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Janah — Peripheral Life
Album: Our Star Candle Minds
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Total ratings: 688

Released: 2009
Length: 5:04
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (118)add comment
 jmjohall wrote:

Yes, seen them several times.  For sure the whole place smelled like patchouli.  Awesome!

Gotta love where audiences take you. 

Floating fireflies
Shimmering in the evening sky
Tiny drops of moonlight
That refuse to land
Floating fireflies
Simmering in the evening sky
Tiny fires hitching a ride
Upon the wind

Wherever you go
Wherever you are
Always keep your eye
On the peripheral life
The world before you
Is a glittering world
Always keep your eye on the peripheral life

Cicadas calling
From the woods
The evening choir
Is warming up
Over by the pond
The bullfrogs chime on in
The white sail
Of the honeysuckle bloom
Sachets in the wind
 jmjohall wrote:

Yes, seen them several times.  For sure the whole place smelled like patchouli.  Awesome!

I saw them in Borders Books.
I love the bounce of this song. Boing, boing, boing, boing
 Proclivities wrote:

Cool tune, but I'm glad there is not yet an olfactory broadcasting method, because judging from the album title and the band's website, I imagine it would reek of patchouli.

Yes, seen them several times.  For sure the whole place smelled like patchouli.  Awesome!
 the_jake wrote:

Never would've guessed this was from Iran as Wikipedia suggests.

They are from Alpharetta,  Georgia
It is impossible to listen to this song without tapping your toes and bobbing your head.  😀
 the_jake wrote:
Never would've guessed this was from Iran as Wikipedia suggests.
They are from Alpharetta  Georgia! Awesome band.  They came through Louisville several times years ago and I went to every show.  They broke up for a period of time, not sure what they are doing today...

Apparently originally formed as Jacob's Trouble before personel changes and name change to Janah
They've definitely listened to a lot of middle eastern music. Not just because of some of the tones, but also how they use those tones, and the breaks.
Great unique sound
Let's JAM
Never would've guessed this was from Iran as Wikipedia suggests.
 Alexandra wrote:
I think this guy's vocals sound more like Danny Elfman than anyone else.

 Proclivities wrote:
Cool tune, but I'm glad there is not yet an olfactory broadcasting method, because judging from the album title and the band's website, I imagine it would reek of patchouli.

{#Roflol}     or walrus lard
Cool tune, but I'm glad there is not yet an olfactory broadcasting method, because judging from the album title and the band's website, I imagine it would reek of patchouli.
Liking this.
 (former member) wrote:

842 people here just started dancing...  love it...

And here is...? Can't keep up with your shenanigans. 

Boy do I wish I could sing like Robert Plant.

And this guy.

Awesome sound.

 KurtfromLaQuinta wrote:

Truly unique!

Mission UK 2.0...Like the tune though

the guy just went flawlessly from Dewey Cox to Kenny Chesney.
 romeotuma wrote:

What a great song...  always pure paradisal pleasure to hear it...  love it...

Truly unique!

I think this guy's vocals sound more like Danny Elfman than anyone else.
Stately, different and unique...I like it. Not in love but do like.
 coding_to_music wrote:
Robert Plant...
how's that for synchronicity? cosmic, man, cosmic...
thought it was robert plant
Robert Plant...
Thanks for this song!  I've purchased it through you on Itunes, I hope you get the credit.
I really like this, I'm gonna have to get it! 8!{#Cheers}
 rockinmeg wrote:
AAAAAHHHH - I just temporarily broke up with RP, when someone told me to use Pandora.  WTF— I had it on for 3 songs and then a commercial came on about Mary Poppins showing at a theatre in Washington, DC and poof I was done with Pandora.  Phew, so glad it was just a temporary lapse in judgement!
I think most of us have been there.  Bill is very forgiving, and welcome back to the flock.  {#Wave}

(Edit:  Have you noticed how Google Chrome doesn't save the smileys the right way?  If I want to insert a smiley I need to switch back to Firefox.)  {#Stupid}
Wherever you go... There you are.
That creepy eskimo's third eye is starting to freak me out.
OMGosh...where do I begin. Entertaining vocals for sure.
 james_of_tucson wrote:

It's the palo verde beetles that are scary. 
You got that right.  While swimming at night, one would usually end up in the pool this time of year.  3-4 inch beetle with big ol'chompers.  It was like a scene out of "Caddy Shack" they way the pool would empty out.  
Good times, good times. 

 AvoidingWork wrote:

In Tucson we had the big iridescent green ones.  About an inch long with a three inch wing span.  They made this great low buzzing sound as they flew.  Used to scare the be-jebbers outta me.
Oh, and my "heat mirror" was about 5 inches in diameter.  I would have given my ice cream money for a month for an 11X11.  That must have been awesome!
It's the palo verde beetles that are scary. 

