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Total ratings: 1954
Length: 4:13
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Sngal cinma Le Paris demain je serais parti
La gare Dakar Bamako mon p'tit y'a pas de problme
tout vas bien aujourd'hui je me marie
J'ai confiance amour solo Gao l'Algrie Tunisie Italie
Y'a pas de problme, j'aime au Manhattan fast food Dakar
Sngal Cinma le Paris ascenceur pour le Ghetto
Il est minuit Tokyo, il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au paradis
Il est minuit Tokyo, il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au paradis
C'est au Manhattan fast food Dakar
Sngal, la grand-mre l'hopital dans tte tout vas bien
Cairek, moi ici, toi l-bas, le visa au consulat
Numro 39, y'attends y'attends l'tal civil dj l'an 2000, dj 2000 ans
Au Manhattan fast food Dakar
Sngal cinma Le Paris (cinma Le Paris)
Il est minuit Tokyo, il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au paradis
(cinma Le Paris)
Il est minuit Tokyo, il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au paradis
(cinma Le Paris)
Cinma le Dakar, Bamako, Rio di Janeiro
O est le problme o est la frontire
Entre les murs se faufillent dans l'ascenceur
Ascenceur pour le ghetto
Au Manhattan fast food Dakar
Sngal cinma Le Paris (Cinma le Paris)
Il est maintenant 5 heures
Il est minuit Tokyo, il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au paradis
(cinma Le Paris)
(cinma Le Paris)
Il est maintenant 5 heures
I heard this and was ready to note how much it reminded me of J.J. Cale. (Others below say Manu Chao. They would know, but I didn't make that connection.)
Then I saw this knucklehead's anal comment. Buried all the way at the very bottom of the thread, which is entirely appropriate. Still, getting to it way down there had some equivalence to the annoyance of the comment itself.
It's so odd to hear racist and toxic clowns revealing their ignorance in words that suggest they can speak English. ...
Anyway, this sounds like a few J.J. Cale songs. ;-]
World music helps makes the world go round. If it has too many savages or other, I'm sure the dark web has plenty of alternatives to RP. AMF.
I wondered if it was JJ Cale for a few seconds. Maybe a few seconds more than I should admit (well after the lyrics started....)
who is the vocalist that opens the tune? sounds like someone ive heard elsewhere on RP
Think there's an REM remix with the same vocal - can't remember the song name. I know I have it on my iPod somewhere 😂
It's so odd to hear savages speaking french.
I heard this and was ready to note how much it reminded me of J.J. Cale. (Others below say Manu Chao. They would know, but I didn't make that connection.)
Then I saw this knucklehead's anal comment. Buried all the way at the very bottom of the thread, which is entirely appropriate. Still, getting to it way down there had some equivalence to the annoyance of the comment itself.
It's so odd to hear racist and toxic clowns revealing their ignorance in words that suggest they can speak English. ...
Anyway, this sounds like a few J.J. Cale songs. ;-]
World music helps makes the world go round. If it has too many savages or other, I'm sure the dark web has plenty of alternatives to RP. AMF.
At the beginning it sounded like Manu Chao … Cool intro.
Well it IS Manu Chao.
Everybody has different tastes. Thank You for being polite about it.
It isn't as prominent in this, but I like the "African Sound" of electric Guitar playing.
If anyone thinks they've heard a similar song on RP, it's Manu Chao — Me Gustas Tu.
He did a couple of other songs with them, did he not?
world music is just not for me. PSD every time.
Everybody has different tastes. Thank You for being polite about it.
What I really came here to say was that I was surprised at how much of the song I understood. People from France, when speaking French, for me are really hard to understand....too fast, too many idioms, etc., and well maybe it's the fact they're from Mali makes the French easier for me to understand. Anyways, I think I've had this at a 6 for a long time and today I'm bumping to a 7. It's a fun song, in a "foreign" (to me) language which I understand most of....wow....how un-American of me!
Vive le Radio Paradise!!
Yes. I love the way Black Africans speak French in west Africa. For one it is spoken much slower than the pace of other French speakers, including the French as you point out lizardking.
Then there is that musical lilt.
This song is supposed to be an Amadou and Mariam song, but it's really a Manu Chao song. Or should I say THE Manu Chao song? He has being doing practically the same song forever. And the lyrics systematically contain mentions of the time it is in different capital cities around the world. Could very well be pathological.
Whit Manu Chao (vocals)
I thought that the vocals sounded like him.
is this "We didn't start the fire" in French?
We didn't start the food truck. It was always grilling and the beat's been killing...
I see this song is 17 years old... I wonder how Amadou & Mariam are doing these days. Nothing after 2012 on Wikipedia except for "On 22 September 2017 they released their album La Confusion to mixed reviews".
They were all very good, but incredibly loud - painfully so. We had to leave early.
This ditty is giving me a chubby.
And we really don't give a shit.
Amadou and Mariam are fabulous as well.

