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Paul Simon — Peace Like A River
Album: Paul Simon
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Released: 1972
Length: 3:10
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Ahhhhh, peace like a river ran through the city
Long past the midnight curfew
We sat starry-eyed
Ooh, oh, we were satisfied
ahhhhh, and I remember Misinformation followed us
like a plague
Nobody knew from time to time
If the plans were changed
Oh, oh, oh, if the plans were changed

You can beat us with wires
You can beat us with chains
You can run out your roles
But you know you can't outrun the history train
I seen a glorious day, aiee------ooooh, oooh

Ahhhhh, four in the morning
I woke up from out of my dream
Nowhere to go but back to sleep
but I'm reconciled
Oh, oh, oh, I'm going to be up for a while
Oh, oh, oh, I'm going to be up for a while
Oh, oh, oh, I'm going to be up for a while
Comments (135)add comment
 coloradojohn wrote:

Some of the best acoustic guitar ever, and all-around impeccable vocals and arrangement make this one of my all-time faves from him.

You forgot to mention the lyrics!
I was 6 months old when this was released. I don't seem to remember 
 coloradojohn wrote:

Some of the best acoustic guitar ever, and all-around impeccable vocals and arrangement make this one of my all-time faves from him.

i had never heard this before today. i think i may agree with you!
Peace we need. Frohe Weihnachten 🎄. Feliz Navidad. Joyeux Noël. Merry Christmas.
Love hearing a song I've never heard before from an old hand! This is great.
GREAT!!  Thanx RP!
During hearing this song, thinking about the war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 and I cryed.
This whole album was a wonder to me in my early teens. Still a great album and this song in particular. 
So beautiful. Sweat voice and good guitars players
Great song from one of our greatest songwriters. 
 Mannick wrote:
I didn't know this song, and I'm not sure I even knew the album! Thanks!

(someone was already hiding the top of his head in 1972... :p)

I had that same coat with faux fur trimmed hood, round about 1974.  Course I was only 8 years old.  

What a blessing Paul Simon has been all through my life. Not always on my playlist but I appreciate the enormity of his talent and contribution to our culture. I'm always happy to hear his work on RP to remind me what a gift he is.
I didn't know this song, and I'm not sure I even knew the album! Thanks!

(someone was already hiding the top of his head in 1972... :p)
Do yourself a favor a search for the TED Talk about The Museum of 4AM.
 Joaparissimo wrote:
"Comme c'est bon d'entendre de purs sons de guitare folk et une pure voix sans auto-tune"  Merci pour cette magnifique programmation musicale.

So good to ear real voice and beauty guitar folk sound .
Thank you for this good musical programmation. Lot of Love!
Bien dit , merci!
"Comme c'est bon d'entendre de purs sons de guitare folk et une pure voix sans auto-tune"  Merci pour cette magnifique programmation musicale.

So good to ear real voice and beauty guitar folk sound .
Thank you for this good musical programmation. Lot of Love!
One of his best. I'd hate to even try to compile that list, but boy this one is high on it.
Some of the best acoustic guitar ever, and all-around impeccable vocals and arrangement make this one of my all-time faves from him.
 Antigone wrote:
I love this song, great lyrics and fantastic guitar!
And always.

An American treasure.
I love it so much...
About second chances...
Not Paul Simon's first solo album. Simon released a solo album, "Paul Simon Songbook," in England on the CBS label in 1965 after S&G broke up because of the failure of Wednesday Morning at 3AM. Simon moved to London where he roomed with Al Stewart and Jackson C. Frank, becoming a well known folk artist. He also produced an obscure LP by Jackson C. Frank in the same year - well worth looking into.
Boring, just as usual.
I sometimes wake up with this song playing in my head, and those days always turn out to be great. Is it a coincidence? Maybe. Just, maybe.

         Every one knew an ordinary ETI from it's ETA
   I've found my partner in crime, we spend some time
                     With 'for your eyes only'.

Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of homeless camps loves this classic song...
so full of prediction
 Sloggydog wrote:
There is a Paul Simon album I haven't heard?  Spotifirific!

One of his best.
There is a Paul Simon album I haven't heard?  Spotifirific!
Thank you my friend. I didn't forget.
Never heard this before--wow. I was doing something else while it first started playing and thought "Man, that's a young Paul Simon or a good modern knock-off..."

Definitely an immediate iTunes buy. Thanks, Bill!  
Freshman year in college and my first "real" guitar teacher (ie, not one of my friends). He puts this song on in a rehearsal room at the music school and just says "listen closely."

