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Jean-Luc Ponty — In the Kingdom of Peace
Album: Fables
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Released: 1985
Length: 3:58
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (108)add comment
 laserace wrote:
Good ear. Blade runner soundtrack is a favorite.  
And Jean-Luc Ponty is great also. His Imaginary voyage album is good traveling music. (That dates us)

I saw him at the Syria Mosque in Pittsburg, PA during the Imaginary Voyage Tour.  Great show!
 Beaker wrote:

Very nice piece.  Something of a Blade Runner soundtrack vibe to it.

Good ear. Blade runner soundtrack is a favorite.  
And Jean-Luc Ponty is great also. His Imaginary voyage album is good traveling music. (That dates us)

Does he totally have his cat hanging out on his right thigh listening to him play? His album cover is a cat picture? That's adorable
What a beautiful tune !!! Please play more JLP, William. THANKS! 
Wondering if anyone knows what the wind instrument in this piece is. So sweet!
Very nice piece.  Something of a Blade Runner soundtrack vibe to it.
Might even fit as a long beautiful intro to While You See A Chance by Steve Winwood
So nice!!!! Merci beaucoup...
 jmgarcia wrote:
Wow! Great to hear some Jean-Luc. Always been a fan!

Me too! I saw him twice in the 70s!  GREAT SHOWS!  One time David Sancious was the opening act.  They wound up jamming together.  EXCELLENT!   
Wow! Great to hear some Jean-Luc. Always been a fan!
This is wildly creative and I can't necessarily place it in 1985. Like, far out man! Love it!
Incredible JLP, makes you travelling far away 
Saw him and Astor Piazzolla play together in Toronto decades ago!
He has so much better stuff than this.
Saw him in Vancouver many years ago, still love his work
Andrew birdish
 wdanler910 wrote:
On the album cover he is playing a violin. There is a cat there listening even. pianocomposer wrote:
rah wrote:
is this an electric violin, a synthesizer, or is the sound just tweaked?
When I first heard this 20-odd years ago, I was under the impression that it was an electric violin.

According to the Wikipedia entry, he played electric violins on the album, along with synthesizers. 
On the album cover he is playing a violin. There is a cat there listening even. pianocomposer wrote:
rah wrote:
is this an electric violin, a synthesizer, or is the sound just tweaked?
When I first heard this 20-odd years ago, I was under the impression that it was an electric violin.

