You're confusing me with a libertarian. I'm a pragmatist.
I'm all for keeping out dangerous criminals. That's why we have a thorough and reasonably effective screening process for refugees.
As for immigrants from Mexico, if we build the wall as Trump suggests, we will prevent the net emigration back to Mexico from the US that has been occurring, resulting in more of them being in the US than would be here if we don't build a wall. But don't worry, a lower percentage of them are criminals compared to your fellow illegal descendants of anchor babies, so keeping them on this side of the wall should benefit us with respect to crime. Indeed, we have waves of immigration that have occured to thank for lower crime rates. Only problem is, immigrants who stay often start families, and after a generation or two of pumping out "native born" illegal Americans, their descendants (being natives) would be expected to be more crimey. We could pass a law to require vasectomy as a prerequisite for citizenship, but eventually that would drive population down so much we would have even more problems with filling job openings, and would have to expand work visa programs, I imagine.
At the 2015 general election the pollsters got it completely wrong. It destroyed their reputations. Yet you have linked a Telegraph news story that is based on these pre-election polls. The news story and predictions within have no credibility now.
It may very well have been wrong, but we don't know because we don't have the actual numbers. There was a decline from 2005 to 2010 in Labour votes (68%) among migrants and it may have persisted. Or it may not have.
I didn't say they preferred Tory, merely that the Tories won and that migrants were moving away from Labour. Indecisiveness, along with the rest of the electorate, would have to mean less loyalty to Labour, no?
At the 2015 general election the pollsters got it completely wrong. It destroyed their reputations. Yet you have linked a Telegraph news story that is based on these pre-election polls. The news story and predictions within have no credibility now.
So I take it that you will not mind us all referring to you as an illegal American?
Sure, why not. I bet that most are thinking of me as a nazi since I support Trump based on what has been posted earlier.
Doesn't change the issue however. Seeings how your an open border guy an all, I bet that you have long ago removed all the locks on your doors to show support for that cause.