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Better Than Ezra — One More Murder
Album: How Does Your Garden Grow
Avg rating:

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Total ratings: 1244

Released: 1995
Length: 4:31
Plays (last 30 days): 0
One more murder in this town,
Don't mean a thing just lock your doors
And drive around.

One more murder in this town,
Don't worry the rain will
Wash the chalk marks from the ground.

Saturday night, shots ring out,
Add one to the body count.
You come alive to see another's end.

Plead it to a lessor count,
D.A. says without a doubt,
In 3-5 you're on the street's again

One more murder in this town
Don't mean a thing
You get accustomed to the sound

One more murder in this town
Block off the street
Wrap the crime scene tape around.

Hosanna! Hosanna!
I can't feel a thing at all!
Hosanna! Hosanna!
I can't feel a thing!
I can't feel a thing at all!

Saturday night you're going out
Parking lot, a figure come about
Feel a piece click against your head.

Pleading to his sympathy,
"Take the car, I got a family"
You head a laugh,
"It don't mean shit to me."

One more murder in this town
Comments (140)add comment
 Easyrider wrote:

Very Bonoesque,if it hasnā€™t been said beforešŸ§

Very.  Maybe one was borrowing vocal stylings from the other...
 lily34 wrote:

huh. i do not hear that at all.
but, i do love BTE. so much fun to see live. nice guys, too.

You lucky duck. I wish I could have seen them live too!
 Easyrider wrote:

Very Bonoesque,if it hasnā€™t been said beforešŸ§

huh. i do not hear that at all.
but, i do love BTE. so much fun to see live. nice guys, too.
I never heard this tune, prior to RP. Now, the more I hear it, the more I like it!  Thanx RP!   
Excellent! ...different sound than a lot of their other tunes! Thanx RP!
VERY Bonoesque indeed!! AND I like it
Very Bonoesque,if it hasnā€™t been said beforešŸ§
 hifigreg wrote:
. Woefully after the song it just followed, which i cannot recalInteresting how, when you hear a song wild riding a bicycle home in the rain at 1:30 a.m. on January 1st, 2021 , it can upgrade the score  couple of points.  I hereby give this song  a 7 . I seem to remember thinking it weren't so good last time I heard it,  but in my semi-inebriated state,  I do approve.
Especially after the song it followed, which sadly i cannot recall. 

BTE were pretty solid across all their albums. All enjoyable but only a few really stand out. This being one of them.
. Woefully after the song it just followed, which i cannot recalInteresting how, when you hear a song wild riding a bicycle home in the rain at 1:30 a.m. on January 1st, 2021 , it can upgrade the score  couple of points.  I hereby give this song  a 7 . I seem to remember thinking it weren't so good last time I heard it,  but in my semi-inebriated state,  I do approve.
Especially after the song it followed, which sadly i cannot recall. 
X-files, the movie!! <3
Typical of 'jpfueler' and the like to believe it's as easy as Right v Left!
The problems of society lie far deeper and could benefit from a little (but preferably a lot) of research
whot this is
Great to have some distance to look back to the 90's because: 1. it was a great decade for music and 2. so much of the music of the 2000's and 2010's makes it sound even better
Appropriate for today.
more of this!
Oh oh, another rip off from Kraftwerk
 maboleth wrote:
X-files soundtrack! :D Thanks for this Bill!

Yes! I came here to say the same thing. I still have that soundtrack - it's a great slice of 90s music.
X-files soundtrack! :D Thanks for this Bill!
 myersei wrote:
hey, hey, hey now....this is a music forum.  c'mon guys....let's turn the hate



But the song is about hate and killing people just for ignorance of their life.
So that is what they discuss!
Tell Bill not to play it and rate it a one. 
 jpfueler wrote:

Ok..name one well armed nation that a gov't decioded to take control of and force millions do death chambers? If something like that was to occur, who is more likely to be going into "re-education", the unarmed, or those who refuse to be helpless sots? Hitler , the Junta in Burma, the VC, all disarm the populace for a reason ,and crime is not it.

Funny. but those libs and leftists are the loudest about revolutions and oppression of even non-existing rights yet think being disarmed is the way to go..

very short sighted.....but to be expected of any leftist.