The tuning, the excellent recording, and Simon's wonderful guitar work and vocals sent chills down my spine. It was like hearing music, really hearing it, for the first time.

Thanks, Jim, for the education. 
Just singing along to this, what a great track, I've not listened to for ages. Class.
Well, well. I usually slate Paul Simon because most of the stuff I hear is (to my ears) shite. 

But this early stuff (which I have never heard before) is rather nice. . .  Much like Elton John. . . and many other artists being fabulous in the early years and just not cutting it in later years.

Another reason to keep listening to RP. . . its an education. 

 oldviolin wrote:
How far do we go back with this, Bill...KLRB, right?
Pretty sure you were spinning the first time I heard it. Masterpiece.
How far do we go back with this, Bill...KLRB, right?
 lmic wrote:
Awesome cover of this by Spoon at Wolfgang's Vault.
Somehow the Spoon version was the one I heard first.  My initial thought when I heard this version was, "Who's covering that Spoon song?" /facepalm!  

Sometimes, Paul Simon's music just makes me freeze and listen with chills up my spine.  No, MOST times his music does that. Love it, love it, love it. {#Meditate}{#Music}
From my South American perspective, this guy should qualify as a national treasure for those born in the States.
Great song from a great album.

Hearing this after that horrible Madeleine Peyroux version of Elliot Smith's "Between the Bars" brought both a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. I truly love Elliot and his simple sound, that guy and a guitar alone for a total, complete sound.

This is also very nice and shows how Paul is such a great songwriter/singer/artist.

Still miss Elliot but think that his candle was meant to go out when it did.

 lmic wrote:
Awesome cover of this by Spoon at Wolfgang's Vault.
I haven't heard it, but I have to say, after just seeing Spoon at Radio City in March, I wouldn't doubt they could do anything.
Awesome cover of this by Spoon at Wolfgang's Vault.
Revel in the appearance of Paul Simon on RP.  Another turn up the volume song.
 Mandible wrote:

you can bet these days that wouldn't be allowed in schools. SAD!!!!!
It depends where you are I suppose. My daughters' school has the students doing these sorts of things all the time. Maybe all is not as bleak as it may appear at times. 
{#Heartkiss} LOVE Paul Simon{#Group-hug}
 Antigone wrote:
I love this song, great lyrics and fantastic guitar!


 Shaker wrote:
{#Sunny}It is lovely to read the comments for Paul Simon. Not much complaining, rather inner thoughts, true sharing. I am thankful for RP listeners who have positive things to say.


I'm thankful for the positive RP listeners period! The naysayers are so detracting of this amazing resource.
{#Sunny}It is lovely to read the comments for Paul Simon. Not much complaining, rather inner thoughts, true sharing. I am thankful for RP listeners who have positive things to say.

 sqqqrly wrote:

I had an English teacher that did the same for Rush's The Trees.  That was in 1981 or 1982.

Damn, you folks are lucky, my hippie elementary teacher had us dissect Kansas - Dust in the Wind. That was in 1979 or so. Still hate that song today.

 Randomax wrote:
Ahhh...the best teacher I ever had...Skipper - social studies 1968 made us listen to S & Garf. and write about what it meant....just a whole different generation of listeners I guess...it meant something....this and Rhymin....excellent and meaningful...{#Meditate}
I had an English teacher that did the same for Rush's The Trees.  That was in 1981 or 1982.

 ThePoose wrote:
Where have you been for the last 35 years?
He was born in '77.

 Mandible wrote:

you can bet these days that wouldn't be allowed in schools. SAD!!!!!
big surprise the other day...a friend of my son's (19) had his IPod going and lo and behold it was THIS song...he said "do you like Simon And Garf"?  I just about fell over...I said "I'm surprised you even know who they are"  he had this Simon album and the earlier S&G on his IPOD...I was soooo proud!

 Randomax wrote:
Ahhh...the best teacher I ever had...Skipper - social studies 1968 made us listen to S & Garf. and write about what it meant....just a whole different generation of listeners I guess...it meant something....this and Rhymin....excellent and meaningful...{#Meditate}
you can bet these days that wouldn't be allowed in schools. SAD!!!!!
I am enjoying it
can't folks just enjoy the wonderful poetry and the picture it paints?  Don't see how anyone would find this boring!  The guitar work alone is amazing!