Last played 12 years ago ?? Play more JLP
I really enjoy the sound of it, seems relaxing to me.
rah wrote:
is this an electric violin, a synthesizer, or is the sound just tweaked?
When I first heard this 20-odd years ago, I was under the impression that it was an electric violin.
Santa, I want this CD for Christmas.
Very nice and slightly cheesey all at the same time. And I've got to give points to anyone who uses a cat on their album cover. So I think I'll give it a 7.
Im picking up vibes of Kroke here :3 Mondo enjoyable!
This is the first time I've heard this. As a fiddler myself, I like it. I wish I could 'improvise' like that!
CanuckBeaker wrote:
Perfectly sublime.
OMG, we agree, Canuck!
Sounds like he is practicing for a Pink Floyd performance or something.
helene wrote:
The picture looks like a Zeta, which is what I thought he played. They make a JLP Signature -- I hope that's what he plays! :) Jazz Zetas characteristically have that smooth hummy, yummy sound.
Thanks. I just Googled their web site. Interesting.
not of this world... dazzled and comfortably numb
algrif wrote:
I understand that JLP uses a normal violin with audio pick-up which is then tweaked. But I'm no expert. I just know a 9 when I hear it!
The picture looks like a Zeta, which is what I thought he played. They make a JLP Signature -- I hope that's what he plays! :) Jazz Zetas characteristically have that smooth hummy, yummy sound.
Not to follow Portishead...
I understand that JLP uses a normal violin with audio pick-up which is then tweaked. But I'm no expert. I just know a 9 when I hear it!
is this an electric violin, a synthesizer, or is the sound just tweaked?
Ahhh.... sublime.
Thanks for playing this...
been listening all day (as usual) but no time to write (as usual) but just had to stop to say this is an impressive line-up. different. the JL Ponty was a brilliant touch. thanks bill and rebecca..
Another one of a most impressive lineup of brilliant musicians to hail from the Zappa stable....
mmm, beautiful...
The coyote is watching the flag in the wind outside her window and wondering how it knows how to dance to this song so well.
Pyro wrote:
I never tire of this.
Neither do I...beautiful...
Paul_in_Australia wrote:
Love the atmospherics... reminds me a bit of Blade Runner... was that Vangelis?
If you don't have it, you should check out the Blade Runner soundtrack. It is Vangelis and the entire CD is comprised of beautiful, beautiful music. Great snippets of dialog too . . . "Do you like our owl?" . . . and the death speech by the last replicant . . . "lost like tears in rain."
Pyro wrote:
I never tire of this.
Whereas I tired of it in about 17 seconds...
Muzak - really. What a bummer after Portishead.
this is why i listen to RP - haven't heard any jlp in about 20 years!
Well I'll be bowed! JLP again just when I needed it!
Paul_in_Australia wrote:
Love the atmospherics... reminds me a bit of Blade Runner... was that Vangelis?
What very delicate, beautiful piece. Nice and mellow.
Theodoransky wrote:
nice segue from portishead. this is probably french loneliness
and again, today! Nice. C'est bon.
................ ummmmmm ......... not really
Love the atmospherics... reminds me a bit of Blade Runner... was that Vangelis?
Sweet! Did anyone catch that Stanley Clarke - Béla Fleck - Jean-Luc Ponty tour last summer? I saw it at Wolf Trap and was simply stunned.
Very peaceful tune.... I *almost* forgot I was working lol.
I never tire of this.
Now segue to The Turtles--another of Uncle Franks alumni.
nice segue from portishead. this is probably french loneliness
Violin rock. I am sure Jean-Luc misses Uncle Frank--as we all do.
papajohn wrote:
I have an album from the late seventies with the song Aurora on it. It's pretty good. I believe he played with the Mothers of Invention for a bit.
talking of which - more Zappa please...
Hey. I had no idea you had JLP in your play list. Please. Play more. There's loads to choose from.
Ahhhh yes. Nice soothing last song before I hit the road for work.
I have an album from the late seventies with the song Aurora on it. It's pretty good. I believe he played with the Mothers of Invention for a bit.
Get on with it! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
physicsgenius wrote:
"Jean-Luc", "Kingdom of Peace", the hair, the cat, the fiddle, the electronica...it all comes together in a perfect confluence of cheesiness.
YOU'RE a confluence of cheesiness. :)
This song doesn't go anywhere. It's like... you are walking in a forest at sunrise, the nature waking up around you. Ten minutes pass. Still walking in a forest. Another ten minutes. Yup, still walking.
"Jean-Luc", "Kingdom of Peace", the hair, the cat, the fiddle, the electronica...it all comes together in a perfect confluence of cheesiness.
dango wrote:
Is that a cat on his ankle?
you bet...he always has spare strings around...or is that tennis racquet string I forget?
dango wrote:
Is that a cat on his ankle?
That's his Familiar...it helps him play like that. *joking* This is very cool stuff!
dango wrote:
Is that a cat on his ankle?
It sure looks like it.
I now recognize this tune in the opening chord...still mesmerizing and lovely....
Jennnn wrote:
Oh, THANK YOU... to the person downloaded this. You have wonderful taste!
Well, gosh. Tanks Jennnn! :)
Is that a cat on his ankle?
Pyro wrote:
I find this piece sublime. Almost other worldly. Eight.
