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Album: Bad To The Bone
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Total ratings: 171

Released: 1982
Length: 4:53
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
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On the day I was born
The nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder
At the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up
Said "leave this one alone"
She could tell right away
That I was bad to the bone

Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

I broke a thousand hearts
Before I met you
I'll break a thousand more, baby
Before I am through
I wanna be yours pretty baby
Yours and yours alone
I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

I make a rich woman beg
I'll make a good woman steal
I'll make an old woman blush
And make a young girl squeal
I wanna be yours pretty baby
Yours and yours alone
I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

And when I walk the streets
Kings and Queens step aside
Every woman I meet
They all stay satisfied
I wanna tell ya pretty baby
Well Ya see I make my own
I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone

 rtwingo wrote:

B b b b b bad to the EARS.
D d d d d d d... Dork

 skyguy wrote:
Now let me get this straight...you say you are bad? Bad to the what?

B b b b b bad to the EARS.
Now let me get this straight...you say you are bad? Bad to the what?

Interesting bi-modal distribution on this one, considering that N isn't as small as it usually is when that happens on a song in the library.

Edit: Oh, and my rating is on the right-most hump.  There's too much nostalgia wound up for me in this song!

/My lawn, you are on it.

 fredriley wrote:

Really? Sounds like hard-drivin' classic blues rock to me which most folk on here would like, but what do I know? Love this to bits. Who else has done this number, famously? ZZ Top? Is this the original, anyone know? Anyhoo, an easy 8 from the toetappin' Nottingham jury. {#Bananajam}
I'm right there with you Fred - great stuff for a Friday afternoon!

 Jack_Jefferson wrote:
Damn, that guy has some teeth on him.  He could probably eat corn through a picket fence. 
Meow!  (still laughed my butt off!)

I love ol' George, but there are soooooo many more deserving artists/songs for RP to consider, rather than this classic rock pablum.

Sorry, I've just heard this enough. I still gave it a "5" though. {#Whistle}
 fredriley wrote:

Really? Sounds like hard-drivin' classic blues rock to me which most folk on here would like, but what do I know? Love this to bits. Who else has done this number, famously? ZZ Top? Is this the original, anyone know? Anyhoo, an easy 8 from the toetappin' Nottingham jury. {#Bananajam}
this is the original, oh yeah
lovin it! growing up in cincinnati this was my theme song
 mbriner wrote:
This is one of those "love it, or hate it" kind of songs.
Really? Sounds like hard-drivin' classic blues rock to me which most folk on here would like, but what do I know? Love this to bits. Who else has done this number, famously? ZZ Top? Is this the original, anyone know? Anyhoo, an easy 8 from the toetappin' Nottingham jury. {#Bananajam}
Damn, that guy has some teeth on him.  He could probably eat corn through a picket fence. 

Anyway, I used to like this a lot, but it's starting to wear thin with it being on that jeans ad with Brett Favre. (I wonder if he has trouble choosing sides in a pickup game in a muddy field as well.)
{#Yes}sounds old...let me push a button and watch the fm dial slide   unclehud wrote:
at countless sports events, coming from 4 million pickup truck windows, every fifteen feet at the beach, and at every bar when the DJ wants to "liven things up."

Enough already.  I agree — George, you're BAAAAAAD.

Thanks for playing George! Made my day. 
                 {#Bananajam}{#Fire}{#Bananajam}{#Cheers}{#Bananapiano}{#Frustrated}    lordy lordy!  its george! hey boy! love them bad boys!
and I'll offer up northern Michigan. Thank God for RP and XM.

Stefen wrote:

We'll have a contest. I'd like to put into nomination the city of angels: Los Angeles.

This is one of those "love it, or hate it" kind of songs.
I don't love it...

 Stave wrote:

 For all its supposed hipness, San Francisco has the absolute worst commercial radio of any populated place I've ever been. 

We'll have a contest.  I'd like to put into nomination the city of angels:  Los Angeles.

 vivakitty wrote:
  Because I've heard it eleventybillion times on every Classic Rock that REALLY Rocks station,  in commercials for every product under the sun ...
at countless sports events, coming from 4 million pickup truck windows, every fifteen feet at the beach, and at every bar when the DJ wants to "liven things up."

Enough already.  I agree — George, you're BAAAAAAD.
 vivakitty wrote:

Because I've heard it eleventybillion times on every Classic Rock that REALLY Rocks station and in commercials for every product under the sun.  I'm not saying it's not a good song.  Just that I have no need to hear it again.  And that I really, really like a lot of other Thorogood and would rather hear it instead.

  I remember liking this when I was in high school. Vlasic Rock stations, etc have ruined if for me, too.

On my "What they play in Hell" Top 10, right after Zep's Rock-n-Roll and before ZZTop's Pearl Necklace.

 Pyro wrote:
This has been played to DEATH on terrestrial radio.  It was a great song, but I'm really really tired of it....Mute.
I NEVER get tired of it, and I always crank it up in my car.  I even have it on my Zune so I can play it more often (LOUD) whenever I want to!


Doesn't the cover art just scream: Look at my teeth, I just flossed!

There is much bertter Thorogood out there.  This is ok, thankfully I really only listen to NPR in the car so it has not been overplayed to my ears in a long time.
abso-fricken-lutely tired of this guy/song
 vivakitty wrote:

Because I've heard it eleventybillion times on every Classic Rock that REALLY Rocks station and in commercials for every product under the sun.  I'm not saying it's not a good song.  Just that I have no need to hear it again.  And that I really, really like a lot of other Thorogood and would rather hear it instead.

Ok, you're right.  I don't listen to much terrestrial radio, so I'm probably not nearly as overexposed as the average person.  For all its supposed hipness, San Francisco has the absolute worst commercial radio of any populated place I've ever been. 

 Stave wrote:

Oh come on, this song owns.  It's too much fun, how can you not like it?

Because I've heard it eleventybillion times on every Classic Rock that REALLY Rocks station and in commercials for every product under the sun.  I'm not saying it's not a good song.  Just that I have no need to hear it again.  And that I really, really like a lot of other Thorogood and would rather hear it instead.

This has been played to DEATH on terrestrial radio.  It was a great song, but I'm really really tired of it....Mute.
It must be Friday... just pour a JD. Cheers Bill.
 lmic wrote:
Friday is a great day to RAWK OUT!!! Thanks Bill and keep em comin! {#Hungry}
Oh yeah!

 vivakitty wrote:
Oh, please, please, any other Thorogood song than this one.  "Move It On Over"?  His version of "Who Do You Love?"
Oh come on, this song owns.  It's too much fun, how can you not like it?

kind of funny to refresh once in a while and see how this one is falling out.
rooting for the 1s
Friday is a great day to RAWK OUT!!! Thanks Bill and keep em comin! {#Hungry}
George was quite the local fave growing up ... a semi-pro baseball player, too. {#Dancingbanana_2}

Had to double check the station I was listening to!  Not complaining, mind you.  It's a perfectly fine song...just unexpected.
Oh, please, please, any other Thorogood song than this one.  "Move It On Over"?  His version of "Who Do You Love?"