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yes! he still rocks :D
kevbo77 wrote:
It takes a big man to walk away at the top of your game. Billy is not a big man.
i guess (for me) that is true for sports figures, and handsome actors, where your physical attributes play a large part of your fame. but i know as an amateur musician, i keep getting better the more i play. it would really suck to think that just because i hit a mainstream chord in my 20's that i should just quit my musical career, because i'll never do anything that good again.
as long as one has the passion, and continues to grow and push one's self musically, i say go for it. sure you'll piss off the tidy memory of all those people that neatly placed you into a certain style, but screw them, hopefully you'll find new, more open minded fans.
It takes a big man to walk away at the top of your game. Billy is not a big man.
Liked Billy back in the day, but it's been a while. This song is ok, but there are some stronger tracks on the album. Not bad to listen to, assuming you like retro rock. Worth borrowing off of a friend instead of buying yourself.
i agree with the last two
Annoying, when it isn't ridiculous.
dumb, boring
Hmmm ...this is ok. I figured 'Eyes Without A Face' was the only Idol song I would ever admit to liking.
I hate to admit it as well; but a kick ass road trippin' tune even if it is "Billy Idol"...arrghhh...

dwa375 wrote:
Hate to admit it - but - I LIKE THIS SONG.
God help me-- I like it too.

Hate to admit it - but - I LIKE THIS SONG.

Wow, does sound like them :)
DisplacedNorthrnr wrote:
Hey, glad to see STP is recording all together again... wait...
ummm... for the love of... WHY?
Adds nothing worthwhile to music.
ScottFromWyoming wrote:
Hey didja see where Vanilla Ice won the "Hit Me Baby One More Time" thing on TV last nite?
Billy should try out.
I did see that. Surprised he was willing to do the show. But he wasn't half bad - dare I say that I enjoyed it? Guess I reverted back to my high school days for a short while :)
And I like Billy's song. Cool that he's still rockin'
Hey, glad to see STP is recording all together again... wait...
Pretty okay. I'm glad he's still alive and kicking...
Hey didja see where Vanilla Ice won the "Hit Me Baby One More Time" thing on TV last nite?
Billy should try out.
Not half-bad. But the vocals are about as edgy as a soggy pancake. He can do better.
This rocks! I thought it sounded like Idol, and when I checked the playlist I was surprised to see I was right. I didn't know he had new stuff out.
I saw him in concert at the Hampton Casino Ballroom in Hampton, NH two summers ago. He played all old stuff, but what a GREAT show! He was totally having fun, and that made it fun for everyone. Definitely check him out if he comes to town, a very fun and rockin' show.
Never thought that this could be Billy Idol !! nice song, it sounds very actual and modern...
rgj13 wrote:
Doesn't suck. :-k
My thoughts, exactly!
The few publicly played songs from Billy's latest are a bit diverse. Original and within a great groove. Much better that some of the 'old' rockers, his same age, pumping out simple melodies. In fact these grooves transcend any of the latest bouncy, bounce, bounce bands, as of late.
Mr Idol, you have to admit, is one cool fellow, like his music or not. The dude has it.
Sneeringly delightful!
I always thought he would bust out of his punk rock mold and do something truly original. Here's a crazy thought; how about Idol the opera singer.
Glad to hear he isn't dead yet. Pretty good effort. Not crazy about the 80's guitar effects, otherwise not bad.
rgj13 wrote:
Doesn't suck. :-k
That is about the level of praise I can find, too. It has a stronger finish than start - maybe it will grow on me. I just love 'White Wedding'; that's my high water mark with Idol.
About half way through, I thought it lost me....but then the end pulled it together pretty well....
Tis ok...
If you can ditch the mental baggage that comes with thinking about Billy Idol, this song does indeed rock quite well. This is the kind of rock the kids should be digging these days.
On another note, am I the only one that hears shades of Jim Morrison in Billy's vocals here? Especially right at the end?
Not bad for an old fart.
bah humbug
I loved Billy Idol/Steve Stephens.... glad to hear he's back. This is pretty good - who's playing with him now?
...for us 30 somethings, this must seem pretty odd...but I like it. I hear simple minds brakfast club song in it though...
Shesdifferent wrote:
Better than that other Cowboy sounding song see its so memorable I can't remember the title!
Eh, I like that 'cowboy' song. This is pretty blah-generic.
This is growing on me. Billy's back.
Better than that other Cowboy sounding song see its so memorable I can't remember the title!
Not bad. Good.
Yup. Uh huh... :-k
real punk:)))
Really good tune. Wonder how the rest of the cd is...
I was shocked when I pulled up RP to discover that this was Billy Idol!
Sounds like he has RATT or someone backing him up.
Meh. 4
non-vital Idol, but better than Cyberpunk.
I like it! I like it!

Interesting. Wasn't too keen on the other new Idol track I heard, but this one has some interesting hooks. In gloves, of course.
Hmmm, not bad actually, although we do need that curled lip smiley :D
Doesn't suck. :-k
mig7 wrote:(No kidding, I only showed up to post "Hmm." Great minds and all.)
sirrus wrote:
Too bad there isnt a half-lifted upper lip smiley...
Yeah! This is good stuff! Go Billy.
Billy sounds like he could replace Layne Staley as the lead singer for Alice in Chains.....just a thought. Face it, there are some striking similarities in their voices.
Not bad. Don't think I will run out and buy it, but I won't turn off RP when it is on...
Fresh sounding from Billy Idol? Who would have thought?? Really doesn't sound like it's out of 1986 at all... and that's a good thing!

Well done, Billy. Get back in it, won't you.
I don't think so Billy. <-(
It's good to hear Billy is back, not bad as well.
Too bad there isnt a half-lifted upper lip smiley...