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Eels — From Which I Came/A Magic World
Album: Blinking Lights And Other Revelations
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Total ratings: 1313

Released: 2005
Length: 3:07
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Ten pounds and a head of hair
Came into without a care
What they thought were cries
Were little laughs
Only looking forward and moving fast
The little bundle had arrived
And I was happy to be alive
In a magic world

Long days and dreaming nights
Wide eyes take in all the sights
A little wonder goes a long, long way
Learning where to go and what to say
Say hello to your new son
Well he sure is having fun
In a magic world

Every moment's built to last
When you're living without a past
In a magic world
Comments (103)add comment
Bill loves the Eels.  
I have since learned to enjoy the Eels
But Bill - LOVES the Eels. 

Cynaera wrote:
It's dark, cold, and autumn-y weather. It's supposed to get below freezing tonight, so the tomatoes are covered with a blanket, and the critters are mostly tucked in. And now this song is playing, in its major key, and somehow, it's all right. So - okay, I'll rate it. It makes me smile. Dunnow what I'll rate it, but it will have something other than a "no rating" on it. Maybe a 7. Sorry if I seem disjointed (um, more than usual) - got cats needing attention, and a couple of them are pretty assertive, so I have to write between bouts of "NOTICEMENOTICEME!"

I need a vacation. Calgon, take me away. Or at least send money.

 ExploitingChaos wrote:

"the critters are mostly tucked in" 

What a great gentle soul... 

That she was....... Miss you Cynaera
Magic World.
 Cynaera wrote:
It's dark, cold, and autumn-y weather. It's supposed to get below freezing tonight, so the tomatoes are covered with a blanket, and the critters are mostly tucked in. And now this song is playing, in its major key, and somehow, it's all right. So - okay, I'll rate it. It makes me smile. Dunnow what I'll rate it, but it will have something other than a "no rating" on it. Maybe a 7. Sorry if I seem disjointed (um, more than usual) - got cats needing attention, and a couple of them are pretty assertive, so I have to write between bouts of "NOTICEMENOTICEME!"

I need a vacation. Calgon, take me away. Or at least send money.

"the critters are mostly tucked in" 

What a great gentle soul... 
 lizardking wrote:

….someone 'thumbs downed' this comment?  really? 
Long Live Cynarea's posts and Long Live RP!!
I came on to the forum shortly before she passed, I think.  I love her openness, eloquence and humor.  
A magnificent album - in my all-time top 10.
Actually, E's voice is absolutely perfect for this song and their music in general (which I like a lot for the most part).
 Cynaera wrote:
It's dark, cold, and autumn-y weather. It's supposed to get below freezing tonight, so the tomatoes are covered with a blanket, and the critters are mostly tucked in. And now this song is playing, in its major key, and somehow, it's all right. So - okay, I'll rate it. It makes me smile. Dunnow what I'll rate it, but it will have something other than a "no rating" on it. Maybe a 7. Sorry if I seem disjointed (um, more than usual) - got cats needing attention, and a couple of them are pretty assertive, so I have to write between bouts of "NOTICEMENOTICEME!"

I need a vacation. Calgon, take me away. Or at least send money.
….someone 'thumbs downed' this comment?  really? 
Long Live Cynarea's posts and Long Live RP!!
 LaurieinTucson wrote:
love eels but he sounds like he just came from the dentist
Thank you for that! My laugh out loud for the day.
{#Dancingbanana_2}Endlich kein Kindergarten
love eels but he sounds like he just came from the dentist
The more I hear from them the more I appreciate this unusual and creative band. Thank you RP!

                                                               MARK OLIVER EVERETT and the Eels


Does that guitar sound familiar?  That guy sure gets around.  Love this tune.
 hidey wrote:
Eels! Thanks for playing this one Bill - please play a bit more of E's later recordings! A consistently excellent songwriter in my view, he's put out lot of great idiosyncratic stuff about struggles and the human condition over the years.