AAAAAHHHH - I just temporarily broke up with RP, when someone told me to use Pandora.  WTF— I had it on for 3 songs and then a commercial came on about Mary Poppins showing at a theatre in Washington, DC and poof I was done with Pandora.  Phew, so glad it was just a temporary lapse in judgement!
 Tosko wrote:
The lead singer sounds to me like a cross between Rusted Root's lead singer (Michael Glabicki) and Bono.  The music reminds me a bit of Rusted Root as well.
I hear Robert Plant...

 AvoidingWork wrote:

In Tucson we had the big iridescent green ones.  About an inch long with a three in wing span.  They made this great low buzzing sound as they flew.  Used to scare the be-jebbers outta me.
Oh, and my "heat mirror" was about 5 inches in diameter.  I would have given my ice cream money for a month for an 11X11.  That must have been awesome!


I lived in Tucson when I was a kid (ages 5-9) and we would catch grasshoppers that would be absorbing the evening sun on the concrete walls that lined the property line. We used my Mom's strainer, and put them in mason jars. We then fed them to the dog. That dog loved Grasshoppers, so much protein!
 romeotuma wrote:

This song is soooo cool... absolutely love it...

Volume all the way up!
 nate917 wrote:

Takes me back, particularly the cruelty of the wingectomy.  My Mom used to pay my brother 3¢ for every japanese beetle he extracted from the rose bed.  My brother had an 11x11 magnifying pane that he got from the Edmund Scientific catalogue.  He'd pluck the beetles from the rose petals, hurl them to the concrete where they wriggled for a moment, dazed from the blunt force, and then zero in on them with the "heat mirror" (his words), and within a second they'd begin to crackle and smoke, for it was a damn big lens.  The unique and disgusting smell is something I'll never forget.

Oh, and I like this song.

In Tucson we had the big iridescent green ones.  About an inch long with a three inch wing span.  They made this great low buzzing sound as they flew.  Used to scare the be-jebbers outta me.
Oh, and my "heat mirror" was about 5 inches in diameter.  I would have given my ice cream money for a month for an 11X11.  That must have been awesome!

 nate917 wrote:

Takes me back, particularly the cruelty of the wingectomy.  My Mom used to pay my brother 3¢ for every japanese beetle he extracted from the rose bed.  My brother had an 11x11 magnifying pane that he got from the Edmund Scientific catalogue.  He'd pluck the beetles from the rose petals, hurl them to the concrete where they wriggled for a moment, dazed from the blunt force, and then zero in on them with the "heat mirror" (his words), and within a second they'd begin to crackle and smoke, for it was a damn big lens.  The unique and disgusting smell is something I'll never forget.

Oh, and I like this song.

If you listen closely, you can just barely hear the tiny, "glink" when the wing breaks off - always sends chills down my spine. . .


9 {#Arrow} 10

a quite cheerful tune, original melody, beautiful
AvoidingWork wrote:
My new name for all of the drivers that irritate me; Doofenschmirtz! It's a small victory but it makes me feel a little better.

 Tagish_girl wrote:

You roasted ants, too?  Cool!  I thought my little brother and I were the only ones...  we roasted flies, too, but first you had to pull the wings off so they couldn't fly away....

Oh, we were such heartless little bastards....

Takes me back, particularly the cruelty of the wingectomy.  My Mom used to pay my brother 3¢ for every japanese beetle he extracted from the rose bed.  My brother had an 11x11 magnifying pane that he got from the Edmund Scientific catalogue.  He'd pluck the beetles from the rose petals, hurl them to the concrete where they wriggled for a moment, dazed from the blunt force, and then zero in on them with the "heat mirror" (his words), and within a second they'd begin to crackle and smoke, for it was a damn big lens.  The unique and disgusting smell is something I'll never forget.

Oh, and I like this song.

 AvoidingWork wrote:

My new name for all of the drivers that irritate me; Doofenschmirtz!  It's a small victory but it makes me feel a little better.


 KurtfromLaQuinta wrote:

And yet, we didn't grow up serial killers.

I loved to play "army" when I was younger.
Yet, I have no desire to kill someone.


Back to P.C. now.

My new name for all of the drivers that irritate me; Doofenschmirtz!  It's a small victory but it makes me feel a little better.

The lead singer sounds to me like a cross between Rusted Root's lead singer (Michael Glabicki) and Bono.  The music reminds me a bit of Rusted Root as well.
Diggin' it!
 AvoidingWork wrote:

I will spare you the details of the events involving gun powder but yes, we were such heartless little buggers.

And yet, we didn't grow up serial killers.

I loved to play "army" when I was younger.
Yet, I have no desire to kill someone.


Back to P.C. now.

Please, more from Janah!
 AvoidingWork wrote:

The other day I taught my son how to focus a magnify glass on a stick to get it too burn.  I was intrigued with how much technique I had to pass on, getting the focus just right, using sunglasses to see the smallest whitest spot, making sure the angle of glass is perpendicular to the sun.  Fun stuff.  Not sure when he'll try to focus on a bug.  He doesn't seem to have the mean streak I had.  Had, being the operative word there. 
My trick was to focus to the side of the fly and then try to move it on top of them and singe their wings before they could fly.  It never worked.  Did you every super glue a thread to them and let them fly around on the thread?

