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Album: Crazy World Of Arthur Brown
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Released: 1968
Length: 2:49
Plays (last 30 days): 3
I am the God of Hell fire and I bring you
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
I'll see you burn
You fought hard and you saved and earned
But all of it's going to burn
And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you've really been so blind
Now 's your time burn your mind
You're falling far too far behind
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
You're gonna burn
Fire, to destroy all you've done
Fire, to end all you've become
I'll feel you burn
You've been living like a little girl
In the middle of your little world
And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you've really been so blind
Now's your time to burn your mind
You're falling far too far behind
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
I'll see you burn
You're gonna burn
You're gonna burn
You're gonna burn
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
Comments (83)add comment
What?! Haven't heard this in 50 years plus! Fantastic.
Feels like the spoken intro should lead into something a bit more 'metal'.
 Pitjes wrote:

What kind of bike had it been? You were lucky doing that!

My friend and I were both riding identical Bultaco Metralla Mk2's with full racing farings. The same bikes that had taken first and second place at the Isle of Man TT the previous year. 

Part luck as all motorcycle riding is. Skill and restraint also played a large role. We lived to tell about the epic journey with no mishaps.
 DW4554 wrote:

The wild man Arthur Brown opened the show for Cream on a soccer pitch just outside of London, July 1968. I was there having just completed a 14 country tour of Western Europe, North Africa and The UK by motorcycle. During the opening set the fans in the bleachers started jumping up and down and swaying the bleachers back and forth sideways until the bleachers collapsed. Many people were injured and taken away by ambulance. 

Unaffected by the chaos, Cream took the stage and delivered a killer show.

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown indeed. 

What kind of bike had it been? You were lucky doing that!
Georg Mccrae plays in the same theatre.
Wild man Arthur Brown opened the show for Cream with helmet blazing on a soccer pitch just outside of London, July 1968. I was there having just completed a 14 country tour of Western Europe, North Africa and The UK by motorcycle. 

During the opening set the fans in the bleachers started jumping up and down and swaying the bleachers back and forth sideways until the bleachers collapsed. People were injured and taken away by ambulance. 

Undetered by the chaos, Cream took the stage and delivered a killer show.

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown indeed. 
 eyke wrote:
Wow the segue from Tehran 1974 was a bit abrupt. I'm focused now! 

Today was The Nutcracker (Chinese Dance) to this!

another song that got played to death and beyond
I was 13yrs old when this came out, & I bought the 45,  my family hated it, but never tried to stop me from playing it!   
Wow the segue from Tehran 1974 was a bit abrupt. I'm focused now! 
wow, I went straight to the info board a few seconds after this started. Never heard it or of the artist!  Cool
Straight back to memories of Arthur Brown  on Top of the Pops wearing a burning helmet on his head!  Since tv then was only black and white, the effect was somewhat diminished..but hey, I still remember it!
He said fire.
This piece was sampled by Prodigy in the 90s, IIRC.
My Grandads face is indelibly linked with this song. I remember his expression when this came on Top of the Pops - a chart show on the television. I was 7 when it came out, so it really was a memorable look of absolute disgust 
excellent vocal range !
That'll wake you up in an instant...
Amazing how the brain can conjure up lyrics to a song you last heard over 50 years ago, but "where are my keys?"  is another matter.
My best party times way back in 68 !
And now, all the sudden, I’m 68 
Holy cow, Batman!  I remember dancing around, from the bathroom all the way down to the living room and back, when I was supposed to be brushing my teeth, singing snippets from this, and driving my mother CRAZY, while this mad hit was playing on the tinny, tiny little transistor radio in my bedroom at the end of the hall... I musta been about Seven... My head was just floating in the breeze, man...
Summer of 68, yeah !  KHJ and KRLA staples and white Owsley and orange wedge ...

Real nice set you've got going there B !
Arthur Brown was also the lead vocalist on the cut "The Tell-Tale Heart" on the 1976 album Tales of Mystery and Imagination by the Alan Parsons Project.
 keller1 wrote:
This got to number 2 on CKLW in (I think) 1968.  Carl Palmer on drums.