Sorry but the Nazis were quite popular with the German public before the war started, so Hitler had no reason to fear a popular armed uprising. And remember that Hitler dramatically militarized Germany in preparation for war, so he did arm and train normal, non-Nazi German men to fight and kill. Again, hardly something a leader fearing revolt from below would do. 

As for the Germans, their awareness of concentration camps and the inhabitants of those camps: recent research indicates that average Germans could not have been ignorant about of them because there were far, far more camps than we thought. Average Germans were aware and approved. 


"When the research began in 2000, Dr. Megargee said he expected to find perhaps 7,000 Nazi camps and ghettos, based on postwar estimates. But the numbers kept climbing — first to 11,500, then 20,000, then 30,000, and now 42,500."


"Dr. Dean, a co-researcher, said the findings left no doubt in his mind that many German citizens, despite the frequent claims of ignorance after the war, must have known about the widespread existence of the Nazi camps at the time.

“You literally could not go anywhere in Germany without running into forced labor camps, P.O.W. camps, concentration camps,” he said. “They were everywhere.” "

You might want to read this article, jpfueler, since it debunks some notions I think you have about Nazi Germany.  



"University of Chicago law professor Bernard Harcourt explored this myth (that Hitler widely confiscated citizens' weapons with a 1938 law) in depth in a 2004 article published in the Fordham Law Review. As it turns out, the Weimar Republic, the German government that immediately preceded Hitler’s, actually had tougher gun laws than the Nazi regime. After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them.

The 1938 law signed by Hitler that (NRA head) LaPierre mentions in his book basically does the opposite of what he says it did. “The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition,” Harcourt wrote. Meanwhile, many more categories of people, including Nazi party members, were exempted from gun ownership regulations altogether, while the legal age of purchase was lowered from 20 to 18, and permit lengths were extended from one year to three years."


"Besides, Omer Bartov, a historian at Brown University who studies the Third Reich, notes that the Jews probably wouldn’t have had much success fighting back. “Just imagine the Jews of Germany exercising the right to bear arms and fighting the SA, SS and the Wehrmacht. The Red Army lost 7 million men fighting the Wehrmacht, despite its tanks and planes and artillery. The Jews with pistols and shotguns would have done better?” he told Salon." 

 PhoenixArtDj wrote:
Did U2 change their name? 

I was thinking along the same lines - I thought this was U2 until I checked!
Did U2 change their name? 

myersei wrote:
hey, hey, hey now....this is a music forum.  c'mon guys....let's turn the hate


































































































































I was going to quote a buddy who calls them Better Than Asthma but it seems I p.o.ed a few folks who a blind and deaf as well.
hey, hey, hey now....this is a music forum.  c'mon guys....let's turn the hate

































































































































 jpfueler wrote:

if you find it insulting, stop trying to be as ignorant of the real world as possible and life gets easier and far less "insulting". Conversely why is it only a place for leftist lying claptrap?

You have no right to assume that I'm "trying to be as ignorant of the real world as possible" because you know nothing about me.  That you ASSUME things just proves that you either lack the mental capacity to see things from someone else's perspective or are willfully blind to the fact that there are as many different opinions as there are people.  

What I find insulting is your lack of regard for anyone else's opinion and you lumping every single liberal or progressive into the same category.  I grew up on a highly wooded farm and hunted.  I enjoy target shooting and at one point in my life, I was a pretty decent shot.  I am also insulted that viewpoints that differ from yours are considered "leftist lying claptrap."  

My objections were also aimed at your list of "facts" about it being the "dems" that own guns because Chicago is controlled by "dems."  That sentiment would imply that everyone believes exactly what the people in power believe.  Your own subsequent arguments highlight the fallacy of that statement.  All your other statements are simply that, statements.  If you can show some proof of your statements, then I might be swayed into thinking that those opinions were actually formed from rational thought and not force fed to you by the right wing media.  (And when I say proof, I'd like to see it from an actual unbiased source not some propaganda machine like Fixed News).

