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Coldplay — Talk
Album: X and Y
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Total ratings: 4013

Released: 2005
Length: 5:01
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Oh brother I can't I can't get through
I've been tryin' hard to reach you 'cause I don't know what to do
Oh brother I can't believe it's true
I'm so scared about the future and I want to talk to you
Oh I want to talk to you.

You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody had sung
Or do something that's never been done

Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how you feel
Well I feel like they're talkin' in a language I don't speak
And they're talkin' it to me

So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody had sung or do
Something that's never been done, do
Something that's never been done

So you don't know where you're goin'
And you want to talk
And you feel like you're goin' where you've been before
You tell anyone who'll listen, but you feel ignored
But nothing's really makin' any sense at all, let's talk
Let's talk, let's talk, let's talk.

(Robot whistles)
Comments (464)add comment
Coldplay asking the musical question, "What it would it look like if we wrote something original?"
 Azrica wrote:

Am not really a Coldplay fan, but i have rated this song 10,  simply because this song helped my friend conquer her depression.
And every time I hear the song i think of her, years ago we have promised to text each other whenever we hear the song regardless where we are...  Thank you Coldpaly !

when a song does this to someone, just sit back, listen again when RP plays it.
It might be mainstream but it's worth a lot more than a seven. After RP listeners rated 4-Non Blondes higher a little while ago I refuse to call them my fellow listeners any more!
 ramsay wrote:

Just chipped in $10, thanks for the reminder. Uh-oh, the status bar is still red - anybody found some spare change in the sofa lately? 

If EVERYONE chipped in the sofa spare change who is listening it wold be real money; I think I saw somewhere 300K+ listeners!  At that rate just a $1 would be impactful! I have a few of you with no change covered ;)
Do you feel like a puzzle you can't find your missing piece?
... computer love ...
 jhorton wrote:

Every great rock singer ever has been a tenor. It is the range required to cut through the range of rhythm guitar and bass. If you try to sing it an octave lower, it washes out in the rhythm. it's the same reason why the lead instrument has always been, fiddle, sax/trumpet or electric guitar.

I hate Coldplay with a passion, but he is singing in the correct range. 

Dee Snider is a classically trained tenor. I know. He sat next to me.
 tinypriest wrote:

Public Service Announcement: Please pay for RP. Send them $5 a month or MORE. I give and we should all do so. Nothing stays free. Support Radio Paradise. (I'm not paid to say this, just a fan, who pays for you to enjoy).

Just chipped in $10, thanks for the reminder. Uh-oh, the status bar is still red - anybody found some spare change in the sofa lately? 
The Jordan concert is epic..love Arabesque 
Bumping to an 8 for the Kraftwerk riff alone
 BCarn wrote:

Not sure why people mock or bash this band. They're pretty damn good. Perhaps the mockers are just a bunch of sheep following some fool on a show that decided to pick on them?

I certainly don't mock them, but also don't really enjoy them that much. It's hard to put my finger on it; I *love* Radiohead and Thom Yorke, yet I am ambivalent on Coldplay, and really can't stand Oasis, even though they really aren't that dissimilar in the grand scheme of things. I think it's the whiny Gallagher voices that turn me off, and maybe a bit of that with Chris Martin? Plus I really like the electronica that Radiohead brings to the table. 
Since they work in DHL ads, I am thru with them.
With THAT - for me - they totally sold themselves and all their environmental malarky is officially nothing but hipster bullshit.
DHL of all the companies out there! Geez!
Kraftwerk – Komputerliebe
 BCarn wrote:

Not sure why people mock or bash this band. They're pretty damn good. Perhaps the mockers are just a bunch of sheep following some fool on a show that decided to pick on them?

Back the day, RP used to play the superior alternative version of Talk...bring that one back in the names of Kraftwerk!
Damn 2005 was a great year. 
I played this CD That Summer so much that it is hard to listen to now.  The nostalgia is too much.
They are loved all around the world and especially Argentina. Have sold out 8  straight shows in Buenos Aires later this year. All at the 60,000 seat Monumental Stadium. 

