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The Tea Party — Winter Solstice
Album: Splendor Solis
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Released: 1994
Length: 2:41
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (94)add comment
So it took me umm, 31 years to hear this? Thank you RP! Good stuff!
Saw these guys play to a very drunken, absolutely filthy crowd of beach campers at Sherkston Shores under a circus type big top tent in the mid-90's.  I was part of the park's management team, so had to be sober for the event, thank christ, cause what a trip that was...would have been a bit over the top being under the  influence...
 deepgaze wrote:

And yet another gen brought us by RP

That is why we come here!  Thanx RP!
 slugore wrote:

I used to go see these guys at The Coach and Horses Pub in Windsor when I was in my early 20s. Some very fun nights and great memories. 

You lucky duck! I wish I could have been there!
And yet another gen brought us by RP
I used to go see these guys at The Coach and Horses Pub in Windsor when I was in my early 20s. Some very fun nights and great memories. 
Hearing this song during spring, very interesting.
I just think this is most excellent
I like the Bert Jansch, Davey Graham influence. Heck, Page liked it too.  Who wouldn't.
Too bad the only Tea Party song in RP is an instrumental one. Still nice of course.
Johnny Depp?
A Canuck band that I've never heard of.  :)  Thanks Bill.  
Love this band. From nice acoustic to very heavy.
 marysclark wrote:

bad choice for a band name

Let's timetravel to change the band's name, can we?
bad choice for a band name
Love the jangle! Nice song.
A vastly under appreciated band.

 blastmeh wrote:
This was The Tea Party's first album...(i think?)...where they basically copied Led Zeppelin and The Cult. It was also their best album! 
As soon as they "found their own sound," they started to suck
Couldn't have put it better my self.  Don't forget Jeff Martin's shameless attempts at looking like Jim Morrisson - the hair, the mannerisms, etc.

Great first album, but..Completely agree with both statements above, lol
Saw these guys live in a small outdoor venue (Ontario Place - The Forum?), early 90's, playing this album before I ever heard of them, around the time of this first release - great intimate show.  Bought the album the next day - never heard a band sound exactly the same live as they did on this record.
Styling Proclivities an idiot for his comment maxjboxer illustrates to the world just who the metally stunted person here is, and it is not he.

maxjboxer wrote:

You're both idiots who are afraid of a bunch of old people worried about their pensions.

(Minneapolis, MN)
Posted: Jul 14, 2015 - 08:04

 Proclivities wrote:

It's a pretty old phrase from which this band took their name, long before the "tea-bagger" movement renamed itself.  This tune is about ten years old.

You're both idiots who are afraid of a bunch of old people worried about their pensions.
Is that Ted Cruz on the guitar or Paul Ryan?

Pretty nice, either way... 
Wow! Like Leo Kottke Meets Ravi Shankar. Outstanding.
More Tea Party! Their first two albums are exceptional.
I hear a guitar about 6 feet to the right of my right speaker. First time that's happened to me on RP.

Nice song too.
 Proclivities wrote:

It's a pretty old phrase from which this band took their name, long before the "tea-bagger" movement renamed itself.  This tune is about ten years old.

You're both idiots who are afraid of a bunch of old people worried about their pensions.
Most Excellent!  (sez released 20 yrs ago! yoinks)
 DanO-1 wrote:
I like this, just wish they would change their name.

It's a pretty old phrase from which this band took their name, long before the "tea-bagger" movement renamed itself.  This tune is about ten years old.

WOW- never expected to hear these guys here. It's been ages since I heard this song, but it used to be a regular visitor to my CD player.  Congrats RP on a truly fine deep track!
Nice to hear Tea Party on RP! They have a wonderful and large repertoire. Would love to hear something from Interzone Mantras.

Everybody in my church be listening to Radio Paradise...  love this music...