One last comment because I've wasted enough time on you...  There are very few Democrats that want to take your guns from you.  The vast majority are not pushing for any kind of gun control with the exception of things like assault weapons bans and thoughtful regulation about who you sell guns too.  Yes, guns don't kill people, people do.  However, is it really wise to sell guns to mentally unstable people?  What about to former convicts who committed violent crimes? One only has to look as far as Denver to see that nutty people shouldn't have guns.  We clearly can't always trust gun sellers to make smart choices about whom they sell their products to, so someone has to force the issue.  It's a shame that it has to be government, but I don't see the gun lobby or the NRA talking about how dangerous guns are and how they should be kept from the hands of the mentally questionable.  

 jpfueler wrote:

if you find it insulting, stop trying to be as ignorant of the real world as possible and life gets easier and far less "insulting". Conversely why is it only a place for leftist lying claptrap?
It's not, though to you it's plainly a place for libel and cliché. Did you know what 'claptrap' meant when you scribbled the above? F*ck me, I'm glad I don't live in the 'land of the free' . Barking Right nutters and guns 4 all is a lethal combination, as has been amply demonstrated by the per capita murder rate, and of course by armed militias such as the Pinkertons (not to mention cop forces such as LAPD) which happily gunned down leftists, radicals and strikers back in the 20th century. There's a feck of a lot wrong with the UK, not least it being the 51st State of the US, but at least I can get into a barney with someone and not run the risk of being shot dead. Though maybe not for too much longer the way things are going in Ingerlan...
Wow! I went in to say that I like BTE, and saw the name of Hitler being invoked!!! {#Eek}
 jpfueler wrote:

if you find it insulting, stop trying to be as ignorant of the real world as possible and life gets easier and far less "insulting". Conversely why is it only a place for leftist lying claptrap?

In my opinion, the USA will not solve its problems of violence until its actions and words coincide.  The sad reality is metastatic hypocrisy:

  • A constitution of liberty and equality framed by slavers.
  • Respect for property rights on land taken from the natives by armed robbery.
  • World cops keeping the peace worldwide with wars of conquest.
  • Freedom of ("American") thought.
  • Free market capitalism with state controlled money supply.
  • Freedom of choice among "uncontrolled substances".
  • Freedom of speech for all who own a network.
  • Justice for all who own a judge.
  • Plenty more ...

Of course that schizophrenia can resolve either way; towards honestly doing what is said, or honestly saying what is done.

 Byronape wrote:

As one of those "lib types" I wanted to thank you for reinforcing my opinion that political opinion and intelligence have nothing to do with each other.  If you have to be insulting, do it somewhere else, this is not the place for your right wing slanted and factually vacant bile.

if you find it insulting, stop trying to be as ignorant of the real world as possible and life gets easier and far less "insulting". Conversely why is it only a place for leftist lying claptrap?
 juanrico wrote:
Louisiana Oak Valley Park
I think I've been on the roots of that tree. Is it one of the many in Audubon Park?
 LowPhreak wrote:

Yep, Hitler/Nazis did what they did because they took Germans' guns away from them. Soon to be corrected in all the history books.


Hey Elmer Fudd: try to get a grip on reality.

Ok..name one well armed nation that a gov't decioded to take control of and force millions do death chambers? If something like that was to occur, who is more likely to be going into "re-education", the unarmed, or those who refuse to be helpless sots? Hitler , the Junta in Burma, the VC, all disarm the populace for a reason ,and crime is not it.

Funny. but those libs and leftists are the loudest about revolutions and oppression of even non-existing rights yet think being disarmed is the way to go..

very short sighted.....but to be expected of any leftist.

I <3 this song. They have a lot of songs I love, but this is top of the list becaus it also reminds me of The X-Files.
 Glockman45 wrote:
... REMEMBER HITLER? Well, after he started his reign of terror, he confiscated all guns from the non military population. ...
Yep, Hitler/Nazis did what they did because they took Germans' guns away from them. Soon to be corrected in all the history books.


Hey Elmer Fudd: try to get a grip on reality.

 jpfueler wrote:

too bad those are not sold to them. Hey I got a grand Idea...the murders are mostly of drug deals so what we really need to do is make that illegal.....oh, wait....

Frisco and DC, and Chicago.....can't really get a gun there but gee willikers they got a ton of gun murders too. At least those in DC can try now, Chicago is only the politically connected (and dems control the city so it is dems owning the guns....heh) and San Fran is typical of lib cities with restrictions out the whazoo...don';t work, won't work. Criminals care little about your laws, that is why they be Criminals.

Funny the lib types claim Conservatives are repressive folk yet conservatives and of course Libertairians are the ones fighting to keep guns in the hands of those supposed repressed folks.

Of course dems have a long history of gun control. They used it to control blacks in the south after emancipation.

