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Dengue Fever — Kiss Of The Bufo Alvarius
Album: Cannibal Courtship
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Total ratings: 2045

Released: 2011
Length: 3:32
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Comments (139)add comment
Thank you RP for turning me on to Dengue Fever. Love their fusion of the two cultures. Looking forward to seeing them live one day. 
 joejennings wrote:

Yep! Some early 60s "spy genre" music!

Or Pink Panther all wired up.
 kcar wrote:

I was thinking the old "Mission Impossible" TV series in an East Asian locale but you may be closer to the mark...

Yep! Some early 60s "spy genre" music!
 SECA_Alan wrote:

this is such a cool album, love their vibe! this reminds me of the old series 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E' for some reason (RIP Robert Vaughan)

I was thinking the old "Mission Impossible" TV series in an East Asian locale but you may be closer to the mark...
A very David Lynch vibe. Love it. 
I am still astounded and impressed by how this group has and celebrates such Frank Zappa/ B52s/ Talking Heads-kinda weirdness with such a devilish sense of humor, and can flash their amazing musical prowess in all dimensions to pull something like this off... BRAVO!
Definitely not my cup of tea, not even sure I'd like to hear it again.   That said, thanks RP for helping me sample different tea.  Keep it coming!
 rgio wrote:

I can't believe I'm writing this... but RP is overplaying Dengue Fever/Cannibal Courtship.  Twice in two days?   Think it needs to move back to the medium rotation.

Who died and made you boss
I can't believe I'm writing this... but RP is overplaying Dengue Fever/Cannibal Courtship.  Twice in two days?   Think it needs to move back to the medium rotation.
EXCELLENT!!  RP introduced me to them, & now I have several of their tunes on "My Favorites" list!  Thanx RP!  
Ok, but why all the frogs?
Trippy man!!
this song is about the sonoran desert toad with psychedelic properties… fun!
 islanduo wrote:
Reminds me of "Johnny Quest," in a warm way.

Race Bannon!!!!
 mread wrote:

My brain keeps misinterpreting this as Kiss of the Buffalo Virus.

Feck ya, now me too! lol
Reminds me of Johnny Quest, a much simpler time. Mahalo radio paradise!
Sitting there thinking Ah, Ska, wonder who this is. Was not expecting Dengue Fever. Well played Bill, well played!
David Ralicke killing it on this one. Wish I could have seen him together when they came to town.

Was probably busy fending beck off. Good call. Otherwise, one might expect him to say "I'm a loser, baby"
I'm diggin' that axe on the album cover. Sweet!
 mitykc wrote:
I'm hearing "Planet Claire".
You're twenty years too late. More Henry Mancini if you ask me..
Reminds me of "Johnny Quest," in a warm way.
 Mugro wrote:
Hi! The B-52s called, and they want their Planet Claire back. Thank you.
Geez, not even close!
This  reminds me of a track  from an outfit that Terry Hall set up after The Specials split up called Fun Boy 3. In act so similar I need to go and seek it out and see if its a cover.
This one doesn’t suck as much as the rest of their stuff, probably because there are no vocals
 SECA_Alan wrote:
this is such a cool album, love their vibe! this reminds me of the old series 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E' for some reason (RIP Robert Vaughan)
David McCallum plays "Ducky" Mallard on the TV show NCIS. In one episode someone
asks what Ducky must've looked like when he was younger. "Ilya Kuraykin" was the

Tony in NJ
My brain keeps misinterpreting this as Kiss of the Buffalo Virus.
An actual affliction...especially if contracted in the nether regions. 

SmackDaddy wrote:
For a second I thought Bill said Ben Gay Fever. {#Stop}

 SECA_Alan wrote:
this is such a cool album, love their vibe! this reminds me of the old series 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E' for some reason (RIP Robert Vaughan)

Bumped my rating up two points based on the Man from U.N.C.L.E. reference. Spot on!
 pinto wrote:
A Quinn-Martin production!
LOL...you nailed it! 
Bufo is a Genus for toads, Alvarius must be the species.
I'm hearing "Planet Claire".
 Skydog wrote:
is that a real instrument on the album cover? 
to cool 
Yes, it's an instrument he'd had custom made.
 Skydog wrote:
is that a real instrument on the album cover? 
to cool 

Even cooler if you can take lessons with the pretty mistress.
 Mugro wrote:
Hi! The B-52s called, and they want their Planet Claire back. Thank you.