Reminds me of Manu Chao
He's a featuring in this song (and he's once again reusing his own lyrics)
Well then....I've heard this tune on RP since I first started listening to RP....and just now read through the comments. I'm sure I should have expected the rather negative feelings expressed here, we are talking about World Music and clearly there's a fear of the unknown world and all that.
What I really came here to say was that I was surprised at how much of the song I understood. People from France, when speaking French, for me are really hard to understand....too fast, too many idioms, etc., and well maybe it's the fact they're from Mali makes the French easier for me to understand. Anyways, I think I've had this at a 6 for a long time and today I'm bumping to a 7. It's a fun song, in a "foreign" (to me) language which I understand most of....wow....how un-American of me!
Vive le Radio Paradise!!
Have a good day Lazarus, tosser.
Wrong poster, salaud. PM to continue this amicable exchange.

I can imagine myself sucking back on light blond beer in a thatched hut and listening to this.
I'm very surprised and shocked by some racists comments as well... some people's stupidity has no limit... sad.
to come back to the song, nothing exceptional but ok to listen too once in a while, doesn't deserve more than 5 imo .
Je ne comprends pas - désolé :(
Amadou et Mariam me plaisent beaucoup. Allez les francophones afriques :)
Have a good day Lazarus, tosser.
Je ne comprends pas - désolé :(
Amadou et Mariam me plaisent beaucoup. Allez les francophones afriques :)
Comme tout ce que pond Manu Chao, en fait.

It's so odd to hear someone from South Carolina promulgate their racism with a properly spelled coherent sentence.
nice riposte, well said.
Quelle tristesse de voir des commentaires pareils, on souhaiterai presque de la censure.
Pourquoi tant de haine ? à moins qu'il s'agisse d'humour noir ....
La bétise humaine est sans limite et encore plus attristante quand elle s'attaque à la musique, ce fil qui devrait tous nous rassembler.
Ha ha you have to get at least one savage listening to RP, don't you think philipr? Anyway, I'll take the bet on the black humour on this one , it's better for my health (if I dare to paraphrase Voltaire here)
Allez hop, un peu de distance, et que la musique gagne!
Love the lyrics, so sadly accurate -
For some reason it reminds me of Manu Chao Clandestino -
Manu Chao sounds just like Manu Chao!

You are SO right! Sorry, I meant the lyrics...

Quelle tristesse de voir des commentaires pareils, on souhaiterai presque de la censure.
Pourquoi tant de haine ? à moins qu'il s'agisse d'humour noir ....
La bétise humaine est sans limite et encore plus attristante quand elle s'attaque à la musique, ce fil qui devrait tous nous rassembler.
Love the lyrics, so sadly accurate -
For some reason it reminds me of Manu Chao Clandestino -
Manu Chao sounds just like Manu Chao!

Love the lyrics, so sadly accurate -
For some reason it reminds me of Manu Chao Clandestino -
awesome feel to this song - hearing it start lifted my mood immediately
It's so odd to hear someone from South Carolina promulgate their racism with a properly spelled coherent sentence.
It's so odd to see racist assholes posting here.
Now how about some dengue fever.
Oh, racism from a South Carolinan. That's original. Sadly, this isn't the first time I've seen abject racism on Radio Paradise forums. I hope it'll be the last.
?????? I want an explanation.

agreed 7 -> 8. I actually expected this to wear out on me, but it's doing the opposite.

Err.... Bodhisattva, did you look at the lower-right corner of the album cover at the top of the page here?

Amazing musicianship and 5,000 pounds of groove.
It sounds much better in this funky format...
Pots and kettles...
I've seen a lot of serious intolerance and ignorance in Europe too, yes, even in Köln.
Oh, and here is a good example.
Stingray wrote:
Mute....? Means? Means you dislike the song (as much as the cover)?
From what country-side are you...?
Rural Kansas with a single trip to Florida...?
Guess so!
Mute....? Means? Means you dislike the song (as much as the cover)?
From what country-side are you...?
Rural Kansas with a single trip to Florida...?
Guess so!
your harrassing PM to me has been reported to BillG
grow up and learn how to play nice with others.
everyone has, and is allowed an opinion, especially here. if it differs from yours, ignore it and move on.
but the cover cracks me up.
Mute....? Means? Means you dislike the song (as much as the cover)?
From what country-side are you...?
Rural Kansas with a single trip to Florida...?
Guess so!
rather not...! Sorry!
The song is TOP CUISINE nevertheless,
that melody - unbelievable!
but the cover cracks me up.
That is melody - real melody!
Toetappinly good.

HAHAHA! That banana is flipping out!

Until the singing started, I thought that this was going to be Donna The Buffalo.
It's been getting great reviews.

Wish I could spend a Sunday in the marketplace with those two.