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haresfur Avatar

Location: The Golden Triangle
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 7, 2025 - 12:04pm

 islander wrote:

I think admitted is the wrong term as it would imply an end to the silliness. "to date, we have found no evidence" leaves the door open just in case. 

Along the same lines, I refuse to believe that Trump isn't just Andy Kaufman in a mask and fat suit. One of these days he will pull it off revealing the greatest comedy hoax of all time. 

Of course it is the wrong term - it's kurt's term

islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 7, 2025 - 10:13am

 haresfur wrote:

I'll take this as as much of an admission from you that you were wrong as we will ever get, because all you have is an unsupported "It's just the beginning"

They investigated and "admitted" that there was no FBI involvement. 

I do agree that there is more about government involvement than has been made public - we still haven't heard about the secret service agents that Pence didn't trust enough so he wouldn't get in the car with them. They were apparently happy to support the insurrection or perhaps, since Trump was the chief executive, they were just following orders.

I think admitted is the wrong term as it would imply an end to the silliness. "to date, we have found no evidence" leaves the door open just in case. 

Along the same lines, I refuse to believe that Trump isn't just Andy Kaufman in a mask and fat suit. One of these days he will pull it off revealing the greatest comedy hoax of all time. 

black321 Avatar

Location: An earth without maps
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 6, 2025 - 7:11am


steeler Avatar

Location: Perched on the precipice of the cauldron of truth

Posted: Jan 6, 2025 - 6:54am

I wrote this on January 6, 2022. Still applies.

A year ago there was a previously unthinkable assault not just on our Capitol, but upon our democracy. The images broadcast that day were unnerving. They continue to be indelible stains on our republic. The tremors continue, though, threatening to further erode the institutions and principles that are the bedrocks of our democracy, giving rise to a sense of foreboding. We are caught in a downward spiral from which we desperately need to extricate ourselves. We are now neck deep in an era in which everyday heroes have become enemies of the people and rhetoric has displaced knowledge and reason.January 6, 2021, like September 11, 2001, should not be forgotten. There is a reason the Constitution requires office holders to take an oath vowing to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” There is a reason Ben Franklin cautioned: “It’s a republic, if you can keep it.” Let’s heed that warning and recognize the transgressions of January 6 as a cautionary tale. We fail to do so at our own — and America’s — peril.

Steely_D Avatar

Location: The foot of Mount Belzoni
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 5:05pm

 kurtster wrote:

Point is, I saw this thread and needed to know how serious of a line in the sand this is and many are going to carry the torch.

I think, in light of the guys tried, convicted, and in jail, that it was serious and a line in the sand (whatever that means).
It was insurrection. It was disruption of the function of Congress. And it was wrong, and Trump waited hours - (not minutes, but hours) in the face of colleagues and family telling him to intervene - to do anything about protecting the Constitution and the USA. Attempts at whitewashing it are doomed.

These folks on the left don't seem to "back the Blue," do they? And they have a lot of Trump flags.


haresfur Avatar

Location: The Golden Triangle
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 4:59pm

 kurtster wrote:

Here's a helpful tutorial for whenever you quote someone to reply and get an empty box like below simply go back and highlight the whole text, copy it, hit the reply button and then paste it into the empty quote box 


and voila you get this below

Then you should be able to proceed normally from there.  I learned this years ago as a workaround for whenever this happens.

So ends the tutorial.

Yeah, it took us nearly 4 years to get this simple admission about the FBI's involvement.  You think it stops there ?  It's just beginning.

As long as anyone here thinks this is a case closed matter, we aren't going to agree and there is no need for me flail away in circles over this.

Point is, I saw this thread and needed to know how serious of a line in the sand this is and many are going to carry the torch.

I'll just proceed on with this as something settled as far as everyone is concerned and not contest it.

If this keeps popping up in the RAFT it won't be because of me.

I'll take this as as much of an admission from you that you were wrong as we will ever get, because all you have is an unsupported "It's just the beginning"

They investigated and "admitted" that there was no FBI involvement. 