Enough Dung Fever for me.
Hi! The B-52s called, and they want their Planet Claire back. Thank you.
is that a real instrument on the album cover? 
to cool 
 SECA_Alan wrote:
this is such a cool album, love their vibe!

this reminds me of the old series 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E' for some reason (RIP Robert Vaughan)

totally sounds of the sixties, good call. And yes, RIP Mr. Vaughan
toad medicine !!!    deeeemmmmmteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.   . thanks Bill you are beautiful maaaannnnnn
For a second I thought Bill said Ben Gay Fever. {#Stop}
 kkkirsten wrote:
It's a shame the caveat is necessary. The lead singers voice is indicative of khmer vocals and is quite beautiful. People need to be open minded and more culturally aware. Thanks, Bill playing any and all Dengue Fever. And if you don't like it, you don't like it.  
shakylegs wrote:
It says something when even Bill provides a caveat before playing this song. "Don't worry! This is an instrumental."


Well said.
real good, thanks Bill
this is such a cool album, love their vibe! this reminds me of the old series 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E' for some reason (RIP Robert Vaughan)
 Sasha2001 wrote:
 kcar wrote:

Which part of my post are you taking issue with, Poacher? The bits about cocaine? Do you really think it's a harmless drug? You might try digging up Len Bias and informing him of that. My post had a link to the Wikipedia entry about this guy. Bias was a 22 year old 6' 9" 240 lb college basketball player. One of the best in the nation—the Boston Celtics drafted him as the 2nd pick in the first round of the '86 draft. Two days after he was drafted, Bias snorted some coke and his heart went into arrhythmia. He died.  

Bias was 6'8" on a good day, no more than 210 soaking wet. Having watched him in person at Maryland I can assure you his size was hyped. As for his death he most likely snorted coke which exaserbates a preexisting condition that a lot of large athletes have called cardiac arrhythmia or, an irregular heartbeat. It's the same condition that caused another great Celtic, Reggie Lewis, to die. Also, the great Loyola Merrymount  star, Hank Gathers. It's very possible that Bias would have had his career cut short because of this condition. 
Wikipedia does back your assertion about his weight, but not the one about his height. Let's not quibble: Bias was a world-class athlete in his prime and in AFAIK in playing condition when he died. He'd passed a physical shortly before the draft and was described as being in "perfect" condition. Two days after the draft he was dead. The Time Magazine article I point you to below reports that the autopsy on Bias revealed that he had a strong, healthy heart. 

The autopsy revealed that he died of cardiac arrhythmia due to a cocaine overdose. His heart was normal and in excellent condition at the time of death, unlike the hearts of Gathers and Lewis (see below for more on their heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).

 This piece


quotes a state official who said that Bias had snorted unadulterated, "dealer-level quality" coke. "You're not going to stop on the street corner and get that quality," Silverman said. "You'd have to be pretty well connected."

There apparently was disagreement post-autopsy about how Bias ingested the cocaine—one assistant state medical examiner asserted that Bias likely freebased purified cocaine , while three medical professionals reported that Bias likely ingested 3-5 grams of pure cocaine in a drink, and Maryland's Chief Medical Examiner stated that Bias likely died from sniffing 400-500 milligrams of coke.

However, Bias had no cardiac disease or genetic disorder like Marfan's Syndrome.   From the same Time Magazine article I pointed you to in the last sentence:

"Nor did he suffer from any previously undetected defect in his heart or circulatory system...The autopsy established that Bias had a large, strong heart and was in excellent shape. His mucous membranes were clear, indicating that he was probably not a veteran snorter of cocaine. Dr. Smialek reported that Bias had no more than "an average level of sensitivity" to the drug and avoided attributing the 6.5 mg-per-liter concentration of cocaine in the athlete's bloodstream to an "overdose." "This particular concentration might not kill another individual," the medical examiner said. "On the other hand, another individual could die at a lower level."  


Medical authorities were divided in their explanations of fatal reactions to cocaine.


The drug can act in a number of ways to cause death. It can interfere with the electrical system of the heart or brain, causing the heart to go into ventricular fibrillation, a purposeless twitching that quickly results in death. In addition, cocaine may bring on a cardiac event by temporarily constricting arteries."

