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Baka Beyond — Bwambwa (feat. Ete)
Album: One World, Many Cultures
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Total ratings: 1367

Released: 2006
Length: 3:11
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (107)add comment
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

My friends, can we acknowledge something really special?


My friends, can we acknowledge something really special?
 eileenomurphy wrote:

Good Tune!  I never heard of them before.  Thank You RP!

lots of good stuff on this putamayo label
Good Tune!  I never heard of them before.  Thank You RP!
 Bleyfusz wrote:

It had to be said.
A very good Song, a Little Bit like "am Fenster " from the German Band "City"

look after the king of R n R please 
 Malachy wrote:
I was lucky enough to see the first Toronto show on August 10th. An amazing night that I will remember always. The hip have been a part of my life since their first album back in 87 and right through to their latest album Man Machine Poem. Thank you Gord and the rest of the boys for all the great music through the years and contributing so much to the Canadian culture and identity!
 Look after the king of R n R please 

I just meant to write the same comment, good thing I checked with the knowledgeable listeners first!
I was lucky enough to see the first Toronto show on August 10th. An amazing night that I will remember always. The hip have been a part of my life since their first album back in 87 and right through to their latest album Man Machine Poem. Thank you Gord and the rest of the boys for all the great music through the years and contributing so much to the Canadian culture and identity!
 muepy wrote:
A very good Song, a Little Bit like "am Fenster " from the German Band "City"
It had to be said.
Very cool
 Byronape wrote:

Spoken like the true angry white guy.


Stereotype much? 

 willmcnaught wrote:
{#Sunny} MaThumbs uprkcaudill wrote:
This kind of music is what I love about RP. Ain't gonna hear it elsewhere.

I know.  I love this kind of music, and I learned about Jesse Cook thanks to RP.  I've attended 2 of his concerts, and he's amazing in person.


{#Sunny} MaThumbs uprkcaudill wrote:
This kind of music is what I love about RP. Ain't gonna hear it elsewhere.

Putumayo!!  Ahem. Off to dance....
 peter_james_bond wrote:

Bill has liberated us from classic rock tedium and commercial radio hell. {#Good-vibes}

Yes he has.  And I'm very appreciative.  Gladly send my money to help support this excellent station. 
Well I've heard it all now..... our local Bath heroes now on RP!!  Too much!!
I was listening to this and thought, "that's nice. seems I've heard this....oh yeah. I have the CD".
Just haven't played it in a long time. Now I'll have to. 
This kind of music is what I love about RP. Ain't gonna hear it elsewhere.
 jools wrote:

Erm - what exactly do you mean by "Jungle Stuff"?  Bit offensive to the entire African continent IMO - which is by no means entirely "jungle" - or to give it its correct term - rain forest.  

Didn't see him make any reference to the African Continent. I guess South America, New Guinea, India, Indonesia, Hawaii, parts of Southern Mexico, Costa Rica, etc., etc., get a pass because your mind automatically went there? 

People need to lighten up.
Very interesting fusion of instruments. I like it.
Break out the bongos!  Torch the fire pit!  Roast the non-natives! :P
Good song title.
 Hannio wrote:

Everything's racist these days.  It's beginning to lose meaning.  His attitude is narrow, insular, parochial and perhaps bigoted, but not racist.
Spoken like the true angry white guy.

This could have, just might have been, recorded using a Rinky Dink system. At least, I like to think so.
 Rinky Dink.
 peter_james_bond wrote:

Bill has liberated us from classic rock tedium and commercial radio hell. {#Good-vibes}

 jagdaf wrote:

Fairly new to RP!
Observation - Bill sure does like the jungle stuff, huh? 
Overall, I guess it is kinda growin on me, but as long as its not too much, ya know!

  And if you could pick the music played here, what would YOU choose?  Just curious...

 jagdaf wrote:

Fairly new to RP!
Observation - Bill sure does like the jungle stuff, huh? 
Overall, I guess it is kinda growin on me, but as long as its not too much, ya know!

Erm - what exactly do you mean by "Jungle Stuff"?  Bit offensive to the entire African continent IMO - which is by no means entirely "jungle" - or to give it its correct term - rain forest.  

This reminds me of Dave Mathews Band, minus Dave Mathews
 Rp10v3r wrote:
Bill, Thanks for finding such great music.
Bill has liberated us from classic rock tedium and commercial radio hell. {#Good-vibes}
A very good Song, a Little Bit like "am Fenster " from the German Band "City"
I agree with the commenter below - great to hear such a variety of excellent world music.
Bill Thanks for finding such great music.
This is the real stuff.
Sweet sounds.  Need to find more of this group.

