Musk preaches propaganda material while his 4 year old son jumps around the oval office like he's in an inflatable castle at a birthday party.
Watch 47 keep his eyes focused on X to make sure he leaves his sharpies alone, while Musk insists there are "150 year old people" still in the SS system. Claiming it needs to be reformed and streamlined so only those who really deserve it should receive it.
He is conflating SS disability with the retirement insurance of Millions. THAT is terrifying. and THAT will get a civil revolution going.
THEY ARE IGNORING THE COURTS now. Musk & Dictator are laughing at these 'tired democracy saving' tools. These systems have already been hollowed out by partisan appointees anyway. It's what assisted a convicted Felon to be elected President of the United States of America. Benches and gavels won't stop this.
Remember: Hegseth is there to allow the Military Industrial complex to suppress any rebellion among the American People, while defending the Musk-Trump coup.
"We want to restore democracy" says the man in the room who has his hand in the government till while talking to you, deftly destroying any oversight into his actions at the same time.
The thought sprang to mind, that this predilection towards fascism seems based on the mistaken notion that fascism will automatically result in the same kind of lean and mean efficient machine of Nazi Germany (excluding the holocaust here, which is a huge can of worms all of its own, let's just concentrate on the notion that strong-men aka fascist regimes are more efficient and get things done).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a large part of the U.S. electorate seems willing to play along with Musk's premise because they are sick and tired of government overburden and want it pruned back - and are willing to tolerate a (more than) slight whiff of fascism to get it done.
I can understand the sentiment, but history has shown that dictatorships and fascist regimes quickly descend into nepotism and corruption and generally brutally oppress any opposition so that they can keep raiding the government till.
And, methinks, if US democracy is so bad, why then is the US the richest country in the world? And now the Republicans want to emulate a tin-pot South American dictatorship to make things better? Okaaaay.
btw... the lean and mean Nazi machine was actually off the rails from the get go. It only ever got traction because for a short moment in the beginning virtually the entire nation was behind it and they all pulled together because they felt under threat from their immediate neighbours, not for no reason. And their first military successes sealed the zeal, so to speak.
But fascism will never work in a large diverse nation without major oppression, which is why the Nazi's quickly turned to exterminating any opposition in the countries they invaded. And then things very quickly went from bad to worse.
So, you MAGA/Musk enablers feel tired of government overburden now?
Hold my beer, says Musk.
(excuse the multiple edits, the coffee obviously hadn't kicked in)
Some very important things spring to mind:
1) The richest man in the world isn't the smartest
2) Expose fraud - absolutely. But by dismantling/firing entire departments he throws the baby out with the bathwater. Instead, using his "genius" to expose income outliers or inefficiency would be a righteous goal.
3) His understanding of national debt is very different from Paul Krugman and many other economists who argue that debt by itself isn't a bad thing and can be necessary for flourishing.
4) Talking at length about how wrong it is to have something/someone "unelected" running the government just shows you how unskilled/unaware/inconsistent this grown up adolescent is.
What he's doing is destroying the parts of the government that keep him and his billionaire buddies from making even more billions. Also, USAID because it was on the wrong side during apartheid. All the while gathering all kind of information that can be used to compromise anyone who might stand against him.
Well done you MAGA idiots. No doubt this is what you wanted...because you love America so much.
Some very important things spring to mind as he goes through his Seinfeld-like "And, hey, what's the deal with the government? I wanna know":
1) The richest man in the world isn't the smartest
2) Expose fraud - absolutely. But by dismantling/firing entire departments he throws the baby out with the bathwater. Instead, using his "genius" to expose income outliers or inefficiency would be a righteous goal.
3) His understanding of national debt is very different from Paul Krugman and many other economists who argue that debt by itself isn't a bad thing and can be necessary for flourishing.
4) Talking at length about how wrong it is to have something/someone "unelected" running the government just shows you how unskilled/unaware/inconsistent this grown up adolescent is.
Violated the First Amendment. So what happens next as a response?
This violent hand-wringing and pearl-clutching and tongue-clucking has gotten old quickly.
Maybe they will start honestly reporting, and stop sanewashing the firehose of crap coming out of the executive branch? Or a strongly worded letter first..