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Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently
That all my destinations will accept the one that's me
So I can breathe
Circles they grow and they swallow people whole
Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they'll never know
Got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul
And so it goes
Don't come closer or I'll have to go
Owning me like gravity are places that pull
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you
Everyone I come across in cages they bought
They think of me and my wandering but I'm never what they thought
Got my indignation but I'm pure in all my thoughts
I'm alive
Wind in my hair I feel part of everywhere
Underneath my being is a road that disappeared
Late at night I hear the trees they're singing with the dead
Leave it to me as I find a way to be
Consider me a satellite forever orbiting
I know all the rules but the rules did not know me
To me personally this always seems to be the song Eddie Vedder's voice was made to sing. It raises goosebumps and sinks into my bones every - single - time - I - hear - it. It doesn't matter how many times, exactly the same reaction
I agree!
I could watch this movie over and over due to no small part of the haunting mesmerizing music that Eddie Vedder puts out into space. A timeless piece of musical genius that weaves around such a tragic yet uplifting story.

They finally took the bloody bus out of the woods a week or two ago. The rest of the world is going crazy taking down monuments, so Alaska joined in and got rid of the bus. Several people had gone on pilgrimage to go see it over the years, and a few people died getting in or out. Several people had to get rescued almost every year. So they helicoptered the bus out of there finally. Now hopefully we won't have to pay to rescue stupid hippie tourists from around the world.
Don't go into the woods in Alaska if you don't know what you are doing.
Thanks for sharing! Crazy story LOL

Such a grand soundtrack. Done in very little time. I understood. Whopping film.
So Powerful
You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow.
They smelled of moss in your hand.
Polished and muscular and torsional.
On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming.
Maps and mazes.
Of a thing which could not be put back.
Not be made right again.
In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man
and they hummed of mystery.β
Cormac McCarthy

Thanks for sharing this Jackie.
They finally took the bloody bus out of the woods a week or two ago. The rest of the world is going crazy taking down monuments, so Alaska joined in and got rid of the bus. Several people had gone on pilgrimage to go see it over the years, and a few people died getting in or out. Several people had to get rescued almost every year. So they helicoptered the bus out of there finally. Now hopefully we won't have to pay to rescue stupid hippie tourists from around the world.
Don't go into the woods in Alaska if you don't know what you are doing.
I skied in to it and back out it in 13.5 hours with my sweet lab/husky mix Mattie in March 2009, ezpz π.

Well put. This and "Society" are the only EV songs I can stand to listen to because, as you say, "He nailed this" theme.
Actually, Society is not an EV song. It's Jerry Hannan's song. Jerry is a fellow Marin County resident (Sean Penn's home in the Robin Wright days) and he was in the Magic Theatre produced Sam Shepard first run play "The Late Henry Moss" along with Penn (and Nick Nolte, Woody Harrelson and Cheech Marin). JH plays on the song with EV and another song of his (with his brother Sean) is used in the film. Talented dude standing in the shadow of someone else's fame. And that is the best song on the soundtrack in my mind.
I find this underrated by the RP community, solid 9 from me. The movie was amazing and Vedder's soundtrack was exceptional
Like a Best-Soundtrack-Oscar-exceptional.

They finally took the bloody bus out of the woods a week or two ago. The rest of the world is going crazy taking down monuments, so Alaska joined in and got rid of the bus. Several people had gone on pilgrimage to go see it over the years, and a few people died getting in or out. Several people had to get rescued almost every year. So they helicoptered the bus out of there finally. Now hopefully we won't have to pay to rescue stupid hippie tourists from around the world.
Don't go into the woods in Alaska if you don't know what you are doing.
Why pay to rescue stupid hippie tourists? Sounds like Darwin at work...
Don't go into the woods in Alaska if you don't know what you are doing.
They should put it somewhere more accessible in Alaska. Would be a good fix for all.
Love your peeps RP land. It's all that really matters.
Slickamoe wrote:
The Movie? I guess it was well made if you enjoy watching some idiot put himself in harms way and then when it doesn't turn out so well for him . . . . ? DEAD!
Oh well, no great loss. one less idiot. And that's a good thing.

He so purrty <swoon>

Don't go into the woods in Alaska if you don't know what you are doing.
The Movie? I guess it was well made if you enjoy watching some idiot put himself in harms way and then when it doesn't turn out so well for him . . . . ? DEAD!
Oh well, no great loss. one less idiot. And that's a good thing.

You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow.
They smelled of moss in your hand.
Polished and muscular and torsional.
On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming.
Maps and mazes.
Of a thing which could not be put back.
Not be made right again.
In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man
and they hummed of mystery.”
Cormac McCarthy

nature exists inside of us, but I don't know whether that nature lives up to (neo-)romantic idealism.
We take so much of our 21st century lives for granted ...
One of my fav male singers
Exceptionally well said, except I'm my admittedly limited experience, those "wide open spaces" are getting fewer and fewer. Even the timeless hills and trees of SE Ohio could fall victem to fraking and have their majesty tainted.
The wide open spaces will continue to disappear. I'm so glad I won't be here when they're more or less gone.
Exceptionally well said, except I'm my admittedly limited experience, those "wide open spaces" are getting fewer and fewer. Even the timeless hills and trees of SE Ohio could fall victem to fraking and have their majesty tainted.

Yes and I have Eddie "sheep" Vedder to thank!

Well put. This and "Society" are the only EV songs I can stand to listen to because, as you say, "He nailed this" theme.

yes, I thought the same thing today.. not that I mind, though, happy to listen to either one!
so is this song. Eddie Vedder voice makes it even sadder

this surprised me ... I don't understand how his voice could ever be mistaken for anyone else's
Frankly, I have mistaken him for both Bruce Springsteen and Ian Ball of Gomez. NTTAWWT
I agree 100%
this surprised me ... I don't understand how his voice could ever be mistaken for anyone else's
Great Movie
Good Soundtrack
The Gauley is pretty badass.
Stevie Ray Vaughan - Cold Shot
It's a 'Guaranteed' Cold Shot to bear this after Stevie.

The answer to your 1st question: No, he did not. The answer to the 2nd: Yes, he did. However your response to my posting was not relevant in any way to what I said. I stand by my previous statement.
At 8:11AM on the Left Coast it just donn gets any better . . .thanks Bill ! - - That SOB

Abide on the great book....here's to Everett Reuss while we're at it... "Glorify the Day!"
That I'd buy, for sure.
The Grand is in a (North American, anyway) class by itself mostly because of sheer volume. There are any number of far more technically difficult rivers—but they don't run at 30,000+ cfs. And the ones that do (the Missouri, say) look like, uh, the Missouri.
Vedder- Guaranteed
Shins- Young Pilgrims
Wilco- Jesus, Etc.
Just an amazing tri-fecta, Bill. My day is off to such an amazing start I'm considering going to bed at 10:30am so I can say I've had the perfect day.
Well, that depends on who is waiting for me back there.....