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Joe Biden - R_P - Jul 5, 2024 - 9:54pm
Britain - haresfur - Jul 5, 2024 - 9:35pm
Trump - islander - Jul 5, 2024 - 9:18pm
Wordle - daily game - NoEnzLefttoSplit - Jul 5, 2024 - 8:31pm
• • • The Once-a-Day • • •  - oldviolin - Jul 5, 2024 - 7:03pm
Artificial Intelligence - R_P - Jul 5, 2024 - 7:00pm
SCOTUS - haresfur - Jul 5, 2024 - 5:36pm
July 2024 Photo Theme - Summer - Alchemist - Jul 5, 2024 - 5:14pm
What Did You See Today? - KurtfromLaQuinta - Jul 5, 2024 - 4:14pm
Hey Baby, It's The 4th O' July - KurtfromLaQuinta - Jul 5, 2024 - 4:05pm
Radio Paradise Comments - GeneP59 - Jul 5, 2024 - 3:48pm
Europe - R_P - Jul 5, 2024 - 2:08pm
Economix - R_P - Jul 5, 2024 - 11:20am
NYTimes Connections - geoff_morphini - Jul 5, 2024 - 10:28am
Best Song Comments. - q4Fry - Jul 5, 2024 - 9:54am
NY Times Strands - geoff_morphini - Jul 5, 2024 - 9:49am
Today in History - Red_Dragon - Jul 5, 2024 - 6:14am
Eclectic Sound-Drops - thisbody - Jul 5, 2024 - 6:13am
What the hell OV? - miamizsun - Jul 5, 2024 - 6:03am
New Music - miamizsun - Jul 5, 2024 - 5:57am
Song of the Day - oldviolin - Jul 5, 2024 - 5:22am
Russia - NoEnzLefttoSplit - Jul 4, 2024 - 10:11pm
Sticky, Groovy 70s Tunes - R_P - Jul 4, 2024 - 8:32pm
2024 Elections! - kurtster - Jul 4, 2024 - 5:39pm
Photography Forum - Your Own Photos - Alchemist - Jul 4, 2024 - 1:31pm
Name My Band - DaveInSaoMiguel - Jul 4, 2024 - 1:25pm
Favorite Quotes - R_P - Jul 4, 2024 - 11:28am
If not RP, what are you listening to right now? - NoEnzLefttoSplit - Jul 4, 2024 - 10:34am
USA! USA! USA! - thisbody - Jul 4, 2024 - 9:53am
favorite love songs - thisbody - Jul 4, 2024 - 9:26am
Bug Reports & Feature Requests - William - Jul 4, 2024 - 8:52am
Climate Change - R_P - Jul 4, 2024 - 8:29am
What Makes You Laugh? - thisbody - Jul 4, 2024 - 8:06am
Song Lyrics - thisbody - Jul 4, 2024 - 5:12am
Israel - R_P - Jul 3, 2024 - 11:56pm
Things You Thought Today - Beaker - Jul 3, 2024 - 9:23pm
In My Room - oldviolin - Jul 3, 2024 - 9:15pm
How's the weather? - KurtfromLaQuinta - Jul 3, 2024 - 8:41pm
Country Up The Bumpkin - oldviolin - Jul 3, 2024 - 8:39pm
Sonos - haresfur - Jul 3, 2024 - 8:13pm
Duets as they should have happened. - Red_Dragon - Jul 3, 2024 - 1:07pm
Ukraine - NoEnzLefttoSplit - Jul 3, 2024 - 12:38pm
Lyrics That Remind You of Someone - oldviolin - Jul 3, 2024 - 11:06am
Live Music - oldviolin - Jul 3, 2024 - 10:59am
Living in America - oldviolin - Jul 3, 2024 - 10:51am
TWO WORDS - Bill_J - Jul 3, 2024 - 9:31am
Mixtape Culture Club - Lazy8 - Jul 3, 2024 - 8:03am
Lyrics that strike a chord today... - oldviolin - Jul 3, 2024 - 7:58am
hurricane relief - oldviolin - Jul 3, 2024 - 7:04am
China - R_P - Jul 2, 2024 - 6:15pm
Alexa Show - RPnate1 - Jul 2, 2024 - 1:08pm
You are all WRONG! - Bill_J - Jul 1, 2024 - 6:31pm
what the hell, miamizsun? - oldviolin - Jul 1, 2024 - 5:59pm
Caching to Apple watch quit working - RPnate1 - Jul 1, 2024 - 3:33pm
Cryptic Posts - Leave Them Guessing - thisbody - Jul 1, 2024 - 2:20pm
The Presidential Debates - kurtster - Jun 30, 2024 - 9:30pm
Gotta Get Your Drink On - Bill_J - Jun 30, 2024 - 6:58pm
Acoustic Guitar - miamizsun - Jun 30, 2024 - 8:46am
Song ID - Proclivities - Jun 30, 2024 - 6:37am
Little known information... maybe even facts - DaveInSaoMiguel - Jun 30, 2024 - 5:12am
The Obituary Page - kurtster - Jun 30, 2024 - 2:38am
Immigration - R_P - Jun 29, 2024 - 11:57am
NEED A COMPUTER GEEK! - Steely_D - Jun 29, 2024 - 11:03am
Strips, cartoons, illustrations - R_P - Jun 29, 2024 - 9:51am
Internet Hoaxes - Proclivities - Jun 29, 2024 - 7:45am
Canada - R_P - Jun 29, 2024 - 6:38am
Baseball, anyone? - Proclivities - Jun 29, 2024 - 6:31am
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Ambient Music - miamizsun - Jun 28, 2024 - 5:02am
NASA & other news from space - miamizsun - Jun 27, 2024 - 3:12pm
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Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: Apr 17, 2014 - 6:10am

