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The Violet Burning — Arabic Tremolo Radio
Album: I am a stranger in this place
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Total ratings: 416

Released: 2000
Length: 5:02
Plays (last 30 days): 0
This could last all day
It's heaven when you hold me
Maybe fall like rain all around me
Heaven when you hold me
I am alive

I'm not asking Lay me down
You're not saying In your arms
I'm not asking for much Let me stay
To believe in In your arms
You're not leaving
I'm not staying

This could last all day
You know that I am
Painted when you touch me
Heaven when you hold me
Open my eyes
Inside, I'm a lot like you

I'm not asking Lay me down
You're not saying In your arms
I'm not asking for much Next to your beautiful skin
To believe in I can feel it
You're not leaving In your arms
Wish I was staying

Close my eyes, so I can see
Your love, the light that shines on

Oh, how you take my breath away
When you fall like rain and surround me

Baby, don't let go
Spirit, don't let go
Let me stay in your arms
I'm not asking for much
But to lay me down
Why don't you set me down
Let me hide in your arms
Let me breathe, close my eyes
Let me see, pour your love on me
Oh, how you take my breath away
Comments (51)add comment
The angst feels a bit excessive and forced. Maybe better on a TV show with Simon Cowell...
Not up to much, this one.
Not bad! Good actually!

 Except for that modern transgression between the two towers which nobody seems to see



coolpeople_rule wrote:

Per "Stingray" below...very nice:

Datei:Koelner Dom bei Nacht 1 RB.JPG


Not familiar with this song, but pretty nice.

Sounds like alt-J with Billy Corgan on the mike...
Per "Stingray" below...very nice:

Datei:Koelner Dom bei Nacht 1 RB.JPG
Hello RP-Listeners!

I wish all of you "MERRY CHRISTMAS",
wherever you are - whoever you wanna be!

Christmas is a sweet-naive tradition -
not a religious event! 

I like it anyway!

Still - I hope Bill takes the chance
to rock the christmas-tree to pieces tonight!

"Happy Christmas
your "BAD SANTA",
-from Cologne/Germany-
Sermon of the day (promise: I'm serious):

The "Three Wise Men" - Melchior, Balthasar + Caspar
are buried in a golden sarcophage in"our" dome, the famous 
"Cologne dome" - the third highest church-building
in the world - right in the very centre of town, next to the Rhine.
A gothic building of extra-class!

Have a look:

The "grave" for the non-believers:



What the hell is that?
 themotion wrote:
I download more CDs because of RP ... muah ha ha f u, corporate america
When you buy something you vote for it.  Your choice, but don't blame companies for not giving you what you want when you won't buy what you like.

Oh yeah, not a fan of this song.
Yeah... I like this even less than the last time I heard it.
5 — > 4
I didn't like it much and then it just kept going on when i knew florence was on next and that made me mad, then i listened to the boring lyrics and it had to wind up a 2.
Sucks ass.....{#Crashcomp}
I always thought its about drugs, intoxication and addiction. But is it really a earnest, trivial christian love song? :)

I can't believe these guys are still around. Wow.
infinity wrote:
This song tricks you -- at some point it sounds like it's over, but no... IT CONTINUES.
I thought the same thing - "Oh, good, it's over! Let's see...the next song is...oh. It's not over yet. Darn."
lily34 wrote:
yes, make it stop!
Is it giving you a violet burning sensation?
This is lame....
themotion wrote:
I download more CDs because of RP ... muah ha ha f u, corporate america
But if you were to purchase the CDs (or songs on iTunes) through RP, then you'd be supporting RP more than I'm sure you already do!
These dudes are so earnest it kind of hurts to listen to.
This song tricks you -- at some point it sounds like it's over, but no... IT CONTINUES. ">
jgeyer wrote:
I buy more CDs because of RP.
themotion wrote:
I download more CDs because of RP ... muah ha ha , corporate america
That's wot I like to hear Yes, we buy more because of RP It's sooo true
jgeyer wrote:
I buy more CDs because of RP.
I download more CDs because of RP ... muah ha ha f u, corporate america
jgeyer wrote:
I buy more CDs because of RP.
Tell me about it. I originally got a Yahoo Music subscription so I could listen to more stuff that RP introduced me to, without having to go out and buy the CDs all the time. Now I do BOTH. Pay RP... Pay Yahoo... Buy CDs... music is my drug of choice.
Rockyinmyradio wrote:
I appreciate the fact that RP will venture into the Christian alternative scene... this band has had quite a following in that industry for many years now. They sound better than ever. Just goes to prove that not all music labeled "Christian" isn't boring and slams Jesus down one's throat. Rocky in your radio
No kidding! Check out Stavesacre for proof!
jgeyer wrote:
I buy more CDs because of RP.
Right to the heart of it. Ditto.
just the right song to pull off for supper!
I buy more CDs because of RP.
shakylegs wrote:
Somebody's been to the Tori Amos school of song-writing. I wonder if they can get a refund.
Sorry, they've been around longer. BIG thanks to RP for this one!
I appreciate the fact that RP will venture into the Christian alternative scene... this band has had quite a following in that industry for many years now. They sound better than ever. Just goes to prove that not all music labeled "Christian" isn't boring and slams Jesus down one's throat. Rocky in your radio
Somebody's been to the Tori Amos school of song-writing. I wonder if they can get a refund.
This one had such an attention grabbing start... etheral, with an inticing bassline and piano work... but it just never gets started! I kept waiting and waiting for the explosion. It's like a 4 minute long intro. And it's really tough for anyone (especially that woman) to harmonize with this guy. Still a 4 for the guitar work.
yes, make it stop!
A bit precious for me... too earnest, not enough authenticity...
Love these guys. Haven't heard them since high school when I had this album on cassette!
too many quiet songs in a row - how about something lively, please?
...Aaah! ... In Tremolo! ...
Some background on The Violet Burning: https://tinyurl.com/j5kuu Great music!
What I love about RP
Hey, I give 'em a 7 just for the band name and the song title!
Any band that puts the words "violet" and "burning" in their name is brave. Having the words actually next to each other is really hanging it out there.
bajafisher wrote:
sounds to me like you need to do some "random" drug screening.
bajafisher wrote:
sounds to me like you need to do some "random" drug screening.
Awesome! OTR and then TVB! Bill, you rock! These guys are really neat people too, hard to put in a box and they like it that way. Play some Waterdeep and you will have my love forever (not that you don't already have it).
THIS is why I listen to RP. NEVER heard of these guys, and probably never would. Not sure I'd buy their disc based on this one tune, but it's still pretty good. Per usual, thanks, RP.
jrstudio wrote:
Great to hear these guys, I have an employee that plays them constantly!
sounds to me like you need to do some "random" drug screening.
gntlemanartist wrote:
This song is grating on me. It's whiney and annoying. Maybe I'm just not in the right mood for it.
I'm leaning towards those exact sentiments ...
This song is grating on me. It's whiney and annoying. Maybe I'm just not in the right mood for it.
Great to hear these guys, I have an employee that plays them constantly!
just tuned in and this was on -- first time I've heard it & I like it. Thanks for a great start to my morning @ work!
wow! great song. lovin this stuff. As George W Bush would say, "this song is f*****g great. Now go kill".
Interesting name, interesting sound, interesting. <-o<