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Total ratings: 733
Length: 3:55
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Á silfur á
Lýsir allan heiminn og augun blá
Skera stjörnuhiminn
Ég óska mér og loka nú augunum
Já, gerðu það, nú rætist það
Ó nei
Á stjörnuhraða
Inni í hjarta springur, flugvélarbrak
Ofan í jörðu syngur
Ég óska mér, og loka nú augunum
Já, gerðu það, lágfara dans
Allt gleymist í smá smá stund og rætist það
Opna augun
Ó nei
Minn besti vinur, hverju sem dynur
Ég kyngi tári og anda hári
Illum látum, í faðmi grátum
Þegar að við hittumst
Þegar að við kyssumst
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
Alltaf þið vaða, við hlaupum hraðar
Allt verður smærra, ég öskra hærra
Er erfiðara, í burtu fara
Minn besti vinur, hverju sem dynur
Illum látum, í faðmi grátum
Ég kyngi tári og anda hári
Þegar að við hittumst
Þegar að við kyssumst
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
[English Translation:]
On a silver river
Illuminating the whole world, and the blue eyes
Cut the starry sky
I make a wish and now close my eyes
Yes, do that, now it comes true
Oh no
At the speed of the stars
Inside the heart explodes, an air plane wreck
Sings inside the earth
I make a wish and now close my eyes
Yes, do that, a subtle dance
Everything is forgotten for a little while and comes true
Open the eyes
Oh no
My best friend, whatever happens
I swallow a tear, and breathe hair
Misbehaving, we cry in each other's arms
When we meet
When we kiss
Burn the lips, let's hold hands
I see you awaken
I see you naked
Inside of me a fool sings
Always you wade, we run faster
Everything becomes smaller, I scream louder
It's more difficult, going away
My best friend, whatever happens
Misbehaving, we cry in each other's arms
I swallow a tear and breathe hair
When we meet
When we kiss
Burn the lips, let's hold hands
I see you awaken
I see you naked
Within me a fool sings
If you play this backwards, it says "Satan is your high school teacher"!
Wasn't "Pretty Fly for a White Guy", "Satan is your high school teacher" backwards? I'm confused.

Can streakers trigger a volcanic eruption?
They can make me turn my head and blush.
Well... female ones anyway.
Male ones... I just shake my head and wonder why.
Nekkid Vikings, indeed! They are running into hot water, otherwise known as a geyser, which is an Icelandic word for hot water and the Icelandic language's gift to the world ! Now as to names, it can get a bit complicated. Despite our having the same name, sort of, she is not my sister! More here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
Happy people, they got rid of a corrupt banking system and rid of the EU!
What more can one wish for??!!!!!!!!
By the way, I was good friends with an Icelandic couple in college many (many, many) years ago. They had different last names, and when I asked, they said her name was "Andresdottir" because she was the daughter of Andres. His name was "Mendelsson" because ... well you get it.
Nekkid Vikings, indeed! They are running into hot water, otherwise known as a geyser, which is an Icelandic word for hot water and the Icelandic language's gift to the world ! Now as to names, it can get a bit complicated. Despite our having the same name, sort of, she is not my sister! More here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

mute yourself, please!
Khkahuw simmygur viden po wixennvinnerhiet!!!

