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Midnight Oil — Antarctica
Album: Blue Sky Mining
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Total ratings: 328

Released: 1990
Length: 3:51
Plays (last 30 days): 0
I'm a snow plough
I must now plough on
I'm a snow plough
I'm a settler's son
I'm a storm cloud
Rain myself all over the place
I'm a storm cloud
Wipe that smile right off your face

There must be one place left in the world
Where the mountains meet the sea
There must be one place left in the world
Where the water's real and clean

I'm a landslide
I'm a downhill run
I'm a landslide
Open season's just begun

There must be one place left in the world
Where the skin says it can breathe
There's gotta be one place left in the world
It's a solitude of distance and relief
There's gotta be one place left in the world

I'm a snow plough
There has to be one place left in the world
I'm a snow plough
One place
One place left in the world

I'm a short fuser
I'm a slow bluesr
I'm a landslide hummin I'm a downhill runnin
There must be one place left in this world
Where we can be
Comments (109)add comment
It would be cool to hear this song again.
Ah, looking at the comments now, I see I'm not the only one.
Oh hell. In the beginning of this song I thought they were saying "I'm a snowplow..." 
I'm like WTF?
Midnight Oil is great. Always forget about them, but then when I hear them, I'm always glad.
hey didn't they do a GD cover?
Go Bill.  Rock on out with a couple of tracks of Aussie gold.
 65fl wrote:
I thought he was singing "I'm a snowplow"
Perhaps there is something to be said about seeing issues from both sides....or maybe he is just a sell-out. I suspect more information is needed to really know.
 Rotterdam wrote:

 What is it about money? Discussion point: are certain people born to be corrupted by money, or does the money do the corrupting?
Mostly the latter. You can only be corrupted if you want to be.
I thought he was singing "I'm a snowplow"
 vivakitty wrote:

Hit the Wikipedia and found this, which appears to be adequately sourced:

On 20 December 2007, Garrett approved a controversial plan to dredge Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay. This move has attracted strong criticism from environmental groups who are concerned that the 23 million cubic metres of sand, rock and contaminated silt dredged from the bay's shipping channels will affect fishing and tourism in the area.

Garrett approved a major expansion of South Australia's Beverley uranium mine on 28 August 2008, saying the uranium mine would use world's best practice for environmental protection. Garrett's decision was praised by the uranium industry, but criticised by the Australian Conservation Foundation which said the decision would result in the mine spreading acid and radioactive pollution over 100 square kilometres.

Garrett announced on 24 October 2008 that the government would be withdrawing all $2.6 million funding from Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM). ANAM, which is responsible for training Australia's most promising classical instrumentalists, will be forced to close if it cannot attract funding from other sources.



This seems to be my month for being disappointed with people. What is it about money? Discussion point: are certain people born to be corrupted by money, or does the money do the corrupting?
 philinnz wrote:
some of your listeners would probably be interesting in knowing what the MO frontman is doing now - so google away
Hit the Wikipedia and found this, which appears to be adequately sourced:

On 20 December 2007, Garrett approved a controversial plan to dredge Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay. This move has attracted strong criticism from environmental groups who are concerned that the 23 million cubic metres of sand, rock and contaminated silt dredged from the bay's shipping channels will affect fishing and tourism in the area.

Garrett approved a major expansion of South Australia's Beverley uranium mine on 28 August 2008, saying the uranium mine would use world's best practice for environmental protection. Garrett's decision was praised by the uranium industry, but criticised by the Australian Conservation Foundation which said the decision would result in the mine spreading acid and radioactive pollution over 100 square kilometres.

Garrett announced on 24 October 2008 that the government would be withdrawing all $2.6 million funding from Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM). ANAM, which is responsible for training Australia's most promising classical instrumentalists, will be forced to close if it cannot attract funding from other sources.


 Bridieboo wrote:
Too bad Garrett forgot all about environmental concerns when he got into politics.  Traitor.

Wow you got that right. I just went to Wikipedia to check on his record and what a disappointing turncoat he has become!!! {#Fire}
finger, oils its an aussie spree
Too bad Garrett forgot all about environmental concerns when he got into politics.  Traitor.

 lattalo wrote:
...One observation on your town, I have never seen so many rednecks in such a beautiful place. 


You say this like its a bad thing.

I'm an environmentalist, but I have to agree with everyone who hates this song. It's so preachy, so annoying, so stupid. I cringe to think that these guys represent the environmental point of view somehow. If they love Antarctica so much, I think they should move there immediately.
Hey.  This song is precisely what I love about RP.  Did the Alaska rednecks put you up to that, Giotto?

 giotto wrote:
I've just been recenty intrduced to RP and I like what I hear (a lot of it), but Midnight Oil? Cmon you can do better.

