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From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
I've had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope
I'm sick to death of seeing things
From tight-lipped, condescending, mama's little chauvinists
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth now
I've had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
It's money for dope
Money for rope
Ah, I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
I've had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
still apropos after 52 years.
Great song....but it always bugged me how the recording of Give Me Some Truth and Instand Karma were pretty low quality. By the late 60s, the Beatles had achieved a great level of sound quality, but when John went solo, his sound quality suffered some. I wonder why.....
It always bugged me what a hypocrite he was.
Yeah, sure, John, you tell 'em ... this one hasn't aged particularly well.
Or it has.
While very, very good I wish John would have done a better job of producing his work.
It deserves so much better.
I wonder if he regarded the less polished production as a feature, not a bug, and a welcome departure from the standards of his previous band.
love the lyrics.
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope"
John Lennon was awesome (knew the likely rise of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas to the top of the pile in DC)
Your sooo right......Sadly!
It deserves so much better.
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope"
John Lennon was awesome (knew the likely rise of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas to the top of the pile in DC)
along with the Orange Haired, Yellow Belly Son of Tricky Dicky?
Trump is Nixon Walking Dead.
along with the Orange Haired, Yellow Belly Son of Tricky Dicky?
these times the truth is hard to take
VERY! After this election....
First casualty in every war is the truth!

