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I Am Kloot — Fingerprints
Album: Sky At Night
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Total ratings: 2195

Released: 2010
Length: 4:29
Plays (last 30 days): 3
If heaven is a place upon your skin
That I may have touched from without to within
Then dust yourself of fingerprints and grin
And grin

We don't have to stay
With these people whose ideas
Are just what other people say

We can walk away
From these feelings that are filling up
Our lives with daze

And I guess that I've been singing all my life
Well that's right
And that is fine

I've been spending all your money and your time
Well that's right
And that is fine

'Cause I don't have to stay
With these feelings that are filling up
My life with daze

I can walk away
From these people whose ideas
Are just what other people say

Again, and again

And the crowd that is gathered is confused
They're all trembling inside solitude
We've got nothing left to use
We've got all the bullets
But there's no one left to shoot

We can't walk away
From these feelings that are filling up
our lives with daze

We may have to stay
with these people whose ideas
are just what other people say

Again, and again

But if heaven is a place upon your skin
That I may have touched from without to within
Will then dust yourself of fingerprints and grin
And grin
And grin

I guess that I've been singing all my life
Well that's right
And that is fine

I've been spending all your money and your time
Well that's right
And that is fine
Comments (112)add comment
Al Stuart?   Sure sounds like him , if I was betting on voice alone.  
 SpinyNorma wrote:

Um, probably because most people can tell the difference between 'Kloot' and 'Groot'?

Someone fails to understand alliteration. Bravo the human who thought of Groot - love the synchronised animation as well :)
Still a superb, superb song.
 Fiddlefye wrote:

In High School?! Wow.
That would now be banned with the extreme right going after the concept of an affair with a prostitute...
Fingerprints today! Yes!

An easy 8. 
One of the most honest and truthful songs , ever.
And the first three lines are just brilliant.
 SpinyNorma wrote:

Um, probably because most people can tell the difference between 'Kloot' and 'Groot'?

BAM! . . . lol
 opaceo wrote:

It's happened on other I am Kloot songs on RP just not this one ... until you did

Perhaps so but islander nailed it. 
Sounds like the beginning of a Doors song
 islander wrote:
Why has no one posted this yet?


It's happened on other I am Kloot songs on RP just not this one ... until you did
 islander wrote:
Why has no one posted this yet?

What took you so long?? 
 islander wrote:
Why has no one posted this yet?


Um, probably because most people can tell the difference between 'Kloot' and 'Groot'?
Hear that high hat intro and reaching for the Volume  to crank it up.  
Love this band... wish I'd noticed them while they were still together.
 On_The_Beach wrote:
Saw Klute on broadcast TV some years after it was in theaters...With
the "clean up" cuts, there was no way the characters could have solved
the mystery...;-(

Tony in NJ

 dubberdan wrote:
Everytime I hear this I think it's the Artic Monkeys
Northern Enlish accent, completely dissimilar voice. Must try harder.
 On_The_Beach wrote:

I remember that movie. We had to study the script in a film class I took in high school.

 kopfhoerer wrote:

I second that
yeah...but Tomasni changed his mind, it's a 5 for him now and he'll skip it.  Which is OK with me...I have this as an 8 and won't skip it...LLRP!!
Kinda like the vocal and tune..today
 Tomasni wrote:
My rating  7 - Quite Likeable    but not more
I second that
Anyone else think this sounds like Sing by Travis?
My rating goes down to 5 - Decent and I skip
My rating  7 - Quite Likeable    but not more
 islander wrote:
Why has no one posted this yet?


Why has no one posted this yet?

I thought it was Yo La Tengo when I first heard it. I like a lot. 
I increase from 5 to 7 - Quite Likeable
Its just "Another Northern Song"
Fuck, this song gets me every time, its so fucking perfect. Magical, sunshine. 
THis really sounds like a Sixto Rodriguez song!
Everytime I hear this I think it's the Artic Monkeys
The cello even sounds as though they got Derek Simpson to play for them.

A Notts gentleman Fred. Not referring to the trade-union Derek Simpson here.
i dig it
That end bit really feels like a spliced addition just to pad the song for 20 or 30 more seconds.    its even tonally different.  
John Peel show was amazing!!!
"And I guess that I've been singing all my life..."

Well...there are far worse ways to go thru life than singing, eh?  {#Cool}

American Net'Zen
 Forest267 wrote:
I am Groot...

I am Groot...
got a chris smither vibe going until the cello/violin/?...then it kind of lost me. like an edit you go back and stick on a perfectly adequate chat room post. then you look at it and wonder why you dont quit while youre ahead.
 Stingray wrote:
Good band - good song!

Well not for the first time I agree with Stingy here.  I feel like I should probably be worried.
Good band - good song!
 Proclivities wrote:

There is a black-and-white, 1951 sci-fi film called "The Day The Earth Stood Still", which features an extraterrestrial character named "Klaatu", who had a robot named "Gort".  "Klute" was a 1971 crime thriller with Donald Sutherland and Jane Fonda.  There was a prog-rock band in the early '70s named "Klaatu" - who took their name from the earlier film mentioned.  I am not sure whether or not this band took their name from the later film.

Yeah, but the cool thing is that the buzz was that Klaatu, the band, was a secret reunion of The Beatles. I don't know who precipitated the hype/lie, but the album, a mixed affair, sold like hotcakes.
 Lauriea wrote:
upon first listen i gave this song an 8, now i think i was being to generous, oh well i liked the ending

Enough for me to bump 8 --> 9  {#Wave}
upon first listen i gave this song an 8, now i think i was being to generous, oh well i liked the ending
I love this song. Did I say that already?
If not for the singers monotone , I think I could really enjoy this band .
great set this morning!
 Pitjes wrote:
Once there has been a scifi film in black and white, wherein there was a robot called clute/klute/aso. Who knows about that?

