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Fourplay — Breakfast In America
Album: The Joy Of
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Total ratings: 787

Released: 2000
Length: 2:38
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (197)add comment
This reminds me how much I already love the PSD button..!

Because this song sucks. Just to be clear.
Wow.  Tough crowd.  My daughter is a cello player so I'm biased when I say, this is pretty cool.
which floor please?
As I was feverishly working away at my desk, I started to subconciously sing along, I realized what I was doing, that this isn't Supertramp, and (to the dismay of my office mates) started to cackle uncontrollably. This is just a fun little song!
Not particularly original, and they have nicked the name of a smooth jazz group's name.At least try and get a new name even if you are marooned on the bottom end of our planet.

Oh an original segue to Supertramp BIA. {#Snooty} 

This works well as an instrumental, but I still think that songs with serious lyrics should not be done as instrumentals. Back in the day, I had a friend who was getting married and wanted "Annie's Song" by John Denver to be played. But he wanted it without the lyrics. I just facepalmed and resigned myself to the fact that there will never be an explanation for things like this.

... followed by Supertramp "Long Way Home."    Niiiiice.
.. she's the only one I got.

Sloggydog wrote:
Take a look at my girlfriend...

Take a look at my girlfriend...
 kurtster wrote:
Right now this song illustrates context and segue.

You got it.
i was initially impressed with string quartet or 'symphonic' interpretations of rock (or other) songs but i feel like the novelty ran its course... This sounds nice, but it sounds exactly like you'd expect a string quartet (I assume, based on band name) interpretation to sound

Sure, why not?

Right now this song illustrates context and segue.

to quote Joey from Friends: "I mean, what's not to like? Custard, good. Jam, good. Meat, good!", if you like this song and you like string quartets (or the like), then you're all set aren't you?

Now I've heard everything.......

«Balm after rock» style. Interesting, i like it. But in small volumes — a whole album of Apocalyptica (for example), too much for my ears. 

A weak pseudo-classical reinterpretation of a pop hit. Is there any reason for this?

No, this is just stupid.
 wycado wrote:
Nice interpretation. I feel smarter already.
 Wait, what? Why?

I do like covers and this one interests me.

But I don't think I'd like to hear it too often.

Do I like it?... the jury is out
 Sjaaks wrote:
Just one question:



Why not?
For a second I thought this was Kronos Quartet!  eggs benedict please

It's an interesting cover, but only because I know every note and every word.

 jmassoglia wrote:
Doles anyone know who the artist is on this song?  I have reviewed the Fourplay discography and it is not listed.  And considering this is an instrumental with string instruments not a four piece jazz combo, it seems unlikely that Fourplay is the artist.  Any help? 

It's an Australian string quartet. have seen them live years ago, both RichPrins and me. Still have two autographed CD's. It was fun!
Too. Freaking. Awesome.

Thanks, Bill!  You've done it yet again!
Original = crap
This = even worse
Just one question:


hate this and the original

Artist's web site link is wrong - it links to the "US" Fourplay, which is NOT the band that plays this Supertramp cover.

BTW this version just interrupted a very nice (tender and quiet) moment between my girlfriend and I when we both cracked up laughing at the silliness of this song. Still a nice moment, but you can interpret what it says about the song as you will.

An 8 with the right mood.   7 otherwise. 
Nice interpretation. I feel smarter already.
Thought I liked Fourplay, but this isn't what I recalled liking.

Doles anyone know who the artist is on this song?  I have reviewed the Fourplay discography and it is not listed.  And considering this is an instrumental with string instruments not a four piece jazz combo, it seems unlikely that Fourplay is the artist.  Any help? 
at least it's better than the original{#Think}
the first song of supertramp i like...
 Tim_in_N_FL wrote:

Agreed...almost sounds like a Klezmer tune, eh?

Bill does like him some odd covers... ;)

Yes he does, lol. Maybe he played/plays in a cover band.
 alvarorb wrote:
I like how the bring the Yidish out of the song. Very nice. Alvaro
Agreed...almost sounds like a Klezmer tune, eh?

Bill does like him some odd covers... ;)

I'd like to hear "Crime of the Century" given this treatment.
It's a bouncy Muzak version
 Mugro wrote:
This song is SO much better without that Supertramp lead singer's voice!!

