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Length: 4:43
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Hendrix doing jazz. That would've been ultra cool...
This used to get a fair bit of airplay on Boston-area FM radio in the 70s and 80s.
Yep. Hendrix doing jazz. TOTALLY COOL!

Turn it up to eleven!
This is where you are jamming in your seat simultaneously playing air guitar and bass and drums and keyboards. Yeah you know who you are! Just look at you there jammin' away right now! Yes you!
belongs on the top
This is an example of what Hendrix would have done had he lived longer. Many of these guys got into jazz and excelled at improvisation and fusing jazz and rock.
Hendrix doing jazz. That would've been ultra cool...
This used to get a fair bit of airplay on Boston-area FM radio in the 70s and 80s.

Ask 100,000 'guitar players' to name the 10 all-time best guitarists, and Jeff Beck will be in a good 90% of the lists.
"When Jeff is ON, there is no one better."
- Jimmy Page

Bow down all ye wannabe shredders, bow down and genuflect before the
feet of Ye Almighty Shredder God himself for thou are not worthy! All
hail Jeff Beck from whom all shreddings flow! There is no Shredder God
but Jeff Beck and 4 x 12's are his Prophet.
I got to tell ya
I keep hearing Return To Forever (Chick Corea, Al De Meola, Stanley Clarke), circa 1974-75
...don't forget Billy Cobham, John McLaugh....oh I could go on and on and on..
Sounds like Weather Report.
"My, what skills you have," said the big bad wolf.
"The better to rock your ass off," said Jeff Beck.
And just after this album, Beck was doing exactly that, playing well with others, like Stanley Clarke on Rock and Roll Jelly and Hello Jeff. Classic, smoking hot high energy jazz - rock fusion. You gotta hear it to believe it's that f'ing good.
Yes!! Very well stated!!
This is an example of what Hendrix would have done had he lived longer. Many of these guys got into jazz and excelled at improvisation and fusing jazz and rock.
And just after this album, Beck was doing exactly that, playing well with others, like Stanley Clarke on Rock and Roll Jelly and Hello Jeff. Classic, smoking hot high energy jazz - rock fusion. You gotta hear it to believe it's that f'ing good.
What a great album!
What an incredible f*cking guitarist!!
RIP Jeff. : (
A part in the middle reminded me of Cliffs of Dover.
Beck did this prior to "Cliffs of Dover"! Google it.
A part in the middle reminded me of Cliffs of Dover.
Maybe the other way around! This tune was first! Both are excellent tunes!
Great Album. So was Truth, Wired, Beckola. Oh heck, they were all great.
I agree!!
Turn it up to eleven!
This is where you are jamming in your seat simultaneously playing air guitar and bass and drums and keyboards. Yeah you know who you are! Just look at you there jammin' away right now! Yes you!

Great Album. So was Truth, Wired, Beckola. Oh heck, they were all great.
Jeff Beck is the best guitarist of his generation, better than Clapton, Page, Townshend, et al. Absolutely unbelievable live.
Well that could be debated for years and no clear winner would emerge!

"Sir, please back away from the panner."
The "Sir" you are referring to is Sir George Martin, who produced this album. He did do a lot of panning in his productions.
This is where you are jamming in your seat simultaneously playing air guitar and bass and drums and keyboards. Yeah you know who you are! Just look at you there jammin' away right now! Yes you!
I keep hearing Return To Forever (Chick Corea, Al De Meola, Stanley Clarke), circa 1974-75
Wow that's a jam!
I AGREE!!! ...I bought the album in 1975 when it first came out!
Um, no one?
(Except maybe Kanye West.)
who? lol
I know, I know, I'll take my lumps now.
Jeff Beck is the best guitarist of his generation, better than Clapton, Page, Townshend, et al. Absolutely unbelievable live.
A papaya ,banana, tangerine, and apple !
They are all great, just different flavors!
How do You define "Best " ?
Especially with leaving Hendrix out of the mix!
For sure though, Beck and this album are stupendous!
This tune, however, is a strong 9.
Um, no one?
(Except maybe Kanye West.)
Kanye owns his career to older jams