As one of those "lib types" I wanted to thank you for reinforcing my opinion that political opinion and intelligence have nothing to do with each other.  If you have to be insulting, do it somewhere else, this is not the place for your right wing slanted and factually vacant bile.

 prickelpit96 wrote:
Stop selling handguns to everyone and the situation will (how surprising) change to better.

too bad those are not sold to them. Hey I got a grand Idea...the murders are mostly of drug deals so what we really need to do is make that illegal.....oh, wait....

Frisco and DC, and Chicago.....can't really get a gun there but gee willikers they got a ton of gun murders too. At least those in DC can try now, Chicago is only the politically connected (and dems control the city so it is dems owning the guns....heh) and San Fran is typical of lib cities with restrictions out the whazoo...don';t work, won't work. Criminals care little about your laws, that is why they be Criminals.

Funny the lib types claim Conservatives are repressive folk yet conservatives and of course Libertairians are the ones fighting to keep guns in the hands of those supposed repressed folks.

Of course dems have a long history of gun control. They used it to control blacks in the south after emancipation.

 alanthecowboy wrote:
I think I can answer that. On my last trip to visit my folks in the states (Snowbirds), we visited a pawn shop and got into a spirited conversation with the proprietor, who couldn't believe that no one in Canada carries sidearms. His wife explained that she wouldn't feel safe in her house at night without a gun on the night table.
The point is that they would have been happy to sell us a Glock 9mm for under $1000.00 cash (no idea if that's a good deal) and they didn't even want our names. Not that I wanted one, and if it turned up while going through customs it could cause problems, but it seemed that there was nothing stopping me from taking him up on his offer. He knew we weren't US citizens, but he felt that there shouldn't be barriers between people and 'security'. We found it a very strange and memorable experience.
if one is a legal resident of the US (citizen or not, just here legally and able to pass background) you can be sold a gun, legally. A coWorker has his CCW and is from Mexico.
 No that is not a good deal, and you should have reported them(Glocks are $400 new so he was looking to make a 300-400% profit there He sure didn't pay full retail for a used one). likely he has sold others to folks who likely had no rights to get them. Though honestly, most crooks get their the same way they get most everything else. Theft or from the drug supplier. 99+% of dealers are not going to risk the hassle of an illegal sale, I'd suspect the gun might be a touch warm too. We hear all the time how there is no gun crime in places like Canada and the UK but there is plenty, and it has gone up since the banning or restrictions placed on ownership. Folks in Canukistan can get pistols, it is just a huge damned hassle, and oddly enough only the politically connected tend to get them with any regularity.
If y'all are snowbirding and are here you should be able to get a pistol legally, but I'm not sure about that. You'd of course likely be forced to leave it here.

 Cynaera wrote:
Not sure why you posted this, but it's a beautiful picture. I have it as my desktop for awhile.  Um, and I love this Ezra song!  Hadn't heard it before...
I've likely rode a bicycle over those roots.

 juanrico wrote:
Louisiana Oak Valley Park
  Not sure why you posted this, but it's a beautiful picture. I have it as my desktop for awhile.  Um, and I love this Ezra song!  Hadn't heard it before...

 Glockman45 wrote:
DON'T be an idiot. You HAVE to be kidding, right? Do you think criminals walk into gun stores and buy their guns? BZZZZZZZZZZ WRONG ANSWER! Don't throw silly opinions over the pond. REMEMBER HITLER? Well, after he started his reign of terror, he confiscated all guns from the non military population. DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THEN? Do you know what kind of background checks take place before a handgun can be purchased in the states? DO YOU? I didn't think so.
Bzzzt! Godwin's Law wins. Now then, about the music, is this the dog's bollox, or what? Again, thanks to RP for introducting me to a band I'd never have heard (of) otherwise. 8 from the Nottingham jurry.

Louisiana Oak Valley Park
So happy to hear Ezra here.  I had to double check to make sure the internet hadn't gone offline again and Itunes took over!
All right — so lets listen to Ezra so we can judge for ourselves
SURPRISED how good they are!
 ydjb wrote:
had to give this an 8, if anyone saw the 'Third Watch' episode that opened with this tune (no dialogue) it was classic. It obviously involved a murder (duh) in a fairly gruesome fashion - the visual matched the song perfectly....the beauty of it was the murder had been done when the episode started (and the song) and the clip was rewound at high-speed so you couldn't exactly tell what was happening but it piqued your interest so that when the song plays out, and the murder, you are riveted. Brilliant piece of work....

