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Length: 8:46
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Like the arrival of a new day
But a dream like this gets wasted
Without you
Under the pressure is where we are
You're the only one
Like an illusion
Slowly fading
Until there's nothing at all
When it all breaks down and we're runaways
Standing in the wake of our pain
Will we stare straight into nothin'?
Will we call it all...
You were raised on that promise
To find that over time
Better come around to the new way...
Or watch as it all breaks down here
Under the pressure
Yeah its where we are
Well the break down
Stole it all the way across
Stranded on..
When you come here and I'm wasted...
Lying on a hill, dancin' in the rain
Hidin in the back, loosening my grip
I'm just wading in the water
Just trying not to crack under the pressure
Although the (ridiculously) long ending almost diverts attention away from an excellent song.
This song has a calamitous inability to conclude.
I too like to let the long aftershocks of orgasm simply wash over me and slowly fade away.
Band: No worries, we'll just extend the last note.
This song has a calamitous inability to conclude.
I like this comment, the choice of words makes me smile, well put

I spend, waste, an inordinate amount of time wondering what I'd say, what I'd do, if I happened to meet someone who declared they did not like War on Drugs. So far this has not happened. I mean, it's possible. One must be prepared.
Pleased to make your virtual acquaintance, Grayson. This band does absolutely nothing for me.
I spend, waste, an inordinate amount of time wondering what I'd say, what I'd do, if I happened to meet someone who declared they did not like War on Drugs. So far this has not happened. I mean, it's possible. One must be prepared.
Is that determined early in the conversation? If he or she says “no,” do you end the conversation? FWIW, I like the piece
Just annoying.
Hopefully you have other redeeming qualities.
Anyone hearing an echo of In a Pagan Place by the Waterboys?
It might be just me!
Now that you mention it...
I like this band and this song, but this is the 2nd War on Drugs song I've heard today (within about 6-8 hours). Has the playlist shrunk?
Not much of a Bayesian?
It might be just me!
I like this band and this song, but this is the 2nd War on Drugs song I've heard today (within about 6-8 hours). Has the playlist shrunk?
I think it expanded to include 2 WOD tunes in a day!

Thanks for the laugh
I love this song! This and 'Thinking of a Place' have so much meaning and so many happy memories for me! When they came out, I played them over and over while driving home from concerts. Danced at home too! Thank you War on Drugs!
Thinking of a Place is a modern classic in my opinion. It's very well paced and benefits from their tendency to draw out a song. I always think it would have been a perfect Harvest Moon Neil Young song; has that kind of laidback "stay with me" vibe going on. It's a beautiful track and WoD should be very proud of it.
Just trying not to crack under the pressure
So am I...
I love ‘war on drugs’, but detest the 2.5 minutes ‘outro’ of this song!!
what a fricken waste. The song is over. Move on.
I really like their music but find the songs to be generally a little too drawn out.
Algis - stetsonman has his head up his own ass… it is known.
Are you speaking from personal experience?
Isn't it interesting the different effects music has on us all? By its
very nature it cannot be objectively measured. I heard the first few
bars of this track this afternoon and raised it from a 9 to 10. I
understand it might not be the cleverest or most complex song, but for
me- I feel hopeful and free listening to it- which is getting to be a rarer and rarer feeling in this world- of course now I am reading the lyrics I realize there is a mismatch with my feelings I had never noticed

nope, right with you there. you nailed it.
I'm surprised anyone likes this BARFF. and they claim to have a drummer? sounds like a drum machine to me.
The lyrics are as we say in the U.K "pony" as in "pony and trap" meaning crap.
I could do with never hearing this bollocks ever again, they are worse than coldplay. And that's descending to a level few reach.
hahaha! Laughing at both these comments .... Yes, tastes differ ... if you don't like it, move on .... there is a 'skip' button ...