By the way, I was good friends with an Icelandic couple in college many (many, many) years ago. They had different last names, and when I asked, they said her name was "Andresdottir" because she was the daughter of Andres. His name was "Mendelsson" because ... well you get it.
Why do you give a crap if you think they suck?
You probably don't care but this song is actually sung in Icelandic
I think they are awesome
I was repeating the same question as everyone else,,,,sarcastic like.
they suck suck suck more every time I hear them.
Why do you give a crap if you think they suck?
You probably don't care but this song is actually sung in Icelandic
I think they are awesome
Anyone that can play a guitar with a bow is awesome in my book.
No. Worse yet, they can trigger a full blown financial crisis.
Do they have their own language or is it Icelandic?
Gawd this band is epic suckage .
Why do you give a crap if you think they suck?
You probably don't care but this song is actually sung in Icelandic
I think they are awesome
Do they have their own language or is it Icelandic?
Gawd this band is epic suckage .
Here's what is stated on the band's website:
what language does jónsi sing in?
on von, ágætis byrjun and takk, jónsi sang most songs in icelandic but a few of the songs were sung in 'hopelandic'. all of the vocals ( ) are however in hopelandic. hopelandic (vonlenska in icelandic) is the 'invented language' in which jónsi sings before lyrics are written to the vocals. it's of course not an actual language by definition (no vocabulary, grammar, etc.), it's rather a form of gibberish vocals that fits to the music and acts as another instrument. jónsi likens it with what singers sometimes do when they've decided on the melody but haven't written the lyrics yet. many languages were considered to be used on ( ), including english, but they decided on hopelandic. hopelandic (vonlenska) got its name from first song which jónsi sang it on, hope (von). tracks 7-9 on takk are in hopelandic.
where can i find sigur rós lyrics and translations?
the lyrics to ágætis byrjun can be found in the lyrics section and (very rough) unofficial translations of them can be found in our elsewhere section. some lyrics to takk can be found on the takk section. you won't be able to find lyrics and translations from ( ) because the vocals don't contain lyrics
Do they have their own language or is it Icelandic?
Gawd this band is epic suckage .
Nice song by the way - I like Sigur Rós
Sigur Rós - Inní mér syngur vitleysingur from Sigur Rós on Vimeo.
They used to use a made-up language they called "Hopelandic" in the spirit of using the voice as an instrument. For me this didn't hurt any, as I'm not exactly fluent in Icelandic, so I wouldn't be connecting with the lyrics anyway. I think they've recently changed to actual Icelandic, though I'm not sure with which album they made the change—not like I'd know the difference of course!
With really good music, I find I don't need lyrics to really "connect." There are even some songs where I can fully understand the incredibly lame lyrics within, but I like the song anyway (like just about everything by Lenny Kravitz).
Ég kyngi tári = "I swallow tears"
Sigur Rós - Inní mér syngur vitleysingur

The Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning

Cut Chemist - The Garden

Garbage - Only Happy When it Rains

I think he said "kinky town". Maybe that's where they're headed.
I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth, before I could mute.
They're from Iceland — they have their own special language there!

gawd this is horrible.

Even so many people here don´t like them...

I get enough can't...

I get enough can't...

Rent the "HEIMA" DVD on netflix... or better yet buy it through RP.
Fail. blech.

Ha Ha !

Bonjour mgkiwi,

Au Revoir


Fail. blech.
Considering your attitude and bad manners, I too am glad you're Icelander, or Icelandic, or whatever.
For the sake of your countrymen I just hope you're not representative.
Bravo! I'm glad somebody said something. I thought us americans were suppose to be the crudest jerks on the planet - I don't know many that demonstrate their ugliness quite like that guy did.
I think a lot of people are confused when on Sigur Ros's site they talk about this made up language, but we are all somehow considered morons for actually believing it.
I don't know, next time I feel an urge to learn a new language or embrace a new culture - that one has fallen way down the list for me - too confusing!
I'd rather listen to Country music.
This IS Country music. However, in this case, the country is Iceland
I'd rather listen to Country music.
KevinM wrote:
I'm sorry but I could not resist. This comment just shows your ignorance - Sigur Ros is Icelandic, the chef is Sweedish.
...and Kevin, I guess I'm ignorant as well. What is "Sweedish"? Is that somebody possessing a specific amount of Sweed?
Anyway, it doesn't matter to me where this group is from, or what language they're singing in, this music does nothing for me. In fact it's annoying. It sounds like it should be the soundtrack for The Wiggles Movie or an episode of Barney.
I just watched a program on Sundance Channel last night about Sigur Ros. Beautifully and brilliantly done, worth seeing if you get the chance.
I would have said all of these things about previous Sigur Ros albums, but this past one was just a big let down for me. It's still very epic, but in a way that recalls an epic round of Candyland. Though I hate to be one of those people who says the old stuff is better, in this case, in my opinion it is.
They are singing in Iceland.. not "hopelandic" wtf?
Grow a brain before you start commenting you twats.
But i understand that u dont like this song, bcaus the lyrics are all wrong, well not all wrong, but you cant see the "beauty" of the lyrics when you translate them to English. they're just not right.
And if you dont like this song, alright, that's up 2 you, but please, don't start shitting all over SigurRós..
When i hear this song i'm proud to be an Icelander! (:
Considering your attitude and bad manners, I too am glad you're Icelander, or Icelandic, or whatever.
For the sake of your countrymen I just hope you're not representative.
Ok...you can turn them on..........now!
Oops. There's still a couple minutes left. Sorry. ;)
By the way, I just bumped this puppy up to a 9.

