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Madonna — Frozen
Album: Ray Of Light
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Released: 1998
Length: 6:05
Plays (last 30 days): 1
You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen... when your heart's not open

You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You're broken... when your heart's not open

Mmm... mmm... mmm... if I could melt your heart
Mmm... mmm... mmm... we'd never be apart
Mmm... mmm... mmm... give yourself to me
Mmm... mmm... mmm... you... hold... the key

Now there's no point in placing the blame
And you should know I'd suffer the same
If I lose you... my heart will be broken

Love is a bird... she needs to fly
Let all the hurt inside of you die
You're frozen... when your heart's not open

Mmm... mmm... mmm... if I could melt your heart
Mmm... mmm... mmm... we'd never be apart
Mmm... mmm... mmm... give yourself to me
Mmm... mmm... mmm... you... hold... the key

You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen... when your heart's not open

Mmm... mmm... mmm... if I could melt your heart
Mmm... mmm... mmm... we'd never be apart
Mmm... mmm... mmm... give yourself to me
Mmm... mmm... mmm... you... hold... the key
If I could melt your heart

Mmm... mmm... mmm... we'd never be apart
Mmm... mmm... mmm... give yourself to me
Mmm... mmm... mmm... you... hold... the key
If I could melt your heart
Comments (99)add comment
Takes me right back to April 1998.  I'd hear this song on the radio over the lunch break when I was at home.  They played this song like every single hour.  I got sick of it really quick, but it does bring back the memories of those years.  Then "Ray Of Light" became the song of summer 1998.
I remember seeing this poster on the window of my local music store when this CD came out. I thought it was such a beautiful picture of her.
Madonna’s voice sounds so beautiful here. This was after she was in Evita and got a lot of voice lessons. They really paid off here and in this whole album — I love the titular song as well.
I'm not generally a Madonna fan, but this is excellent.

Trivia: it was forbidden to play this song on Belgian TV or radio for several years due to a plagiarism dispute. Part of the melody seemed awfully similar to a song from a long forgotten Belgian artist. The verdict was repealed in 2014.
 oldsaxon wrote:

I've always been a fan....there, I said it...I'm out of the closet.

Same here, especially her early work. I've even seen her live, and will say she puts on a very entertaining show. 
Beautiful song! And well produced by William Orbit. 
 neuticle wrote:

Don't tell anyone I like this song..

* if YOU will keep secret that I used to rock this whole album, back in the days when Moby’s Play had just dropped!
Good track but a rough transition IMHO coming from All Them Witches.
Super happy when something comes up in rotation that hasn't been heard for a long while! I really like this Madonna song. Could we get some Tina Dico please?
good sound (attractive photo-portrait too : )
 rockit99 wrote:
Obviously I'd heard this track before, but on hearing it on RP this time I had to find out who it was... (yes I know, hard to believe...).

To paraphrase what others have said here: A good track is a good track is a good track. My own preferences and tastes veer toward blues, rock and (original) R&B, but that doesn't preclude appreciating a Good Track.

Divorcing the perception of Madonna 'the celebrity' from the music of this track enables one to appreciate it's worth.

Just sayin'.... 


Obviously I'd heard this track before, but on hearing it on RP this time I had to find out who it was... (yes I know, hard to believe...).

To paraphrase what others have said here: A good track is a good track is a good track. My own preferences and tastes veer toward blues, rock and (original) R&B, but that doesn't preclude appreciating a Good Track.

Divorcing the perception of Madonna 'the celebrity' from the music of this track enables one to appreciate it's worth.

Just sayin'.... 

I frankly wasn't paying attention. It was my daughter who asked me to turn it off!
I've always been a fan....there, I said it...I'm out of the closet.
 unclehud wrote:
Can't help but LOVE this girl. 

Forget the cult of personality/notoriety/BS that she created around herself. 
I think you might be contradicting yourself there, Unc. If you only heard her music, which is often pretty good and sometimes innovative, you'd not love her as you'd know nothing of her. It's not possible to know anything of her outside her manufactured personality cult, so it's impossible to forget it. She is the perfect Spectacular artist, with no real public personality but a series of personas designed to appeal to a range of audiences. She is, as the pseudy critics say, a cipher.

She is immensely talented (though how much she owes to songwriters and producers and media agents is debatable), but you can't ignore her personality cult and separate it from her music. The best you can do is a 'blind tasting', listen to a song without knowing it's herself and evaluate it on its merits as a song, which is what I did and yes, it's a good track by a good singer.

i remember thinking this video was awesome.
 Marvins_Dog wrote:
This song is exactly 6:16 too long.
Felt much, much longer.

also in agreement. this is a very good song and worthy of being in the rotation.

 hcaudill wrote:

All together now: Just because an artist or track gets overplayed on corporate radio DOESN'T MAKE IT BAD. The great unwashed masses consume a lot of dreck music, but it doesn't follow that all popular music is dreck. 

