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David Gilmour — So Far Away
Album: David Gilmour
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Released: 1978
Length: 5:58
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Why am I suspended here?
Should I kid myself that I have no fear?
I get no choice, I just have to wait
It may already be too late

I don't know what's going on
She is here, but I am gone
I am gone

My love is lying here
She's far away though she looks so near
''"Time will tell,"'' she says to me
When a warm coat is all I need

Her peace of mind, her strength of will
It will come, she's sure it will
But how can I put my mind at rest?
I feel I'm coming off second best

And I'm cut with my own knife
Is this a dream or is it real life?
Oh, sleep, come o'er me soon
I can't bear this lonely room

Look at that head lying there
The room is dark, she shows no fear
I'm lying still, my eyes are wide
My heart is pumping, I'm still alive

I'm still awake against my will
What will it ever take to still
This burning in me?

And I'm cut with my own knife
Is this a dream or is it real life?
Oh, sleep, come o'er me soon
I can't bear this lonely room

Sleep, come o'er me soon
I can't bear this lonely room
Sleep, don't take too long
Can't keep singing this lonely song

Ooh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh, oh, ooh, ooh

Sleep, come o'er me soon
Comments (73)add comment
 mrandrew wrote:

Ooooooph.  Dave, dont quit your day job.{#Nyah}

But this IS his day job. Looks like he's done fairly well at it too.

Ooooooph.  Dave, dont quit your day job.{#Nyah}

...now this is a rarity to hear...
 jhorton wrote:
An incredibly talented man. And just a horrible songwriter.

...half right 'horton'....you must be hearing a 'who'....

The man's a terrific songwriter 'ya meathead!!
It is Gilmour...and HE is Great......

Superb CD
The nostalgia of this song is what does it for me. Love the solo! True Gilmour at his best. 
An incredibly talented man. And just a horrible songwriter.

David Gilmour - "Coming Back to Life" Live Royal Albert Hall:

Gilmour and Wright by ~valentina85
©2006-2010 ~valentina85

Concerto David Gilmour, Firenze.
On An Island Tour

 FlatCat wrote:
An entire career made from one lugubrious tempo, one dreary mood. 


exactly, yet the imbie aged stoners all drink the kool-aid
positively soporific. wake the f*#k up Gilmore!
He sounds like Elton John on this one. Only the backup vocals give it away, since they're always the same.
FlatCat wrote:
An entire career made from one lugubrious tempo, one dreary mood.
 EssexTex wrote:

My sympathies....you need a career change{#Wink}
       ,,,,made my day,,{#Lol} !

David Gilmour & Pete Townshend - "Love on the Air" Live (1985):

Love this!!
 FlatCat wrote:
An entire career made from one lugubrious tempo, one dreary mood. 


maybe so, but there's always tomorrow...
FlatCat wrote:
An entire career made from one lugubrious tempo, one dreary mood.

My sympathies....you need a career change{#Wink}
Anything from this album is very good. Thx Bill!  
 FlatCat wrote:
An entire career made from one lugubrious tempo, one dreary mood. 


Ha, good comment...but I still enjoy Gilmour
David Gilmour's guitar work always sounds so beautiful to me. Very classy fellow that David.
An entire career made from one lugubrious tempo, one dreary mood. 

B.B. King & David Gilmour - "Eyesight to the Blind" Live:

Are you all deaf? This is great.{#Notworthy}
 DoctorHooey wrote:
Strange that I love solo Gilmour but detest late sans-Waters Floyd. Must be the production. This sounds so crisp and full, while the late Floyd stuff is so overblown and plodding, with that snare reverb that lasts a half hour. This stuff just soars.
My theory is that when he goes solo he's just being himself, which is great, but when he's doing the post Waters PF thing they're trying too hard to make it Floyd-esq.  They mimic the form, but lack the substance.  As far as I'm concerned PF was Gilmore and Waters and a great support cast; A whole that was greater then the sum of the parts.  Without Waters it's a group of talented guys, but simply the sum of the parts.  (Although they did put on a kickin' show.)

Plays just as well now as it did 30 years ago. I wonder how much of today's music will be able to listen to 30 yrs from now.

Boring and repetitive. I much prefer the old Floyd from the '70s.
 ihategrapejuice wrote:

coding_to_music wrote:
Piano from Joni Mitchell's "River" ? WTF! ?

YES, definitely! I just heard that as well. Strange.
It amazes me how some of you can hear stuff like that.  I wish I could just listen to, compose, perform, and record music all day!

{#Yes} redeyespy wrote:
Excellent. Has aged splendidly.

gotta pass on this... sorry
 bjrubble wrote:
Blah.  Not bad, but disappointing knowing what Gilmour is capable of.

David Gilmour is like this plutonium-powered super guitar machine.  Put some crazy unstable power source in front of him (like Roger Waters) and he turns out the most incredible sound you've ever heard.  But then Waters decided that the proper form of self-expression for plutonium is an uncontrolled detonation out in the desert somewhere, and ever since then there doesn't seem to be anything that can properly power the Gilmour machine.  So he idles along in low-power mode, most of his systems dark.

Maybe someday we'll discover another way to generate the power necessary to run the Gilmour machine at full power.  One can only hope...
i think i need a map.
Blah.  Not bad, but disappointing knowing what Gilmour is capable of.

David Gilmour is like this plutonium-powered super guitar machine.  Put some crazy unstable power source in front of him (like Roger Waters) and he turns out the most incredible sound you've ever heard.  But then Waters decided that the proper form of self-expression for plutonium is an uncontrolled detonation out in the desert somewhere, and ever since then there doesn't seem to be anything that can properly power the Gilmour machine.  So he idles along in low-power mode, most of his systems dark.