....but that link does say some lyrics are in the made-up gibberish.
So which is it?
made up gibberish, sung in a horrible voice, set on top of horrible music.
They are singing in Iceland.. not "hopelandic" wtf?
Grow a brain before you start commenting you twats.
But i understand that u dont like this song, bcaus the lyrics are all wrong, well not all wrong, but you cant see the "beauty" of the lyrics when you translate them to English. they're just not right.
And if you dont like this song, alright, that's up 2 you, but please, don't start shitting all over SigurRós..
When i hear this song i'm proud to be an Icelander! (:

....but that link does say some lyrics are in the made-up gibberish.
So which is it?
I just watched a program on Sundance Channel last night about Sigur Ros. Beautifully and brilliantly done, worth seeing if you get the chance.
They are singing in Iceland.. not "hopelandic" wtf?
Grow a brain before you start commenting you twats.
This is where we learned about "Hopelandic":
They are singing in Iceland.. not "hopelandic" wtf?
Grow a brain before you start commenting you twats.
But i understand that u dont like this song, bcaus the lyrics are all wrong, well not all wrong, but you cant see the "beauty" of the lyrics when you translate them to English. they're just not right.
And if you dont like this song, alright, that's up 2 you, but please, don't start shitting all over SigurRós..
When i hear this song i'm proud to be an Icelander! (:
It's over!
yeah, I know - I still thought the picture was funny!
I like the picture in the background of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker.
My favorite muppets.
Much better than white men rears.

It was played towards the end of the movie "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou".
Though it wasn't on the soundtrack. Odd.

But physicsgenius was funny.
Well you've definitely got me there. I briefly thought that maybe they were one and the same (considering the bad attitude and lofty choice in names) but quickly realized that it couldn't be. As you say, PG had amusing things to say even when in troll mode.
But physicsgenius was funny.
I'm not sure I'll ever really enjoy Sigur Ros, but at the very least, I'll always appreciate the originality.

I'm sorry but I could not resist. This comment just shows your ignorance - Sigur Ros is Icelandic, the chef is Sweedish.
yeah, I know - I still thought the picture was funny!
No real comment really - just think this pic should move to the top! Bork, Bork!
I'm sorry but I could not resist. This comment just shows your ignorance - Sigur Ros is Icelandic, the chef is Sweedish.

No real comment really - just think this pic should move to the top! Bork, Bork!
I guess children need a place to play and Excelsior has chosen the Sigur Ros song comments as (one of) his playground(s). I've stopped replying to his vomit, maybe if everybody else did he will eventually go away 'cause he won't be getting anymore attention.

This gets my vote for most annoying song this week.....make that this month.
Sounds good. Look forward to receiving the CD in the mail from amazon.ca any day now.
I see the usual band of narrow-minded knuckle-draggers are contributing.