European finance workers

You need to see this man perform before you generalise about his abilities - his voice is occasionally quite a deep-blue satin, peaking and flowing about liberally while he 'shows off his chops'. This wee song is good, but it's not their best. As a live act - completely compelling.

thewiseking wrote:
seems like someone is trying to show off his chops on the guitar. the only problem is.............he doesn't really have em.

damned good
Wow, this is great stuff.
Play some of their other songs too.
Wow, how have I missed this? I really like it!...
I like this, just wish they would change their name.
Very nice!
The 192 K Ogg Vorbis stream is bringing tears to my eyes. 

It sounds so amazing !!!!!!!!

 Cynaera wrote:
I love the sort of Appalachian sound and feel of the guitars... It's the perfect day for this song - overcast, warm, very autumn-y, and I have my chores done and the house to myself for a few precious hours.  Oh - and vodka. And twelve cats in various stages of nap. 

So - we had the equinox, and next is the winter solstice? I'm abyssmally ignorant  on these events. {#Doh} Slinking away now...
In the spring and fall we have the equinox, when the length of the day equals that of the night.  In the summer and winter we have the solstice, when the sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes.  They are all also tied to the seasons, with each one heralding a new season.

I love the sort of Appalachian sound and feel of the guitars... It's the perfect day for this song - overcast, warm, very autumn-y, and I have my chores done and the house to myself for a few precious hours.  Oh - and vodka. And twelve cats in various stages of nap. 

So - we had the equinox, and next is the winter solstice? I'm abyssmally ignorant  on these events. {#Doh} Slinking away now...

Twelve-string guitar (acoustic or electric) sounds so good to these ears.
Bill says, "Tea Party....no relation, no relation AT ALL."
...one of the best guitar players ever:  Jeff Martin.
This tune is an exception when compared to their entire catalog, which is quite Zeppelin like. That said, they are a favorite of mine.
Excellent! Thanks for playing.
Me thinks maybe one of Bills favorite tunes? Well.....we love this one also. There are one or two other tunes similar to this....very nice.... and makes you wanna turn 'em up....although the rest of the album is a bit electric and ...err   noisy!
Great guitar work.
A White Stripes tune comes to mind, minus the lyrics.
I think it's a twelve string we're hearing and not Kottke or Page, not quite yet anyway.

Very Jimmy Page-ish

mmmm...going to give this a chance. 
 blastmeh wrote:
This was The Tea Party's first album...(i think?)...where they basically copied Led Zeppelin and The Cult. It was also their best album!
As soon as they "found their own sound," they started to suck
Couldn't have put it better my self.  Don't forget Jeff Martin's shameless attempts at looking like Jim Morrisson - the hair, the mannerisms, etc.


 sans wrote:
Yes, and there are MANY more players of this ilk beyond just Leo Kottke. Alex DeGrassi to name but one. Preston Reed for another.