This is very BECK like, and I like it.
 coloradojohn wrote:
I love the way Mr. E begins and gets his symphonic masterpieces going...and I love the things that happen to me while I listen in awe...

Agree, my distant friend.  Great stuff.
 arserocket wrote:
Fecking grand....

I agree with the idiot below...
Fecking grand....
 testpilot wrote:
The singer has either a defective microphone or a seriously bad case of laryngitis... 

Actually, he's got a whole case of microphones, but his laryngitis is pretty defective.
I love the way Mr. E begins and gets his symphonic masterpieces going...and I love the things that happen to me while I listen in awe...
Strange and wonderful album.  Thanks, Mr G.
 testpilot wrote:
The singer has either a defective microphone or a seriously bad case of laryngitis... 
It's Eels.  Maybe the vocals are a touch scratchier than normal, but not noticeably so.
The singer has either a defective microphone or a seriously bad case of laryngitis... 
Eels! Thanks for playing this one Bill - please play a bit more of E's later recordings! A consistently excellent songwriter in my view, he's put out lot of great idiosyncratic stuff about struggles and the human condition over the years.
I really appreciate the Eels, something about everything E does, just makes me feel like everything will be OK.
I don't think I've heard anything from this chap that doesn't warrant at least a 7
vivid memories of growing up fash back in my mind every time I hear this song. It is a magic tune.
Glad to hear a cut from this fantastic album; I haven't really cared much for Eels' most recent few albums, but there's always this and Electro-Shock Blues.  Excellent and very personal music that I highly recommend.  From the Allmusic review:

"It's unwieldy, too long, irritating in some places, graceful in others, and sometimes clumsy. But it is utterly original and startlingly beautiful. ... E put everything into making Blinking Lights and Other Revelations, and the payoff is that it shows."

It's dark, cold, and autumn-y weather. It's supposed to get below freezing tonight, so the tomatoes are covered with a blanket, and the critters are mostly tucked in. And now this song is playing, in its major key, and somehow, it's all right. So - okay, I'll rate it. It makes me smile. Dunnow what I'll rate it, but it will have something other than a "no rating" on it. Maybe a 7. Sorry if I seem disjointed (um, more than usual) - got cats needing attention, and a couple of them are pretty assertive, so I have to write between bouts of "NOTICEMENOTICEME!"

I need a vacation. Calgon, take me away. Or at least send money.
Great stuff. Makes me want to spin up the entire album. 
 KKeith wrote:
... maybe E wanted it to sound like the voice of a toddler coming through a baby monitor...
Perfect. That plaintive, willfully bad singing drives me away from an otherwise good band.

Not a fan of the Eels, but this wasn't bad.  In case I didn't mention it before, today was the first REAL spring-type day we've had, with sunshine, a breeze, and heat. Anything in a major key seems to lend itself to my mood, so this song, of course, fell into that very general category.  I won't rate it, because if we get rain and it plays, I'll be very disappointed... {#Rolleyes}
Would be even better if the vocals weren't muffled like that.
mmmmmmm...a grower.........
Eels - From Which I Came/A Magic World
Pinback - Boo
The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
The Shins - Spilt Needles
Neko Case - People Got A Lotta Nerve

Great set!  I'm a sucker for that "Marlboro Man" guitar twang.  Used nicely in Neko Case (just starting now as I write this!!!) tunes.
Like this!!
 rsimark wrote:
Very fitting, very eclectic musician for RP.  A very different genre, yet much like his dad Hugh Everett (quite the unique physics guy///even stood up against Bohr, and only recently recieved decent recognition outside of sci-fi literature).  There was a pretty good flick on the tube (just upgraded to lcd, so dating myself) about Mark taking an interesting journey into both his youth and his dad's life.  Quite a journey as the show takes you through some interesting physics history.  Check out wiki on his dad and Schrödinger's cat.  Intriguing stuff and added some new meaning to his tunes!  Cheers!
Someone posted last week about the Nova documentary, so I watched it too...that was a very touching episode.