From BATimes

Coldplay announce eighth show in Buenos Aires as Argentines snap up tickets

October 25, 26, 28 and 29 and November 1, 2, 4 and 5.

 jhorton wrote:
Every great rock singer ever has been a tenor. It is the range required to cut through the range of rhythm guitar and bass.
Unless you have a powerful voice like Jim Morrison or Eddie Vedder.  I guess for less gifted singers, tenor is a sort of jack of all trades.
 sanmiamcairo wrote:

Enough with the Coldplay!!!

Enough with the Coldplay!!!
 gallina wrote:

anyone Kraftwerk on this one?

That's a funny story actually: 

In a track-by-track interview given by the band on X&Y, bassist Guy Berryman reported that in response to the band's request, Kraftwerk founding member Ralf Hütter "said something like, 'Yes, you can use it, and thank you very much for asking my permission, unlike that bastard Jay-Z'."

Martin also recalled in a 2007 article in Q magazine the process of requesting permission to use the melody: He sent a letter through the lawyers of the respective parties and several weeks later received an envelope containing a handwritten reply that simply said ″yes″.
 gallina wrote:

anyone Kraftwerk on this one?

wonderful lyrics reminding me to call my brothers more often 
 TerrorGovernor wrote:

So anytime Bill plays Kraftwerk I have to listen to Coldplay after?

You win some you lose some.

Its a free world (at least in Europe...) you can choose what you listen to!
Computer Liebe! Kraftwerk!
Good Tune!
Coldplay is a bit of a guilty pleasure
anyone Kraftwerk on this one?
 jhorton wrote:

Every great rock singer ever has been a tenor. It is the range required to cut through the range of rhythm guitar and bass. If you try to sing it an octave lower, it washes out in the rhythm. it's the same reason why the lead instrument has always been, fiddle, sax/trumpet or electric guitar.

I hate Coldplay with a passion, but he is singing in the correct range. 

Besides, the "I hate Coldplay" part, that is the kind of intelligent comment that I love on RP. And if you hate, Coldplay, that's cool too, but it's just an opinion. 
I associate this and other Coldplay songs with the Fraser Canyon -- one of the more interesting drives in Canada.

The Fraser Canyon is currently engulfed in flames and thick blankets of smoke. 
 jhorton wrote:

Every great rock singer ever has been a tenor. It is the range required to cut through the range of rhythm guitar and bass. If you try to sing it an octave lower, it washes out in the rhythm. it's the same reason why the lead instrument has always been, fiddle, sax/trumpet or electric guitar.

I hate Coldplay with a passion, but he is singing in the correct range. 

"Every great rock singer ever has been a tenor "?  Sure many of them were, but certainly not all of them.  Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Jim Morrison,  Van Morrison, Iggy Pop,  Chris Cornell, Eddie Vedder, and countless other great rock-singing baritones may beg to differ with that theory of yours.
Chris Martin is also a baritone - a "lyric baritone" from what I gather.
Not a big Coldplay fan, but I do like this song. 
 ace-marc wrote:

It's simple.
We bash them because they are boring and bland.
Top 40 radio fodder at best.

You clearly know little.
 tinypriest wrote:
Public Service Announcement: Please pay for RP. Send them $5 a month or MORE. I give and we should all do so. Nothing stays free. Support Radio Paradise. (I'm not paid to say this, just a fan, who pays for you to enjoy).
RP is a fantastic community and deserves as much as you can give. There is nothing quite like RP, especially the King of Rock 'n' Roll
 tinypriest wrote:
Public Service Announcement: Please pay for RP. Send them $5 a month or MORE. I give and we should all do so. Nothing stays free. Support Radio Paradise. (I'm not paid to say this, just a fan, who pays for you to enjoy).
I prefer to buy the merch
Public Service Announcement: Please pay for RP. Send them $5 a month or MORE. I give and we should all do so. Nothing stays free. Support Radio Paradise. (I'm not paid to say this, just a fan, who pays for you to enjoy).
 dsd wrote:
I refuse to not like this song!  Fabulous!
forget the vocals  -- its that guitar hook that I love

 123heyaho! wrote:

Right, it just ain't. Totally misplaced on RP, too.