Is this guy saying, "I'm a snow plow"?  Bill, you're just mean to play this today.  We've had 2-3 FEET of snow dumped on us since last Wednesday!!  And no, I'm not exaggerating!


I've just been recenty intrduced to RP and I like what I hear (a lot of it), but Midnight Oil? Cmon you can do better.
 flyboy wrote:

Very true. I think this and Michael Franti songs are the songs I hate most on Radio Paradise. And the word hate doesn't really begin to define the feeling.

I happen to like the songs of Michael Franti as well as this song.  I visited your

fair city in Alaska to attend a funeral.  I would like to say on behalf of those of
us in the lower 48 keep your local politicians in Alaska, we don't need any
small minded stupid people in office.  We have plenty already.  One observation
on your town, I have never seen so many rednecks in such a beautiful place. 


 jadewahoo wrote:
A powerful heart-felt testament to the call for sanity, freedom and responsibility, set in a song that is beautiful and lyrical both.

Read this and weep.

Ulises wrote:
Your mamma didn't complain last time I rolled off of her.
Mama jokes? What a f***tard. Common, troll-lite. This is the comments board that has been graced with the likes of physicgenius. You gotta do a whole lot better than this grade-school tripe to live up to that standard! {#Stupid} {#Beat}

Ulises wrote:

Oh please. Let this be the one place in the world where I don't have to listen to greenies, enviros or whatever the hell you call yourselves. Stupid dickheads!

25demayo wrote:

Spoken like a real dickh**d {#Razz}

Word. {#Lol}
Ulises wrote:

Oh please. Let this be the one place in the world where I don't have to listen to greenies, enviros or whatever the hell you call yourselves. Stupid dickheads!
Too late. You had your chance at running things, and your time is done. You fucked up royally. We won, we have opened the hearts and minds of the children. The world is theirs. Our responsibility to is to hand it off to them in better repair than what your greedy desecrations did to destroy it. Deal with it.

A powerful heart-felt testament to the call for sanity, freedom and responsibility, set in a song that is beautiful and lyrical both.
 Ulises wrote:

Oh please. Let this be the one place in the world where I don't have to listen to greenies, enviros or whatever the hell you call yourselves. Stupid dickheads!

Spoken like a real dickh**d {#Razz}

Truly terrible

some of your listeners would probably be interesting in knowing what the MO frontman is doing now - so google away
Wow, in all my listening, I have never heard this! Great.....play this and something else from Midnight Oil....interesting.
I really don't like this song....love some of the comments though.

 veegez wrote:
 andrewimft wrote:
Ulises wrote:
Oh please. Let this be the one place in the world where I don't have to listen to greenies, enviros or whatever the hell you call yourselves. Stupid dickheads!

Too bad you're not intelligent enough to understand ...........

I like where this is going.......

Bill, you need to put this song in the rotation a bit more so we can see where this is going to end up.  {#Fight}  Always fun to watch.

 andrewimft wrote:

Ulises wrote:

Oh please. Let this be the one place in the world where I don't have to listen to greenies, enviros or whatever the hell you call yourselves. Stupid dickheads!

Too bad you're not intelligent enough to understand ...........

I like where this is going.......

Ulises wrote:
Oh please. Let this be the one place in the world where I don't have to listen to greenies, enviros or whatever the hell you call yourselves. Stupid dickheads!

Too bad you're not intelligent enough to understand that if it weren't for 'greenies' the air you breathe, water you drink, and food you eat would be polluted enough to kill you. Because it's because of the greenies that we have laws and regulations that make Exxon pay for the spill that screwed up your Alaska waters, and keep our standards strong enough so that the environment we live in is healthy.

In fact, you'd be much happier living in a communist country like China were the pollution is so bad it kills people on a daily basis, and they have as little tolerance for 'greenies' as you do. You could join the Party's army there and beat up on the greenies like they do. It would be the perfect place for you, because here in America most of us realize we're all in the same environment and breathe the same air, and have to find ways to listen to each other, get along, and pass legislation that benefits everyone including businesses and the environment. Since you don't understand that, maybe you and your winger hater friends could all move to China where your behavior is not only accepted, but the norm for the ruling party and its agents. In fact, I hear Beijing is very nice this time of year, except for the horrible air pollution that makes everyone cough all the time and shortens their life spans, but since you would never mind that, I'm sure you would be really happy there.