I do agree that there is more about government involvement than has been made public - we still haven't heard about the secret service agents that Pence didn't trust enough so he wouldn't get in the car with them. They were apparently happy to support the insurrection or perhaps, since Trump was the chief executive, they were just following orders.


kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 3:52pm

Here's a helpful tutorial for whenever you quote someone to reply and get an empty box like below simply go back and highlight the whole text, copy it, hit the reply button and then paste it into the empty quote box 
haresfur wrote:

and voila you get this below

haresfur wrote:
 Your posts always screw up the editor so, I am pasting the last part here:

I am familiar with the presence of agent provocateurs in Minneapolis. There were also agent provocateurs present at the January 6th riot, although it was vigorously denied until just very recently where we finally have an admission that the FBI had plants present in the crowd. Their roles and actions are still in dispute, but at least we now have it established that there were some bad actors there under government supervision. Records and details are still being pursued. To think that we correctly know everything about the events leading up to the riot is a misstatement is my position. We are just beginning to find out things that are so important and need to be known.

This is why I ask if this is a new litmus test for the purposes of discussions going forward with the thought being that we already know everything we need to know about January 6. That there is no need to keep digging and therefore the use of it as club over the head of the "deniers" is legitimate.

I'll let this simmer for now as I have to go move 2 feet of snow off my cars and out of my driveway. The windchill is in single digits. It is going to knock the snot out of this 72 year old body.

Finally, did I properly break down the elements of your post in my response without misrepresenting anything you stated ?
This is hogwash, as I pointed out before and you ignored. The investigation showed that there were 17 FBI informants, not agents, in the crowd, if I remember the number correctly. 3 of these were there because the people they were set to inform on went to the insurrection. The other 14 were there of their own volition and without any permission or direction from the FBI. They were there to take part in the insurrection. Like there were many out of state police officers taking part in the event. The informants taking part in the insurrection show how intrenched the right-wing radicals are.

Then you should be able to proceed normally from there.  I learned this years ago as a workaround for whenever this happens.

So ends the tutorial.

This is hogwash, 

Yeah, it took us nearly 4 years to get this simple admission about the FBI's involvement.  You think it stops there ?  It's just beginning.

As long as anyone here thinks this is a case closed matter, we aren't going to agree and there is no need for me flail away in circles over this.

Point is, I saw this thread and needed to know how serious of a line in the sand this is and many are going to carry the torch.

I'll just proceed on with this as something settled as far as everyone is concerned and not contest it.

If this keeps popping up in the RAFT it won't be because of me.


haresfur Avatar

Location: The Golden Triangle
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 1:05pm

 kurtster wrote:

I am familiar with the presence of agent provocateurs in Minneapolis.  There were also agent provocateurs present at the January 6th riot, although it was vigorously denied until just very recently where we finally have an admission that the FBI had plants present in the crowd.  Their roles and actions are still in dispute, but at least we now have it established that there were some bad actors there under government supervision.  Records and details are still being pursued. To think that we correctly know everything about the events leading up to the riot is a misstatement is my position.  We are just beginning to find out things that are so important and need to be known.

This is why I ask if this is a new litmus test for the purposes of discussions going forward with the thought being that we already know everything we need to know about January 6.  That there is no need to keep digging and therefore the use of it as club over the head of the "deniers" is legitimate.

I'll let this simmer for now as I have to go move 2 feet of snow off my cars and out of my driveway.  The windchill is in single digits.  It is going to knock the snot out of this 72 year old body.

Finally, did I properly break down the elements of your post in my response without misrepresenting anything you stated ?

Your posts always screw up the editor so, I am pasting the last part here:

I am familiar with the presence of agent provocateurs in Minneapolis. There were also agent provocateurs present at the January 6th riot, although it was vigorously denied until just very recently where we finally have an admission that the FBI had plants present in the crowd. Their roles and actions are still in dispute, but at least we now have it established that there were some bad actors there under government supervision. Records and details are still being pursued. To think that we correctly know everything about the events leading up to the riot is a misstatement is my position. We are just beginning to find out things that are so important and need to be known.