Just trying not to crack under the pressure
So am I...
Sometimes, I'm totally annoyed thinking "what's that boring repetetive whining" and skip.
Sometimes, it totally gets me and sounds amazing.
Thanks for that!
Adam Granduciel won his personal War on Drugs -- he quit everything -- and then cranked out two gorgeous, popular and successful albums.
Played this one driving back home up the Slocan Valley and then on to the ferry at Shelter Bay.
Highway 23 folks. In British Columbia.
Careful now, the geo-centric forces of the earth are rumoured to surface in the Slocan. If you linger, you may never be the same again.
I do not ride motor-cycles, but that would be one helluva piece of road to bike on.
It is........... I wish I'd had this song to take with me then.
Quite a few years ago (10? 15?), on a Saturday I made a snap decision to take a little ride. I'm in the Okanagan (BC). I'd finished moving some dirt earlier than I expected. (noon) and the wife and kids were gone somewhere. I planned on a shorter ride but around 3 PM, just before Rock Creek, it was just too perfect and I continued south instead of looping back. Beautiful warm spring day, through Nelson and then back along the Slocan valley. It started to get a little chilly at New Denver and then riding past Nakusp, along Highway 6 around 10 at night I started to get a little silly, singing at the top of my lungs in the dark. Mostly to keep myself warm and awake. Got home right at midnight with only 3 short stops. I don't think my body would do it anymore but it's a treasured memory.
Just check out the live version from 2018 too (Lowlands, the Netherlands), amazing energy on this live performance (and the tightest drummer of all time)!
Beg to differ. I am the tightest drummer. Last gig New Years Eve, 1991. Left the scene cause my kid came. Feb 1992. He got a master's in physics. More than I ever did being the tightest drummer.
Completely disagree. I think this works beautifully. I've read that he sometimes takes months to finish a guitar part, so it doesn't surprise me.
he really ought not bother
That's the pressure.
This guy sounds like a manic depressive turning up to a job he detests at a call centre where he gets to invite people to consider taking out home contents insurance all day and gets told to fuck off roughly every 34 seconds.
I love ‘war on drugs’, but detest the 2.5 minutes ‘outro’ of this song!!
what a fricken waste. The song is over. Move on.
Completely disagree. I think this works beautifully. I've read that he sometimes takes months to finish a guitar part, so it doesn't surprise me.
yep we Brits do apologise for coldplay.
what a fricken waste. The song is over. Move on.
I like this band but this song sounds like lame Coldplay. Or I mean Coldplay. Lame.
yep we Brits do apologise for coldplay.
you mean that's not a drum machine?
Ugh. I just can't stand this band. Every. Single. Song. sounds the same. I immediately switch to RP World Music stream for ~5 minutes when their ethereal guitar comes across my speakers. I know I'm in the minority here, but I can't be the only one who doesn't want to hear this band ever again. Can I?
nope, right with you there. you nailed it.
I'm surprised anyone likes this BARFF. and they claim to have a drummer? sounds like a drum machine to me.
The lyrics are as we say in the U.K "pony" as in "pony and trap" meaning crap.
I could do with never hearing this bollocks ever again, they are worse than coldplay. And that's descending to a level few reach.
This is head-bobbing music. While furiously bobbing your head, it is impossible to stare ahead fixed and thus tire out your eyes.

Speaking of the long outro, I pulled up to some traffic lights in my home town, right as the outro kicks in. It was a hot day so I had my windows open and the stereo turned up. There was a guy walking down the other side of the road and he stopped and stared at my car with a look of incomprehension on his face - I think it blew his mind a little bit...
Legend has it he came home and dug up his old Tangerine Dream record
And free speech is wonderful. It gives us the opportunity to hear or read absolutely useless or ignorant comments like yours! Awesome!
Makes me want to join Facebook again. Not.

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.
Bertrand Russell
rate 10 for this song.

itsme_bygolly wrote:
I would agree if I had not been a lawyer. Sometimes the course of someone's entire life rests in your hands. A much better gauge of mental stability is a healthy sense of humor. If that disappears, your sanity will follow.
I'd say you are both correct
Imagine how his gf feels!