robco1 wrote:
All this talk of anatomy makes me think you may be trying to make up for your, um, shortcomings. Have fun filling your SUV. And have a nice day!
Your mamma didn't complain last time I rolled off of her.
Ulises wrote:
You are dickhead!
All this talk of anatomy makes me think you may be trying to make up for your, um, shortcomings. Have fun filling your SUV. And have a nice day!
robco1 wrote:
Just go turn on your buddy Rush Limbaugh and you can listen to all the stupid, ignorant redneck, psudo-macho moronic bullsh** your feeble brain can handle. Tool.
You too, are a dickhead!
Ulises wrote:
Oh please. Let this be the one place in the world where I don't have to listen to greenies, enviros or whatever the hell you call yourselves. Stupid dickheads!
Just go turn on your buddy Rush Limbaugh and you can listen to all the stupid, ignorant redneck, psudo-macho moronic bullsh** your feeble brain can handle. Tool.
andrewimft wrote:
Yes, because it's open season on nature and its natural resources. So if you ever were in nature, enjoying how it cleansed your mind and fed your soul with its beauty, and then found out that place was slated for destruction, then you can understand this song. If not, then I pity you.
Oh please. Let this be the one place in the world where I don't have to listen to greenies, enviros or whatever the hell you call yourselves. Stupid dickheads!
Open season's just begun There must be one place left in the world Where the skin says it can breathe There's gotta be one place left in the world It's a solitude of distance and relief There's gotta be one place left in the world
Yes, because it's open season on nature and its natural resources. So if you ever were in nature, enjoying how it cleansed your mind and fed your soul with its beauty, and then found out that place was slated for destruction, then you can understand this song. If not, then I pity you.
Excelsior wrote:
Yeah, this is ridiculously bad.
Friggan yank. You don't have a clue. Go and invade Iran or something. Surely they are hiding WMDs or something. LOL.
flyboy wrote:
Very true. I think this and Michael Franti songs are the songs I hate most on Radio Paradise. And the word hate doesn't really begin to define the feeling.
Yeah, this is ridiculously bad.
govna wrote:
wow that is just terrible.
Very true. I think this and Michael Franti songs are the songs I hate most on Radio Paradise. And the word hate doesn't really begin to define the feeling.
Oregon_Steve wrote:
Fantastic...and more and more relevant to our times. These guys were prophets, years ahead of most of us in perceiving what's happening in the world, and incredible musicians and performers, too. Long live The Oils!
Too true bro. Proud of this effort from my fellow Aussies. And very few 'green' bones in my body......
Oregon_Steve wrote:
Fantastic...and more and more relevant to our times. These guys were prophets, years ahead of most of us in perceiving what's happening in the world, and incredible musicians and performers, too. Long live The Oils!
One of my all time favorite songs!
Fantastic...and more and more relevant to our times. These guys were prophets, years ahead of most of us in perceiving what's happening in the world, and incredible musicians and performers, too. Long live The Oils!
wow that is just terrible.
woww.. que buen tema..
great tune paradise . . .heah but. . . they're all great tunes! rock on the oils!
Perhaps the dumbest song of all time.
burdell wrote:
This song is brilliant. The perfect Midnight Oil song. Well written, powerful melody, great singing and a message that clearly resonates without being preachy. Excellent.
Didn't I write that in response to this song earlier? Well, if not, you took the words right outta my heart.
morgsy67 wrote:
I feel like I'm in one of those interpretive acting classes. ...O.K., you are a storm cloud.....GO!
I think I've been in that class. But it was a dance class...
I feel like I'm in one of those interpretive acting classes. ...O.K., you are a storm cloud.....GO!
This song is brilliant. The perfect Midnight Oil song. Well written, powerful melody, great singing and a message that clearly resonates without being preachy. Excellent.
hunthunthunt wrote:
Peter Garrett is an absolute fucking legend! One of the few true australian's left. Get John Howard out of parlimanet and put this man in his place!
John Howard is out. But Pete is not in. Will never happen. I mean, it would be like having an actor for president...
Yarf. Thar she blows...
ScopArch wrote:
Is he singing "I'm a snowplow?"
Nah, come on, it's STORMCLOUD, right?
ScopArch wrote:
Is he singing "I'm a snowplow?"
Yes. Yes he is.
Is he singing "I'm a snowplow?"
flyboy wrote:
There's a few thousand miles of coastline up here where the mountains meet the sea and the water's real and clean and nobody's around for hundreds of miles. This song's dumb.
This song sings to the needs of the Soul, flyboy. There are many many in this world who have never had a glimpse of the peace that comes with such an environment, and would never consider it were it not for the possibility of Art exposing them to the concept. And that is what Art does, and this song is certainly Art, whether you are able or not to find it such.
hcaudill wrote:
*MUTE* Let's face it, this band was a one-hit wonder. I'll never understand why RP plays so much of their album-filler.