This is why I ask if this is a new litmus test for the purposes of discussions going forward with the thought being that we already know everything we need to know about January 6. That there is no need to keep digging and therefore the use of it as club over the head of the "deniers" is legitimate.

I'll let this simmer for now as I have to go move 2 feet of snow off my cars and out of my driveway. The windchill is in single digits. It is going to knock the snot out of this 72 year old body.

Finally, did I properly break down the elements of your post in my response without misrepresenting anything you stated ?

This is hogwash, as I pointed out before and you ignored. The investigation showed that there were 17 FBI informants, not agents, in the crowd, if I remember the number correctly. 3 of these were there because the people they were set to inform on went to the insurrection. The other 14 were there of their own volition and without any permission or direction from the FBI. They were there to take part in the insurrection. Like there were many out of state police officers taking part in the event. The informants taking part in the insurrection show how intrenched the right-wing radicals are.

haresfur Avatar

Location: The Golden Triangle
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 12:55pm

 islander wrote:

insurrection /ĭn″sə-rĕk′shən/


  1. The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.
  2. A rising against civil or political authority, or the established government; open and active opposition to the execution of law in a city or state.
  3. A rising in mass to oppose an enemy.

So what spin are you trying to put on it? That they were not opposed to the constituted government? Just out for a bit of smashy smashy? They weren't trying to stop the certification of the vote, they just happened to be there on the day of the certification? There weren't enough of them to reach the threshold of 'rising in mass'?

You may now back peddle and noodle twist until you think you've made a difference. 

I agree that by definition, Minneapolis was an insurrection against the city's civil authority. The purpose was to correct the actions of the police. It was also a riot to vent anger at the police treatment of the populace.

That is a limited and very different insurrection from trying to prevent the person who won the presidential election from being declared the winner by the established governmental process. The latter is far more dangerous to the country's foundations.


R_P Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 11:06am

For "other people."

kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 11:04am

 islander wrote:
This is your windmill, not mine. Tilt away.
Not my party.  I did not start this thread.

So much for an honest effort to discuss this.

Carry on or is it carrion ?

I'll watch all you flying monkeys do your thing.

Oh, and the editor works just fine for me.  Obviously.

Excuses, excuses.


Steely_D Avatar

Location: The foot of Mount Belzoni
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 10:55am

 islander wrote:

This is your windmill, not mine. Tilt away.

A squirrel to divert attention from content and intent.

islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 10:25am

This is why people snip your posts. This is garbage in the editor 
kurtster wrote:

Why should the intent matter ?

because we live in the real world.

 kurtster wrote:

I am familiar with the presence of agent provocateurs in Minneapolis.  There were also agent provocateurs present at the January 6th riot, although it was vigorously denied until just very recently where we finally have an admission that the FBI had plants present in the crowd.  Their roles and actions are still in dispute, but at least we now have it established that there were some bad actors there under government supervision.  Records and details are still being pursued. To think that we correctly know everything about the events leading up to the riot is a misstatement is my position.  We are just beginning to find out things that are so important and need to be known.

This is more of your fantasy shit. The FBI 'plants' were contacts, they were not there to help stop the certification at the direction of the FBI.  This is why you aren't taken seriously.

 kurtster wrote:

I'll let this simmer for now as I have to go move 2 feet of snow off my cars and out of my driveway.  The windchill is in single digits.  It is going to knock the snot out of this 72 year old body.

It's sunny and warm here. I'm going to the beach. Maybe stay the night under the stars.

 kurtster wrote:

Finally, did I properly break down the elements of your post in my response without misrepresenting anything you stated ?

This is your windmill, not mine. Tilt away.

kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 10:19am

 islander wrote:

Yes, it was. The intent being to get the police to treat people the same and to stop, or at least call attention and get justice for, brutality enacted against certain groups.  The Jan. 6 insurrection was to improperly impeded the certification of an election that had no verifiable evidence of fraud as the instigators claimed.  Neither are good. The change desired by the Minneapolis riot/insurrection crowd not unreasonable. One of the officers in the initial incident (the George Floyd killing) was eventually charged and convicted. Many of the rioters (insurrectionists) were also charged and convicted.  