Actually I hear Paul Simon...
Really? Hmm.... That is a nice compliment actually.
Speaking of the long outro, I pulled up to some traffic lights in my home town, right as the outro kicks in. It was a hot day so I had my windows open and the stereo turned up. There was a guy walking down the other side of the road and he stopped and stared at my car with a look of incomprehension on his face - I think it blew his mind a little bit...

From when is this?
Thank you, Yoda.
Actually I hear Paul Simon...
I hear the simlicity of Bob Dylan, but he sounds so much better, more lyrical.
This man is a far better vocalist.
Actually I hear Paul Simon...

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.
Bertrand Russell
rate 10 for this song.

I would agree if I had not been a lawyer. Sometimes the course of someone's entire life rests in your hands. A much better gauge of mental stability is a healthy sense of humor. If that disappears, your sanity will follow.
I'm not sure yet what to rate this song but I like it.
As opposed to a bigger , taller Paul Simon?
(Idem) Same for me. I discovered this group, with this major album from 2014, thanks to RP. Thanks RP
I'm not sure yet what to rate this song but I like it.

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.
Bertrand Russell
rate 10 for this song.

Hm, I have been there [Slocan Valley], in 2015, but I did not feel any strange feelings afterwards.....Perhaps because I am from Norway :)
Right. You already worship rocks and trees. <g>
Actually, the joke I usually run on the Slocan is that the overhead hydro transmission lines make people feel 'special'.
Highway 23 folks. In British Columbia.
Careful now, the geo-centric forces of the earth are rumoured to surface in the Slocan. If you linger, you may never be the same again.
I do not ride motor-cycles, but that would be one helluva piece of road to bike on.
Hm, I have been there, in 2015, but I did not feel any strange feelings afterwards.....Perhaps because I am from Norway :)
Highway 23 folks. In British Columbia.
Careful now, the geo-centric forces of the earth are rumoured to surface in the Slocan. If you linger, you may never be the same again.
I do not ride motor-cycles, but that would be one helluva piece of road to bike on.
Ha! Hello, Neighbour. I live in Nelson (also British Columbia, for you far away listeners). I've had the good fortune to ride a motorbike and a road-racing pedal bike along all these roads. It's a little bit of heaven each ride....
Highway 23 folks. In British Columbia.
Careful now, the geo-centric forces of the earth are rumoured to surface in the Slocan. If you linger, you may never be the same again.
I do not ride motor-cycles, but that would be one helluva piece of road to bike on.

Funny since the CD has a bunch of 1's & 0's 'pitted' on it that are really the same thing as the 1's & 0's of an .mp3 or .flac - still, I know what you mean about having something to touch, insert and play (hey now!) Long Live RP!!
Love this band....
actually when I have money, people who I like "adult" wants drug from me.
Something about an orange clown wanting a border wall?

Something about an orange clown wanting a border wall?
Speaking of the long outro, I pulled up to some traffic lights in my home town, right as the outro kicks in. It was a hot day so I had my windows open and the stereo turned up. There was a guy walking down the other side of the road and he stopped and stared at my car with a look of incomprehension on his face - I think it blew his mind a little bit...
C'mon Bill?
Speaking of the long outro, I pulled up to some traffic lights in my home town, right as the outro kicks in. It was a hot day so I had my windows open and the stereo turned up. There was a guy walking down the other side of the road and he stopped and stared at my car with a look of incomprehension on his face - I think it blew his mind a little bit...
100% agreed....in fact the entire album is a great "mellow" road-trip disk. And while I'm against the "war on drugs" as created in the US in the 80s, I'm totally for TWOD music! PEACE and Long Live RP!!
their music is great for road trips

Sentence fragment with a question mark?
The long outro/ending in the song is what the artist chose, whatever the reason. It's their vision/creation. When you finally get a published song that actually gets played on RP, then guess what? You get to decide how long that song should be.