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Jimmie Spheeris — I Am The Mercury
Album: Isle of View
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Total ratings: 690

Released: 1971
Length: 4:52
Plays (last 30 days): 1
I cannot go any more to the marshes
Where the gatekeeper smiles at the poisons he's made,
For my heart belongs to the one on the mountain
Where doves build their nests in the sun-ripened glade

For I am the Mercury, the light of the morning,
Looking for shelter in this thunder and this rain
And you, like some windmill, weave light where it's storming
And love like a potion for the hunger and the pain

Let it rain

I have been bought, I've been sold in the city
I've dined with the demons and I drank of their fear
But you, you have watched and waited in silence
Come cradle my heart with a homecoming tear

And we are the Mercury, the light of the morning,
Looking for shelter in this thunder and this rain
And we, like some windmill, weave light where it's storming
And love like a potion for the hunger and the pain

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain on the mountain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain on the mountain

Let it rain, come, let it rain, let it rain on the mountain
Let it rain, oh, let it rain, let it rain on the mountain

(repeat and fade)
Comments (60)add comment
Really great tribute to Jimmie Spheeris by Leland Sklar on YouTube

I did not know of Jimmie Spheeris' work but thans Radio Paradise for introducing me once again to someone new to me.
 Steve wrote:
(Belushi smashing a guitar)

This is probably my least favorite of the animations (gifs) that get posted here at RP.  For me, smashing guitars just isn't entertaining, whatever the context.  And I was not a fan of the movie at all. I went to school with jerks like Belushi's character and it bugged me to see them celebrated like that. Airplane. That's a funny movie. 

So I'm exercising executive privilege and deleting the damn thing.
I keep hearing Harry Nilsson
A bit.....syrupy.  Even for the times.  Though I have to say I like it, if only for the memories it prompts. 

I remember hearing this for the first time in college back about 1975.  I had a pictorial copy of this album cover up on the wall of my room.  I suppose you could say it titilated my youthful fancy.  This guy died in July of 1984.  It's now 2020, almost 2021, a good portion of 40 years ago and still his music gets played.  The tune itself is now older than its creator, and still getting a listen.  

Isn't that interesting?  

And in a fashion, out here on the 'Net, he could never even have imagined.  Nobody from that era could have envisioned how all the tech brewing as fanciful imaginings in the heads of the college students of that time would impact the world. 

I was there then.  I'm fortunate to be here still....and let me tell you...to quote an old song....what a long strange trip it has been. 

I know I'm not alone.   Many are still on the same exploratory path. 

So let me ask.  As healthy as I am I'm simply a'goggle over what might be comin' from over the horizon next....aren't you?  There are times where I know it seems, at least in the eyes of the grand-kids, that i'm dazed and befuddled by all that has happened - which I'm not - but even if, I can still hear the noises of the future comin' at me from just over that distant line.  Just as I could back in 1975.  The main distinction now is that I'm a bit less clueless in interpreting the onrushing sounds.  I'd like to think I know how to get out of the way if necessary..  

And then, at other times it's like...."Really?  That's IT!?"

Which I suppose you could carve on my tombstone when the moment comes. 

In any case here on the cusp of 2021, and if you as reader bothered to read this far, let me wish you a Happy New Year!  May Peace and Prosperity hold you close.

American Net'Zen
One of my all time fave albums from the early 1970s
I'd never have placed this one in 1971...timeless.
Simon & Garfunkel?
Wow. Jimmie Spheeris. I had completely forgotten about this guy. Thanks for the cool memory, RP!
 ScottishWillie wrote:

Every time Radio Paradise plays anything vaguely folky someone post this film clip. It was funny the first few times but its wearing a bit thin now.

Nah.  It's still funny.  And applicable to this song.
I actually bought his album back in 1975!
Both of J Spereis alums were exceptional, so gifted!
Parsley, sage rosemary and thyme
Just reading his bio on Wikipedia.  Wow, what a short, tragic, strange life he led!
This is a very obscure album from waaay back. Another one from from this time that never had more than one album was Willis Alan Ramsey.
 blotto wrote:
this sucks

the goat wailing at the end, just epitomizes the suck. 