As an aside, several right wing movements thought it was a great opportunity to foment further unrest. They actually traveled there and participated, trying to make the event larger and more widespread. They also discussed targeting law enforcement.  They are all insurrectionists. 

Boogaloo adherents converge in Minneapolis

As the riots unfolded, adherents of the Boogaloo movement, a far-right extremist movement, began discussions online about how to exploit the events to start a second American Civil War that would be blamed on Black Lives Matter. Michael Robert Solomon of New Brighton, a Minneapolis suburb, recruited at least five Boogaloo adherents to join him in Minnesota, including Ivan Harrison Hunter of Boerne, Texas, and Benjamin Ryan Teeter of Hampstead, North Carolina. The group made plans to meet in Minneapolis at 6:00 p.m. on May 28 at the Cub Food grocery store on 26th Avenue South off East Lake Street, near the epicenter of heavy rioting and looting. During the riots, the Boogaloo members were seen driving around Minneapolis, carrying firearms, and openly discussing a willingness to commit violent acts against police officers.


Yes, it was. 

Well there is hope.  This is the first time here that anyone from other than my persuasion has ever said it was, let alone out in the general media and public.  It was always ignored or swept under the table when the comparison was attempted.
The intent ...

Why should the intent matter ?  
 As an aside, several right wing movements thought it was a great opportunity to foment further unrest. They actually traveled there and participated, trying to make the event larger and more widespread. They also discussed targeting law enforcement.  They are all insurrectionists. 

Boogaloo adherents converge in Minneapolis

I am familiar with the presence of agent provocateurs in Minneapolis.  There were also agent provocateurs present at the January 6th riot, although it was vigorously denied until just very recently where we finally have an admission that the FBI had plants present in the crowd.  Their roles and actions are still in dispute, but at least we now have it established that there were some bad actors there under government supervision.  Records and details are still being pursued. To think that we correctly know everything about the events leading up to the riot is a misstatement is my position.  We are just beginning to find out things that are so important and need to be known.

This is why I ask if this is a new litmus test for the purposes of discussions going forward with the thought being that we already know everything we need to know about January 6.  That there is no need to keep digging and therefore the use of it as club over the head of the "deniers" is legitimate.

I'll let this simmer for now as I have to go move 2 feet of snow off my cars and out of my driveway.  The windchill is in single digits.  It is going to knock the snot out of this 72 year old body.

Finally, did I properly break down the elements of your post in my response without misrepresenting anything you stated ?


islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 7:11am

 kurtster wrote:

So speaking of spin, just so that we can be crystal clear about your definition above,

please tell me if or if not the event in the picture posted below is or is not a proper example of your definition of insurrection.

I'm thinking at least number 1, but what do I know ...

Yes, it was. The intent being to get the police to treat people the same and to stop, or at least call attention and get justice for, brutality enacted against certain groups.  The Jan. 6 insurrection was to improperly impeded the certification of an election that had no verifiable evidence of fraud as the instigators claimed.  Neither are good. The change desired by the Minneapolis riot/insurrection crowd not unreasonable. One of the officers in the initial incident (the George Floyd killing) was eventually charged and convicted. Many of the rioters (insurrectionists) were also charged and convicted.  

As an aside, several right wing movements thought it was a great opportunity to foment further unrest. They actually traveled there and participated, trying to make the event larger and more widespread. They also discussed targeting law enforcement.  They are all insurrectionists. 

