Peps Persson — Min Trollmoj Funkar (Got My Mojo Working)
(no lyrics available)
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PeterHalvarsson wrote:
Started to laugh here at work. Peps at RP. Someone better call him and tell him that he can start to promote himself worldwide :-)
Though Peps is really really good, "standing-outside-of-society-I-dont-like-the-materialistic-world" blues man from Sweden, and always with a smile :-)
I'm also really surprised.I can't believe!!Peps Persson on RP!!!

grant wrote:
This is great. Now here's a question - what is the translation of "mojo" in languages other than Swedish?
(click here)
This is weird - I like it.... you can't help but bounce around to it, whether you can understand the words or not.
So stunningly absurd that you gotta love it.
Uff da!

This is great. Now here's a question - what is the translation of "mojo" in languages other than Swedish?
algrif wrote:
Good in any language. And the harp is just fine.

Good in any language. And the harp is just fine.

..but it jus' don't work on me.
So are these some blonde Skandinavians singing Muddy Waters?
That takes some brass ones...:)
That was fantastic! I hadn't a clue what language I was hearing, but I really had NO IDEA about the blues scene in Sweden. Rock on RP!
I'm with everyone else: surprised to learn who's doing it and fully satisfied regardless.
Min trollmoj funkar,
men inte alls på dig!
So true, so true.
Peps Persson is a peppy person!
I'll say it again. Wow, just wow.
Play that funkar music, white boy!
iNiCHi wrote:
That's it, i'm moving to sweden.
the latest in a huge long list of reasons...
ploafmaster wrote:
But I do know about the Jazz action in Scandiland...
My wife spent 7 weeks studying furniture design in Copenhagen, Denmark two summers ago, and they had a HUGE jazz fest.
She actually got me a CD by some Danish Jazz Quartet...Enberg/Jeffson, I believe? VERY good stuff.
Generally you'll find Europe & even Japan to be a lot more hep to Blues & Jazz than the US. Prejudice, though not spoken about openly (not PC to acknowledge the truth, you know...) still runs pretty damn deep there on an unconscious level.....
You can get the whole album on Itunes if you set your country to Sweden.
But Apple won't sell it to you unless your credit card has a Swedish billing address! The licensing weasel's trollmoj is definitely not funkar.
can i get a copy of this?
That's it, i'm moving to sweden.
Got my mojo working but it aint working on you
Swedish Blues!
DAMN, but I love this station!

What the HELL is this crap!
(I can't help myself. Rated it a 7 :) )
This is quite likeable =)

Yeah, it took me a few seconds to realize they weren't singing in English... and I'm not stoned! ;) What a hoot!
Started to laugh here at work. Peps at RP. Someone better call him and tell him that he can start to promote himself worldwide :-)
Though Peps is really really good, "standing-outside-of-society-I-dont-like-the-materialistic-world" blues man from Sweden, and always with a smile :-)
But I do know about the Jazz action in Scandiland...
My wife spent 7 weeks studying furniture design in Copenhagen, Denmark two summers ago, and they had a HUGE jazz fest.
She actually got me a CD by some Danish Jazz Quartet...Enberg/Jeffson, I believe? VERY good stuff.
Sweden (like the other Scandinavian countries) has got a rich Jazz, Folk and Blues tradition and it shows! If this doesn't get you going I don't know what will!
Surprisingly enough (sweet sounding) Swedish combined with The Blues sounds rather natural to me.
Dave_Mack wrote:
Dues Peps Perssun dunete-a $$$$ tu Redeeu Peredeese-a?

Dues Peps Perssun dunete-a $$$$ tu Redeeu Peredeese-a?
Darkmatter wrote:
Guess again. :D
Yes, that is the guy singing. :)
No. Fucking. Way!
And whoda thunk that "pbpbpbpb mojo" could be translated into Swedish?

If he'd just shut up and play I'd be happier. His voice makes me quesy.
God bless whoever uploaded this!
This is great, but it makes my head hurt :)
alanb wrote:
Yes, that is the guy singing. :)
Swedish Blues: Bizarre but likeable.
I picture an old black guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Yep.
Guess again. :D

the swedish chef in his early days
Swedish Blues: Bizarre but likeable.
I picture an old black guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Yep.

If you liked this, go for "Falsk matematik", one of his greatest hits...
Never heard of him. Liked it though. Some real rockin' blues!
Wohooo! Peps Persson på RP! :D
Never expected to hear this here... Amazing!
Thees ves a greet blooes sung! ... und zee Svedeesh lyreecs ere-a sooch a huut! Oonly oon Redeeu Peredeese-a! Keep it up Beell. Ve-a lufe-a thees stooffff! Bork! Bork! Bork!
(translation to Swedish courtesy of
That. Was. Cool.
Blues - The Universal Language.
*laughing my swedish arse off*
Peps Persson on RP? You sure got an eclectic selection going on here, Bill. And some balls too. ;)

JÀtte kul att det finns nÃÂ¥got pÃÂ¥ radion pÃÂ¥ Svenska!!
mmm Swedish...

matthead wrote:
Neat song! But what language are the lyrics?
AMG it like I did and find it is Swedish
I grew up in a heavy Swede and Finn area in the U.P. of michigan(Finland Calling is a finnish language show still showing up there) so I knew it was probably one of those two.
Neat song! But what language are the lyrics?
SRV followed by Clapton, then Peps Persson?? I may not be able to constrain myself!
Blues rule!