Peace like granola sits in my pantry.
nap time
Ahhh...the best teacher I ever had...Skipper - social studies 1968 made us listen to S & Garf. and write about what it meant....just a whole different generation of listeners I guess...it meant something....this and Rhymin....excellent and meaningful...{#Meditate}
 andrewimft wrote:
This was the first album I ever bought. I was in 7th grade. The second one, not too long after that, maybe a few months, was Alice Cooper's Killer, a big change in my ear and attitude, into coming home after junior high hell and going into the basement, sitting in the dark and relaxing with turning up the stereo on the hard rock. The third one shortly thereafter was The Who's Who's Next. I'll always remember those three. After that I bought too many to remember the order. So those three hold a special place in my mind for how they affected me.

This Paul Simon record was a pretty good record, though the subsequent Rhymin' Simon was a masterpiece and paled this one in comparison to my later ear. But this one prepared my ear for Bob Dylan and all the other singer songwriters I got into a couple years later, with the quality lyrics and song writing on it that I could spend some hours reading over and over and listening to, and at that age thinking about and trying to figure out the meanings, while tuning out the TV blaring in the living room and procrastinating my homework.

I won't even attempt to complement you on this superb "stream of consciousness/slice of life".

Please know that you are "of a generation" who was influenced in their thinking, actions, and lives by these artists.

Excellent post! {#Clap}
This was the first album I ever bought. I was in 7th grade. The second one, not too long after that, maybe a few months, was Alice Cooper's Killer, a big change in my ear and attitude, into coming home after junior high hell and going into the basement, sitting in the dark and relaxing with turning up the stereo on the hard rock. The third one shortly thereafter was The Who's Who's Next. I'll always remember those three. After that I bought too many to remember the order. So those three hold a special place in my mind for how they affected me.

This Paul Simon record was a pretty good record, though the subsequent Rhymin' Simon was a masterpiece and paled this one in comparison to my later ear. But this one prepared my ear for Bob Dylan and all the other singer songwriters I got into a couple years later, with the quality lyrics and song writing on it that I could spend some hours reading over and over and listening to, and at that age thinking about and trying to figure out the meanings, while tuning out the TV blaring in the living room and procrastinating my homework.

 AlienRelic wrote:

This was written during the Vietnam war. There were antiwar protests, govenment reaction to the protests, endless government lies about the war, etc. Sound familiar?

That's what I was just thinking - scrolled down... yep, you said it!
 oldviolin wrote:
Bill, you've been spinning that since KLRB. Tell the truth now.
Thanks Man.

Is true.
 oldviolin wrote:
Bill, you've been spinning that since KLRB. Tell the truth now.
Thanks Man.