Can you imagine, Beck, Page and Clapton in the same band. Page playing Bass!
Or maybe it's just me. I dunno.
But totally outside the realm of Time and Space isn't it? Classic Rock at its finest. They may well be saying this 200 years from now, too. As some phenom of their time attempts to recreate what you and I got to hear first time 'round....
American Net'Zen
Not that it has anything to do with anything, George Martin also produced for a hard rock band called UFO back in the 70's. I would have never heard of them but they warmed up the Doobie Brothers at a show I went to in Louisville, KY. They had a phenomenal guitar player named Michael Schenker who eventually got kicked out of the band for constantly being drunk. I know we was wasted the night I saw him, but he could sure play the guitar.
You never know where George Martin might show up.
Now, back to Jeff Beck....
At around the same time are several tracks Beck recorded with Return to Forever bassist Stanley Clarke. Hello Jeff and Rock and Roll Jelly crank out unsurpassed waves of musical energy. Blow one's ears off with power and gracefulness.
This is Max Middleton, but Hammer plays on "Star Cycle" on Beck's "There and Back". Amazing stuff.
Max Middleton.
Steve Wonder plays on one song on this Album I think . uncredited
Sounds more like Deodato on keyboards
The Fender Rhodes piano was quite popular in those days, not just with Deodato, similar phrasing on this tune though.
Max Middleton.
Steve Wonder plays on one song on this Album I think . uncredited
Sounds more like Deodato on keyboards
Actually Middleton is credited with writing this tune.
Methinks Mr. Beck is still revered. Watch "Live at Ronnie Scott's." I don't think anyone is using both hands, all knobs, and the whammy like him.
Max Middleton.
Steve Wonder plays on one song on this Album I think . uncredited
Sounds more like Deodato on keyboards
Produced by George Martin.
Max Middleton.
Steve Wonder plays on one song on this Album I think . uncredited
Um, no one?
(Except maybe Kanye West.)
The drummer is the one who is jammin' in this tune!
From drummer Richard Bailey's website biography:
"By the time he was sixteen he was recording and touring the UK and USA with Johnny Nash and the great Bob Marley. By eighteen he had recorded Jeff Beck's biggest selling album Blow By Blow (1975, Epic/Sony Japan) to critical acclaim and appeared on the film soundtrack Tommy alongside Pete Townsend, Phil Chen and Roger Daltrey."

I mean did he ever play with Arcade Fire or Smashing Pumpkins? Now those are some bands!
I guess we might have to go with "fusion", but to me, it still flat out rocks. Can't---get---it---loud---enough!!!!

The drummer is the one who is jammin' in this tune!
a recommend is jeff beck (dvd) "live @ ronnie scott's" ... a great show featuring tal wilkenfeld on bass, vinnie colaiuita on drums, and jason rebello on keyboards ... also guests vocalists imogen heap and joss stone ...
Absolutely. And Tai Wilkenfeld is outstanding...notable for being able to turn J Beck's head (musically speaking) at a relatively young age. Something that has GOT to be hard to do given his own massive talent. Here's a pic:

The lady has many fine years ahead of her me thinks.
Love the freeway jam reference to Jersey below
Yeah, he's pretty good!
For those of us without an atlas handy, where exactly is 2,755.46 mi. due east of Paradise? I'm gonna' guess somewhere in...Jersey?
All others kiss the Masters feet!!!!
a recommend is jeff beck (dvd) "live @ ronnie scott's" ... a great show featuring tal wilkenfeld on bass, vinnie colaiuita on drums, and jason rebello on keyboards ... also guests vocalists imogen heap and joss stone ...
"The return of the axe murderer."
1975 was a great year for guitar rock, with guys like Beck and Santana experimenting with new styles and sounds.
Yeah, me too!
Does anybody remember way back in the 1970s...when you have dozens of guitar players with bands that were experimenting with all kinds of variations of rock n roll?
What we got today? Thud and drone crap from Foo Fighters, Linkin park, Nickel back, etc.
Rock n roll RIP. Oh well, I guess there is still "country" music.
ur kidding?..right?? ...if not he's the teenager on drums
Just listen for the finger screeching on the strings. No over produced crap like today.
And people wonder why these guys still attract good crowds at live shows. I saw Beck on TV...amazing and the guy has to be almost 65!
Apparently, he's 68. Great song and fantastic musicianship all around.
Just listen for the finger screeching on the strings. No over produced crap like today.
And people wonder why these guys still attract good crowds at live shows. I saw Beck on TV...amazing and the guy has to be almost 65!

I am still stunned.