A real period piece, avec extra fromage.
Got to number 1 in the UK. It was the first piece of music I ever bought. I used the money my gran gave me and my father strongly disapproved of using it to buy "this kind of rubbish". 
Arthur Brown, Frank and Clare  in 2014 at Lunar Festival UK. He's still a uniquely British eccentric talented entertaining tour-de-force!
 keller1 wrote:
This got to number 2 on CKLW in (I think) 1968.  Carl Palmer on drums.

A real period piece, avec extra fromage.

"Drachen Theaker was the original drummer for The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, founded by Arthur Brown, and played on the band's eponymous album, including the song "Fire". Theaker abruptly left the band during a U.S. tour in 1969. Carl Palmer was quickly recruited as a replacement and became a permanent band member."
I didn't know Radio Paradise did comedy. 
Radiohead "Burn the Witch" —> Crazy World of Arthur Brown "Fire"  {#Think} {#No}

Sometimes you nail the segue, sometimes the segue nails you. With a pencil. 

Bill Belichick scratching his ear and Matt Patricia talking into headset with pencil behind ear

"Yeah, that's gotta sting. Oh good, some earwax."
Man, I hated this in '68, and I still hate it now. Some things never change. 
 parttime wrote:
After hearing this song 1,847 time's one learn's to tune it out ...

My first time hearing this song. I'll let you know how I feel about it after the next 1,846 times.  
After hearing this song 1,847 time's one learn's to tune it out ...
Nigel is my favorite.
 paulmack wrote:

Good answer. You made me laugh, Chicago dude. And I don't think I fully appreciate the 100K Pyramid reference, either. Still clever even then. Anyway, I just reacted because the local university near me has the same (more cowbell) slogan that they yell at all their football games.

Boise State with that wild blue field?

Glad I made you laugh.


 donnyballgame wrote:

cow — udder — cream — churn — butter — bell

I saw that on The $100,000 Pyramid.


Good answer. You made me laugh, Chicago dude. And I don't think I fully appreciate the 100K Pyramid reference, either. Still clever even then. Anyway, I just reacted because the local university near me has the same (more cowbell) slogan that they yell at all their football games.

 petesoper wrote:
Shocked and dismayed that RP accepted this into their playlist. I guess this is the other side of "eclectic!"

Hope you can still sleep at night.... God knows the stress you must be under after this revoltin' development.
 paulmack wrote:

Chicago dude, what do you know about cowbell?

cow — udder — cream — churn — butter — bell

I saw that on The $100,000 Pyramid.

 Dave_Mack wrote:

Yes indeed.  That REALLY pushes this one over the top.  In a good way.

I remember hearing that AB on occasion (regularly?) arrived on stage to start his set via crane and had somehow contrived to do so while appearing to have his hair on fire. Remember reading it in some concert review - or maybe that review was part of the liner notes on the original vinyl album cover. Too far back and, well, you know.....

 donnyballgame wrote:
Is that Will Farrell on lead vocals? Needs more cowbell.
Chicago dude, what do you know about cowbell?

Shocked and dismayed that RP accepted this into their playlist. I guess this is the other side of "eclectic!"

Is that Will Farrell on lead vocals? Needs more cowbell.
I always thought this was from King Crimson's first release ... or somebody like that.  Not whatever-the-hell-this-band-name is!

No entry yet in Wikipedia for Crazy World of Arthur Brown.  Wow.
 gcrumb wrote:
Ah, but what about the 5 minute acid-inspired spoken intro to the song? It's just not the same without the kooky intro!
Yes indeed.  That REALLY pushes this one over the top.  In a good way.

retire this one!
It's always fun to find one-hit wonders of previous eras on RP.
 keller1 wrote:
. . . Carl Palmer on drums. . . .
Truth is stranger than fiction!

 keller1 wrote:
This got to number 2 on CKLW in (I think) 1968.  Carl Palmer on drums.

A real period piece, avec extra fromage.


Ageed. Did he do any other music of note ? Or would that be an opinion ?
There was a late-night monster movie host in Cleveland in the 1970s (The Ghoul, on Channel 61) who used to dub this over the soundtrack of that week's B-movie every time Godzilla breathed fire on Tokyo, or a witch was tied to the stake, or the action on the screen involved combustion in any other fashion.