No that's the best part. "Aa-yiiiiiii"
Bill really likes the guy, so I upped my rating from 1 to 2.

You're welcome.

Born in Phenix City Alabama? Traveled with a carnival? Kind of fits the tune. Not necessarily in a good way, but hey.
 Pitjes wrote:
Shawn Phillips?
Yah, I was hearing some of that too.
 freddyfender wrote:
I am as liberal as they come; but I just can't stand the hippy music from the 60's (this, Mamas/Papas, Joni Mitchell, The Bird's, etc).

This is from the 1970s. I believe that Spheeris was a Scientologist. I do get your drift though. 
 freddyfender wrote:
I am as liberal as they come; but I just can't stand the hippy music from the 60's (this, Mamas/Papas, Joni Mitchell, The Bird's, etc).

What does that have to do with being liberal?
 freddyfender wrote:
I am as liberal as they come; but I just can't stand the hippy music from the 60's (this, Mamas/Papas, Joni Mitchell, The Bird's, etc).

Then = Deep

Now = Shallow
 tockpeas wrote:
That album cover looks like a Hobbit riding on the bird thing from Heavy Metal ...
It's older than that; that illustration is probably from the 1870s or so.  
I am as liberal as they come; but I just can't stand the hippy music from the 60's (this, Mamas/Papas, Joni Mitchell, The Bird's, etc).
That album cover looks like a Hobbit riding on the bird thing from Heavy Metal ...

Not so bad for being 46 years old. I do agree about the goat wailing though.
WTH was that? That was the most disjointed, gawd awful tune I think I've ever heard.
He couldn't figure out what to do, so he threw all his ideas into a bowl. As he pulled these crazy "musical" ideas out, that's what was played, and in that order. Whoa. What a hot mess.
 blotto wrote:
this sucks

the goat wailing at the end, just epitomizes the suck. 

blotto it is apparent that you do not grok JS and quite possibly were not yet hatched when this album came out. Anyway it's apparent by your name that defines you.
Every now and then, I'm quite surprised when I check out the Rating given to a song.  In this case, although I know my opinion is jaded because I heard this song frequently when in my teens, I don't understand a 6 rating.  The buildup in this song is beautiful, IMHO.

Only one poster was negative, although he/she was very negative about the "goat wailing".

Why don't more people give this a 9 or 10 rating, like me?!? {#Wink} 
Shawn Phillips?
wow Bill you really are a soul mate —this album means so much and such a sad death to a great guy—Jimmie I guess he found the shelter
In 1971 I was a young teenage girl drooling over Jimmy's long hair and sexy voice.  Still have all of those albums in my collection (sigh...takes me back)
 renostve999 wrote:
Totally awesome album from the "way-back" machine of my youth!

Thanks for resurrecting it in my mind.


Still have the vinyl 
 Proclivities wrote:

Yeah, that's definitely the work of Gustave Dore; I believe it's an illustration for Ariosto's poem "Orlando Furioso".  I have a book of his illustrations for that work...somewhere...

Well caught.


Dore did great work...
 kcar wrote:
Yeah, that cover illustration is very interesting—an untold story. As far as I can tell, it's not credited on the back side of the LP cover. Looks a bit like the work of Gustav Dore—something along the lines of his work illustrating Dante's Divine Comedy. That's a lot work and talent...

Thanks for sharing that link. I knew he died young, but not the details.
Another FM Rock classic RP turned me onto.
Gwad I so loved his stuff sooo sooo many years ago. 
thought I was the only one.  
Thanks for the memories. Splendid play.  Particularly here in the NW, this time of year.
Jimmie Spheeris.. A forgotten rarity from the FM past. Thanks Bill!
 kcar wrote:
Yeah, that cover illustration is very interesting—an untold story. As far as I can tell, it's not credited on the back side of the LP cover. Looks a bit like the work of Gustav Dore—something along the lines of his work illustrating Dante's Divine Comedy. That's a lot work and talent...