Okay, we understand that you do not like this. Your next assignment is to write about something you do like and share it with the rest of us.
P.S., you got still some on your shoes.
The only band that makes me switch stations or turn off my speakers

So remember kids, if you don't like them, you're "closed minded!"
Hey, we can't all speak White all the time, can we now?
And yes, if you don't like 'em, I'm beginning to suspect that you ARE closed minded.
That's still better than Physicsgenius and his 90% of everything is crap rule...
Maybe that's why he left us and quit listening to RP over a year and a half ago. Kind of miss him though........

And you rated Ane Brun 'The Puzzle' an 8?
So you rate one squeaky voiced bumbling singer a 1 and the other squeaky voiced bumbling singer an 8?
Go Figure

Love the album cover! Like the music, what's to love? The mood, the hackneyed slap-in-the-face-of-conformity, shapeless skinny white butts?
walk wrote:
Inní Mér Syngur Vitleysingur Á silfur-á
Lýsir allan heiminn og augun blá
Skera stjörnuhiminn
Ég óska mér og loka nú augunum
Já gerðu það, nú rætist saga
Ó nei
Á stjörnuhraða
Inni í hjarta springur, flugvélarbrak
Oní jörðu syngur
Ég óska mér og loka nú augunum
Já gerðu það, lágfara dans
Allt gleymist í smásmá stund og rætist samt
Opna augun
Ó nei
Minn besti vinur hverju sem dynur
Ég kyngi tári og anda hári
Illum látum, í faðmi grátum
Þegar að við hittumst
Þegar að við kyssumst
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
Alltaf þið vaða, við hlaupum hraðar
Allt verður smærra
Ég öskra hærra
Er er við aða, í burtu fara
Minn besti vinur hverju sem dynur
Illum látum, í faðmi grátum
Ég kyngi tári og anda hári
Þegar að við hittumst
Þegar að við kyssumst
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
Here's a translation of the lyrics. Pretty cool.
Inside me a lunatic sings
On a silver river
You illuminate the whole world and blue eyes
Cut the starry sky
I make a wish and close my eyes
Yes do that, now begins the story
Oh no
At lightspeed
Inside a heart explodes, an airplane crash
Down on the earth sings
I make a wish and close my eyes
Yes do that, a silly dance
All is forgotten in very little time and yet begins
Open eyes
Oh no
My best friend no matter whatever happens
I swallow tears and breathe hair
A bad break, we cry in each other arms
When we meet
When we kiss
The lips burning, we hold hands
I see you wake
I see you naked
Inside me a lunatic sings
Always rushing, we run quickly
Everything becomes smaller
I scream louder
I'm with a shell, going away
My best friend no matter whatever happens
A bad break, we cry in each others arms
I swallow tears and breathe hair
When we meet
When we kiss
The lips burning, we hold hands
I see you wake
I see you naked
Inside me a lunatic sings
I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I saw them live at the Latitude Festival a few weeks ago and they were simply mesmerising.
I always think that the test of a good band is weather you get a real buzz from a gig when you are not familiar with any of the music. I only knew a couple of tracks and I thought they were superb.
was at latitude and decided not to watch them, but this song is pretty good, so maybe I should have stayed to see them.
Far from loving these guys, but this track is much more listenable than their hopelandish stuff.
Hipsters be damned. It's a 4 from the Uppsala Jury ;)