This is a terrible song; I love it!{#Daisy}
This got to number 2 on CKLW in (I think) 1968.  Carl Palmer on drums.

A real period piece, avec extra fromage.

I didn't know this song until seeing Hot Fuzz (great film btw)

I get such a kick out of this tune!

Good fun.

Kind of makes me think of a groovier version of Alice Cooper (the band, not the solo artist)

You're going to bu-u-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-r-r-n-n-n-n! He- hee—hah!

Awesome to be able to get away with that.
It's amazing how well this song holds up after all those years.  And yes, as someone already mentioned, Arthur Brown  influenced Alice Cooper a great deal... as well as other of the more theatrical hard rock and heavy metal acts.  I'm surprised he appears to have been a one-hit wonder.

In it's time this song was way out there on the edge.
I'd heard the performances were also ridiculously weird.
 RedGuitar wrote:
Next:  "Fire" by Hendrix and "Light My Fire" by the Doors.   {#Lol}
And Ring of Fire by Cash!

uh, no thanks
Next:  "Fire" by Hendrix and "Light My Fire" by the Doors.   {#Lol}
Dig the brass section.

I have to say, too, that Alice Cooper got all of his vaudevillian stage show ideas from watching Arthur at Detroit's Grande Ballroom, then a few months later at Cobo when Arthur opened for the Doors (along with the MC5).

That's Carl Palmer of ELP on the drum kit.

Hey Al
I had the 45, too. Do you remember that the leadout groove had some kind of sound effect on it? I can't remember exactly what it was, but it made the record seem even more exotic. Strangely, this 45 was also in the jukebox we had in my church youth group's "teen room". We'd only play it if the grown ups were busy elsewhere, for fear they'd remove it.
Ah, but what about the 5 minute acid-inspired spoken intro to the song? It's just not the same without the kooky intro!
 HazzeSwede wrote:
Summer of 68,a burning year in many respects and a crazy one !
  Oh was it ever-still pleased that I can even remember some of it :)~ !

Summer of 68,a burning year in many respects and a crazy one !
I love this song! As a child of the sixties, been listening for many years.
In the words of Austin Powers.......... Yeah Baby{#Whipit}
Play "Spontaneous Apple Creation" in honor of Steve Jobs' presumable retirement!  Plus it's a great song.  Well, "great" might be an overstatement.


Sounds like the mother of all Heavy Metal vocals.

All these years I never knew where prodigy got the clip from "I am the god of hell fire and I bring you..." until now.
Radio Paradise is both enjoyable and educational.

thanks Bill!
Now that was fun!
Songs on RP can be divided into 2 groups: those who urge you to look at their Wikipedia entry and those who don't. 

I would put this one firmly in the first category. 
Passionate & powerful, Fire still jams!
This guy is nuts! {#Beat} ...All right I deserved that beating but you can stop now....

An awesome blast from my past!  This is exactly why I listen to & support RP!
Arthur Brown's world is indeed crazy apparently.
 Shesdifferent wrote:
I thought you'd already played this Bill. It was pretty weird then, and its gonna bring some pretty weird comments now!
Is it more weird now?  I do admit it is a bit strange, but was it more closer to normal in the 60's?

Had the 45 of this and just so happens 8th grade science class was about the principles of fire, asked the teacher if we could play and he let us.  The look on his face was priceless.  Great Song!  Been years.

I've always wondered where that "I am the god of hellfire..." soundbyte came from. I've heard it on so many morning show promos.
Holy cow!  Wish my teenage son was listening, he'd love this....or he'd be even more worried about me!  Not sure which way it'll go but may have to get a download of this just to find out!  A great surprise this morning!

I can't even begin to think how long it has been since I last heard this one!     BURN!

 hippiechick wrote:
Wow! Flashback to high school! Cool! Love this song!

I thought you'd already played this Bill. It was pretty weird then, and its gonna bring some pretty weird comments now!

Weird, I dig!

Wow! Flashback to high school! Cool! Love this song!