Location: On the edge of tomorrow looking back at Gender:
Nov 16, 2024 - 9:28am
DaveInSaoMiguel wrote:
Another trip to the Public hoerpital. No more catheter or pee bag. Also got the bandages replaced. They said its healing very nicely.Bad new is that I have zero pee conrol and have been through 3 diapers sonce this morning. They didn't have the results of the prostate and lymph nodes back yet. They perscribed me a anti inflammatory and B vitamans to help with the nerve problem. I can't do the Keegle exercises until that is better, just hurts to f'ing much. Will be nice when I don't need a new diaper every 2 hours. Still better than the damn bag.
Another trip to the Public hoerpital. No ore catheter or pee bag. Also got the bandages replaced. They said its healing very nicely.Bad new is that I have zero pee conrol and have been through 3 diapers sonce this morning. They didn't have the results of the prostate and lymph nodes back yet. They perscribed me a anti inflammatory and B vitamans to help with the nerve problem. I can't do the Keegle exercises until that is better, just hurts to f'ing much. Will be nice when I don't need a new diaper every 2 hours. Still better than the damn bag.
Another trip to the Public hoerpital. No ore catheter or pee bag. Also got the bandages replaced. They said its healing very nicely.Bad new is that I have zero pee conrol and have been through 3 diapers sonce this morning. They didn't have the results of the prostate and lymph nodes back yet. They perscribed me a anti inflammatory and B vitamans to help with the nerve problem. I can't do the Keegle exercises until that is better, just hurts to f'ing much. Will be nice when I don't need a new diaper every 2 hours. Still better than the damn bag.
At least it seems to be improving. Good luck to you, Dave.
Location: No longer in a hovel in effluent Damnville, VA Gender:
Nov 15, 2024 - 11:27am
Another trip to the Public hoerpital. No more catheter or pee bag. Also got the bandages replaced. They said its healing very nicely.Bad new is that I have zero pee conrol and have been through 3 diapers sonce this morning. They didn't have the results of the prostate and lymph nodes back yet. They perscribed me a anti inflammatory and B vitamans to help with the nerve problem. I can't do the Keegle exercises until that is better, just hurts to f'ing much. Will be nice when I don't need a new diaper every 2 hours. Still better than the damn bag.
Iâm just concerned that the doctors one day are going to unscrew the lid of my head off and use a melon baller to scoop out everything and then screw the lid back on.
But you'd make a great ice-breaker/tasty dessert at a garden party!
Holy crap. My nurse practitioner has ordered 17 (!!) tests, including a MRA of my head. Dang. And that’s 18 with the carotid test my eye doctor has ordered.
Seems like maybe 13 of the 17 tests are blood tests. So maybe that counts as just one ...
Yeah, the 13 blood draws will be one procedure, but they will use 13 different colored vials for each particular test ordered. Ask for a butterfly and take it from the top of your hand, preferably the one you do not you use for your mouse. The wife had 14 at once, once. She had some serious issues that we went real deep on with a geneticist. The diagnosis was she had "broken platelets", as she had something they could not figure out and that was the best that they could come up with.
If you have any circulation issues that would result in your blood being thick, take a couple of advils prior to the blood draw. It helps to thin the blood and make it flow easier. It is what I have to do, especially if I am going to have a phlebotomy. My blood clots super fast. My docs approve. You should always, always check with your docs first though. At the very least hydrate a lot. Dehydration is a funny thing and affects all kinds of stuff.
Sounds like they are on the ball and taking you very seriously. I just read about the MRA and it is wholly appropriate as far as I can tell.
Iâm just concerned that the doctors one day are going to unscrew the lid of my head off and use a melon baller to scoop out everything and then screw the lid back on.
Iâm just concerned that the doctors one day are going to unscrew the lid of my head off and use a melon baller to scoop out everything and then screw the lid back on.
Location: On the edge of tomorrow looking back at Gender:
Nov 14, 2024 - 2:24pm
Iâm just concerned that the doctors one day are going to unscrew the lid of my head off and use a melon baller to scoop out everything and then screw the lid back on.
Holy crap. My nurse practitioner has ordered 17 (!!) tests, including a MRA of my head. Dang. And that’s 18 with the carotid test my eye doctor has ordered.
Holy crap. My nurse practitioner has ordered 17 (!!) tests, including a MRA of my head. Dang. And that’s 18 with the carotid test my eye doctor has ordered.
Seems like maybe 13 of the 17 tests are blood tests. So maybe that counts as just one ...
Holy crap. My nurse practitioner has ordered 17 (!!) tests, including a MRA of my head. Dang. And thatâs 18 with the carotid test my eye doctor has ordered.
The problem with being a good internist: So. Many. Possibilities.
Holy crap. My nurse practitioner has ordered 17 (!!) tests, including a MRA of my head. Dang. And thatâs 18 with the carotid test my eye doctor has ordered.