The Time Magazine piece is particularly interesting if you want to read about the thoughts of doctors on the cardiac damage that can be caused by cocaine.

Finally, Hank Gathers and Reggie Lewis died of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , (from the Wikipedia article link just to the left)  "...a disease in which a portion of the myocardium (heart muscle) is enlarged without any obvious cause, creating functional impairment of the heart...The occurrence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a significant cause of sudden cardiac death in any age group and a cause of disabling cardiac symptoms. HCM is frequently asymptomatic until sudden cardiac death, and for this reason some suggest routinely screening certain populations for this disease."

It's a shame the caveat is necessary. The lead singers voice is indicative of khmer vocals and is quite beautiful. People need to be open minded and more culturally aware. Thanks, Bill playing any and all Dengue Fever. And if you don't like it, you don't like it.  
shakylegs wrote:
It says something when even Bill provides a caveat before playing this song. "Don't worry! This is an instrumental."


 Proclivities wrote:

It's a different chord progression, but it's obviously inspired by the same 1960s, instrumental, "Secret Agent Music" genre that inspired many of The B-52s beloved themes.

Nothing wrong with a little well-executed spy music pastiche now and then.  (See also, e.g., The Greenhornes, "There Is An End")
It says something when even Bill provides a caveat before playing this song. "Don't worry! This is an instrumental."
 Proclivities wrote:

It's a different chord progression, but it's obviously inspired by the same 1960s, instrumental, "Secret Agent Music" genre that inspired many of The B-52s beloved themes.

Hey Pro - I mean Larrygrrl; you're so right. I just had the exact same thought and listened to the B52's on YouTube - it's painfully obvious.
 Larrygrrl wrote:
Is this supposed to be a cover of The B-52's "Planet Claire"? 

It's a completely different chord progression, but it's obviously inspired by the same 1960s, instrumental, "Secret Agent Music" genre that inspired many of The B-52s beloved themes.  Anyhow, "Planet Claire" is based on the "Peter Gunn Theme".
Is this supposed to be a cover of The B-52's "Planet Claire"? 
 kcar wrote:

Which part of my post are you taking issue with, Poacher? The bits about cocaine? Do you really think it's a harmless drug? You might try digging up Len Bias and informing him of that. My post had a link to the Wikipedia entry about this guy. Bias was a 22 year old 6' 9" 240 lb college basketball player. One of the best in the nation--the Boston Celtics drafted him as the 2nd pick in the first round of the '86 draft. Two days after he was drafted, Bias snorted some coke and his heart went into arrhythmia. He died.  

Bias was 6'8" on a good day, no more than 210 soaking wet. Having watched him in person at Maryland I can assure you his size was hyped. As for his death he most likely snorted coke which exaserbates a preexisting condition that a lot of large athletes have called cardiac arrhythmia or, an irregular heartbeat. It's the same condition that caused another great Celtic, Reggie Lewis, to die. Also, the great Loyola Merrymount  star, Hank Gathers. It's very possible that Bias would have had his career cut short because of this condition. 
I'm eternally grateful to Radio Paradise for introducing me to Dengue Fever.  They are so awesome!  I finally got to see them live here in Albuquerque a couple months ago.

well i will see your bufo alfarius and raise you a bufo gigantis, which is that big mother hopper we have in our yards down here. their drool doesnt induce visions, but it will kill you if you kiss it or lick it (it doesnt care either one, which seems rather harsh, but then we have all known such people) and especially lethal if you are a small curious dog. cats seem to know better (but then we have all known such people)
All hypno-toad jokes aside... 

Oh, good someone on the internet is wrong! I'll spring into action, months later. We're not talking about cane toads. Of course, I was wrong too - the main substance is 5-Meo-DMT.  It is "milked" from the glands on their back. It doesn't even hurt the toad. There may be bufotenine, 5-HO-DMT mixed in there, who knows. For details..  "Tryptamine Palace" by James Oroc. Fascinating.

Of course the (toad) licking myth is newspaper hype – it is the venom that is active, and it is smoked. ~ A. Shulgin, TIHKAL. 

Sloggydog wrote:

You heard wrong.  normally with cane toads and you generally boil them to make a tea or dry the relevant glands and smoke them but real drugs remain far superior.


7>8 (with a bullet)
Tuatara do this kind of sound very well.  It's a supergroup with members from R.E.M., The Screaming Trees, The Minus 5, Critters Buggin', and the Chills.  I wonder if I have some audio files suitable enough for the LRC.