Both men = 'rockstars', in their own right.

I have a completely new appreciation for the band, and E, after ...being allowed into such an intimate part of his life.

Very fitting, very eclectic musician for RP.  A very different genre, yet much like his dad Hugh Everett (quite the unique physics guy///even stood up against Bohr, and only recently recieved decent recognition outside of sci-fi literature).  There was a pretty good flick on the tube (just upgraded to lcd, so dating myself) about Mark taking an interesting journey into both his youth and his dad's life.  Quite a journey as the show takes you through some interesting physics history.  Check out wiki on his dad and Schrödinger's cat.  Intriguing stuff and added some new meaning to his tunes!  Cheers!

 TimmyMack wrote:
Good tune.
{#High-five} Yes!

 ricardoramos wrote:
Boards of Canada next, would be the right way Bill.
Yes, would love to hear some Boards of Canada on RP.  I note there is only one of their songs played here. That's a shame.

Good tune.
This guy has no singing ability whatsoever.
Boards of Canada next, would be the right way Bill.
trekhead wrote:
What an interesting song. *anyone know what that guy is saying over the HAM radio?*
I heard "Paul is dead....Paul is dead".
meydele wrote:
Three favorite bands out of four. Yay, Bill! Eels - From Which I Came/A Magic World Pinback - Boo (this is the non-favorite, but still pretty good) The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone ... The Shins - Spilt Needles
Seems like Bill listened to you and skipped Pinback this time. :) I dig the Eels, 8!
smooth transition from Pink Floyd. Very nice!
davin wrote:
i like eels
Me too. They taste like chicken. :)
Three favorite bands out of four. Yay, Bill! Eels - From Which I Came/A Magic World Pinback - Boo (this is the non-favorite, but still pretty good) The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone ... The Shins - Spilt Needles
I love the eels. I\'ve seen them (him) live two times and he is witty, cranky, poignant, acerbic and thrilling -- just like his music. This is his best album since Daisies of the Galaxie.
What's wrong with me? I nearly scored this 9 on the first two bars . Are they magic chords or something?
I love this album. Been wearing it out lately.
Do we really listen now to Eels - From Which I Came/A Magic World (since ? Muse - Map of the Problematiqué already is shown on the right corner on the top!?!). If so, it's simply beautiful and magic!!
great segue from Pink Floyd - Fearless
i like eels
Thought this was Pete Yorn at first.
Reminds me of Bruce Sringsteen.
strick wrote:
Okay, now I'm confused.
from the AMG link up above: (click here)
strick wrote:
Okay, now I'm confused.
It couldn't be from living in the salt city!
I love love love the eels!!
Horah! This was SOOO worth staying online for!!! MAHALO RP!!!!
Love this CD! (CDs, actually)
... maybe E wanted it to sound like the voice of a toddler coming through a baby monitor...
fjordless wrote:
E is he. Eels became they. And this is among their best.
Okay, now I'm confused.
Huh - just noticed how much the melody sounds like Camera Obscura's "Shine Like a New Pin." Very nice, both.
darrell711 wrote:
Eels is not a them, Eels is a he.
E is he. Eels became they. And this is among their best.
very nice follow up to PF - Fearless
good stuff
always consistantly individual and uniquely destinctive!!!
yogaboat wrote:
I...I think I love them.
Eels is not a them, Eels is a he.
I...I think I love them.
mr_bigg wrote:
ahhh the inherent flaw with a ratings system...so even though I think this song is a 6, should I give it a 1 so the overall opinions of ~180 listeners will more reflect that of my own? geez urit, you should work for American news media, you got their system down pat.
Yes We might as well put only 2 choices. Like and Dont Like. It might even give a clearer average score. Who knows?!
amazing song off an amazing album, best of 2005, by far
Bill-san! Either you're reading my mind... or my comments... or both! Anyway, you jam in a seriously BENT way, and I like that -- I LIKE IT A LOT! Saw E and his band rock the house! a couple years ago at Club Quattro in Shibuya with a little hottie from Okinawa... I've since moved on (to other little hotties) but the eels always feel so damn good anytime anyplace and it's always better here on RP! Well look where my hand was Same as it ever was