Mute this comment. An obvious 10 - lyrics AND music.
2-hit wonder, actually. BUT, my favorite album was Earth & Sun & Moon. Would love to hear more from it on here.
*MUTE* Let's face it, this band was a one-hit wonder. I'll never understand why RP plays so much of their album-filler.
I love that RP plays so much Midnight Oil! This is one of my favorite songs.
Nabla wrote:
In my view, that's one of the better tunes on a rather poor CD...
I'm with you.
One thing for sure about this band, they had a cool freaking name.
skdenfeld wrote:
Hmm, I think it's one of the average songs on a rather wonderful CD. Different strokes...
I don't there's a song on this album I don't like. Could be their best.
Nabla wrote:
In my view, that's one of the better tunes on a rather poor CD...
Hmm, I think it's one of the average songs on a rather wonderful CD. Different strokes...
Flight of the Choncords anyone?
In my view, that's one of the better tunes on a rather poor CD...
flyboy wrote:
There's a few thousand miles of coastline up here where the mountains meet the sea and the water's real and clean and nobody's around for hundreds of miles. This song's dumb.
Try not to get analysis paralysis flyboy. Count yourself among the fortunate few who can breathe fresh air and see clear skies, drink and swim in clear water. Hence the song, my befuddled radio listener. (PS Australia has more clean coastline with crystal clear water than most people have ever experienced, so let's protect it)
yclept wrote:
I think you mean true Left Australians!
I always have wondered why he took that choice.. I mean politics is, well just politics. Wasn't he reaching a far greater audience and having a far greater impact as a rock musician? Why the hell would he become a politician for God's sake?
hunthunthunt wrote:
Peter Garrett is an absolute fucking legend! One of the few true australian's left. Get John Howard out of parlimanet and put this man in his place!
I think he is annoying and the music is bland
this band just doesn't grow on me
hunthunthunt wrote:
Peter Garrett is an absolute fucking legend! One of the few true australian's left. Get John Howard out of parlimanet and put this man in his place!
I think you mean true Left Australians!
Johng wrote:
I am so sad that the Oils are no more. What an amazing band! An impressive 25 year go at it.
Yes, but drummer Rob Hirst (major lyric contributor) has a cool 3-piece blues rig Backsliders using only guitar, harp & kit and hell do they kick arse. Saw them , again, last weekend at WOMADelaide - they sound like a pumpin' six-piece!!
hunthunthunt wrote:
Peter Garrett is an absolute fucking legend! One of the few true australian's left.
Plus, he was great on "The Munsters"! (or was it "The Addams Family?)
jadewahoo wrote:
This song, its lyrics, are for me the inspiring call to find that one place... There must be one place left in the world Where the mountains meet the sea There must be one place left in the world Where the water's real and clean I think I have found it in Costa Rica! I have found a place where the mountains meet the sea, without being slashed by a paved road, where the air is real and clean.
There's a few thousand miles of coastline up here where the mountains meet the sea and the water's real and clean and nobody's around for hundreds of miles. This song's dumb.
hunthunthunt wrote:
Peter Garrett is an absolute fucking legend! One of the few true australian's left. Get John Howard out of parlimanet and put this man in his place!
couldn't agree more Go Peter!
jadewahoo wrote:
This song, its lyrics, are for me the inspiring call to find that one place... There must be one place left in the world Where the mountains meet the sea There must be one place left in the world Where the water's real and clean I think I have found it in Costa Rica! I have found a place where the mountains meet the sea, without being slashed by a paved road, where the air is real and clean.
This song, its lyrics, are for me the inspiring call to find that one place... There must be one place left in the world Where the mountains meet the sea There must be one place left in the world Where the water's real and clean I think I have found it in Costa Rica! I have found a place where the mountains meet the sea, without being slashed by a paved road, where the air is real and clean.
hcaudill wrote:
These guys take themselves way too seriously.
Says the guy from Washington DC.
hunthunthunt wrote:
Peter Garrett is an absolute fucking legend! One of the few true australian's left. Get John Howard out of parlimanet and put this man in his place!
Damn right ! Time to retire old school decrepit politics & give it a younger, stronger & more progressive face.
So very well put, and astute. Thanks Oregon_Steve. Oregon_Steve wrote:
I think it is the world and their place and our collective place in it that they take seriously, not themselves. Maybe most of us live life a little too frivolously, without bothering to try to effect any positive and lasting change on humanity's course, deeming it too difficult a thing to do. Midnight Oil saw things happening they thought needed changing, and they sought change through their music and otherwise. Lead singer Peter Garrett (https://www.aph.gov.au/house/members/member.asp?id=HV4) has continually sought change, both while with Midnight Oil and since retiring from the band in 2002. He was president of the Australian Conservation Foundation and on the board of Greenpeace while with the band, and he has been a member of the Australian Parliament since 2004. He and other band members have been advocates for social change in Australia and worldwide since the band's inception - and they have had an effect, primarily, but not only, in Australia. Thank God some musicians with fairly wide audiences take this world seriously and point out changes that are needed. Social consciousness need not have died out with the 1960s, but it seems some people think musicians still should only sing about 'love' and their personal problems. If you simply don't like their music, fine, but don't condemn them for singing about 'serious' topics. Long live The Oils!
Peter Garrett is an absolute fucking legend! One of the few true australian's left. Get John Howard out of parlimanet and put this man in his place!
Oregon_Steve wrote:
...saw things happening they thought needed changing, and they sought change through their music and otherwise. Long live The Oils!
A big thumb's up to that!
YES! More songs from groups like Midnight Oil, Tragically Hip, and other ecclectic bands. As usual, a little heavy on the Beatles and oldies lately..... Just my 2 cents...
hcaudill wrote:
These guys take themselves way too seriously.
I think it is the world and their place and our collective place in it that they take seriously, not themselves. Maybe most of us live life a little too frivolously, without bothering to try to effect any positive and lasting change on humanity's course, deeming it too difficult a thing to do. Midnight Oil saw things happening they thought needed changing, and they sought change through their music and otherwise. Lead singer Peter Garrett (https://www.aph.gov.au/house/members/member.asp?id=HV4) has continually sought change, both while with Midnight Oil and since retiring from the band in 2002. He was president of the Australian Conservation Foundation and on the board of Greenpeace while with the band, and he has been a member of the Australian Parliament since 2004. He and other band members have been advocates for social change in Australia and worldwide since the band's inception - and they have had an effect, primarily, but not only, in Australia. Thank God some musicians with fairly wide audiences take this world seriously and point out changes that are needed. Social consciousness need not have died out with the 1960s, but it seems some people think musicians still should only sing about 'love' and their personal problems. If you simply don't like their music, fine, but don't condemn them for singing about 'serious' topics. Long live The Oils!
These guys take themselves way too seriously.
milehighYinzer wrote:
Wait.........this band has another song besides that "when the world is turning" or something song. Wow. You learn something new everyday.
Midnight Oil ('this band') has an amazing and large body of inspired, tuneful work that enlightens and informs and moves, but which has been largely ignored by American radio - except for RP!
MrsAustin wrote:
I always thought he was saying "I'm a snow plow"
He is: "I'm a snow plough I must now plough on I'm a snow plough I'm a settler's son I'm a storm cloud Rain myself all over the place I'm a storm cloud Wipe that smile right off your face There must be one place left in the world Where the mountains meet the sea There must be one place left in the world Where the water's real and clean"
Wait.........this band has another song besides that "when the world is turning" or something song. Wow. You learn something new everyday.
I always thought he was saying "I'm a snow plow"
Politically correct, but musically awful.
2 australian bands? how about silverchair?
Evocative. Painfully so. Exquisitely so. This song bespeaks a Life's Quest for me... there's gotta be one place left in the world...
10,9,8,7,.... That's the one that did it for me. First time I saw them live in London in mid eighties, I wondered why the centre mike stand was up so high... Get their '20,000 watts' dvd. A real treat.
Good lyrics, enjoying the music . . . in a way . . . It seems . . . evocative, wispy, hard to describe!
How great to hear this on RP. I don't think I ever even heard this song on the radio back in Oz!
stickers11 wrote:
Have not heard this in years!!! Me like. On that note, anyone know if there is a Oil best of album, or collection?
There sure is! What's your excuse? Neil
Have not heard this in years!!! Me like. On that note, anyone know if there is a Oil best of album, or collection?
Mmmm...one of my favourite Oils tunes. (Also one that keeps me on my task of traveling to all 7 continents by the time I'm 35. You see, Antarctica will be #7! I leave for #5, Australia, in just five weeks!) Be Well -UF
Originally Posted by Johng: I am so sad that the Oils are no more. What an amazing band! An impressive 25 year go at it.
One of the most underrated band ever. I always loved their music. very true to their cause.
nevermind. i think i have expressed my opinion about these guys more than enough already.
Originally Posted by Johng: I am so sad that the Oils are no more. What an amazing band! An impressive 25 year go at it.
They disbanded? What a shame....
I am so sad that the Oils are no more. What an amazing band! An impressive 25 year go at it.