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Length: 3:32
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I was on the outside when you said
You said you needed me
I was looking at myself
I was blind, I could not see
A boy tries hard to be a man
His mother takes him by his hand
If he stops to think he starts to cry
Oh why
If you walk away, walk away
I walk away, walk away, I will follow
If you walk away, walk away
I walk away, walk away, I will follow
I was on the inside
When they pulled the four walls down
I was looking through the window
I was lost, I am found
walk away, walk away
I walk away, walk away, I will follow
If you walk away, walk away,
I walk away, walk away, I will follow
I will follow
Your eyes make a circle
I see you when I go in there
Your eyes, your eyes
If you walk away, walk away
I walk away, walk away, I will follow
If you walk away, walk away
I walk away, walk away, I will follow
I will follow
I will follow
I was a freshman in college in Memphis, Tennessee in 1981 and had just read an article in Rolling Stone magazine about U2. I then saw a poster that they were going to be at a local music venue, Poets Music Hall. A friend and I went and it still stands out as the most electrifying show that I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen hundreds of shows by dozens of artists since). As soon as they took the stage, it was like a joyful gut punch (or, stomping bliss, as another commenter put it). The first song was “Gloria” and it was magnificent. The whole show was magnificent. It happened to be Bono’s 21st birthday that night, and the other lads in the band poured flour and beer on his head at midnight and we all crushed backstage for a brief visit with the lads. Keep soaring lads, and thank you
Yeah! Poets! Awesome venue!
The kid on the album cover is like 40 now. He pays taxes, has a mortgage, and probably a kid of his own that age whose ass he whoops when he brings home a bad report card. "I didn't pose for the cover of the world's biggest band's debut album for you to bring home a damn C- in math"
..or a 'D' in Englishs ....
Had NO idea this song was that old. Amazing song considering what was on the radio in 1980...
It was a blast of fresh air. Yes you had punk beforehand, but punk was often not uplifting and soaring.
The band had so much energy back then. I can't listen to anything on their last two albums.
I mean....not their debut album...but otherwise, very funny! :D
Boy was their debut Album releast October 20, 1980... It's a really fucking good one too. :-)
The kid on the album cover is like 40 now. He pays taxes, has a mortgage, and probably a kid of his own that age whose ass he whoops when he brings home a bad report card. "I didn't pose for the cover of the world's biggest band's debut album for you to bring home a damn C- in math"
I mean....not their debut album...but otherwise, very funny! :D
No, xylophones are not metal.
(from the first link)
In all, it's in the name. Glock in German is Bell, ergo the Glockenspiel. The Xylophone is made of Xylos, aka wood. Metal bars and Wooden bars. Glock and Xylos.
THANK YOU for the info & links!! The marimba also made from wood. Todd Rundgren owns & plays one!
Xylophones and glockenspiels are metal. Marimbas are made of wood. I saw these guys live in the early eighties. I remember dancing and jumping around during this song!!!!
No, xylophones are not metal.
(from the first link)
In all, it's in the name. Glock in German is Bell, ergo the Glockenspiel. The Xylophone is made of Xylos, aka wood. Metal bars and Wooden bars. Glock and Xylos.
GREAT TUNE!!!!!!!!
funny, i always thought it was "runaway, runaway, I will follow"; hung out too close to big amps 'back in the day'...loved to feel the music. will hate to feel the hearing aids
It's actually a Glockenspiel. Xylophones have wood bars, and a much different, more muted sound. It is definitely a great addition here.
Xylophones and glockenspiels are metal. Marimbas are made of wood. I saw these guys live in the early eighties. I remember dancing and jumping around during this song!!!!
It's actually a Glockenspiel. Xylophones have wood bars, and a much different, more muted sound. It is definitely a great addition here.

To be fair, it was a long time ago, when hairstyles like that were "cool". At least it's before he had those wrap-around sunglasses surgically attached. Still a cool song.
LaurieinTucson wrote:
FYI, it's "Heart Full of Soul", and this U2 cut still stands tall 36 years after I first heard it!
Agreed-here's a band with about 30 hits, but their first is THEIR BEST! And there's other good songs from that 1st album that are mysteriously ignored here at RP. Can we fix that?
THIS is great!
Odd? No. I have no doubt a capitalist has more credibility with other capitalists than some blue-jeaned, stringy-haired crusader. Besides, Third World debt is a major drag on the global economy. In 2010 alone, Third World countries paid US$184 billion in debt service. Think of what that money could be used for if it stayed home!
If only they were half as good as Pink Floyd or Led Zep.
Bono also owns a huge share of facebook, isn't it odd how such a successful capitalist wants the rest of the world to end 3rd world debt.
a 1, for more than just delayed strums and poor vocals.