I will spare you the details of the events involving gun powder but yes, we were such heartless little buggers.


Listening to this music and reading your text WUAHHH{#Roflol}

 Tagish_girl wrote:

You roasted ants, too?  Cool!  I thought my little brother and I were the only ones...  we roasted flies, too, but first you had to pull the wings off so they couldn't fly away....

Oh, we were such heartless little bastards....
The other day I taught my son how to focus a magnify glass on a stick to get it too burn.  I was intrigued with how much technique I had to pass on, getting the focus just right, using sunglasses to see the smallest whitest spot, making sure the angle of glass is perpendicular to the sun.  Fun stuff.  Not sure when he'll try to focus on a bug.  He doesn't seem to have the mean streak I had.  Had, being the operative word there. 
My trick was to focus to the side of the fly and then try to move it on top of them and singe their wings before they could fly.  It never worked.  Did you every super glue a thread to them and let them fly around on the thread?

I will spare you the details of the events involving gun powder but yes, we were such heartless little buggers.

OK, I gave this a few listens and I'm sorry but this sits in the bottom of the RP playlist for me.
I gave it a shot and it gets a 2.
Lead singer sounds kind of like Danny Elfman to me.  Anyone else getting that?
Loving this one more and more each time I hear it. It just puts a big smile on my face!

Nah Nah.
 1wolfy wrote:
{#Yes} I hear stop stop stop dedawson wrote:
A lot of folks are probably going to go "Huh?", but I swear I heard the Hollies 'Bus Stop' in the front end of this.

Slip of the finger.  Stop, Stop, Stop  indeed

{#Yes} I hear stop stop stop dedawson wrote:
A lot of folks are probably going to go "Huh?", but I swear I heard the Hollies 'Bus Stop' in the front end of this.

 AvoidingWork wrote:
AHHHHH!!!!   Get the magnifying glass off my forehead!!!

Sorry, flash back to sunny days in the Arizona sun and the smell of roasted ants.

You roasted ants, too?  Cool!  I thought my little brother and I were the only ones...  we roasted flies, too, but first you had to pull the wings off so they couldn't fly away....

Oh, we were such heartless little bastards....
What is this mnpffffhg song?
 Middleton wrote:

me too!!!

Great minds think alike!   {#Cool}

This is one of those songs that was interesting the first few times i heard it, but can tell it is slowly losing it's appeal. Plus I am hearing it on regular fm in my vehicle, so the novelty has worn off.
Original yet classic, kind of like the Waterboys' Fisherman's Blues.
AHHHHH!!!!   Get the magnifying glass off my forehead!!!

Sorry, flash back to sunny days in the Arizona sun and the smell of roasted ants.
 denmom wrote:
*sigh*  Is this the quasi-spiritual claptrap set? 
I really like this song (an 8) but I do often think it would be well complemented by a little Jimmy Eat World.{#Laughing}

Is this the quasi-spiritual claptrap set?  There's also something that just drives me nuts about how he's pronouncing "peripheral" in this...sounds like "priffrul".
Don't {#Frown}, be {#Smile}

Hokey album cover, but the tune isn't bad.  
Fun, NSFW. (Must be loud to enjoy...and makes me want to get on the desk and river dance.)
 midreaming wrote:
do any of you look at a pine tree and say.. 'huh, that looks just like a apple tree i saw once ..?
"Fir trees do needles better!"
"Maple sap is alot tastier!"
"The live version of these are much better!!"

This is just sooooo RP, truly eclectic and more than a little weird. Strange melange of sounds in this, which'll take a few listens to figure. Interesting. The Nottingham jury postpones its rating for further reflection...
 Angloray wrote:
Does anyone else hear echoes of Bono?
Big time. 

More Janah, please.
 crockydile wrote:
Keep thinking I hear Robert Plant...{#Think}

Except Robert Plant could sing in key.

I like the Y'Alternative feel to this.
Unusual, great sound - me like!
Keep thinking I hear Robert Plant...{#Think}
 romeotuma wrote:

This is very cool...  soooo good for the ears, too...  I rated it a 10, because that's the highest I could go...


oh yeah!!!
Rating this a 1 only because there's no 0 available.
A lot of folks are probably going to go "Huh?", but I swear I heard the Hollies 'Bus Stop' in the front end of this.
This is kind of unusual.  Cool.

Rusted Root x Bono = Janah



Angloray wrote:
Does anyone else hear echoes of Bono?

 countyman wrote:
I was thinking Rusted Root myself.

me too!!!

I was thinking Rusted Root myself.

Maybe it's just my crappy speakers and the AC in the background, but I thought this was U2 at first.

Does anyone else hear echoes of Bono?