What an interesting song. *anyone know what that guy is saying over the HAM radio?*
thatch wrote:
Cool melody and the lyrics aren't depressing like so many other Eels songs...I agree that the sound of his voice has been altered for effect. It's unique.
And sounds remarkably like Beck's as a result...
So then rather than actually putting down your real opinion of the song in order to push a rather trivial agenda you'll lie and put in an inflated opinion to deceive someone naive enough to go by these ratings and possibly waste their possibly hard earned money and to what end or benifit on your part. Not the the ends would justify the means anyway. But then on the other hand I just spent this amount of time typing this our to comment on it too so go figure. Except that I have nothing better to do right now than get on a soapbox. By the way, I could care less if some of this is spelled wrong! Seems we have some spelling bee champs on this forum. Talk about nothing better to do!
uritsukidoji wrote:
I first gave this song a 8, but then figured out that I could raise the average from 6.9 to 7 by giving it a 9. Well, that's worth it.
ahhh the inherent flaw with a ratings system...so even though I think this song is a 6, should I give it a 1 so the overall opinions of ~180 listeners will more reflect that of my own? geez urit, you should work for American news media, you got their system down pat.
anyone with the name Eels is a 10 with me......
This song just improves my mood. So it deserves a promotion! An 8 I think.
This guy is totally channelling Peter Gabriel. Although I'm no fan of Gabriel, I really like this song.
Love the song and CD. Is the Blinking Lights with Strings tour finished yet? Eels are a great live act.
I have this CD and I love it. This song came on and I was shocked at what I had it rated. Obvioulsy, with successive listens, it's grown on me, and I've adjusted my ratings according. As a 2 CD set, it might be a bit flabby, but I swear, with each successive listen, I'm less inclined to make that criticism.
Bright, sparkling, real and joyous! Brilliant intro!
Great mellow set!
This song is a perfect example of E's (or the Eels) trademark... Mark Evertt's poetry conveyed through the sonic footprint of "that telephone sound"... making it all the more stark and revealing... I concede that some may find it "harsh", but the effect it delivers is both masterful and effective. Example: "Susan's House" from Beautiful Freak.
I love E, but I can't bear the harsh distortion he's been using on his voice the last few albums. Seriously, I have to turn it down so I can barely hear it.
I tried giving it a 10 just to se what would happen, but the overall didn't budge. I think it warants a 7.4, but I had to round it off.
I first gave this song a 8, but then figured out that I could raise the average from 6.9 to 7 by giving it a 9. Well, that's worth it.
Cool melody and the lyrics aren't depressing like so many other Eels songs...I agree that the sound of his voice has been altered for effect. It's unique.
Singers toy with and distort their voices all the time. Why's it so shocking here? It's effective, if you ask me. Kinda lends a distance to the lyrics. Sweet song. Loooove the Eels. Play more!
What a nice song!
good music...horendous voice
nice transition from George Winston
magic !
Kurt_from_La_Qui wrote:
i don't know. sounds good to me.
I wonder whether it is an intented effect, or actually artifacts from bad mp3 encoding (or: recoding)...
wow - he/they keep getting better, fresher, more original. I was typing a "reggae is boring" review when this came on and stoppped me in my tracks. (reggae is boring, but Marley is a genius and the exception) Can't wait to hear the rest - I've really become a fan.
japanmoran wrote:
What the heck is wrong with his voice?
i don't know. sounds good to me.
japanmoran wrote:
What the heck is wrong with his voice?
Your ears maybe? (pimp)
What the heck is wrong with his voice?
Nice !! New Eels - caught them on my DVR on Leno - liked the new song they did about being a Raliroad Man !
New Eels? I may die happy now...