Agreed. The quality just isn't there. 
Bill can still be diverse or eclectic  or popular while playing quality music.
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

Jim Morrison was a tenor?
And Eddie Vedder?
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

Jim Morrison was a tenor?
Tom Waits, The National, do I need to go further?
 jhorton wrote:

Every great rock singer ever has been a tenor. It is the range required to cut through the range of rhythm guitar and bass. If you try to sing it an octave lower, it washes out in the rhythm. it's the same reason why the lead instrument has always been, fiddle, sax/trumpet or electric guitar.

I hate Coldplay with a passion, but he is singing in the correct range. 

Jim Morrison was a tenor?
 Azrica wrote:
Am not really a Coldplay fan, but i have rated this song 10,  simply because this song helped my friend conquer her depression.
And every time I hear the song i think of her, years ago we have promised to text each other whenever we hear the song regardless where we are...  Thank you Coldpaly !
Props to you, Azrica, for sharing this wonderful tradition and a reminder that music binds us all in many ways. I think I will tap that...probably not with a CP song though...
Coldplay has written many fine songs, including this one - 9.
No, it's not a bandwagon.

(dragging of locally-stored images into post editor is not allowed - dragging images from other web pages is ok)

 123heyaho! wrote:
Right, it just ain't. Totally misplaced on RP, too.
The way to tell you're wrong about something being "Totally misplaced on RP" is that it gets played on RP.
 clwguy wrote:
Hearing them back to back I rate the Kraftwerk original a 1 and the Coldplay version 9. Computer Love is just annoying noise. Coldplay turned it into an actual likeable song.

You really are a clever guy when you managed to escape under the radar of the  Coldplay's haters. 
I like exactly 7 Coldplay's songs. This is one of them. 
 Stetsonman wrote:

it aint good music

Right, it just ain't. Totally misplaced on RP, too.
so Marmite, this "band"

cant stand them, best if you stopped putting out records chris.
it aint good music
Am not really a Coldplay fan, but i have rated this song 10,  simply because this song helped my friend conquer her depression.
And every time I hear the song i think of her, years ago we have promised to text each other whenever we hear the song regardless where we are...  Thank you Coldpaly !
This is just what the music business wants you to like! Coldplay is an utterly sad example for commercially made music.... bah!
I thought this radio station claimed itself to be commercial free?
 ace-marc wrote:

It's simple.
We bash them because they are boring and bland.
Top 40 radio fodder at best.
Yeah YOUR opinion. Some people dare to have another one.

What now?

3. World War?
Album cover art matches the dynamics of this band!
 BCarn wrote:
Not sure why people mock or bash this band. They're pretty damn good. Perhaps the mockers are just a bunch of sheep following some fool on a show that decided to pick on them?

It's simple.
We bash them because they are boring and bland.
Top 40 radio fodder at best.
When everyone in the world has decided that Coldplay sucks, I will still love this number.  Thank you Kraftwerk for the wonderful contribution.
 BCarn wrote:
Not sure why people mock or bash this band. They're pretty damn good. Perhaps the mockers are just a bunch of sheep following some fool on a show that decided to pick on them?
On the one hand, i give your comment a "thumbs up" because i agree: there are certain bands that are disliked because it's fashionable to dislike them (and i believe coldplay is one)

on the other hand, I rate this song a 2... and i rate nearly every other coldplay song i've ever heard a 4 or lower... I just do not like the guy's voice and/or the band's style... It feels like U2-lite.
Coldplay gets an automatic PSD from me..
You can't fault a band for wanting to make.  If you could do this you would. 
Verzichtbar bei Radio Paradise - läuft jeden Tag im Radio.
Not necessary to be played - i must hear it on radio every day
 BCarn wrote:
Not sure why people mock or bash this band. They're pretty damn good. Perhaps the mockers are just a bunch of sheep following some fool on a show that decided to pick on them?
Or people just don't like the direction the band took after their 2nd Album.
I prefer ABBA I hate fake emotions.
So true!  Makes the Kraftwerk sound even better though.