Write your own movie.
They're doing some sort of kickstarter for the new album... it's almost complete and looks like it'll be out in time for cocktails on the lawn...
 milleronic wrote:
More Dengue Fever!

...please {#Drool} 

Ditto ... please.  There RP, I used the polite request method!  Seriously, you know that #1, you turned me on to Dengue Fever and now I am a total fan.  Saw 'em live here in SF, wow what a great show and group of performers, so now you've created the addiction.  The least you can do is to feed it for Pete's sake!!
Languorous!  9.
I think that this is extremely cool!
Diatribes suck. Dengue Fever rules!
 Poacher wrote:

Oh dear. I see you get your drugs information from Mainstream Media.

Can I urge you to look closely at the kind of propaganda you have been served over the years by the 'War on Drugs' which has been one of the least successful prohibition campaigns in the history of this planet.

Which part of my post are you taking issue with, Poacher? The bits about cocaine? Do you really think it's a harmless drug? You might try digging up Len Bias and informing him of that. My post had a link to the Wikipedia entry about this guy. Bias was a 22 year old 6' 9" 240 lb college basketball player. One of the best in the nation--the Boston Celtics drafted him as the 2nd pick in the first round of the '86 draft. Two days after he was drafted, Bias snorted some coke and his heart went into arrhythmia. He died. 

Does this happen to most people? No. But if you know that a world-class athlete in his prime and in top shape can die from doing cocaine, or that repeated use of the drug can damage your brain and your heart, wouldn't you think twice about doing it? Apparently a lot of people don't. 

As for mood disorders...Here's a list of cocaine-related psychiatric disorders--and yes depression and manic depression are on the list: 


If you have credible links that argue against some of my assertions about the effect of cocaine (anhedonia, depression, manic depression, heart muscle damage, death), please post them. I'd be happy to be better informed. If you seriously think I've been brainwashed by the War on Drugs, help me become better educated/informed. 

As Unclehud pointed out in another post, pharmaceutical drugs have their own side-effects, up to and including death. And yes, Big Pharma has been caught hiding or downplaying clinical studies on side-effects. The one that sticks in my mind was Baycol which Bayer persuaded the FDA to approve at a dangerously high dosage so that the drug could compete with other statins. I don't take even prescribed drugs unless I absolutely have to. But prescription drugs in the US have to undergo three phases of randomized double-blind clinical trials (testing safety, effectiveness in small groups and effectiveness in larger groups) before doctors can prescribe them to the general population. When approved drugs create dangerous side-effects, they are pulled from the market and lawyers have a field-day with class-action lawsuits. When a prescribed drug has been on the market for five or more years, most of the side-effects are well-known and studied. 

You don't get that kind of scrutiny with most street drugs. And you have no guarantee that the recreational drugs haven't been cut or laced with something dangerous. There were idiotic drug dealers who, after hearing of marijuana laced with "embalming fluid" (code for PCP) actually tried selling pot treated with...real embalming fluid. Yum. Even unadulterated MDMA, which the FDA now states does not cause anhedonia or Parkinson's, can have serious side-effects. 

 am not a goody two-shoes. I've smoked pot, hash and inhaled nitrous oxide. I miss pot even after 20+ years of abstinence. I'm just not keen on doing a drug whose purity I can't verify. Maybe I should get a medical marijuana prescription. As for other stuff like MDMA, coke, speed, painkillers...I'd rather not roll the dice on long-term side effects for a momentary high. 

If people want to do that stuff to get high, fine. Just read up on what can happen to you before you dive in.  
 jagdriver wrote:

I really liked this movie. Quite funny. Bow to Bill Nighy for doing the voice of the rattlesnake. 

This is probably the best (read: least godawfully crappy) song from Dengue Fever that I've heard. Reminds me of something from Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited. I gave it a 7 a while back and I stick by that. 
 The_Enemy wrote:
I haven't bought any of their stuff but I'm diggin' it.

Everybody here in the parking lot behind Romeo Tuna's hotel be dancin'.... {#Dancingbanana}

I be the holy ghost of big stud Romeo Tuma...  everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing buck ass naked...  love this music...  love sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll...
 Sloggydog wrote:
Wow a Dengue Fever track that i only dislike instead of totally despise


I'm totally on the other end of the spectrum. This is why I tune in to rp. 8>10.
More Dengue Fever!