You talk from your own arsehole.

What are the others?
There have been so many that have been played out, it's good to hear and crank the "somewhat rarer ones".
Just picking one from each of the early albums, mine are:
Electric Co.
I Fall Down
this song ROCKS... everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing... love it...
Way out in front of what all those other churches are offering. Let those who blaspheme against U2 burn in ... somewhere unpleasant. But what do we call a 4 man version of a trinity? i.e. the Adam, the Edge, the Larry and the holy Bono?

your opinion of his personality cannot detract from his skill as a vocalist or the band's skill at making excellent songs.

Me too. I remember stopping cold and listening to this with awe the first time I heard it. It sure sounded better in the fall of 1980 than the Christopher Cross crap ("Ride Like the Wind', anyone?) which was sweeping the nation back then..

miss you so much, Cynaera...
this song ROCKS... everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing... love it...
It sounds dated like hell
On behalf of Colorado (and Red Rocks) I apologize.
Jeremiah 31:31-34
31 "The time is coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them," declares the LORD. 33 "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
Take it outside.
Jeremiah 31:31-34
31 "The time is coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them," declares the LORD. 33 "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
Amen, brother!
Oh, what memories......
What are the others?
There have been so many that have been played out, it's good to hear and crank the "somewhat rarer ones".
Just picking one from each of the early albums, mine are:
Electric Co.
I Fall Down
After the Joshua Tree (well, really the Unforgettable Fire), they became so large and powerful that they actually became larger than themselves and perhaps Gods themselves. From that point to the present, they have lost that pure honesty and humbleness.
Too bad.
Boy was a real good album.
I agree. To me, after War, their passion and angst were replaced with (over) production.
If it aint broke, don't fix
ajlept wrote:
U2 is many things, including talented, but complexity in their music and motive is not one of them. They set out to be the worlds number one band, it is the reason for their existence and they achieved their goal. Now does that mean they are musically interesting or creative? Of course not, being the number one band and being musically creative and interesting is not possible in today's music corporate market.
Is this a widely held opinion in the UK?
I love this song btw.
BTW, your message board "handle" sounds great. Keep up the good work!

U2 is many things, including talented, but complexity in their music and motive is not one of them. They set out to be the worlds number one band, it is the reason for their existence and they achieved their goal. Now does that mean they are musically interesting or creative? Of course not, being the number one band and being musically creative and interesting is not possible in today's music corporate market.
I know huh? Too bad it takes so much money to stay out of prison for this form of civil disobedience!
(shrug) No taxes, no services. You get what you pay for. In the case of St Bonio's lot, they offshore their taxes so that the country which nurtured and educated them doesn't get a cent. If you think that this is a good thing, fine, but with the Irish economy in the sh1t on account of gambling bankers and corrupt politicians, and now in hock to the IMF, it could do with the millions of Euros a year which U2 should be paying. If they don't cough up, they're freeloading leeches. Which wouldn't matter for a standard megaband, but St Bonio puts himself forward as a modern feckin' saint and is forever telling world leaders (who gain legitimacy from his company) to cough up to developing countries, so you don't have to be a moral philosopher to see the hypocrisy.
...and tax avoidance.
I know huh? Too bad it takes so much money to stay out of prison for this form of civil disobedience!
Really?? At least a 7 I say!!
...and tax avoidance.
I remember so well when this first came out... it was so fresh and raw and new and awesome... great stuff... time sure flies when you're having fun... sigh...
And it's still good. We be dancin'....

it was raw, positive, and so good to hear in that 'no future' era...
'Rejoice' from the much under-rated October LP is my U2 fave, but 'I Will Follow' comes close second. Then America embraced the (imho very weak) Under a Blood Red Sky LP, stadium rock became cool again, and the rest is history. I saw them at Exeter University promoting the War LP jus before they fully got stuck up themselves.
But I still like some of their later stuff and admire their staying power.
Who doesn't love some xylophone in a rock song?
I always thought it was the sound of empty bottles. Now I am kind of disappointed.