thewiseking wrote:
Interesting thing about Coldplay; the more you listen, the worse it sounds

Interesting thing about Coldplay; the more you listen, the worse it sounds
Could do without Coldplay, Cougar, Cranberries, and Counting Crows.
Change all out to Cale,  Clash, Cracker, and Cave.
Commercial POP. Have a toot & a drinky & enjoy!
Guess I just don't get their sound. I keep hearing a softer version of U2 or something.  And vocals kind of blah. To each their own. 
I think Bryan Eno just got these boys to sing all of his favorite songs, this is not the only track on X + Y that sounds uncannily like something else.
 AhhtheMusic wrote:
Hey, for Coldplay haters, I have a great idea..it is called PSD.
What a great idea. Let's make that extra satisfying with a saucy comment: Coldplay sucks - question is, do they swallow? {#Moon}
So anytime Bill plays Kraftwerk I have to listen to Coldplay after?

You win some you lose some.
-x isn’t my cup of tea -rate it low -PSD -on with my life
Hey, for Coldplay haters, I have a great idea..it is called PSD.
 clwguy wrote:
Hearing them back to back I rate the Kraftwerk original a 1 and the Coldplay version 9. Computer Love is just annoying noise. Coldplay turned it into an actual likeable song.
cringeworthy assessment. 
Hi there!  Love RP!  Meant to message you yesterday 8/30 asking if you have ever been able to access the original version of "Big Hard Sun" by the band Indio.  I like Eddie Vedder's version of it but cannot for the life of me ever find the original.  Would love to hear it again.  Thanks for a great radio station.  
Or do something that's sort of already been done.
This band has among the best pop keyboards arrangements in history.
 Proclivities wrote:

The members of Kraftwerk were not "middle-aged" when they wrote "Computer Love", but they were German.
Still German to this day!
Was just about to proceed with my annual contribution to RP when this tripe came on. Bad timing, Bill...
Hearing them back to back I rate the Kraftwerk original a 1 and the Coldplay version 9. Computer Love is just annoying noise. Coldplay turned it into an actual likeable song.
 sdwright wrote:
What a great segue Bill... yours are worldclass.  Lotsa folks moan and whine about Coldplay, but me, I heart them.  

Agree on all fronts.
I like Coldplay. Sue me.
Heh, nice seque from Kraftwerk, never noticed it before.
 firefly6 wrote:

Yes, when Coldplay borrowed riffs written by middle-aged German men...

The members of Kraftwerk were not "middle-aged" when they wrote "Computer Love", but they were German.

Thank you  Coldplay
for  Talk

To me 7 - Quite Likeable   and TY RP

 ShaunJ wrote:

One of my favorites from the Coldplay lads {#Cool}

I agree!   One of the best from Coldplay.  Have this one rated a 10.

 maboleth wrote:
Nice progression from real creators of these riffs - Kraftwerk, Computer love to this. Thank you RP. :)

I agree with Maboleth, nice work!
Nice progression from real creators of these riffs - Kraftwerk, Computer love to this. Thank you RP. :)
that oldplay guitar line reminds me of the Edge from U2, only played slower and less well
Great song. I like Coldplay. Thanks Bill!
My rating: 10 to Kraftwerk; 1 to Coldplay.
 thewiseking wrote:
let's see. howzabout we rip off Kraftwerk, do a lil whining, then steal the tone of Sonic Youth, mash it all up and sell it. Gwyneth will love it!

so true !

Thank you  Coldplay
for  Talk

To me 7 - Quite Likeable   and TY RP

 crackker8385 wrote:
F#@% Coldplay

Coldplay, so very very very WRONG and lame.
F#@% Coldplay
let's see. howzabout we rip off Kraftwerk, do a lil whining, then steal the tone of Sonic Youth, mash it all up and sell it. Gwyneth will love it!
 Tomasni wrote:

Thank you  Coldplay
for  Talk

To me 7 - Quite Likeable

same here :)
 diannemck56 wrote:
Before everyone starts grumbling, I want to say THANKS BILL.  It's nice to hear Coldplay every now and then.{#Dancingbanana_2}

amen to that!
Before everyone starts grumbling, I want to say THANKS BILL.  It's nice to hear Coldplay every now and then.{#Dancingbanana_2}
I come here to escape Coldplay! One of their better songs but still banal
I like pop music. I like this song. 