KLRB? Heck, that is something I'd totally forgotten about. Wow. Loved that station.
skdenfeld wrote:
Paul Simon does not have a song that is below a 7, with most in the 8-9 range and a few in the 10-12 range.
That is one opinion.
aragon wrote:
Nice cover, pretty damn good song. First listen and wondering what to do to get the disc. It kinda freaks me out to know I was 4 when Simon released it. Man!
Yeah. I was a senior in high school. Great album.
Nice cover, pretty damn good song. First listen and wondering what to do to get the disc. It kinda freaks me out to know I was 4 when Simon released it. Man!
haven't heard this for YEARS.....takes me back to my Viet Nam war protest days....difficult times, but worth recalling....thanks RP
ThePoose wrote:
Where have you been for the last 35 years?
Hey cut the guy some slack- it's not like this gets played on any MSM radio station- ever.
Paul Simon does not have a song that is below a 7, with most in the 8-9 range and a few in the 10-12 range.
So lovely.
When I was little and my dad would play this, I thought the lyrics said "you can't beat us McGuires."
ice-9 wrote:
Please - can someone tell me what this song is actually about? Sounds like it's about something. Incidentally, Elvis Costello counts this among his favorite songs. Trivia.
This was written during the Vietnam war. There were antiwar protests, govenment reaction to the protests, endless government lies about the war, etc. Sound familiar?
His old stuff was so good. His new stuff...bleh
Please - can someone tell me what this song is actually about? Sounds like it's about something. Incidentally, Elvis Costello counts this among his favorite songs. Trivia.
nicolaluna wrote:
actually never heard this paul simon song before. really nice. thanks, bill!
Where have you been for the last 35 years?
I love this song, great lyrics and fantastic guitar!
actually never heard this paul simon song before. really nice. thanks, bill!
Bill, you've been spinning that since KLRB. Tell the truth now. Thanks Man.
So powerful and pretty. Thank you Paul.
Geecheeboy wrote:
I used to have a coat like that, when I went to college for a 100 year long semester in Idaho.
At one point in the 70's pretty much everyone had a coat like that.
Faterson wrote:
Third Paul Simon song today on Radio Paradise within a few hours. Why not?
I count 2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:44 am - Paul Simon - Peace Like A River 6:40 am - Madeleine Peyroux - Between The Bars 6:36 am - Miles Davis - Mystery 6:31 am - Little Feat - Spanish Moon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:29 am - Johray63 - Check the Brakes 6:23 am - Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter - The Dreaming Dead 6:19 am - Matson Belle - Float 6:15 am - U2 - In A Little While -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:12 am - The Pixies - Monkey Gone To Heaven 6:09 am - Old 97s - Broadway 6:06 am - The Shins - Caring Is Creepy 6:02 am - Grant-Lee Phillips - Fountain Of Youth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5:57 am - Gomez - 78 Stone Wobble 5:54 am - Elvis Costello - 45 5:50 am - Michelle Shocked - 33 RPM Soul 5:47 am - The Charlatans - Here Comes A Soul Saver 5:43 am - Tracy Chapman - Crossroads 5:40 am - Pearl Jam - Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5:34 am - Stevie Ray Vaughan - Tightrope 5:30 am - R.L. Burnside - Glory Be 5:26 am - Dirty Vegas - Days Go By 5:22 am - Bonobo - The Fever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5:17 am - The Wailin' Jennys - Arlington 5:11 am - Stephen Marley - Inna Di Red (w/ Ben Harper) 5:09 am - Neko Case - Things That Scare Me 5:03 am - Bob Dylan - Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues 4:58 am - Ry Cooder - It's All Over Now -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4:54 am - Zero 7 - In the Waiting Line 4:46 am - Led Zeppelin - Kashmir 4:39 am - Loreena McKennitt - Kecharitomene 4:36 am - Anna Ternheim - No Subtle Men -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4:32 am - Ray Charles - Rockhouse Parts 1 & 2 4:28 am - Van Morrison - Moondance 4:23 am - Neil Young - Harvest Moon 4:19 am - Cowboy Junkies - A Horse in the Country 4:15 am - John Hiatt - Dust Down a Country Road 4:10 am - Mazzy Star - Fade Into You -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4:06 am - Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water 4:02 am - Patty Griffin - Burgundy Shoes 3:59 am - The Cure - In-Between Days 3:57 am - Joseph Arthur - Enough To Get Away -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:51 am - Faithless - Bombs 3:45 am - Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony 3:42 am - The Dandy Warhols - Green 3:37 am - Porcupine Tree - Sentimental -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:33 am - Rickie Lee Jones - Letters From The 9th Ward/Walk Away Rene 3:28 am - Notting Hillbillies - Your Own Sweet Way 3:25 am - Wilco - I'm Always In Love 3:21 am - Kathryn Williams - Flicker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:16 am - Paul McCartney - Maybe I'm Amazed (live) 3:12 am - Vision Thing - Barcode 3:07 am - Thievery Corporation - Indra 3:00 am - Beth Orton - Thinking About Tomorrow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2:56 am - Cream - Crossroads 2:53 am - Albert King - Born Under A Bad Sign 2:49 am - Beatles - Revolution 1 2:45 am - Calexico - Deep Down 2:42 am - The Vines - Vision Valley 2:37 am - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - All You Do Is Talk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2:32 am - Golden Earring - Twilight Zone 2:28 am - Depeche Mode - Behind the Wheel 2:24 am - The Lightning Seeds - A Small Slice of Heaven 2:20 am - Wire - Kidney Bingos 2:17 am - The Innocence Mission - You Chase the Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2:13 am - Steely Dan - Only a Fool Would Say That 2:09 am - Air - Left Bank 