Didn't see that one, but it sticks out in my mind from the X-Files movie soundtrack.
Forgot about this song.  Very smooth.  Thanks, Bill.
Definitely under-appreciated. Love these guys.
imo, an underappreciated band.
Oakland theme song ?
 feels like it somedays
Nice feel
had to give this an 8, if anyone saw the 'Third Watch' episode that opened with this tune (no dialogue) it was classic. It obviously involved a murder (duh) in a fairly gruesome fashion - the visual matched the song perfectly....the beauty of it was the murder had been done when the episode started (and the song) and the clip was rewound at high-speed so you couldn't exactly tell what was happening but it piqued your interest so that when the song plays out, and the murder, you are riveted. Brilliant piece of work....
Ā Danimal174 wrote:
I loved Better Than Ezra's first CD, along with the song "Desperately Wanting", but I had never heard this one before. Thanks, RP!


They are one of my favorite bands for a reason. Great lyrics andĀ great voice. Deluxe, Closer,Ā How Does Your Garden Grow? and Artifakt are the must-have albums...in that order, me thinks. I dunnoā€” hard to judge. MUST have songs: "Silly Fool," "Closer," "Breathless," "At the Stars," "Porcelain," "This Time of Year," "Beautiful Mistake,"Ā "Live Again,"Ā "Sincerely, Me"...better stop there. I could go on.