 SmackDaddy wrote:

Racist much?

Everything's racist these days.  It's beginning to lose meaning.  His attitude is narrow, insular, parochial and perhaps bigoted, but not racist.
 jagdaf wrote:

Fairly new to RP!
Observation - Bill sure does like the jungle stuff, huh? 
Overall, I guess it is kinda growin on me, but as long as its not too much, ya know!


Racist much?

Fairly new to RP!
Observation - Bill sure does like the jungle stuff, huh? 
Overall, I guess it is kinda growin on me, but as long as its not too much, ya know!

 stewliscious wrote:
 ?? wrote:
I like how the album says one world, many cultures, but doesn't show any white guys. Oh well.
Hate monger!!!!  I can tell by your sarcasm that you are a white guy, oppressor of the world, of women, of minorities, of culture, education and hairdos.  I bet you own guns.  I bet you expect people to work hard to be self sufficient.  How dare you judge the world!!!  If people like you would get out of the way or just die then all of us educated, well-read and peaceful people would come together and solve the world's problems.Of course "inclusion" and "cultural respect" does not mean inclusion of white people; they are a blight on the earth.  Duh!  Everybody who has been educated in a public school knows that!  Where have you been?
  Wow you can tell all this from 18 words! And I just thought the guy was a clown.

 gntlemanartist wrote:

The album title says "Many Cultures." White people don't have any culture.

And yet Moonlight Sonata is rated number 1 by Radio Paradise listeners.
 alux wrote:
Putumayo is archetypal world music, but the term no longer really applies as a genre. Music these days is a river of regional currents all mixing together in a global market, but representing still distinct traditions. Rock, for instance, is but a drop in the bucket.

Putamayo.  Mayonnaise whore?
You guys below have gone off the deep end....have fun....
 stewliscious wrote:
Hate monger!!!!  I can tell by your sarcasm that you are a white guy, oppressor of the world, of women, of minorities, of culture, education and hairdos.  I bet you own guns.  I bet you expect people to work hard to be self sufficient.  How dare you judge the world!!!  If people like you would get out of the way or just die then all of us educated, well-read and peaceful people would come together and solve the world's problems.Of course "inclusion" and "cultural respect" does not mean inclusion of white people; they are a blight on the earth.  Duh!  Everybody who has been educated in a public school knows that!  Where have you been?
Your sarcasm is noted, and I applaud you for your righteous indignation.  More of us need to speak out on these issues.  It's all part of the same liberal conspiracy that's hell-bent on limiting our options in life.  Examples, you say?  Just go to any American college campus today and you can see lots of offerings for so-called "liberal arts".  But where are the Conservative Arts degrees, I ask you?!  If I want to take courses like "The Poor: America's Great Untapped Food Source" or "Town Hall Etiquette 101" (featuring special guest lecturers Ann Coulter and the shambling re-animated corpse of William F. Buckley), then that by God is my right as an American citizen!  It's all part of the same conspiracy!  Damn you, Putumayo, DAMN YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE WROUGHT!!

When you move from Paris, the first thing, feeling you'll miss is Africa. In Paris (I mean the real one not the presidential one) Africa is everywhere. I love Africa. And after you'll hear the mixing cultures. Fascinating.

 stewliscious wrote:
Hate monger!!!!  I can tell by your sarcasm that you are a white guy, oppressor of the world, of women, of minorities, of culture, education and hairdos.  I bet you own guns.  I bet you expect people to work hard to be self sufficient.  How dare you judge the world!!!  If people like you would get out of the way or just die then all of us educated, well-read and peaceful people would come together and solve the world's problems.Of course "inclusion" and "cultural respect" does not mean inclusion of white people; they are a blight on the earth.  Duh!  Everybody who has been educated in a public school knows that!  Where have you been?

I bet you got issues {#Rolleyes}
when I play this for my very urban-mix 6th graders, we rock out
its very nice !! music just follows you to a sun and sea
I love this music in the morning with my cup of tea.  Great way to get my hips shaking and my mind working.  I think my work should be happy I listen to you, it inspires me to do better!

 stewliscious wrote:
Hate monger!!!!  I can tell by your sarcasm that you are a white guy, oppressor of the world, of women, of minorities, of culture, education and hairdos.  I bet you own guns.  I bet you expect people to work hard to be self sufficient.  How dare you judge the world!!!  If people like you would get out of the way or just die then all of us educated, well-read and peaceful people would come together and solve the world's problems.Of course "inclusion" and "cultural respect" does not mean inclusion of white people; they are a blight on the earth.  Duh!  Everybody who has been educated in a public school knows that!  Where have you been?
Whoa there! Thou dost protest too much!  You will not bring others over to your side by vicious attacks. Then again, I hope that you are joking and that you are just trying to show how ridiculous over reaction can really appear.  The no white guy on the cover comment is a bit lame I must admit. Love the music!