This is a great track and if it was by an undiscovered indie songstress we'd all be falling over each other to uprate it. 

...okay, yes, i did a double-take...
 xtalman wrote:

I know GaGa is in the library.  

  There are some really great GaGa songs. See prior comment

 hcaudill wrote:

All together now: Just because an artist or track gets overplayed on corporate radio DOESN'T MAKE IT BAD. The great unwashed masses consume a lot of dreck music, but it doesn't follow that all popular music is dreck. 

This is a great track and if it was by an undiscovered indie songstress we'd all be falling over each other to uprate it. 

Couldn't agree more.  Bravo.
This song is exactly 6:16 too long.
Can't help but LOVE this girl. 

Forget the cult of personality/notoriety/BS that she created around herself.  She has talent out the wazoo, and found arrangers and producers that knew how to highlight her talents.  She found video producers that knew how to highlight her physical talents for MTV, too, but isn't that how one plays the game?

Don't hate her because her voice is beautiful.
 oldslabsides wrote:
If I remember correctly, this was Madonna's foray into techno/electronica.  I always thought "The Power of Goodbye" was decent.

 HonduranRed wrote:
I listen to RP to get away from what is(was) played on the corporate radio
All together now: Just because an artist or track gets overplayed on corporate radio DOESN'T MAKE IT BAD. The great unwashed masses consume a lot of dreck music, but it doesn't follow that all popular music is dreck. 

This is a great track and if it was by an undiscovered indie songstress we'd all be falling over each other to uprate it. 
Not a huge Madonna fan, but this CD is really good. I think it's William Orbit's influence.

Ray of Light is a great album. William Orbit produced it, so it is a little atypical and not as commercial as you'd expect.
Wow, who would have guessed we would see her here on RP. Although I think Live To Tell is a song better suites for RP.

I hate pop, but I don't hate this. Ray of Light was kinda a cool song too.
All of the fashionista silliness, media frenzy, hype, etc. aside - - this is a good track.  Go Bill, go!


 Baby_M wrote:
The question on everyone's mind is: will Bill be brave enough to follow this up with Justin Bieber, New Kids on the Block, or Lady GaGa?

If I've got to listen to a Madonna song, this is probably the most benign possibility.  5
I know GaGa is in the library.  

 martinc wrote:
OK my kids just came down and found me listening to Madonna. Gasp!

WTF?! Who are you and what have you done with my streaming Internet radio station?
Don't tell anyone I like this song..
Play Ray of Light!
Play Ray of Light!
Play Ray of Light!
Play Ray of Light!
Play Ray of Light!
Play Ray of Light! 
Wait a minute...I thought I was on Pandora.....BILL I love you for playing this!  YES YES YES!!!!
Huh. I'd never heard this song before.
I love this album.
I'd hit it.
Incredible voice. . . 

 HonduranRed wrote:
Madonna is talented, but I listen to RP to get away from what is(was) played on the corporate radio-oh well...sometimes you have to wade through the S*&^% to get to the good stuff!
Madonna lost me back around the time of Material Girl, but this later song is a bold venture into Middle Eastern territory, worth RP's air time.
what the? Madonna? thought the voice sounded familiar.
Variety! Me likey. Have always liked this song.
Made me do a double-take. Way to mix it up, RP.

(but not too much of this, m'kay?)
Madonna, huh?  OK then...
Madonna is talented, but I listen to RP to get away from what is(was) played on the corporate radio-oh well...sometimes you have to wade through the S*&^% to get to the good stuff!
 scrubbrush wrote:
wow. really? Madonna? RP never ceases to amaze.
Right, surprised here too, had to check that I hit the right channel in itunes, but this was not bad, not bad at all...

Madonna sounding a bit Evanescence like - not too bad all Madonna related factors considered
{#Snooty} Nope, can't do it... 
 mirland wrote:


thirded. it's almost like Orbit's album with her singing on it.

If I could melt your heart
We'd never be apart
Give yourself to me
You hold the key


Agreed. This one surprised me today.

Madonna on RP. Hey one I just thought of was the soundtrack title of the Sean Penn - Christopher Walken fim "At Close Range" that she did.
 scrubbrush wrote:
wow. really? Madonna? RP never ceases to amaze.

 pcicatar wrote:
William Orbit completely made this album for me.  I think it's one of the reasons it's held up so well.
Agree. 8

Wow, I was going to upload a tune form this album but figured it'd get shredded in the LRC just because of who it was.
I'm surprized this one made it - wouldn't be my first choice from this album.
But that's just me I guess. 
I liked this song back near the end of last century, and still like hearing it on RP
The woman has a splendid voice when she is 'non-pop'...I like the more mature sounding Madonna...without all the fizz...like live to tell and this one

The question on everyone's mind is: will Bill be brave enough to follow this up with Justin Bieber, New Kids on the Block, or Lady GaGa?

