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Length: 3:22
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Then she reaches out to kiss me
And how she takes my breath away
Pretending that she won't miss me
Oohh I would bleed to love her
Bleed to love her
Oohh I would bleed to love her
And once again she calls to me
Then she vanishes in thin air
And how she takes my breath away
Pretending that she's not there
Oohh I would bleed to love her
Bleed to love her
Oohh I would bleed to love her
Somebody's got to see this through
All the world is laughing at you
Somebody's got to sacrifice
If this whole thing's going to turn out right
Oohh I would bleed to love her
Bleed to love her
Oohh I would bleed to love her
Lindsay Buckingham was Fleetwood Mac, totally underrated singer song writer guitarist. The backbone of Fleetwood after the Peter Green years which were truly inspiring.
I concur

Man, the original blues band was soooo much better !!!!
Nothing tops their early years for me too.
. . . not.
Roy Forbes is a voice to compare... if you do that sort of thing.
I never have thought of that comparison, you are correct - Roy Forbes - Bim lol
Love to see him come back to FM.
Been saying and correcting people on this for year's. To the point I play a track by Christie McVie and the friends I'm with swear blind it's Stevie!!! They are soon converted once I explain
Well, my RP friend, you need to "Explore the Space" with FM. The early days with Green/Kirwan were every bit as good musically. Lindsay was a force, no doubt.

You are conflating contributions to Fleetwood Mac with solo achievement. Christine is in the R&R HOF for her contributions in FM (as is Stevie). I'm not a huge fan of any FM / solo material, but Stevie is the only one with a HOF worthy solo career.
Next time....Christine should be dating Jimmy Iovine when she does her solo album, so her boyfriend can steal a song from Tom Petty (Stop dragging my heart around).
You might not want to say that John McVie and Mick Fleetwood, the only two members there since the beginning. Lindsey joined in the mid 70s, after a few other great musicians had also been part of it. They're worth learning about.
Fleetwood's autobiography is a nice light interesting read, as well.
Listen to any Fleetwood Mac album before 1974 and you will not hear the same music or style that most people identify with Fleetwood Mac today.
What? Are you sure?
Agree. They were great in concert.
Fleetwood Mac went through many incarnations and varying levels of success before Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined the band in late 1974. Lindsey and Stevie brought their distinct singing harmony as well as song writing experience plus Buckingham’s music and recording studio talents from their experience as the duo, Buckingham Nicks. Listen to their album from 1973 and you’ll hear the familiar sounds of Fleetwood Mac that most people identify with today.
The vocal harmonies between the Nicks/Buckingham and Christine McVie worked well and along with Christine’s classically trained music talents, these three formed the “sound” and lyrical foundation of the Fleetwood Mac that has sold over 100 million records.
Listen to any Fleetwood Mac album before 1974 and you will not hear the same music or style that most people identify with Fleetwood Mac today.
Whilst I would agree with the second part of your sentence, the first part is plain wrong.
LB always went his own way, before, during and after his time with FM, and FM have always been a whole lot more than any individual band member, even in the early 'Green God' days. They, and others such as Christine, Danny, Stevie, and Bob (Welch), are constellations whose separate paths through the musical universe intersected for a while and shone extra brightly. And yes, there were a few stellar collisions!
I love it. A cover that is carefully produced and had obviously been given a lot of time and thought to create. A bit of humour, pathos, personality, art, composition. . . what's not to like?
Mick still seems proud of those Clackers.
Yes to the Samples!
Now that's just plain funny!! Never noticed the balls before.
HeHe hilarious

2nd FM tune in a couple of hours. Not complaining just struck me as odd.
Couldn't agree more! So underrated.
Is it just me or is the cover a bit over-the-top?
It is pretty silly; I guess they were just trying to have fun and re-live the old days, but without the dump-trucks full of cocaine.
Is it just me or is the cover a bit over-the-top?
Maybe it's just you.

Now that's just plain funny!! Never noticed the balls before.
Is it just me or is the cover a bit over-the-top?

FUNNY!..... still a great song!

1wolfy wrote:

Lindsey said that the bleeding line can best be described as "an element of having to sacrifice your blood in order to get back what is sometimes worthwhile." This line has a very noble, romantic feel to it, sacrificing your "blood" to protect a love you have with someone.
Interesting, but the bleeding still bothers me. That said, it's a fine song, and Lindsey rules.

Yeah! I can't stop watching his version of 'Big Love' from this album. I still can't figure out how he does that, and sings...
Unless he's volunteering to be a sacrifice to some very sadistic goddess, in which case it all makes sense.
Lindsey said that the bleeding line can best be described as "an element of having to sacrifice your blood in order to get back what is sometimes worthwhile." This line has a very noble, romantic feel to it, sacrificing your "blood" to protect a love you have with someone.
Incredible guitarist! LOVED watching him in concert. He has the energy of a 30-year old!
Can anyone explain the knee breeches to me? I never got that.
Unless he's volunteering to be a sacrifice to some very sadistic goddess, in which case it all makes sense.
Didn't expect to hear or certainly like anything these guys might conjure up. Five seconds into this song, it had me. Lindsey Buck has one of those voices...ya know, just one of those voices that works for many.
Whoopsy...it's 12 years old.
I was delivering an ad proof to a local radio station a few years ago and he was in the studio doing an appearance in conjunction with a local concert. He played this song, and he played his heart out. I watched over the monitor and thought "what a shame, here is this guy with massive talent, playing a wonderful composition for a couple of jerk DJs on morning drive time."
Really is no justice in the universe.
Wit' cha!