Maybe if some people see this in several places, they'll get the point.
So there it is. I've said it. I may spread it around even more. I hope no one accuses me of being self righteous, because this isn't just for me. It's for anyone who'd prefer a reasonable, spirited discussion of music without the insults frequently accompanying most opinion posts.
hideglue wrote:
As far as the other Rolling Stone reader is concerned, a troll? Maybe you need the dictionary friend.
Rolling Stone? Never read it. Honest. Besides...I'm not sure how and/or why that plays into this discussion.
Dragonfly_Launch wrote:
I believe you need to go and review the definition of "trippy" once more in something better than a pocket dictionary from Walmart.
Umm, yea. You bet.
As far as the other Rolling Stone reader is concerned, a troll? Maybe you need the dictionary friend.
hideglue wrote:
This isn't trippy, nor acid, jazz, or any other kind of musical terminology.
Its simple crap!! Utter B.S.. Enough already.
I believe you need to go and review the definition of "trippy" once more in something better than a pocket dictionary from Walmart.
Someone go to the garage and take the instruments away from those kids!! They're driving me cRaZy!!!

hideglue wrote:
This isn't trippy, nor acid, jazz, or any other kind of musical terminology.
Its simple crap!! Utter B.S.. Enough already.
Nice troll. It *is* "officially" classified as jazz, by the way.
sirrus wrote:
W T F ?

The drum solo at the end was cool.

ploafmaster wrote:
Holy CRAP this is wild! Is this a cover of another song, though? The piano theme sounds very familiar...
Heart of Glass is a Blondie song, but it would have been difficult to pull that out from just listening to the song. Wow, this gets better as it goes, though!
Record setting number of comments in one minute.
This isn't trippy, nor acid, jazz, or any other kind of musical terminology.
Its simple crap!! Utter B.S.. Enough already.
Good stuff!
winter wrote:
Wild stuff, all right - crazy jazz instrumental cover of a classic Blondie tune. Rock on, RP!
Rightly said--my god, this is insane! But fun, very fun.
sirrus wrote:
W T F ?
I totally agree

daveesh wrote:
this makes me want to break something
aghhh, yes.
Leslie wrote:
Interesting...I'm not sure if I like it though. This requires more listens.
Give it a minute....wait till you hear the jam at the end....great groove.
this makes me want to break something
Witholding a rating on this as it's either absolute crap or more sophisticated than I can digest.
I'll wait to hear what others say....
ploafmaster wrote:
Holy CRAP this is wild! Is this a cover of another song, though? The piano theme sounds very familiar...
Wild stuff, all right - crazy jazz instrumental cover of a classic Blondie tune. Rock on, RP!
Jazz is just a little too "way out there" for my tastes. At least, this kind of jazz. Kinda chaotic and nerve-jangling.
*edit* mostly at the beginning
Interesting...I'm not sure if I like it though. This requires more listens.
W T F ?

Is this what they call acid jazz?
ploafmaster wrote:
Holy CRAP this is wild! Is this a cover of another song, though? The piano theme sounds very familiar...
Yeah - it's a cover of Blondie's "Heart of Glass". I've seen these guys in concert and they blew my mind. All three of their albums are dynamite.
Trippy. Like, Musmack.
ploafmaster wrote:
Holy CRAP this is wild! Is this a cover of another song, though? The piano theme sounds very familiar...
Yes, that would be the title. Blondie did the original.
Holy CRAP this is wild! Is this a cover of another song, though? The piano theme sounds very familiar...