If I've got to listen to a Madonna song, this is probably the most benign possibility.  5
Having a hard time believing this is actually Madonna.  Never thought I'd hear Madonna on RP.  
OK my kids just came down and found me listening to Madonna. Gasp!
This is a first for me. I'd never heard Madonna on RP.

I kinda dig this

 pcicatar wrote:
William Orbit completely made this album for me.  I think it's one of the reasons it's held up so well.
Ma-Who? Wow. OK.  {#Chillpill}
Check out a whole lotta love for The Material Girl here. Who knew? Well, I at least suspected there was some underground love for her on RP. Now it's confirmed.
Not her best, but as always with her, great production values. Worth another listen. How about Isaac from Confessions? Never hear that anywhere.
wow. really? Madonna? RP never ceases to amaze.
Madge! How?. . . Eh? . . . What? Not the track I would have chosen from the sinewy goddess - I would have gone far more disco. But here she is on RP . . all hail the brave dj.

She has some really good songs, but I think her appeal and huge success is much more due to the performances she gives.  Those will not translate well into RP.

William Orbit completely made this album for me.  I think it's one of the reasons it's held up so well.
Glad to see RP has overcome its irrational embargo on Madonna. This the second I've heard.
 bhallmark wrote:
Madonna on RP?  I think this is a first.  

I'm cool with it - have always loved her.  But still...stopped me in my tracks!  Go Bill - just when I thought I had you all figured out.
Not a first, but definitely not usual.  There are a handful of Madonna tracks on the playlilst, but it's been years since Bill played any one of them.

Musically a 7.  Lyrically 0..

 coding_to_music wrote:

Even if they take a decade ;-)

Edit: This is a great album, and I'm glad to see at least one song from it in rotation on RP.

 ick wrote:
Without Orbit's production it wouldn't have been nearly as good. 
Fully agree with you on that point
That was my exact reaction. And my conclusion as well.
This is what makes RP so excellent — and so far beyond everything else out there.

Thank you Bill and Rebecca.
Groogrux69 wrote:
Well said.

Bear1492 wrote:

Stopped me in my tracks too... I had to look twice to confirm that someone hadn't changed my streaming audio choice!
Surprisingly appropriate though.
Open minds is what makes RP different and superior.

Well said.

Bear1492 wrote:

Stopped me in my tracks too... I had to look twice to confirm that someone hadn't changed my streaming audio choice!
Surprisingly appropriate though.
Open minds is what makes RP different and superior.


I listened to this album a lot for a couple years after it came out. It's enjoyable if you don't pay too much attention to the words.
Without Orbit's production it wouldn't have been nearly as good. 
 Bear1492 wrote:

Stopped me in my tracks too... I had to look twice to confirm that someone hadn't changed my streaming audio choice!
Surprisingly appropriate though.
Open minds is what makes RP different and superior.

I did a double-take too.  To quote Liz Lemon, "What the what?!?!" 
Your comments are spot on.

 Mandible wrote:

Bill, thank you! We love surprises.
Even if they take a decade ;-)
Sounds a bit like a more 'ethnic' Madonna. Always liked this tune and it's arrangement. The delay guitar effects and reverb tricks are atmospheric...and a bit over the top. Hooray for the studio. Still like it though...

Bill, thank you! We love surprises.
I love this song. Glad it found its way into rotation here on RP. "Ray of Light" from this album is really good too.
I've always had a soft spot for Madonna (considering when I grew up), but when I was a young hipster adult, I was shocked that Ray of Light made it OK to like her for quality music... This album is surprisingly good and I'm glad you gave it a spot!
This may be my fave Madonna cd, next to her first.
Definitely one of Madonnas better albums.
Great song, great album
Produced by Beth Orton's producer William Orbit



 bhallmark wrote:
Madonna on RP?  I think this is a first.  

I'm cool with it - have always loved her.  But still...stopped me in my tracks!  Go Bill - just when I thought I had you all figured out.
Stopped me in my tracks too... I had to look twice to confirm that someone hadn't changed my streaming audio choice!
Surprisingly appropriate though.
Open minds is what makes RP different and superior.


Madonna to Kahmir...yes!

Madonna on RP?  I think this is a first.  

I'm cool with it - have always loved her.  But still...stopped me in my tracks!  Go Bill - just when I thought I had you all figured out.
Good tune from an underrated artist. 
For some reason ,unknown to me,,this CD can be found in my collection.{#Stupid}