...please {#Drool} 
 Sloggydog wrote:

You heard wrong.  normally with cane toads and you generally boil them to make a tea or dry the relevant glands and smoke them but real drugs remain far superior.
Or they can spit in your eye or mouth — seen the movie "Big Trouble" recently?  It's hilarious!!  (I realize the Bufos don't spit ... but that doesn't lessen Stanley Tucci's agony in the closing scene.)
For some reason, I really like this mood it is putting me in!{#Bounce}
 Sloggydog wrote:
Wow a Dengue Fever track that i only dislike instead of totally despise

I was thinking the same thing.
Not my taste!
 quesarah wrote:
Cool song. To shed some "reality" on the Toad-lickin' comments...
The relevant substance , 5-OH-DMT (bufotenine), is not orally active. So you don't lick 'em, you scrape  and ... usually, smoke it.
So I've heard.

You heard wrong.  normally with cane toads and you generally boil them to make a tea or dry the relevant glands and smoke them but real drugs remain far superior.
Wow a Dengue Fever track that i only dislike instead of totally despise
A Quinn-Martin production!
damn it Lana!!!

File:Archer 2010 Intertitle.png
Cool song. To shed some "reality" on the Toad-lickin' comments...
The relevant substance , 5-OH-DMT (bufotenine), is not orally active. So you don't lick 'em, you scrape  and ... usually, smoke it.
So I've heard.

Lounge-cool ... cold Cape Cod ... ahhh ... {#Cheers}
 Xing wrote:
The band name is a perfect match to their muzac noise.
 gypsyman wrote:
Bufo Alvarius - The Psychedelic Toad of the Sonoran Desert....

Size of a friggin' dinner plate, they are....scared the bejeesus outta me a few times, here in the land where man can fly over mountain and hill,
and he doesn't need a spaceship, and he never will...

Bufo Alvarius - The Psychedelic Toad of the Sonoran Desert....

Size of a friggin' dinner plate, they are....scared the bejeesus outta me a few times, here in the land where man can fly over mountain and hill,
and he doesn't need a spaceship, and he never will...
 billybob123 wrote:
Saw this great band live a couple weeks ago.  They were great.  Opener was an amazing band called Secret Chiefs 3.  Never heard of them, but they blew our heads off.  In a good way.
I will try to redeem myself by leaving bad humour behind and saying that I am very jealous you saw them live. 
Saw this great band live a couple weeks ago.  They were great.  Opener was an amazing band called Secret Chiefs 3.  Never heard of them, but they blew our heads off.  In a good way.
 Misterfixit wrote:
Lick the Toad, Baby .. Lick it!
Gorean Frog Slave from the book...."Slave Frogs of Gor"  

"The Frog was kept collared and controlled by his Master. The collar symbolically linking it to the pad on which it was forced to stay, posed in one of the nine hundred approved frog poses." 

I have read one GOR book....the collar thing has just burned itself into my mind as the most horrid bit of writing.  
I haven't bought any of their stuff but I'm diggin' it.

Everybody here in the parking lot behind Romeo Tuna's hotel be dancin'.... {#Dancingbanana}
What instrument makes that "ribbit" sound?
The band name is a perfect match to their muzac noise.
 fredriley wrote:

{#Roflol} Ribbit! Ribbit!

According to Wikipedia, bufo alvarius (Colorado river toad) is a toad looking like this:

Photo of bufo alvarius

It rather makes you wonder who was the first person to lick such an ugly (to humans - no doubt sex on legs to other toads) beast...


LMAO! That's awesome...
What a monster on the bass .....
I just dare you to listen to this with your eyes closed and NOT see Peter Sellers in a trench coat!
 coy wrote:
i can lick frog addiction anytime i want

{#Roflol} Ribbit! Ribbit!

According to Wikipedia, bufo alvarius (Colorado river toad) is a toad looking like this:

Photo of bufo alvarius

It rather makes you wonder who was the first person to lick such an ugly (to humans - no doubt sex on legs to other toads) beast...

