That's from a decade ago, man! There should be a way to post image from your HD, too. I don't want to have to open an account on some image hosting page then upload the photo there and then copy the HTML and code the RP post - like the rest of the world.
Check out
no account, just upload & copy link. Worked once for me anyway.
There should be a way to post image from your HD, too. I don't want to have to open an account on some photo posting page then upload the photo there and then copy the HTML and code the RP post.
I wish Bill could update what a lot of websites have gone to.
You just grab your photo and drag it onto the page... drop it and it uploads and sizes it properly.
Bang! It's done.
No middle man.
That's from a decade ago, man! There should be a way to post image from your HD, too. I don't want to have to open an account on some image hosting page then upload the photo there and then copy the HTML and code the RP post - like the rest of the world.
I wish Bill could update what a lot of websites have gone to.
You just grab your photo and drag it onto the page... drop it and it uploads and sizes it properly.
Bang! It's done.
No middle man.
Location: Really deep in the heart of South California Gender:
May 24, 2022 - 3:18pm
I wish Bill could update what a lot of websites have gone to.
You just grab your photo and drag it onto the page... drop it and it uploads and sizes it properly.
Bang! It's done.
No middle man.
I'd like to add images to my posts but can't work out how to upload them. I'd be grateful if someone could explain how to add images or send me a link to instructions?
It is pretty nifty screenshot-tool which can save images locally or upload them to imgur and gives you an image URL to post immediately. Available for most all computer systems...
I'd like to add images to my posts but can't work out how to upload them. I'd be grateful if someone could explain how to add images or send me a link to instructions?
For a longer version of how to post an image into a post: the image needs to already be posted on the internet and have a URL - images cannot be uploaded or dragged into RP posts from your computer. If you want to post an image from your computer or device it needs to be uploaded to some site and have a URL - which the previous posts brought up. The site "postimages" that the two prior posters mentioned is one, or any other posting site like Flickr, Pinterest, or Tumblr.
Once the image is uploaded somewhere - or if you want to insert an image which is already posted somewhere on the web - you only need to right-click on the image and select "Copy Image Address" or "Copy Image Link" (or something like that depending on your browser), then just right-click in the blank area of your post in RP, and select "Paste" from the menu.
When the image appears you can click on it and click "Edit" to write a caption or position the image to the left. To resize the image grab the blue box at the lower-right of the image and drag it to desired dimensions.
Google for a imagehost. I use Upload the image and paste the direct link to the image, i.e. in a post.
I'd like to add images to my posts but can't work out how to upload them. I'd be grateful if someone could explain how to add images or send me a link to instructions?