2:05 am - Pernice Brothers - There Goes the Sun 1:59 am - The Derek Trucks Band - This Sky 1:54 am - Lost at Last - Ocean of Mercy 1:50 am - Hevia - Son Del Busgosu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:46 am - Men At Work - It's a Mistake 1:43 am - Young-Holt Unlimited - Soulful Strut 1:40 am - Sting - Love is the Seventh Wave -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:35 am - The Alarm - Rain In The Summertime 1:31 am - Damien Rice - Coconut Skins 1:26 am - Cracker - Something You Ain't Got 1:21 am - Dean & Britta - Words You Used to Say -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:17 am - The Magic Numbers - Forever Lost 1:14 am - Violent Femmes - Gone Daddy Gone 1:11 am - Elvis Costello - Pump It Up 1:07 am - Iguanas - Para Donde Vas 1:01 am - A Man Called Adam - Yachts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12:58 am - Spoon - Eddie's Ragga 12:54 am - Kula Shaker - Tattva 12:49 am - Tabla Beat Science - Palmistry
Third Paul Simon song today on Radio Paradise within a few hours. Why not?
rocco1207 wrote:
who's shorter, Paul Simon or Prince?
Tom Petty.
who's shorter, Paul Simon or Prince?
American treasure.
Never heard this, glad I get to.
I used to have a coat like that, when I went to college for a 100 year long semester in Idaho.
eastcoast wrote:
The man gets older but his voice never changes. Early in his solo career or now, its just amazing.
I've noticed that. Tony Bennett is the same way and he's like 80. Usually guys have to change octaves as they age,resulting in Elton John and Billy Joel(among others) going from brilliant and powerful to embarassing and painful.
How come I never heard this song before?!?
Genius at a minimum.
One of the very best Paul Simon songs.
ONE of my all time favorite songs
Good ol' Paul Simon!
Very, very, very nice.
outstading! I love this track.
The memories are flooding back, I haven't heard this song in a very long time. Thanks for the memories....
The man gets older but his voice never changes. Early in his solo career or now, its just amazing.
It is just awesome to hear this on RP. I stole my parents copy of this when I was about 12 and wore it out. I still have it somewhere.
RP has made me a huge paul simon fan. . . thanks! whipcracka!
Man, that brings back memories from a lost age.....10
I've never heard this before. What a beautiful song!
His first solo album is still his best! And this track is one of his most over-looked!
hanley wrote:
It has been my experience that you can buy almost any Paul Simon album from almost any time and it will be chock full of undiscovered gems. His willingness to be an unorthodox singer and musician combined with magnificent songwriting makes each new album an exploration. Plus, if you follow his career you can see a very definite evolution in his music. He has grown and changed over the years without gravitating any further toward the center of pop culture (if anything, quite the opposite). This alone sets him above the vast majority of successful musicians, but his talent and much-imitated understated style put him in a class by himself. It is difficult to even rate Paul Simon against other musicians because it is so difficult to draw good comparisons. He is the quiet giant.
Nailed it.
hanley wrote:
It has been my experience that you can buy almost any Paul Simon album from almost any time and it will be chock full of undiscovered gems. His willingness to be an unorthodox singer and musician combined with magnificent songwriting makes each new album an exploration. Plus, if you follow his career you can see a very definite evolution in his music. He has grown and changed over the years without gravitating any further toward the center of pop culture (if anything, quite the opposite). This alone sets him above the vast majority of successful musicians, but his talent and much-imitated understated style put him in a class by himself. It is difficult to even rate Paul Simon against other musicians because it is so difficult to draw good comparisons. He is the quiet giant.
Well said. Couldn't agree more.
It has been my experience that you can buy almost any Paul Simon album from almost any time and it will be chock full of undiscovered gems. His willingness to be an unorthodox singer and musician combined with magnificent songwriting makes each new album an exploration. Plus, if you follow his career you can see a very definite evolution in his music. He has grown and changed over the years without gravitating any further toward the center of pop culture (if anything, quite the opposite). This alone sets him above the vast majority of successful musicians, but his talent and much-imitated understated style put him in a class by himself. It is difficult to even rate Paul Simon against other musicians because it is so difficult to draw good comparisons. He is the quiet giant.
I've recently discovered this album, and, as I've come to expect from Paul Simon, it's simple, endearing, and sublime. I agree with the others, that his guitar work here is superb. I think here he is most outwardly a troubador who relies on his instrumental skills, song composition and voice equally, whereas later on I think he became more interested in the latter two categories as a means of expression, culminating in the most under-rated album I own, You're the One.
Unfortunately, I think a lot of people have taken Simon's "hushed" singing style and tried to make it their own. But what they've left out are the fantastic lyrics, top notch musicianship and deep emotion. Jack Johnson comes to mind (not that he's terrible, but I think Simon is the king with this type of thing)
WonderLizard wrote:
Always badly underrated as a guitarist.
amen. he had me with bookends and keeps getting better (though i could do without kodachrome).
oh my god! I just realized I'm not in a cubicle anymore. (Hooray to me for leaving that job!) Gotta update my location.