catsoup wrote:
Sounds more like Leo Kottke's greatest hits to me.
I hear the same thing. I like Kottke.
seems like someone is trying to show off his chops on the guitar. the only problem is.............he doesn't really have em.
strick wrote:
That's Freebird. Just needs some cowbell!
Bruce Dickinson's down with that. https://stylinonline.stores.yahoo.net/tswalkencowbellshr.html
Knorr wrote:
Hmmm... Am I the only one, who can hear some Sweet home Alabama in this? - Knorr
There is a bit in there near the end.
Knorr wrote:
Hmmm... Am I the only one, who can hear some Sweet home Alabama in this? - Knorr
At one stage I expected Copperhead Road!
blastmeh wrote:
This was The Tea Party's first album...(i think?)...where they basically copied Led Zeppelin and The Cult. It was also their best album! As soon as they "found their own sound," they started to suck
They actually had an indie release that I would say was their best work.
YUP, you nailed it. I have this CD and their next one and they dropped off into the abyss. Too bad. Lonestar wrote:
These guys were definitely influenced by Zepplin. They used to play the clubs in my area just before/after this album came out. Sure enough, Jeff Martin (singer/guitarist) would bring out the violin bow for some interesting solos a la Jimmy. These guys sure were promising with this album, sadly like many popular from the start, mid 90's Ontario bands they went down the shitter fast with future albums. This one is a good buy though.
pretty cover art.
Knorr wrote:
Hmmm... Am I the only one, who can hear some Sweet home Alabama in this? - Knorr
Sounds more like Leo Kottke's greatest hits to me.
Knorr wrote:
Hmmm... Am I the only one, who can hear some Sweet home Alabama in this? - Knorr
That's Freebird. Just needs some cowbell!
These guys were definitely influenced by Zepplin. They used to play the clubs in my area just before/after this album came out. Sure enough, Jeff Martin (singer/guitarist) would bring out the violin bow for some interesting solos a la Jimmy. These guys sure were promising with this album, sadly like many popular from the start, mid 90's Ontario bands they went down the shitter fast with future albums. This one is a good buy though.
Isn't there just one guitarist in this band? I wonder what all he's playing here... Sounds great!
Hmmm... Am I the only one, who can hear some Sweet home Alabama in this? - Knorr
Moak wrote:
Real nice for this gray, raw winter day. Pretty tune.
... Four Months to the day and it's still a pretty tune! ... Pretty in Spring! ...
this is when the Tea-Party were like some sort of Doors sounding - LedZeplen tribute band They have gone into their own sound and honestly I like the fact they went their own way rather than follow (what they think) people want to hear good on them... making a living doing music is a rare thing
dear The Tea Party: Thank you for not singing.
This was The Tea Party's first album...(i think?)...where they basically copied Led Zeppelin and The Cult. It was also their best album! As soon as they "found their own sound," they started to suck
great track.
I also heard a bit of Ledbelly there. But that might just be because it is a twelve string they are using. Impressive sound.
Damn, someone beat me to the Led Zep reference. Totally hearing it though. Good stuff.
Real nice for this gray, raw winter day. Pretty tune.
Tea and acoustical JAM!!
I love this tune and alot of the TP's music. However, I find a lot of their lyrics, and their delivery, are sub-par. Almost like they were an afterthought.
The hour goes back tomorrow - roll on christmas
Simple. Somewhat militarian Not enough enery / motion for me./
Yes, quite Zep like.
great with headphones....the picking is just awesome... makes you want to take your shoes off and dance a jig.
I was really trying to place this song, before having to go to the Playlist. Have not heard it in a dog's age...and I have the CD!
Another great instrumental from these guys is "The Badger". Totally sweet. I'm not a fan anymore, but it's good to hear some cool old stuff.
Cynaera wrote:
I really love the guitars! Rather Lindesfarne-ish, with a touch of Nancy Wilson and Jimmy Page (a la "Over the Hills and Far Away") thrown in. Good instrumental. I'm going to check out the rest of the CD - might be worth investing in!
This song is different than other TP records - this cd is prolly their best and is quite electric - not acoustic. A cross between the Cult and Led Zeppelin and some other stuff. An ex-gf of mine and her daughter listened to this as they drove along and hearing it reminds me of them.
I came to RP to get away from bands like Tea Party. However, I have never heard this Tea Party tune, and it's pretty cool. Maybe that's why I came to RP - just to hear the better tunes, including from bands I would otherwise not give a chance. Having said that, I have not liked any tune by Tea Party that I've heard on the radio. Their version of Daniel Lanois' "The Messsenger" was particularty bad, IMHO. Again, this instrumental is pretty cool.
I really love the guitars! Rather Lindesfarne-ish, with a touch of Nancy Wilson and Jimmy Page (a la "Over the Hills and Far Away") thrown in. Good instrumental. I'm going to check out the rest of the CD - might be worth investing in!
A pretty good Canadian band that never got their due. A really, really good drummer. Sometimes over the top vocals but still a fine band. They're on the Candian version of Sars-Stock benefit concert, though I thought it was a performance a bit less than intense than their usual. This song reminds me of a daughter of a woman I dated. When we drove along she had us play this song over and over and over and over. And it still sounds great.