Nice ! Thanks for reminding me of this tune ...
I loved Better Than Ezra's first CD, along with the song "Desperately Wanting", but I had never heard this one before. Thanks, RP!
alanthecowboy wrote:
I think I can answer that. On my last trip to visit my folks in the states (Snowbirds), we visited a pawn shop and got into a spirited conversation with the proprietor, who couldn't believe that no one in Canada carries sidearms. His wife explained that she wouldn't feel safe in her house at night without a gun on the night table. The point is that they would have been happy to sell us a Glock 9mm for under $1000.00 cash (no idea if that's a good deal) and they didn't even want our names. Not that I wanted one, and if it turned up while going through customs it could cause problems, but it seemed that there was nothing stopping me from taking him up on his offer. He knew we weren't US citizens, but he felt that there shouldn't be barriers between people and 'security'. We found it a very strange and memorable experience.
Sorry to continue a discussion that has nothing to do with the song, but this is an issue I feel strongly about. First, regarding the person's comments above, I don't doubt that you had someone offer you a Glock under the table, but I'd say that that dealer was an exception to the rule, and that, if he continues to do this, he'll end up in jail. I live in SC, one of the more lax states as far as gun control laws go, and you still have to have a background check performed anytime you want to purchase a handgun. When my wife purchased hers, she had to have a background check done. Last year, when I bought mine, I had to have the same thing done, and ended up being on a waiting list for five days, despite being an upstanding member of society who has never been arrested. I was purchasing the gun in another city on the other side of the state, so it's possible that had something to do with it. Regardless, I can assure you that, if a store follows the laws it's supposed to, you couldn't just walk into the store & walk back out with a gun without a background check. Second, while I side with Democrats with most issues, gun control isn't one of them. The main reason for this is the same thing that was mentioned below...gun control only works if the people buying the gun purchase it through a reputable dealer. So, people interested in using a gun to commit a crime aren't going to care if they break a law about having an illegal gun if they plan on robbing someone, killing someone, etc. So, gun control laws only work to prevent guns from getting into the hands of people that follow the law. So, tougher gun laws end up just unarming law-abiding citizens, making it easier for criminals to do what they do. Washington DC is a perfect example of this; it's currently illegal to own a handgun if you live within DC limits, and DC has repeatedly had one of the worst crime rates in the U.S. Bottom line, guns can be dangerous, but so can cars, knives, electricity, and many other things. Instead of pushing for control, we should be pushing for responsibility & education about using a gun safely.
This is a cover, no? Not so hot on this band but I dig this
Glockman45 wrote:
Do you know what kind of background checks take place before a handgun can be purchased in the states? DO YOU? I didn't think so.
I think I can answer that. On my last trip to visit my folks in the states (Snowbirds), we visited a pawn shop and got into a spirited conversation with the proprietor, who couldn't believe that no one in Canada carries sidearms. His wife explained that she wouldn't feel safe in her house at night without a gun on the night table. The point is that they would have been happy to sell us a Glock 9mm for under $1000.00 cash (no idea if that's a good deal) and they didn't even want our names. Not that I wanted one, and if it turned up while going through customs it could cause problems, but it seemed that there was nothing stopping me from taking him up on his offer. He knew we weren't US citizens, but he felt that there shouldn't be barriers between people and 'security'. We found it a very strange and memorable experience.
I dig this!
I'm surprised a Better Than Ezra thread has just been godwinned. I didn't expect to see that this morning.
prickelpit96 wrote:
Stop selling handguns to everyone and the situation will (how surprising) change to better.
DON'T be an idiot. You HAVE to be kidding, right? Do you think criminals walk into gun stores and buy their guns? BZZZZZZZZZZ WRONG ANSWER! Don't throw silly opinions over the pond. REMEMBER HITLER? Well, after he started his reign of terror, he confiscated all guns from the non military population. DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THEN? Do you know what kind of background checks take place before a handgun can be purchased in the states? DO YOU? I didn't think so.
jpfueler wrote:
N.O. half the population, all the murders again this year! the place is a cess pit. It really could be the greatest city in the world if the place was well run. But no. They had to re-elect Nagin because No One wanted another Landreu any where near City Hall.
Stop selling handguns to everyone and the situation will (how surprising) change to better.
N.O. half the population, all the murders again this year! the place is a cess pit. It really could be the greatest city in the world if the place was well run. But no. They had to re-elect Nagin because No One wanted another Landreu any where near City Hall.
jnhashmi wrote:
If you like this at all check out the newest album "Before The Robots." It's my favorite album of 2005, hands down. A top 10 all-time classic.
dogdokken wrote:
Wow, I can imagine the list: Pink Floyd "Dark Side", Who "Who's Next", Dylan "Blonde on Blonde", Beatles "Revolver", Better than Ezra "Before the Robots", Rolling Stones "Exile", Guns n Roses "Appetite" and 'Mats "Let it Be".
That just made a co-worker and me laugh out loud!
garoo1980 wrote:
Number one across America: Better Than Ezra Number two: Ezra That crazy Norm MacDonald....