beelzebubba wrote:
cool music, but I can do without the childish and cliche Kumbaya album cover.....

you can thank the label for the folk art. all the PUTAMAYO world music CDs sport this kind of cover, if not the exact same artist, which actually (for me at least) makes their CDs very visible in the shops — along with their frequent use of special PUTAMAYO-only racks placed strategically around stores.

just like the rainbow spine along the REALWORLD CDs put out by Peter Gabriel's production label.

which, all in all, i think is smart marketing. even glancing through a CD rack i can right away tell where the good "world music" (so-called) is, because after well over a decade of listening to the genre i've come to deeply trust those labels to provide me with excellent grooves and sounds.

out of the 40 or so REALWORLD albums i've picked up since the early 90s, i think there are only two i don't listen to anymore. and where PUTAMAYO is concerned, none of their CDs have spiraled out of the slow rotation of the musical galaxy i continue to enjoy year after year.

 gopre wrote:
Nope. Sounds like the omnipresent Chilean flutist groups found at every outdoor mall, complete with CDs for sale and tip jar.

First, those groups are usually from Ecuador and other places in the Andes mountains...Incas. Second, Baka Beyond takes its influence from African sounds. Altrogether, a totally ridiculous statement.
cool music, but I can do without the childish and cliche Kumbaya album cover.....

Baka Beyond - Bwambwa (feat. Ete)   ==>   Los Incas - El Cóndor Pasa    ==>   Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence    ==>  Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata   ==>   Van Morrison - Into The Mystic

— joy and sadness are two lines continue parallel  that walk  side by side;  for times, we forget that the dividing line separates them it is vanished but it is always present for the life

Mr Su Hart and Mr Martin Cradick in fusion with Baka courtesy of Cmeroon, Ghana, Senegal, Sierre Leone, Brittany and Mr Su Hart consisted * - 9

 slartibart_O wrote:
Not true. We have all the culture because we stole or bought it fair and square.
In your dreams, paleface!
 HarrO wrote:
Saw Baka do a set at Grass Valley this summer. Great Stuff.
Baka or the grass (Valley, that is...)?

Saw Baka do a set at Grass Valley this summer. Great Stuff.
 slartibart_O wrote:

Not true. We have all the culture because we stole or bought it fair and square.

You say that like it's a bad thing.{#Think}

Very nice song to get the taste of "Roundabout" out of my mouth.
 ?? wrote:
I like how the album says one world, many cultures, but doesn't show any white guys. Oh well.
  Hate monger!!!!  I can tell by your sarcasm that you are a white guy, oppressor of the world, of women, of minorities, of culture, education and hairdos.  I bet you own guns.  I bet you expect people to work hard to be self sufficient.  How dare you judge the world!!!  If people like you would get out of the way or just die then all of us educated, well-read and peaceful people would come together and solve the world's problems.Of course "inclusion" and "cultural respect" does not mean inclusion of white people; they are a blight on the earth.  Duh!  Everybody who has been educated in a public school knows that!  Where have you been?