Coldplay are not a guilty pleasure. I like some of their songs.
 RichardArthur wrote:

Funny as the guitar riff is actually from a Kraftwerk song.

They gave Kraftwerk due credit for borrowing the riff for "Computer Love". Coldplay worked it well here.

Thank you  Coldplay
for  Talk

To me 7 - Quite Likeable

 BCarn wrote:
Not sure why people mock or bash this band. They're pretty damn good. Perhaps the mockers are just a bunch of sheep following some fool on a show that decided to pick on them?

I think you are on to something.  Negative criticism of something popular is used by some as an affectation.    One of the things I love about RP is that Bill doesn't seem to ever go there—case in point:  he just cued up "Walk Like an Egyptian". 
Oh, brother.
I still cannot understand how listeners are able to enjoy the singer's voice. Everyone to their own!
the singer's voice is what it is. And he sounds just fine, being himself. The guitar riff is most ace, since he ripped it off from Kraftwerk.
 Blackdalhia wrote:
nice song but to me sounds like U2... Especially the Guitar riff.... 

Funny as the guitar riff is actually from a Kraftwerk song.
nice song but to me sounds like U2... Especially the Guitar riff.... 
 below72 wrote:

Teenage girls like voices that remind them of their own. And a male singing in a high register is non-threatening isn't it?
And the male singer wants to make money, doesn't he?
If Robert Plant, Jon Bon Jovi, and Chris Martin had baritone voices - they'd never have made it.  period.{#Clap} 

Tenors seem to have dominated pop and rock music since the 1960s, but baritones such as Jim Morrison, David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Mick Jagger, and Iggy Pop have "made it" to different extents.  Of course, Sinatra and Presley were baritones as well.
Not sure why people mock or bash this band. They're pretty damn good. Perhaps the mockers are just a bunch of sheep following some fool on a show that decided to pick on them?
 jessenaiman wrote:
Why can't men sing in a real register instead of trying to emulate pre-pubescent boys? 

Every great rock singer ever has been a tenor. It is the range required to cut through the range of rhythm guitar and bass. If you try to sing it an octave lower, it washes out in the rhythm. it's the same reason why the lead instrument has always been, fiddle, sax/trumpet or electric guitar.

I hate Coldplay with a passion, but he is singing in the correct range. 
 VH1 wrote:

So in your opinion the only people listening to Robert Plant, Jon Bon Jovi and Chris Martin or other male singers with that high pitched

voice (one should not foget the Bee Gees here, who invented this Castrato style singing) are teenage girls?

So middle aged women are NOT listening to Robert Plant and Jon Bon Jovi? Only Johnny Cash then?

And only teenage girls are listening to David Bowie then? hmm.....{#Stupid}

Thats a very strange logic! {#Exclaim}

There's NO logic at all - only frustrated ill-mindedness...

Talk is far too sophisticated song by a way too talented singer to be tolerated by a mean xenophob.
 below72 wrote:

Teenage girls like voices that remind them of their own. And a male singing in a high register is non-threatening isn't it?
And the male singer wants to make money, doesn't he?
If Robert Plant, Jon Bon Jovi, and Chris Martin had baritone voices - they'd never have made it.  period.{#Clap} 

So in your opinion the only people listening to Robert Plant, Jon Bon Jovi and Chris Martin or other male singers with that high pitched

voice (one should not foget the Bee Gees here, who invented this Castrato style singing) are teenage girls?

So middle aged women are NOT listening to Robert Plant and Jon Bon Jovi? Only Johnny Cash then?

And only teenage girls are listening to David Bowie then? hmm.....{#Stupid}

Thats a very strange logic! {#Exclaim}
I wonder about that many haters here??!!!!
For me this is good music!

I be gone. 
 basilarnold wrote:

Sing your songs with your own beautiful voice then... {#Moon}