There is a black-and-white, 1951 sci-fi film called "The Day The Earth Stood Still", which features an extraterrestrial character named "Klaatu", who had a robot named "Gort".  "Klute" was a 1971 crime thriller with Donald Sutherland and Jane Fonda.  There was a prog-rock band in the early '70s named "Klaatu" - who took their name from the earlier film mentioned.  I am not sure whether or not this band took their name from the later film.
Once there has been a scifi film in black and white, wherein there was a robot called clute/klute/aso. Who knows about that?
The album art for this one was well chosen.
I approve the previous message.  {#Clap}
 Lazarus wrote:

This song pleases my nipples...  love it...


John Ashcroft does not approve and asks you to cover yourself:

Editorial cartoon: John Ashcroft in front of topless Spirit of Justice statue

Remember those gentler times when the NSA and DOJ weren't 
cyber-stalking you like Dirty Old Men?

Lazarus: TMI. If your nipples wanted the world to know their musical tastes, they'd get their own RP membership. {#Eek}

This song pleases my dimples...  love it...
This one has worn out its welcome for me. Just ruined a great set.  4. 
We got all these bullets
but there's nothing left to shoot. 
I LOVE this song.
A real gem.
This is growing on me even through the first listen. I'm looking forward to seeing whether it grows further (for me) on subsequent listens.
 hidey wrote:
I Am Kloot are a highly underrated outfit - even better live than on record! See them if ever you get a chance...

Got me some tickets for February...
Just gets worse every time it's played.
I Am Kloot are a highly underrated outfit - even better live than on record! See them if ever you get a chance...
 NuggetNectar wrote:
Where can I buy this? In the states...
I bought mine (used) through Amazon—it's only offered as an import, and pricey to boot.
Kloot on RP?  Great work Bill!

Not sure.......gonna rate it next time I hear it.....
 Bobert_ParkCity wrote:
Nice song but they spelled Klute wrong. Now if they were Dutch I would understand....
Nice song but they spelled Klute wrong. Now if they were Dutch I would understand....
Nice selection so far ... keeping me awake while I work ... Thanks RP!! {#Chillpill}
 msymmes wrote:
Growing on me.  Time to give it a rating.  Let's say 7.
Ditto. Like it more every time. 6 > 7
Growing on me.  Time to give it a rating.  Let's say 7.

LOL, I thought this was a Willie Nelson tune
Where can I buy this? In the states...
I AM BORING ( sorry Bill)

 fredriley wrote:
Nice, atmospheric cover photo, and technically tricky to take, too, shooting into the light. 

Nice get. Photobucket

 sronis wrote:

Say thank you... ;-)

You "bought" bought the album? if so - {#Clap}
I have other cool music if you want - you know where to find me {#Cheesygrin}
If you're suggesting he/she steal it, you are quite the dick.
If I misunderstood, I retract my comment, and ask that you forgive me...for free. 
 rtwingo wrote:

Never heard of them before RP, bought the album shortly after hearing this song, and now I can't seem to stop listening to it.
In other words - highly recommended.

Say thank you... ;-)

You "bought" bought the album? if so - {#Clap}
I have other cool music if you want - you know where to find me {#Cheesygrin}
Nice, atmospheric cover photo, and technically tricky to take, too, shooting into the light.

 WonderLizard wrote:
I can't decide if this is an "RP song"—something you listen to here but don't go our of your way to purchase—or a group I want to invest in. Anyone know what the rest of the album is like?

Never heard of them before RP, bought the album shortly after hearing this song, and now I can't seem to stop listening to it.
In other words - highly recommended.


 Jelani wrote:
This is a cool tune.

Yes, I agree.  Tasty production and transitions: just right - not overdone.
I can't decide if this is an "RP song"—something you listen to here but don't go our of your way to purchase—or a group I want to invest in. Anyone know what the rest of the album is like?
He sounds a lot like Paul Williams to me, I like it.
I love the flow of this song and the guys voice.
Is there another song on the album that's any good?
 Vinni_NL wrote:

He does have a captivating voice don't you think?

I'm assuming you're talking to me, in which case, yes he does.

In fact, I really rather like this. 

He does have a captivating voice don't you think?

This is a cool tune.
 gjones wrote:
No really it really sucks  shut the .

hey G... do you like this song?  {#Lol}
 sirdroseph wrote:
Jane Fonda was hot.
Good one—despite the misspelling. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klute Great flick.

No really it really sucks  shut the .

i am kloot has some more good songs. what about playing some of them? (storm warning...)

so bad - awful

I always think this is Rodney Crowell!!!  (spelling?)
Bouncy with a cymbal that adds just enough zip.  Good toe tapper.
First listening an 8, stays the same after second listening. Great song.
I also really like "From your Favourite Sky"
Never heared about this Band before! THX, RP
Just can't get enough of this band. Cool song.
 sronis wrote:
Yay! my first upload. I'm giving it a 9. Hope they also approve "northen skies" from the same album, which is an even better song.
this is bumping

Cool! Like the music + lyrics.

Jane Fonda was hot.
Insightful lyrics, cello, and a slight Mumford vibe. What's not to like?
excellent song. my favorite at the moment.
 sronis wrote:
Yay! my first upload. I'm giving it a 9. Hope they also approve "northen skies" from the same album, which is an even better song.
Thanks for uploading! I (albeit slightly) prefer Fingerprints to Northern Skies, though. Other favorite cuts: Radiation, Same Shoes (nice brass section!).

Yay! my first upload. I'm giving it a 9. Hope they also approve "northen skies" from the same album, which is an even better song.