Boogaloo adherents converge in Minneapolis

As the riots unfolded, adherents of the Boogaloo movement, a far-right extremist movement, began discussions online about how to exploit the events to start a second American Civil War that would be blamed on Black Lives Matter. Michael Robert Solomon of New Brighton, a Minneapolis suburb, recruited at least five Boogaloo adherents to join him in Minnesota, including Ivan Harrison Hunter of Boerne, Texas, and Benjamin Ryan Teeter of Hampstead, North Carolina. The group made plans to meet in Minneapolis at 6:00 p.m. on May 28 at the Cub Food grocery store on 26th Avenue South off East Lake Street, near the epicenter of heavy rioting and looting. During the riots, the Boogaloo members were seen driving around Minneapolis, carrying firearms, and openly discussing a willingness to commit violent acts against police officers.<100><101><102><103><104>


buddy Avatar

Location: Rocky Mountain Way
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 5:53am

 kurtster wrote:

No I do not.  What I do do is simply remove whole paragraphs of what I am not replying to and leave what I am.  I do not change the actual word order of anybody's comments or omit certain parts of a paragraph without proper notation.

And then I will separate a particular sentence or point in a paragraph and bolden it to make it clear to exactly what it is I am responding to. 

There is no changing anything in order to misrepresent anything. 

This is something that I try to be very careful doing as the scrutiny here is without peer.  I make every attempt to keep things honest on my part.  We may disagree on things but I never do anything to deliberately mislead anyone here about anything.  When I paraphrase or summarize, it is crystal clear that it is just that and may be snarky or sarcastic, but never change what is being paraphrased.  We each put words in others mouths, but it is not represented as a direct quote.  It is designed for reply / feedback, if any.  Did I do something different from this to you ?

Just to be clear, yes I do get things wrong at times, but never, ever intentionally.

Otherwise, our attention span dictates what comes next.

So you say. Maybe you should review your posts, I’m not doing it for you. As Mrs. Landry, my 7th grade Algebra I teacher said, “show your work”.

I’m done participating in these ridiculous & pointless threads. None of this stuff is thoughtful, honest, intelligent, necessary, or kind. Or representative of any kind of paradise. 

I took William’s recent compassionate response to you about his hope that this stuff would die down as a gentle nudge for us to grow up. Let it begin with me, as my recovery program suggests. 



kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 5, 2025 - 1:43am

 islander wrote:

insurrection /Ä­n″sə-rĕk′shən/


  1. The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.
  2. A rising against civil or political authority, or the established government; open and active opposition to the execution of law in a city or state.
  3. A rising in mass to oppose an enemy.
So what spin are you trying to put on it? 
So speaking of spin, just so that we can be crystal clear about your definition above,

please tell me if or if not the event in the picture posted below is or is not a proper example of your definition of insurrection.

I'm thinking at least number 1, but what do I know ...


kurtster Avatar

Location: where fear is not a virtue
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 4, 2025 - 10:20pm

 buddy wrote:

Kurt, you do that yourself, which you’ve done to me. At least own it.
No I do not.  What I do do is simply remove whole paragraphs of what I am not replying to and leave what I am.  I do not change the actual word order of anybody's comments or omit certain parts of a paragraph without proper notation.

And then I will separate a particular sentence or point in a paragraph and bolden it to make it clear to exactly what it is I am responding to. 

There is no changing anything in order to misrepresent anything. 

This is something that I try to be very careful doing as the scrutiny here is without peer.  I make every attempt to keep things honest on my part.  We may disagree on things but I never do anything to deliberately mislead anyone here about anything.  When I paraphrase or summarize, it is crystal clear that it is just that and may be snarky or sarcastic, but never change what is being paraphrased.  We each put words in others mouths, but it is not represented as a direct quote.  It is designed for reply / feedback, if any.  Did I do something different from this to you ?

Just to be clear, yes I do get things wrong at times, but never, ever intentionally.

Otherwise, our attention span dictates what comes next.

islander Avatar

Location: West coast somewhere
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 4, 2025 - 8:50pm

 Steely_D wrote:

I'm guessing it's because I trimmed some words from a post of his. Didn't change the meaning a bit; anyone can look at the original as well.

Suppose you could have put an "edited for conciseness" tag, but generally they are so long/broken the editor can't even handle a reply, so any trimming you did was probably welcome.

Steely_D Avatar

Location: The foot of Mount Belzoni
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 4, 2025 - 8:08pm

 islander wrote:

WTF are you on about now?  

I'm guessing it's because I trimmed some words from a post of his. Didn't change the meaning a bit; anyone can look at the original as well.

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