hahahaha....Norm MacDonald and Kevin Nealon were the only funny people to do the Weekend Update on SNL. Weekend Update isn't funny anymore.
Man, I haven't heard this band in ages. Thank you!
jnhashmi wrote:
If you like this at all check out the newest album "Before The Robots." It's my favorite album of 2005, hands down. A top 10 all-time classic.
Wow, I can imagine the list: Pink Floyd "Dark Side", Who "Who's Next", Dylan "Blonde on Blonde", Beatles "Revolver", Better than Ezra "Before the Robots", Rolling Stones "Exile", Guns n Roses "Appetite" and 'Mats "Let it Be".
Just saw them last weekend here in Chicago at HOB. Fantastic show, as always. A great band that has a lot of fun on stage.
Yipee-Yay... dancing along... singing along... "one....more..muurder" - Happy Holidays.
I'll do that... what I've heard from it makes it sound like a BTE masterpiece. jnhashmi wrote:
If you like this at all check out the newest album "Before The Robots." It's my favorite album of 2005, hands down. A top 10 all-time classic.
Number one across America: Better Than Ezra Number two: Ezra That crazy Norm MacDonald....
jnhashmi wrote:
If you like this at all check out the newest album "Before The Robots." It's my favorite album of 2005, hands down. A top 10 all-time classic.
I agree. Fantastic album.
Sorry, but my first thought was: Bono?
this reminds me of a norm mcdonald weekend update... "this years #1 band on college radio: Better than Ezra. and in second place, Ezra. "
This is Better Than Ezra?! I thought I didn't care for them, but this tune is nize.
T.Rex wrote:
Excellent. I can hear the where the U2 compares are coming from, especially in the vocals. Make me think of "Bullet the Blue Sky" for some reason. Instrumentation is distinctive enough to distinguish it from U2 though. Kinda Suede-ish.
I hear Smashing Pumpkins, from the Adore era. Without all the nasalness.
If you like this at all check out the newest album "Before The Robots." It's my favorite album of 2005, hands down. A top 10 all-time classic.
auburntigerrich wrote:
It says alot that these guys are still cranking it out. One of my favorite 90's bands. Track 6 from this album, Under You, is my favorite cut.
Under You is my favorite on this CD too -- beautiful lyrics and groove
Well put, Dave. Good insight. English_Dave wrote:
There's also some comparisons made between their latest CD "Before the Robots" and U2. The new CD was mixed by Tim Palmer who also worked with U2. I have friends who are die hard U2 fans (I'm not) who really enjoy BTE. They are an exceptional live band. "One More Murder" is a great piece of songwriting. I've always thought it captures the laconic American attitude toward handgun violence. I believe it was written after Griffin was held up at gunpoint in New Orleans.
Uh-oh. He said 'Hosanna', can't play this one anymore.
It says alot that these guys are still cranking it out. One of my favorite 90's bands. Track 6 from this album, Under You, is my favorite cut.
They actually have told it in a few interviews I've seen. It's from a passage in a classic novel, I believe by Anne Tyler. The passage goes something along the lines of one character doesn't like the idea that another character might be "better than Ezra." English_Dave wrote:
That is just one of a multitude of theories behind the band name. And not a leading one either. Of course, if the band told anyone where the name came from it'd make finding the true meaning easier :)
pixidrizzl wrote:
There's tons of stuff in their catalog better than this particular song. They are incredibly underrated.
Agree. And they put on a good live show. Though I wasn't overly impressed with the last album I bought of theirs.
There's tons of stuff in their catalog better than this particular song. They are incredibly underrated.
psycholynx wrote:
Better than Ezra are pompous and rude to name their band that as clearly they met backstage one day and didn't get along and "the beef" was started.
That is just one of a multitude of theories behind the band name. And not a leading one either. Of course, if the band told anyone where the name came from it'd make finding the true meaning easier :) There are some interesting comments here. Some are right on the money. Chief among these is the U2 comparison (which they take as a compliment), although it's more easily explained by the fact that Malcolm Byrne produced this particular CD. There's also some comparisons made between their latest CD "Before the Robots" and U2. The new CD was mixed by Tim Palmer who also worked with U2. I have friends who are die hard U2 fans (I'm not) who really enjoy BTE. They are an exceptional live band. Kevin Griffin of BTE also now writes with/for other people. He co-wrote "Collide" with Howie Day and "Scar" with Missy Higgins which you may know. "One More Murder" is a great piece of songwriting. I've always thought it captures the laconic American attitude toward handgun violence. I believe it was written after Griffin was held up at gunpoint in New Orleans. Anyway, I'd urge you to check out more BTE. I just love their work. Cheers, English Dave
Kinda reminds me of Roxy Music.
What have they done my Rosalia?? 8O
psycholynx wrote:
I think Ezra was a killer group and had a great original sound. Better than Ezra are pompous and rude to name their band that as clearly they met backstage one day and didn't get along and "the beef" was started. So just for the record, you better like Ezra better than Better Than Ezra because Ezra is better than Better Than Ezra anyday.
This is a joke, right? :-k
psycholynx wrote:
I think Ezra was a killer group and had a great original sound. Better than Ezra are pompous and rude to name their band that as clearly they met backstage one day and didn't get along and "the beef" was started. So just for the record, you better like Ezra better than Better Than Ezra because Ezra is better than Better Than Ezra anyday.
So do you think Less Than Jake is suffering self-esteem issues? :-k
Better Than Ezra's one good song! But, with a name like "Better than Ezra," you don't expect much....