Maybe someday we'll discover another way to generate the power necessary to run the Gilmour machine at full power.  One can only hope...

 smdeeg wrote:

Too true. He has a good voice and uses it well. Certainly something to be proud of. But he's done godlike work on guitar. He's never sung as well as he's played. Not my favorite song of his. Kind'uv prefer "There's No Way Out of Here".
I'm with you on that comment.

coding_to_music wrote:
Piano from Joni Mitchell's "River" ? WTF! ?

YES, definitely! I just heard that as well. Strange.

Strange that I love solo Gilmour but detest late sans-Waters Floyd. Must be the production. This sounds so crisp and full, while the late Floyd stuff is so overblown and plodding, with that snare reverb that lasts a half hour. This stuff just soars.
I love this CD...I just bought it cause my vinyl copy is worn..

meydele wrote:
He's got a great voice, which doesn't get much love since everyone speaks to his guitar playing prowess. I think he sounds both soothing and intimate. And it's a nice song.
Too true. He has a good voice and uses it well. Certainly something to be proud of. But he's done godlike work on guitar. He's never sung as well as he's played. Not my favorite song of his. Kind'uv prefer "There's No Way Out of Here".
big_gare wrote:
Hey, I actually own this great piece of vinyl. Makes me want to take it out & play it again!
Some things should stay on vinyl. I don't mean that as an insult to this...quite the opposite. The ritual of unsleeving an album, handling it oh so carefully, cleaning it, making sure the tone arm is balanced and finally you get to sit back with eyes closed and listen. Concept or prog rock albums of the past lend themselves so well to this and just lose that bit of magic when all you have to do is push a button or two.
There's something of Comfortably Numb and Dogs guitar job, I think... far better than the deadly boring "On an Island", anyway...
...on an island has grown on me, actually...while it was decidedly underwhelming on first listen, there's some nice depth to it which takes several listenings over a goodly span of time to mature and present itself...
big_gare wrote:
Hey, I actually own this great piece of vinyl. Makes me want to take it out & play it again!
It is a great piece of vinyl. His next solo work, "About Face," is also really quite good. There was a short film made about his touring for these records, called "Beyond The Wall."
First time I hear that. There's something of Comfortably Numb and Dogs guitar job, I think... far better than the deadly boring "On an Island", anyway...
Hey, I actually own this great piece of vinyl. Makes me want to take it out & play it again!
One often forgets about his solo work, prior to On an Island, but he was doing some amazing stuff way back in between Animals and The Wall.
More_Cowbell wrote:
His best solo work! Fantastic!
Anyone know who else is standing behind him on the album cover?
themotion wrote:
Ok it's settled, Gilmour is the greatest rock guitarist ... ever.(IMO)
I'll buy that.
His best solo work! Fantastic!
Ok it's settled, Gilmour is the greatest rock guitarist ... ever.(IMO)
Tedious high school slow dancing... ...with a nice voice and good guitar work.
meydele wrote:
He's got a great voice, which doesn't get much love since everyone speaks to his guitar playing prowess. I think he sounds both soothing and intimate. And it's a nice song.
Totally agree.
Love, love, love Gilmour's guitar!
He's got a great voice, which doesn't get much love since everyone speaks to his guitar playing prowess. I think he sounds both soothing and intimate. And it's a nice song.
Wow, I haven't heard this in many years. I may have to dust off the vinyl and slap it on the turntable. Good choice.
I love this song... Good solo by him, as well.
This has always been an amazing song. And frankly, this has always been my favorite solo album by him. Its good to see it getting airplay.
Goes from 8 to 9!
Piano from Joni Mitchell's "River" ? WTF! ?
Excellent. Has aged splendidly.
pretty amazing how you can recognize David Gilmour without even knowing the song... this prompted me to start the webpage and check ... and discovered an album I did not know yet. Great! Thanks RP
I've always loved this album.
first side of this album was always a favorite to blast at 3 a.m. after a night of revelry, waking up the rest of quad/dorms back in the college days.
What am I suspended here? Should I kid myself that I have no fear? I get no choice, I just have to wait It may already be too late I don't know what's going on My heart is pumping, I'm still alive I'm still awake against my will What will it ever take To still this burning in me? Man, does this song sing my life! Love this.
My fav PF member. Consistent quality over his entire career. LOVE THIS!
This album was released in 1978. I don't think this is the strongest song on the CD. I do love his guitar solos, though! It had been so long since I had heard this song, I was hoping it was something from his upcoming solo effort. I'm looking forward to hearing some new songs from David, who, IMO was the most incredible musician IN PF.
madtowner11 wrote:
Floyd is my all-time favorite band and I never even considered that Gilmour had solo stuff out there. Love this.
He has been doing solo stuff for a while - my personal favorite is Murder, try to find it, you won't be disappointed.
This is the first time I've heard this song, since I don't own the album. I've got to say, it's a pretty mediocre effort. The more-frequently played song from this album, "There's No Way Out Of Here," is far better.
He has a new album coming out soon. Hope to see some here.
*Long time fan remembers she could never get this album because she used to live in Brazil and it was a rare import that no one had.* Click! I bought it!!! Thanks for reminding me of the power of the internet RP.
This is pretty, but it definitely reveals that perhaps Gilmour was not PF's strongest lyricist...these couplets make me giggle. (here comes the guitar solo, though, so all is forgiven)
Floyd is my all-time favorite band and I never even considered that Gilmour had solo stuff out there. Love this.
Always a fan of Gilmore, he always struck me as the creative force behind PF IMO.