Good background music to assist me in getting some work done around here!
Well this is nice! Reminds me a little of "Son De La Frontera"... only heard one song of them during a demonstration of a hifi-system for 300.000 euros. Kind of kicked ass :D A lot of rythm.. acoustic, spanish and some footstamping... wohoi!
alux wrote:
Putumayo is archetypal world music, but the term no longer really applies as a genre. Music these days is a river of regional currents all mixing together in a global market, but representing still distinct traditions. Rock, for instance, is but a drop in the bucket.
pretentious much?
Toe-tapping goodness
This is nice. It stands up well after Roundabout. That is a compliment.
RP is truly the Dali lama of music and I thank you. https://www.radioparadise.com/graphics/smiles/icon_notworthy.gif
Putumayo is archetypal world music, but the term no longer really applies as a genre. Music these days is a river of regional currents all mixing together in a global market, but representing still distinct traditions. Rock, for instance, is but a drop in the bucket. strange_brew00 wrote:
i love it! i hate to sound narrow viewed, (i had a classic rock upbringing (of which i am grateful and proud)) but is this considered world music?
gntlemanartist wrote:
The album title says "Many Cultures." White people don't have any culture.
Not true. We have all the culture because we stole or bought it fair and square.
that was a fantastic segue from Roundabout, thank you Bill. -PL-
good. not great. but still good. keep it coming!
i love it! i hate to sound narrow viewed, (i had a classic rock upbringing (of which i am grateful and proud)) but is this considered world music?
Kevstar wrote:
That's because the current left wing view of the world does not include white people in their paradigm.
Those poor underprivileged white guys. They are so down-trodden. lol. they should have an exotic cover with Ward Cleaver on it. Ya'll rock on.
ddog wrote:
Sounds like Jean Luc Ponty...only not as good.
My thoughts exactly!
Sounds like Jean Luc Ponty...only not as good.
Just wish they all played the same song. #3
Perfect for a Sunday afternoon, sitting on my fat ass, procrastinating. I like it (not my fat ass--the song).
gopre wrote:
Nope. Sounds like the omnipresent Chilean flutist groups found at every outdoor mall, complete with CDs for sale and tip jar.
Humorous, but I never heard any flute...
Judging by some of the comments it appears that Dr. King's dream is still just that.
Reminds me of Acoustic Alchemy
gopre wrote:
Nope. Sounds like the omnipresent Chilean flutist groups found at every outdoor mall, complete with CDs for sale and tip jar.
Perfectly summed up.
Welly wrote:
Love the way it just noodles along.
'noodles along' ....
Nice way to transit the playlist from Yes to Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris.... nice move Bill
Except they're not usually Chilean. Way to toss the stereotypes around, dude. gopre wrote:
Nope. Sounds like the omnipresent Chilean flutist groups found at every outdoor mall, complete with CDs for sale and tip jar.
gopre wrote:
Nope. Sounds like the omnipresent Chilean flutist groups found at every outdoor mall, complete with CDs for sale and tip jar.
I wouldn't buy the CD, but I'd probably tip 'em.
Love the way it just noodles along.
Kevstar wrote:
That's because the current left wing view of the world does not include white people in their paradigm.
Hold the phone, Ethel. I'm a white guy who is viewed by some as a lefty (Canadian, actually), which I'll buy if lefty means thinking tax cuts for the rich are stupid, for instance. But there are a few of us not over there on the hard right.
gopre wrote:
Nope. Sounds like the omnipresent Chilean flutist groups found at every outdoor mall, complete with CDs for sale and tip jar.
Thanks for that. Cracking me up! - tip jar...
Nope. Sounds like the omnipresent Chilean flutist groups found at every outdoor mall, complete with CDs for sale and tip jar.
Dave_Mack wrote:
philbertr wrote: The violin reminds me of Jean Luc Ponty.. Yop. I came to see if that was the popular opinion. A nice piece.
philbertr wrote:
The violin reminds me of Jean Luc Ponty...do you have any of that, Bill?
Yop. :nod: I came to see if that was the popular opinion. A nice piece.
gntlemanartist wrote:
The album title says "Many Cultures." White people don't have any culture.
Ooo. Ouch. This white bread Minnesotan is deeply hurt ;o). Although I think my dominant culture these days is computer/video game geek, which has the advantage of largely detaching oneself from one's physical appearance, since it is conducted largely over the intertubes.
Kevstar wrote:
That's because the current left wing view of the world does not include white people in their paradigm.
The album title says "Many Cultures." White people don't have any culture.
celadonstone wrote:
Acoustic guitar, especially from foreign lands, is beautiful and much appreciated. 10.
I like this as well, but not quite a 10 - gave it an 8. Have been enjoying acoustic guitar myself lately, especially of the African variety.
Putumayo, oh yea! nice one!
skink wrote:
I like how the album says one world, many cultures, but doesn't show any white guys. Oh well.
That's because the current left wing view of the world does not include white people in their paradigm.
skink wrote:
I like how the album says one world, many cultures, but doesn't show any white guys. Oh well.
Yeah, that's what we need! Quotas for our music! Sheesh, you just can't escape racism. (Nice music, Bill!)
Mari wrote:
does it again, without this Label World Music would be eons behind, I'm hugely impressed with their range and potent choices & artwork!
oooh - i agree!!
skink wrote:
I like how the album says one world, many cultures, but doesn't show any white guys. Oh well.
I like how the album says one world, many cultures, but doesn't show any white guys. Oh well.
does it again, without this Label World Music would be eons behind, I'm hugely impressed with their range and potent choices & artwork!
Yes...very good
Nice beat. Good groove.
I love this, and the beautiful faces on the cd cover!
Neat seamless segue from Yes "Roundabout"... I didn't realise until Bill said! I though Yes had suddenly gone all African...
The violin reminds me of Jean Luc Ponty...do you have any of that, Bill?
Acoustic guitar, especially from foreign lands, is beautiful and much appreciated. 10.
Excellent trance music.