 Proclivities wrote:

Hopefully his grammar will improve as well.

Proclivities Avatar

Location: Paris of the Piedmont
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 17, 2014 - 6:03am


Proclivities Avatar

Location: Paris of the Piedmont
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 15, 2014 - 6:04am


Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: Jun 8, 2013 - 2:11pm

 aflanigan wrote:

So, then, what's the difference between inflation, and "nasty inflation", and hyperinflation?  Strikes me as a lot of hair/splitting/back pedaling.

People on fixed incomes (like people with money in a mattress) do run the risk of having their buying power diminish due to inflation. Isn't zero inflation basically an unrealistic economic goal, however?

Most people understand that periodic increases in earnings are necessary to maintain a certain standard of living. That's why there's a push on for raising minimum wage, for example.

Apparently you're not conversing with them just now.

aflanigan Avatar

Location: At Sea
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 8, 2013 - 2:04pm

 miamizsun wrote:

well there's difference between inflation and hyperinflation and because schiff was spot on about the housing bubble doesn't mean he's gonna nail this one too
So, then, what's the difference between inflation, and "nasty inflation", and hyperinflation?  Strikes me as a lot of hair/splitting/back pedaling.

People on fixed incomes (like people with money in a mattress) do run the risk of having their buying power diminish due to inflation. Isn't zero inflation basically an unrealistic economic goal, however?

Most people understand that periodic increases in earnings are necessary to maintain a certain standard of living. That's why there's a push on for raising minimum wage, for example.
EDIT: an estimation of the optimal inflation rate
DD gypsyman

DD gypsyman Avatar

Location: Joined Nov 27, 2006
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 8, 2013 - 1:43pm

Its gonna be a big time on the old town tonight.


miamizsun Avatar

Location: (3283.1 Miles SE of RP)
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 8, 2013 - 1:25pm

 aflanigan wrote:

I agree, you should tweak your list.

libertarians/Austrian Economics proponents have been warning for months/years that we are in for hyperinflation.

Like the broken clock which tells the right time twice every day, I suppose if you keep repeating it, you're bound to be right sooner or later . . .

well there's difference between inflation and hyperinflation and because schiff was spot on about the housing bubble doesn't mean he's gonna nail this one too

when trying to get to what real inflation looks like i prefer (or i'd like) some sort of standard, but that gets changed from time to time

or you might ask all the retirees you know (people on a fixed income how they're doing or about how far their money is going since they've retired)

it's one of the questions i ask

if inflation historically averages 3-4% and your parents have CDs and savings that aren't making that then their purchasing power is going backwards

there's a trend of this happening and it looks like this

simplified example:

generally if growth is three per cent and you increase the money supply by three percent the dollar could at least hold it's value/purchasing power

when you increase the supply too much, you'll see a downward trend

the boomers are retiring out at a increasing rate and we'll see inflation's effects more and more on these folks

krugman's conflicted thinking has been brought to light by some (repeatedly)

some of those folks calling for the dollar to crash are taking into consideration that it may lose reserve currency status (like converting oil bourse trading in other currencies)

here's a handy little inflation calc that you can play with



aflanigan Avatar

Location: At Sea
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 8, 2013 - 12:38pm

 miamizsun wrote:

due to a massively expanding money supply (government endorsed counterfeiting) we'll end with some nasty inflation.


I agree, you should tweak your list.

libertarians/Austrian Economics proponents have been warning for months/years that we are in for hyperinflation.