Should be dung fever
 kcar wrote:
... I meant that many people don't seem to give much thought to the consequences of taking a drug before they first take it.... 
As someone who ... has a lot of friends describe their drug experiences to me ... let me add this:

No one knows the full and true effect of a drug before they take it.  Ask Big Pharma, and they'll prattle on for several minutes about unintended side effects — a list of things up to and including death.  Of course, these side effects don't apply to all who ingest said chemicals, only a few; and no one knows which (if any) will show up when you take it.

Same discussion for drugs that are classified as recreational or illegal.  Different highs for different guys.  (And gals, but that doesn't rhyme.)  The moral of this story?  "Curiosity killed the cat", maybe, or "whatever gets your through the night", or "if it feels good do it", or, quite honestly, "no one knows the consequences of taking a specific drug before they actually take it."

Of course, if you're caught with illegal drugs, the one 'fer shur' consequence is that you'll go to jail.
i can lick frog addiction anytime i want

This number is reminiscent of something that Tuatara might have done.  If you like this sort of thing you might want to check them out too. Members of the band include Peter Buck of R.E.M., Barrett Martin of The Screaming Trees, Justin Harwood of Luna and Skerik.  Spy movie soundtrack vibe that is very cool and jazzy.
I am a spy in SE Asia, and must focus on my mission. This is very distracting...
 Krispian wrote:
Anyone know what instrument is on the album cover?
Aparently it's the Mastadong.
From Little Rat Bastard :

The LA-based band Dengue Fever is itself a hybrid of psychedelic indie rock and vintage Cambodian surf tunes, so what better to create their music with than a custom, hybrid instrument? Half electric guitar, half chaipai dong veng (a traditional, long-necked Cambodian guitar), the Mastadong's equally unusual name was suggested by one of the band's fans. Guitarist Zac Holtzman is constantly asked about it at Dengue Fever's live shows, so he made a short video to explain the instrument.

(See also the video via the link)

Gods, that must be totally annoying to the poor toad. 

"Duuude, would you quit licking me?  My tongue's longer than yours and I can catch flies with it. How would you feel if I licked you? And while we're at it, please put me down. You're squishing my middle, and I have to go to the bathroom. Lick THAT, you pervert."
Lick the Toad, Baby .. Lick it!
 kcar wrote:

"This implies that there exist possible consequences which are serious enough to preclude the consideration of such behavior..."

Not sure what you mean by this. I meant that many people don't seem to give much thought to the consequences of taking a drug before they first take it. Perhaps you meant that the effects of some drugs prevent people who've already started using them from thinking of the consequences.  If so, that's not real smart of them. 

Sure, people take drugs for all sorts of reasons. And people likely do think long and hard about what kind of high they want before they use a drug. I'm just boggled by people's willingness to take strong drugs, even ones with a brief psychoactive effect, without considering the possible damage they're doing to themselves. Yes, you get a great high from doing coke, for instance—or so I'm told—but you can give yourself a fatal heart attack or damage the dopamine-producing cells in your brain so much that you can no longer experience happiness. Cocaine can also induce manic-depression—this happened to Herman Goering. 

The effects of cocaine use, short- and long-term, are very well documented. The effects of ingesting toad venom...not so much. Why roll the dice with your life and long-term health? 

Oh dear. I see you get your drugs information from Mainstream Media.

Can I urge you to look closely at the kind of propaganda you have been served over the years by the 'War on Drugs' which has been one of the least successful prohibition campaigns in the history of this planet.
 MJdub wrote:
 kcar wrote:
Pretty amazing what people will do to get high and how little thought they give to the possible consequences.  

This implies that there exist possible consequences which are serious enough to preclude the consideration of such behavior, and it assumes that those who engage in said behavior give no consideration to any possible consequences.  I don't suck on toads myself but I do understand that there are many reasons and motivations for the use of the many types of drugs, and that many people do in fact put a lot of thought and consideration into the possible consequences, among other things.
"This implies that there exist possible consequences which are serious enough to preclude the consideration of such behavior..."

Not sure what you mean by this. I meant that many people don't seem to give much thought to the consequences of taking a drug before they first take it. Perhaps you meant that the effects of some drugs prevent people who've already started using them from thinking of the consequences.  If so, that's not real smart of them. 

Sure, people take drugs for all sorts of reasons. And people likely do think long and hard about what kind of high they want before they use a drug. I'm just boggled by people's willingness to take strong drugs, even ones with a brief psychoactive effect, without considering the possible damage they're doing to themselves. Yes, you get a great high from doing coke, for instance—or so I'm told—but you can give yourself a fatal heart attack or damage the dopamine-producing cells in your brain so much that you can no longer experience happiness. Cocaine can also induce manic-depression—this happened to Herman Goering. 