Yeah, that's definitely the work of Gustave Dore; I believe it's an illustration for Ariosto's poem "Orlando Furioso".  I have a book of his illustrations for that work...somewhere...
Yes, fun to see that ALbum Jacket cover, had not heard of Mr. Spheris in many many years. Brings back 70's HS Road trips and listening to this album... thanks - Jim in North Carolina, HS Dayz was San Antonio Tx.
 bluematrix wrote:
Wow, should have guessed that Bill knew about Jimmie, i've had this record for decades, but no one else I know has heard of him. One of the most beautiful songs in my collection...except for the end, then it kinda gets all... well not as good. but thanks for playing!!

Yes! His albums are wonderful. To finally hear Jimmie on RP has made it and Bill one of the most amazing music streaming environments in the Universe!! Thank you Bill!
 robertomiller wrote:
RP is a magnum. Let me explain. Back in the late 80's good friend of mine was a DJ in Australia. We often talked music. He said that a DJ that really knew his music was called a "Full Bottle."  RP is a magnum. 

Here Here!
 {#Meditate}misterbearbaby wrote:
A wonderful singer, from my own personal Radio Days... HE die tragically, very young. Read his WIkipedia entry. He was pals with JK Toole (A Confederacy of Dunces- a masterpiece) and Jackson Browne ...and pretty much the hippest cats of the time.


How lovely. 
A wonderful singer, from my own personal Radio Days... HE die tragically, very young. Read his WIkipedia entry. He was pals with JK Toole (A Confederacy of Dunces- a masterpiece) and Jackson Browne ...and pretty much the hippest cats of the time.
 robertomiller wrote:
RP is a magnum. Let me explain. Back in the late 80's good friend of mine was a DJ in Australia. We often talked music. He said that a DJ that really knew his music was called a "Full Bottle."  RP is a magnum. 

Indeed it is. 
Cheers to that Roberto!
RP is a magnum. Let me explain. Back in the late 80's good friend of mine was a DJ in Australia. We often talked music. He said that a DJ that really knew his music was called a "Full Bottle."  RP is a magnum. 
really hearing this for the first time tonight and enjoying it immensely (except the ending wailing)...thanks once again, RP!
Oh now there you went and done it RP.  You done went and made Highlow take a walk around through the memory closet in his head.  Ahhh....the memories of those days....gotta take 'em out of the trunk, shake and blow the dust off.....thanks for the "hey I REMEMBER this (not to mention all the other memories to which it is linked from the day)!" treat.  {#Cheers}

American Net'Zen
First I have heard this since forever!  I have always liked the play on words for the title, I love you.  His ballads were always this ethereal. 
 bluematrix wrote:
Wow, should have guessed that Bill knew about Jimmie, i've had this record for decades, but no one else I know has heard of him. One of the most beautiful songs in my collection...except for the end, then it kinda gets all... well not as good. but thanks for playing!!

There's a great post about the album here: 


Sadly, Jimmie didn't live very long at all. He died hours after finishing up his last album; the last track on that work is dedicated to the memory of his friend, John Kennedy O'Toole (author of "A Confederacy of Dunces"). 
 hayduke2 wrote:
good tune from the 70's, it's got a Nilsson kinda "weee-heeeeee"  in it  ...  also think that album cover is pretty cool, Valkyrie-elf warrior

Yeah, that cover illustration is very interesting—an untold story. As far as I can tell, it's not credited on the back side of the LP cover. Looks a bit like the work of Gustav Dore—something along the lines of his work illustrating Dante's Divine Comedy. That's a lot work and talent...
Wow, should have guessed that Bill knew about Jimmie, i've had this record for decades, but no one else I know has heard of him. One of the most beautiful songs in my collection...except for the end, then it kinda gets all... well not as good. but thanks for playing!!
good tune from the 70's, it's got a Nilsson kinda "weee-heeeeee"  in it  ...  also think that album cover is pretty cool, Valkyrie-elf warrior
Totally awesome album from the "way-back" machine of my youth!

Thanks for resurrecting it in my mind.
Wow REAL nice thanks Bill. Never heard this before which is rare especially during the 70's.. Hope we can buy this one!! {#Cheers}
Never heard this one before. Of course I was only one when it aired. :-) Anyway, thanks Bill for playing stuff that's out of the ordinary.
Takes me back to my dorm room 1973.... Good times!
this sucks

the goat wailing at the end, just epitomizes the suck. 
First one....{#Wave}