Have you been drinking from the bong water? (1)
This song is SO much better without that Supertramp lead singer's voice!!
Hmm . . . okay, then.
Love it!!!
alvarorb wrote:
I like how the bring the Yidish out of the song. Very nice. Alvaro
I always loved/hated this song. I agree with alvarorb, the melody really is quite beautiful minus the vocals. (sorry Roger, you rule, but my girlfriend at teh time fooled around a bit, you know how it is)
Honestly this isn't that bad IMO
I like how the bring the Yidish out of the song. Very nice. Alvaro
Pyro wrote:
... Fourplay (the jazz U.S. version) also includes Nathan East and Harvey Mason. ...
Fiveplay doesn't have quite the same ring.
mandolin wrote:
...i'm not particularly fond of string adaptations which transliterate vocal lines syllable-for-syllable - they sound kind of musically sophomoric to my ears...i think melody is far better served when adapted to the natural phrasing of the instrument used, instead...
Some of that may be due to the fact that you can't get the image of the original out of your mind, but I see your point.
...i'm not particularly fond of string adaptations which transliterate vocal lines syllable-for-syllable - they sound kind of musically sophomoric to my ears...i think melody is far better served when adapted to the natural phrasing of the instrument used, instead... ...music should stand on its own, rather than requiring the listener to tranlate in her head to match a prescribed archetype...
Inamorato wrote:
Is this the Bob James/Lee Ritenour/Larry Carlton Fourplay? I hear only bowed strings. Anyway, I like this better than the original.
No, this band is FourPlay Electric String Quartet out of Australia. Fourplay (the jazz U.S. version) also includes Nathan East and Harvey Mason. I like both.
A testament to the songwriter's ability to write a melody.
Nope thanks...interesting but prefer original
wow, a version of this song without that PAINFUL, HORRIBLE supertramp vocalist! i'm LIKING what i'm HEARING! LOL 7
Listen to my favorite string quarter, Invert (two cellos, violin and viola) play Tomorrow Never Knows and then listen to their originals at www.myspace.com\invertstrings
swinghamer wrote:
not no...but hell no...
not yeah...but heck yeah haha, okay, that was just as horrid as the original :) It's not bad actually (the song I mean now people)
Its like I expect the guys from fiddler on the roof to come in my cube and dance around.
not no...but hell no...
Fourplay? I prefer threesomes! And the non-elevator version of this song.
I think this translates very, very well :)
Jelani wrote:
four hot chicks with bows I believe
I think you're thinking of Rasputina.
Love this, I know the band - an Australian group who as far as I know aren't together anymore :( Wonderful gypsy and klezmer notes, made we want to dance Tango to it. BTW Fourplay are not four hot chicks, I'm afraid, there are a couple (or more) guys in there too.
crockydile wrote:
Having instruments play lines that were originally sung leaves much to be desired. There is no instrument that rivals the human voice. My 2 cents.
True about the voice , but don't you tinkn this adds a new and dfferent dimension ot the music? the words don't get in the way of the tune.
Inamorato wrote:
Is this the Bob James/Lee Ritenour/Larry Carlton Fourplay? I hear only bowed strings. Anyway, I like this better than the original.
four hot chicks with bows I believe
Is this the Bob James/Lee Ritenour/Larry Carlton Fourplay? I hear only bowed strings. Anyway, I like this better than the original.
Having instruments play lines that were originally sung leaves much to be desired. There is no instrument that rivals the human voice. My 2 cents. Uggh.
Nice idea but played too syrupy.
I am sure the musicians are fine at their craft but a symphonic version of Supertramp is a hard listen.
Hah, this is fun.
this is the kind of thing you hear the DJs play on regular radio in the background while they babble on about what washed up bands will be playing the state fair and you say \"damn-it why can\'t just break-up the monotony of your ridiculous station with something like this tune every once and a while, and just shut up\" I love the tramp, I give this homage an enthusiastic 8
Good stuff.
On_The_Beach wrote:
Sounds like something Monty Python would have cooked up!
Viva Monty!!! Nice one, Bill!
hanssachs wrote:
not necessary
what is "necessary"? I like it.
Okay, that was just FUNNY! It took me a moment, then WTF, then a good belly laugh. Thanks Bill, for playing all sorts of stuff. The insertion of a weird tune like this just breaks up the day. We can't take ourselves and our "IMHO"s so seriously. And I finally bought a really great hammock in Mexico. It goes well with the tunes and margaritas on the front deck...
That was great.. and I like the original a LOT!
Sounds like something Monty Python would have cooked up!
not necessary
My girlfriend is a huge Supertramp freak, so I have to like their music or else. She'd hate it if she found out I rated this an 8 and the original a 7. Hehehehehe
This is really cute but a little to straight of an interpretation for my taste. I want them to go a bit more nuts with it. It feels kinda academic. Cool though just the same.
FlatCat wrote:
I'll be flexible about listening, but I still want to be able to duscuss and rant about things, both good and bad.
Ditto. When I hear a song that I don't like, that's a reminder to me of why I listen to RP - there's a lot of stuff that I do like that I would never hear otherwise. That doesn't mean, however, that I should refrain from expressing my dislike for the songs I don't care for. I'm still not sure about this song, though.
amandamustdance wrote:
I'm hearing the tune to "girlfriend" by gym class heroes... whatsupwiththat?
Too young!
j-mccull wrote:
The half of you that don't like this are on the crack pipe! Bill plays a nice eclectic mix that gets put through a rigorous testing ground before being deemed worthy on RP(ever tried to get a song approved on LRC?..easier to get Ted Kennedy elected for President!) You gotta be flexible with RP. Otherwise, just program your own iTunes playlist and stay in yer box!
Wait. I can love RP (which I do) and still not like this song (which I don't).
I'm hearing the tune to "girlfriend" by gym class heroes... whatsupwiththat?
j-mccull wrote:
The half of you that don't like this are on the crack pipe! Bill plays a nice eclectic mix that gets put through a rigorous testing ground before being deemed worthy on RP
Music is all about personal taste - there's no right or wrong answers, except for an individual. Fourplay really doesn't grab me - most of their stuff is way too much like "smooth jazz" for my taste (for example, Reptilia on their MySpace page). On the other hand, it's a brilliant cover compared to the cover by Gym Class Heroes' (called "Cupid's Chokehold") - which makes me want to apply a chokehold on the entire band. j-mccull wrote:
(ever tried to get a song approved on LRC?..easier to get Ted Kennedy elected for President!)
The difference - I've had truly worthy songs (IMHO) rejected, despite overwhelming LRC votes, and overall critical acclaim for said songs. Hey, it's Bill and Rebecca's station. LRC is a nice way to bring songs to their attention. They're still going to implement their vision, and that's OK. Nothing much worthy about Ted, (again, IMHO) j-mccull wrote:
You gotta be flexible with RP. Otherwise, just program your own iTunes playlist and stay in yer box!
I don't HAVE to be anything, frankly... Increasingly I do listen to my own music... as well as music streams I prefer, like WLIR and WFNX. RP is still in the mix. It's all good. There's nothing sacrosanct about this or any other radio station.
MsJudi wrote:
We can love Bill and the work he does without loving every single piece of music he plays. ;)
I put up with the munsters on TV for years ... i can put up with a munsters job on a good supertramp song for a few minutes
Do not want
Sorry, this is awful. It reminds me of the baskers playing in the tube stations of London, most of them were bloody awful - "how much would you like to stop playing"
I like it. And I really didn't like the Supertramp version much. I gave it an 8.
araujokrl wrote:
fer real; i think this is really cool
j-mccull wrote:
The half of you that don't like this are on the crack pipe! Bill plays a nice eclectic mix that gets put through a rigorous testing ground before being deemed worthy on RP(ever tried to get a song approved on LRC?..easier to get Ted Kennedy elected for President!) You gotta be flexible with RP. Otherwise, just program your own iTunes playlist and stay in yer box!
We can love Bill and the work he does without loving every single piece of music he plays. ;)
If Fourplay used drums instead, they could be renamed Fourskinsplay.
If Saddam had had a hand in this piece of garbage, pre-emptive invasion would have been totally justified in my mind. Horrible.
Why is this reminding me of something? Take a look at my girlfriend, not much of a girlfriend.... I remember now, this is the tune to that song, Take a look at my girlfriend She's the only one I got Not much of a girlfriend I never seem to get a lot
this is either the straightest-faced irony I've ever heard, or misguided musical talent gone horribly wrong
j-mccull wrote:
The half of you that don't like this are on the crack pipe! Bill plays a nice eclectic mix that gets put through a rigorous testing ground before being deemed worthy on RP(ever tried to get a song approved on LRC?..easier to get Ted Kennedy elected for President!) You gotta be flexible with RP. Otherwise, just program your own iTunes playlist and stay in yer box!
fer real; i think this is really cool
horstman wrote:
I saw Supertramp in Ottawa (your larger next door neighbor city) and this is DEFINITELY far worse than Supertramp. Sounds like tormented Cats on Acid.
Tormented cats on acid...LOL! Couldn't agree more!!!
The half of you that don't like this are on the crack pipe! Bill plays a nice eclectic mix that gets put through a rigorous testing ground before being deemed worthy on RP(ever tried to get a song approved on LRC?..easier to get Ted Kennedy elected for President!) You gotta be flexible with RP. Otherwise, just program your own iTunes playlist and stay in yer box!
Ah.. Fourplay! They're from Sydney. Excellent quartet who made their name in the late nineties - early naughties doing instrumental renditions of popular rock songs. I've always held a soft spot for them. Glad to see thay've made it overseas.
I would like to hear the original with this backing. now that would be interesting.
yuk, reminds me of when Prarie Home companion does fast country western versions of pop songs as a joke.
where "ack" = "lovely!" smokinsean wrote:
Cdog wrote:
What the hell? <...> ...and segues into Floyd's Fat Old Sun and all is good!
themotion wrote:
that was a nice segue. . .
It was a nice segue this time too.
Whoa. A klezmer version. Sounds like something I heard at somebody's Bar Mitzvah. Cool take on this song. Trippy.
Bizarro! Had this on in the background and it took me a while to click, then, WTF?!?! Good for novelty value.
I kinda liked this version... :) -Bright Shadow
timc wrote:
At least it's better than listening to Supertramp.
I saw Supertramp in Ottawa (your larger next door neighbor city) and this is DEFINITELY far worse than Supertramp. Sounds like tormented Cats on Acid.
String quartets are one of my favorite chamber ensembles, but this doesn't work.
timc wrote:
At least it's better than listening to Supertramp.
My thoughts exactly. I checked the comments knowing someone would have already said it.