I find this piece sublime. Almost other worldly. Eight.
tupshin wrote:
I am now fully prepared for a root canal...it can hardly be more painful than this.
Relax... truly this song is not for everyone but consider the sartori of succumbing to the pure white light of stupidity... You can't be intelligent all the time. Reach For The Slack®
flandersdog wrote:
I am now ready for a root canal...this is better than novocaine
I am now fully prepared for a root canal...it can hardly be more painful than this.
flandersdog wrote:
I am now ready for a root canal...this is better than novocaine
I am now ready for a root canal...this is better than novocaine
coding_to_music wrote:
Sorry to interrupt the love-fest, but to me this is melody-less violin noodling. I'm just not gettin' it...
Sweetie, it's jazz. You just have to relax into it.
Oh, THANK YOU... to the person downloaded this. You have wonderful taste!
For a French guy, this dude can sure wail on that synth. 8.
fretman wrote:
Might be noodling on the e-violin, but he's got amazing intonation. Sorta impressionistic noodling. Evocative, impressionistic noodling. Exactly like Stephane Grapelli, only very different.
Yes! My sentiments exactly. Have you heard the Grapelli/Ponty CD? Two quite incredible violinists with very different styles, collaborating. I love the electronic sounds Ponty can create while bowing...
Roverfish Who knew the former captain of the starship Enterprise could play so nice?
Might be noodling on the e-violin, but he's got amazing intonation. Sorta impressionistic noodling. Evocative, impressionistic noodling. Exactly like Stephane Grapelli, only very different.
The first few minutes reminded me a bit of Pink Floyd's Shine on You Crazy Diamond. Am I crazy? (Wait...don't answer that) 8-<
Sorry to interrupt the love-fest, but to me this is melody-less violin noodling. I'm just not gettin' it...
Platypus wrote:
i again could've sworn this was from the Blade Runner soundtrack.
Yeah, there is something very much like this. I think when Rutger's character is fading...
veegez wrote:
Original release was 1985, just FYI. I wish Amazon would use the original release dates, rather than the re-release dates.
Thanks for the correction, Veegez. I wish they would do so, also. It's confusing!
"Wherever did Ponty go?" Not sure but I think his daughter now has a new CD out.
Who knew the former captain of the starship Enterprise could play so nice? Quite likeable tune.
truly wonderful
Jean Luc Ponty sounds like no other. He was/is a pioneer in the Fusion Jazz scene and created a sound that was both distinct and varied. Being a dedicated fan for the last 20 years and in possession of most of his music, it seems like I can never get my fill. He is frequently queued up on my iPod. To say Pat Metheny sounds like Jean-Luc or vise-versa is a huge generalization (Jean-Luc plays electric violin, Pat plays guitar. Both though are pioneers in a synthesized electric sound created through their instruments. Check out his bio if you have a chance. It's quite interesting because he started playing both violin and piano at the age of four. He also has a daughter who is an up and coming musician and has recently released her first album. His website is: https://www.ponty.com He is also available in Apple's music store.
Hmmm...I was just reading about the Late , Great Roy Orbison and how he is missed, while this song played, somehow fit...
i again could've sworn this was from the Blade Runner soundtrack.
It more reminds me of Steven Reich, only a bit more experimental. Quite likeable
Pyro wrote:
PONTY!! What a wonderful trip back to my days of listening to JLP in the late 70's! Saw him in concert in Dallas....what a show! He put out some really bad stuff in the late 80's, but I have really enjoyed this tune from 1990.
Original release was 1985, just FYI. I wish Amazon would use the original release dates, rather than the re-release dates.
PONTY!! What a wonderful trip back to my days of listening to JLP in the late 70's! Saw him in concert in Dallas....what a show! He put out some really bad stuff in the late 80's, but I have really enjoyed this tune from 1990.
rulebritannia wrote:
Or early afternoon. Wherever JLP has been, it's good to hear him here.
or early morning which takes us to the beginning
rascal420 wrote:
Does he sound like Pat Metheny or does Pat Metheny sound like him?
Jean-Luc Ponty! Blow me away! Too many years ago! I saw him perform in a little club near Amherst, MA when I was in college. From what I remember, it was a great show. Can't get over how RP/Bill resurrects this stuff. It's all good!
Does he sound like Pat Metheny or does Pat Metheny sound like him?
n4ku wrote:
I haven't heard Ponty in years. Nice to hear this first thing in the morning.
I have not either...I remember his participation on the Mahavishnu Orchestra (by the way, barely played in here) and his small commercial success in eighties. I sure like his stuff!!!!
n4ku wrote:
I haven't heard Ponty in years. Nice to hear this first thing in the morning.
Or early afternoon. Wherever JLP has been, it's good to hear him here.
reminds me of some Vangelis
Or late at night. Has a very "Hearts of Space" taste to it, in their earlier, less ethereal time. Wherever did Ponty go? The last thing I heard from him was some really nasty sounding violin stuff.
I haven't heard Ponty in years. Nice to hear this first thing in the morning.