What the hell is the FUZZ about this mediocre band?
I simply don´t get it.
Downloaded two of their (his?) albums,
both are shitty. Each and any single song!
Literally HATE their stuff. Urgh..!!!!
I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I saw them live at the Latitude Festival a few weeks ago and they were simply mesmerising.
I always think that the test of a good band is weather you get a real buzz from a gig when you are not familiar with any of the music. I only knew a couple of tracks and I thought they were superb.
Yes. How dare they sing in their own language! What bastards!
They can sing in whatever language they want, more power to them. However, I'm pointing out that most of the critical acclaim from hipster doofuses is due to the fact that it isn't English (bonus points for it being a relatively "obscure" language). The made-up language, however, is just a gimmick, albeit one that works 10x better than the real language. The more obscure and strange the band is, the more hipster street cred you get for liking them.
If this band was singing the exact same songs in English, they would never cross the trendsetters' collective radar, and you'd find their CDs sitting where they belong - gathering dust at the bottom of the $2 "bargain buy" bin.
But because they're singing half-Icelandic, half-made-up-Hopelandic, it's trendy to like them.
So remember kids, if you don't like them, you're "closed minded!"
Yes. How dare they sing in their own language! What bastards!
Inní Mér Syngur Vitleysingur
Á silfur-á
Lýsir allan heiminn og augun blá
Skera stjörnuhiminn
Ég óska mér og loka nú augunum
Já gerðu það, nú rætist saga
Ó nei
Á stjörnuhraða
Inni í hjarta springur, flugvélarbrak
Oní jörðu syngur
Ég óska mér og loka nú augunum
Já gerðu það, lágfara dans
Allt gleymist í smásmá stund og rætist samt
Opna augun
Ó nei
Minn besti vinur hverju sem dynur
Ég kyngi tári og anda hári
Illum látum, í faðmi grátum
Þegar að við hittumst
Þegar að við kyssumst
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
Alltaf þið vaða, við hlaupum hraðar
Allt verður smærra
Ég öskra hærra
Er er við aða, í burtu fara
Minn besti vinur hverju sem dynur
Illum látum, í faðmi grátum
Ég kyngi tári og anda hári
Þegar að við hittumst
Þegar að við kyssumst
Varirnar brenndu, höldumst í hendur
Ég sé þig vakinn
Ég sé þig nakinn
Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
Here's a translation of the lyrics. Pretty cool.
Inside me a lunatic sings
On a silver river
You illuminate the whole world and blue eyes
Cut the starry sky
I make a wish and close my eyes
Yes do that, now begins the story
Oh no
At lightspeed
Inside a heart explodes, an airplane crash
Down on the earth sings
I make a wish and close my eyes
Yes do that, a silly dance
All is forgotten in very little time and yet begins
Open eyes
Oh no
My best friend no matter whatever happens
I swallow tears and breathe hair
A bad break, we cry in each other arms
When we meet
When we kiss
The lips burning, we hold hands
I see you wake
I see you naked
Inside me a lunatic sings
Always rushing, we run quickly
Everything becomes smaller
I scream louder
I'm with a shell, going away
My best friend no matter whatever happens
A bad break, we cry in each others arms
I swallow tears and breathe hair
When we meet
When we kiss
The lips burning, we hold hands
I see you wake
I see you naked
Inside me a lunatic sings
But because they're singing half-Icelandic, half-made-up-Hopelandic, it's trendy to like them.
So remember kids, if you don't like them, you're "closed minded!"
What the hell is the FUZZ about this mediocre band?
I simply don´t get it.
Downloaded two of their (his?) albums,
both are shitty. Each and any single song!
Literally HATE their stuff. Urgh..!!!!
It's fun when people stir the pot!
For the record, I love this song!
Got a point there, Hannio—and you know what? I don't care—-so I'll shut up.
24% of all votes are "1"s. No other number reaches 20%. So, I guess I'll rephrase. "why do you listen to RP if you hate 1/4 of everything?"
Why do you even care?
24% of all votes are "1"s. No other number reaches 20%. So, I guess I'll rephrase. "why do you listen to RP if you hate 1/4 of everything?"
That's still better than Physicsgenius and his 90% of everything is crap rule...
He's actually rated 2814 songs better than or equal to a 5 (Decent). . .and only 2674 less than a 5. So that actually tips him slightly into the "like most things" category.
24% of all votes are "1"s. No other number reaches 20%. So, I guess I'll rephrase. "why do you listen to RP if you hate 1/4 of everything?"
Why do you listen to RP?! You hate everything.
He's actually rated 2814 songs better than or equal to a 5 (Decent). . .and only 2674 less than a 5. So that actually tips him slightly into the "like most things" category.
They even sound horrible on mute.
So do YOU! What are YOU good at? ...eh?