Like the broken clock which tells the right time twice every day, I suppose if you keep repeating it, you're bound to be right sooner or later . . .

miamizsun Avatar

Location: (3283.1 Miles SE of RP)
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 8, 2013 - 12:25pm

 sirdroseph wrote:
nice job MS, you nailed it!!{#Clap}{#Notworthy}

not really

it's possible the bills could eventually win the super bowl


miamizsun Avatar

Location: (3283.1 Miles SE of RP)
Gender: Male

Posted: Jun 8, 2013 - 12:23pm

miamizsun wrote:

Government will tax and censor the internet.

You'll have to get a government license too access the web too.

this one is easy...

our gubmint initiates aggressive web/cyber attacks on other gubmints/groups and when someone responds/hits back and causes an issue it will be blown way the f out of proportion and bam!
it'll all be justified (a lot of the spying and data mining), the censoring and complete monitoring (or as best they can) of the web activity here
but of course it's all for our safety, right?

Obama orders US to draw up overseas target list for cyber-attacks

Exclusive: Top-secret directive steps up offensive cyber capabilities to 'advance US objectives around the world'


sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 17, 2013 - 6:01am

 miamizsun wrote:

i've been told it's my turn to post some starter poop for the next virtual cage match

i should probably tweak this list as well

Nice job MS, you nailed it!!{#Clap}{#Notworthy}

miamizsun Avatar

Location: (3283.1 Miles SE of RP)
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 17, 2013 - 5:38am

 miamizsun wrote:
A few calls I'd like to make....

Government(s) will demand broad sweeping powers and enable their corporatist partners.

The evil central bankers/IMF will push for a one (single) world currency, which they'll issue/control.

And encourage a cashless society.

We might see some short term deflation, but due to a massively expanding money supply (government endorsed counterfeiting) we'll end with some nasty inflation.

Government will tax and censor the internet.

You'll have to get a government license too access the web too.

Expect more war(s), especially for resources, wealth in the ground, of course they'll be in the name of protection/terrorism.

Basic goods and services will get much more expensive. (water will be a biggie, food and energy are going to be up there too)

People will revolt, protest and push back, and they'll be labeled. (Travel & movements will be monitored and restricted - Police State)

Your government will direct your law enforcement and military to squash any uprising.

I'll be labeled a cynic by those who haven't studied history.

If you're reading this, the Buffalo Bills will never win a Super Bowl (in your lifetime.)

And finally, when people are sick up and fed with entropy and desolation, the human race will rise from the ashes and hopefully understand that peace and prosperity through non-aggression is the only way to truly live.


(this is a fairly quick and spontaneous list and I'm sure I've left out a few items, so feel free to add and discuss)

i've been told it's my turn to post some starter poop for the next virtual cage match

i should probably tweak this list as well


Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: Nov 29, 2012 - 6:48pm

some coastal cities will be swallowed by the sea in my lifetime

Coaxial Avatar

Location: Comfortably numb in So Texas
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 29, 2012 - 5:40am

 BlueHeronDruid wrote:

Bokey is to be said "bokey, bokey, bokey.

We had a single number. And not the powerball.

You beat us by one number.

BlueHeronDruid Avatar

Location: Заебани сме луѓе

Posted: Nov 29, 2012 - 12:14am

 ScottFromWyoming wrote:

The stuff of nightmares right there. I get the "buy one just to have fun" but it always turns into this.

Bokey is to be said "bokey, bokey, bokey.

We had a single number. And not the powerball.


ScottFromWyoming Avatar

Location: Powell
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 28, 2012 - 11:09pm

 bokey wrote:
There will be a single winner from tonight's Powerball,but it will go unclaimed.I'll have forgotten that I Derped out and bought a few tickets,but will find the barely readable,scrunged up winner in some pocket in next Springs put away laundry,3 days too late to claim it.

The stuff of nightmares right there. I get the "buy one just to have fun" but it always turns into this.
DD gypsyman

DD gypsyman Avatar

Location: Joined Nov 27, 2006
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 28, 2012 - 9:08pm

 HazzeSwede wrote:

..you are...{#Lol}

Why, yes I am, actually. Touche.  {#Clap}


HazzeSwede Avatar

Location: Hammerdal
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 28, 2012 - 6:44pm

 gypsyman wrote:
There is revolution in the air. Just nobody talkin' about it.

..you are...{#Lol}

bokey Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 28, 2012 - 6:37pm

There will be a single winner from tonight's Powerball, but it will go unclaimed. I'll have forgotten that I Derped out and bought a few tickets, but will find the barely readable, scrunged up winner in some pocket in next Springs put away laundry, 3 days too late to claim it.

DD gypsyman

DD gypsyman Avatar

Location: Joined Nov 27, 2006
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 27, 2012 - 11:49am

There is revolution in the air. Just nobody talkin' about it.
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