Fantastic. Love this band. Love this CD. This isn't my favorite of their songs, but I'll praise anything of theirs that's played.
pedro wrote:
I didn't really like BTE, but this song rocked my world several years ago...
my sentiments exactly ...
moomatz wrote:
Tried to make sense of this statement, but could not, because it seemed better, better than I read, but better than what it was said and it was better. Especially the pompous backstage better.
psycholynx wrote:
I think Ezra was a killer group and had a great original sound. Better than Ezra are pompous and rude to name their band that as clearly they met backstage one day and didn't get along and "the beef" was started. So just for the record, you better like Ezra better than Better Than Ezra because Ezra is better than Better Than Ezra anyday.
Tried to make sense of this statement, but could not, because it seemed better, better than I read, but better than what it was said and it was better. Especially the pompous backstage better.
I didn't really like BTE, but this song rocked my world several years ago...
psycholynx wrote:
I think Ezra was a killer group and had a great original sound. Better than Ezra are pompous and rude to name their band that as clearly they met backstage one day and didn't get along and "the beef" was started. So just for the record, you better like Ezra better than Better Than Ezra because Ezra is better than Better Than Ezra anyday.
Never heard Ezra, but I hate Better Than Ezra, so anything is better than Better Than Ezra. I like this song, but it's the only song of theirs I like, and I only like, don't love.
Tux wrote:
Please put this junk in the trashcan. Yuck!
Couldn't agree more with this sentiment. The sound and feel of this song is so at odds with the theme. The lyrics are ridiculous.
I think Ezra was a killer group and had a great original sound. Better than Ezra are pompous and rude to name their band that as clearly they met backstage one day and didn't get along and "the beef" was started. So just for the record, you better like Ezra better than Better Than Ezra because Ezra is better than Better Than Ezra anyday.
For a moment I though I was listening to yet another song from U2's new album.
Platypus wrote:
i always love hearing this one. definitely one of their best songs. would be very cool to hear more from this album also.
I agree! I love BTE.
wow. and to think that i thought that this was the dandy warhols all this time. go figure.
cosmology_guy wrote:
BTW, the X-Files album (Soundtrack to the X-Files movie) that you are referring to is unbelievably great - in fact, so is "Songs In the Key of X," which is the soundtrack to the X-Files TV series... ...man, I miss that series. (Well, when it was good.)
i know it's great. i have it. i have the fight the future soundtrack, the key of x soundtrack, and a few cds of the scores of the film and the series. i was a huge fan when i was 12/13 when the show was good. i can't believe how much XF stuff i own. heh.
I enjoyed this a bunch. Thanks!
i always love hearing this one. definitely one of their best songs. would be very cool to hear more from this album also.
This is a great song. I like songs that make me think, that have something interesting to say.
Please put this junk in the trashcan. Yuck!
I can't believe "better" is part of their name.....Ezra must suck
I hadn't heard anything from these guys for a long time. They aren't getting radio play lately 'round here that I've noticed. I like them. Went to one of those MGD Blind Date conerts years ago- you know the kind where you don't know which band is playing until the lights go on or whatever- well, it was this band, and when they started playing, everyone in the audience was looking around at each other because it seemed no one could tell who they were- and the band had to say something like: 'If you don't know who we are, we're ..... ". Felt kind of bad for them :-(
cosmology_guy wrote:
BTW, the X-Files album (Soundtrack to the X-Files movie) that you are referring to is unbelievably great - in fact, so is "Songs In the Key of X," which is the soundtrack to the X-Files TV series... ...man, I miss that series. (Well, when it was good.)
All my uploads from the X-Files movie soundtrack were rejected... maybe I should try some of the stuff from the first TV album. They like Soul Coughing around here...
PattonFever wrote:
the first time i heard this song was on an x files album. i loved it. i still do. since then i've heard it on la femme nikita as well. it's probably been on plenty of neat soundtracks out there. i'm glad it's here.
BTW, the X-Files album (Soundtrack to the X-Files movie) that you are referring to is unbelievably great - in fact, so is "Songs In the Key of X," which is the soundtrack to the X-Files TV series... ...man, I miss that series. (Well, when it was good.)
PattonFever wrote:
the first time i heard this song was on an x files album. i loved it. i still do. since then i've heard it on la femme nikita as well. it's probably been on plenty of neat soundtracks out there.i'm glad it's here.
OMG! We have something in common! All true for me too, except the la femme nikita part... never really liked it.
the first time i heard this song was on an x files album. i loved it. i still do. since then i've heard it on la femme nikita as well. it's probably been on plenty of neat soundtracks out there. i'm glad it's here.
Nice to see that BTE is finding an audience on RP! Thanks, Bill
One of the best songs I've heard in a while. I love the groove on the bass and the beat - it just moves. Somewhat dark, yet cool... Definitely sounds like U2.
Kickin' m'self for not seeing them when they came to town a few years ago. They seem to get better with each album. Really cool tune.
This was my favorite BTE album. And one of the greatest live shows ever...very interactive and personable. And there's a worker at my local Chipotle who looks just like the lead singer!
I second the X Files motion, great compilation
Melikes. I have this on the X-files compilation CD. The whole thing is pretty ghostly like this. try it.
Funny, some think of \'U2\', I think of \'The The\'...