The effects of cocaine use, short- and long-term, are very well documented. The effects of ingesting toad venom...not so much. Why roll the dice with your life and long-term health? 

7 -> 8
Personally I prefer infectious diptheria
This one is bareable, there is no skreaching.
Thanks for sticking with this album despite the negative comments Bill, it grows on me with every spin.
Ok, this must be the third or fourth time I open RP to see who made that sweet song and find out it's Dengue Fever. I guess I'll go buy the CD now... {#Smile}

Pretty good, sounds like a side project of Cake.
 kcar wrote:
Pretty amazing what people will do to get high and how little thought they give to the possible consequences.  

This implies that there exist possible consequences which are serious enough to preclude the consideration of such behavior, and it assumes that those who engage in said behavior give no consideration to any possible consequences.  I don't suck on toads myself but I do understand that there are many reasons and motivations for the use of the many types of drugs, and that many people do in fact put a lot of thought and consideration into the possible consequences, among other things.

That said, this song is just brilliant!  This band is really growing on me, especially their new stuff.  I can totally understand why it is less accessible to some of us who are accustomed to western music, but WOW....I get it and I like it!

As for the crazy guitar thing, it's definitely not a shamisen.  It is fretted and really sounds nothing like a shamisen — not to mention the utter travesty that a shamisen without a skin stretched over a hollow body (and played without a plectrum) would be.  I know virtually nothing about Cambodian music, but my best guess is it's something like the "Chapei dong veng" (spelling varies quite a bit) — just by appearance it's the closest thing that I've seen.

It would be interesting to hear this back to back with "The Friends of Mr. Cairo" by Jon and Vangelis.  VERY similar melody line...
This song's not bad, surprisingly, probably because there aren't any vocals.
Love the "toadlicking" info, Bill {#Roflol}
I like how the beginning flashes a bit of SHE CAME FROM PLANET CLAIRE, then segues into old Mission Impossible soundtrack themes...and keeps weaving in that bit of B-52s to get that Sci-Fi feel coming back around time and again — a righteously diggable number, in my book!

A Quinn-Martin Production!  Coming this Fall to ABC!

 Businessgypsy wrote:

Once you've gone bufo, you never go back
It's so cool that the horns aren't over-processed or too slick. You can really feel the musicians here. Toad-lickin' good!
Dude, you must lick the toad. Do not smoke the toad. 


Pretty amazing what people will do to get high and how little thought they give to the possible consequences. 

Pretty chill, atmospheric...  I'd like to see someone play that wild Mustang-Shamisen combo thang!

 Jamunca wrote:

Now about the song.... No amount of instrumental goodwill wash out the bad taste of all that is Venus on Earth. I'm going to be vain here and vote a 1 just out of spite or maybe on principle or.... well, just because it's Dengue Fever. Take your pick.
that works.
 Decoy wrote:
man these guys are hit or miss, I like the instrumentals, but then they start with the singing, and I stab my ears with ice picks...given a 4.  Which is the highest I can give Dengue Fever.

How can you still be hearing anything after the first time you stabbed your ears with ice picks? And if you're doing it repeatedly, your head must look like a big, squishy red sponge.

Personally, I usually tune their stuff out rather than do deliberate bodily harm to myself - I inflict too much inadvertent damage to me just trying walk from one end of a room to the other. {#Rolleyes}
 Decoy wrote:
man these guys are hit or miss, I like the instrumentals, but then they start with the singing, and I stab my ears with ice picks...given a 4.  Which is the highest I can give Dengue Fever.


I have to agree on the whole, her vocals are not irrirating on all of their songs though.
Yeah, the title can be quickly misread to appear somewhat lewd.  Not that I actually did it, mind you.  Just sayin'...

I misread the song title. Thought it said, "Kiss of the Buffalo Virus." {#Whistle}
File this under Halloween party background music.
Every time I hear some cool surf-spy music I haven't heard before, it's D.F. Dig it.

also see:
man or AstroMan?
The Aqua Velvets
The Sir Finks
The Sandblasters
Laika and the Cosmonauts
Pollo Del Mar
The Mermen