You can't HANDLE the troof!
That would drive Uncle Bill and Hillary crazy
along with the Orange Haired, Yellow Belly Son of Tricky Dicky?
That would drive Uncle Bill and Hillary crazy
nothing new under the sun
Near-Beatles reunion, btw; Ringo, George and John.
Close as we ever got.
Rope for all GOP shitheels.
Would somebody please tell me what the term 'truth' means.
"It would have been nice if had time to look in the mirror with age" —- well said, Mortimer.
Lennon was capable of being a complete asshole —- check out Howard Kaylan's recollection of him here:
Lennon was on his way to becoming a more mellow nicer person as reflected in his last album I believe. A rotten shame some delusional asshole shot him.
Thinking that John was a bit of a long haired neurotic egocentric prima donna himself. Having been one myself with far less reason I mean.
It would have been nice if he'd had time to look in the mirror with age. It would have been nice to see what he was about now.
Stuff happens,
"It would have been nice if had time to look in the mirror with age" --- well said, Mortimer.
Lennon was capable of being a complete asshole --- check out Howard Kaylan's recollection of him here:
kingart wrote:
I disagree. If the song subject is the focus, it remains exactly relevant. We have more neurotic egocentric prima donna pinheaded politicians than ever.
Thinking that John was a bit of a long haired neurotic egocentric prima donna himself. Having been one myself with far less reason I mean.
It would have been nice if he'd had time to look in the mirror with age. It would have been nice to see what he was about now.
Stuff happens,
If i can disagree, it has not aged a bit, all we want really is some truth.
I disagree. If the song subject is the focus, it remains exactly relevant. We have more neurotic egocentric prima donna pinheaded politicians than ever.
......... ditto :((
works of musical art ever created. If you do not have a visceral reaction to this work,
you have a stone heart.
This guy's head was so far up his own butt the only visceral reaction I have is..."Not again"
Everybody in my church loves this song, and this whole album...
works of musical art ever created. If you do not have a visceral reaction to this work,
you have a stone heart.
Amen brother.... or sister
works of musical art ever created. If you do not have a visceral reaction to this work,
you have a stone heart.
And your first paragraph wasn't serious? If people want weapons, they'll get them, regardless of whatever laws (or lack thereof) exist. I don't like guns. I fear them. I sort of know how to fire one. But I don't want a bunch of self-righteous politicians and fundamentalists dictating whether or not I can have a weapon to defend myself. Maybe the screening process.... oh, who are we kidding here? As I said - if a person wants a weapon, they can find it. It's like Prohibition. "No alcohol allowed." And of course, there's a guy around the corner saying, "Hey - you want booze? Follow me." Human nature (I don't like human nature, most of the time.)
You wrote something political. Gotcha! Taboot, I am for much more gun control. Hah!
there is music who remains "fresh" for decades
and there is music which feels like getting better and better through time. almost everything john lennon did belongs to this latter category
as for weapons: cynaera, i could not disagree more: the selfrighteousness and stupidness is not on the side of people (or politicians) who wants to rescrict the availability of weapons. it´s on the side of lobbyists who succeed again and again in making people believe that being allowed of carrying a weapon has something to do with freedom of self-defense.
the fact is: weapons kill. and the more weapons are available the more people are killed. it´s nothing more than a mathematical function.
compare the number of people shot in the United States and in Canada, and compare the number of people carrying weapons in USA and CDN, and you have the proof.
I wonder if someone who was shot through the back with four hollow point rounds and lived for a while after can rest in peace. I'm so glad that there are no laws to prevent nutcases like his murderer to easily obtain concealable firearms and super-lethal ammo.
On a more serious note ... the Beatles were chastised for comparing their popularity to Jesus Christ. Yet, John's later songs project a message that echos Jesus Christ's. They would have gotten along well together, methinks. Each died a violent death and are resurrected (in a sense). After 30 years, I miss him more than ever.
And your first paragraph wasn't serious? If people want weapons, they'll get them, regardless of whatever laws (or lack thereof) exist. I don't like guns. I fear them. I sort of know how to fire one. But I don't want a bunch of self-righteous politicians and fundamentalists dictating whether or not I can have a weapon to defend myself. Maybe the screening process.... oh, who are we kidding here? As I said - if a person wants a weapon, they can find it. It's like Prohibition. "No alcohol allowed." And of course, there's a guy around the corner saying, "Hey - you want booze? Follow me." Human nature (I don't like human nature, most of the time.)
I think that whole "We're more popular (greater) than Jesus" was, of course, blown out of proportion. Who knew at the time that every utterance would be taken as God's truth? It was a younger generation, but there will always be that slant between the words spoken and what the media portrays.
Every time a Lennon song plays, I cry, even if it's a happy song. I cry because the life I have now is zero-idealistic. This world is all about money and power. It's not about peace and love and joy - and that's why I cry. All Lennon wanted was truth. I don't think he got it before he died, but I sincerely hope we who survive him get it. I hope that something can break through this horrible division that keeps the upper-echelon totally removed from those who struggle every day to survive. I hope for hope.
Um, and to keep this on track - I still love this song, and the late John Lennon. He truly was a visionary who backed what he believed.
I guess Julian Assange heard John Lennon's message.
I wonder if someone who was shot through the back with four hollow point rounds and lived for a while after can rest in peace. I'm so glad that there are no laws to prevent nutcases like his murderer to easily obtain concealable firearms and super-lethal ammo.
On a more serious note ... the Beatles were chastised for comparing their popularity to Jesus Christ. Yet, John's later songs project a message that echos Jesus Christ's. They would have gotten along well together, methinks. Each died a violent death and are resurrected (in a sense). After 30 years, I miss him more than ever.

John Lennon 1969 Photo Session by rising70

John Lennon played his cards close to the vest. And this song is one of those cards. Ever duplicated, never matched. I miss you, my friend.
The US album version of Generation X had this Lennon' song as the leadoff cut, and dare I say, the young, snotty boys nailed it.

I only ever heard the old Generation X punk (Billy Idol's early band) version of this...how did I miss that this was a John Lennon song? Duh!
Ahh not of the age to have turned this album 3000 times like us old farts did
The content, and the anger expressed therein, are a big part of this song. The connection between Bush's lies and the lyrics "I've had enough of reading things by neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians" and "No short-haired, yellow-bellied son of Tricky Dicky's gonna Mother Hubbard soft soap me with just a pocket full of hope" is quite pertinent. The song is meant to provoke such reflections.
More pertinent than ever.
"John Lenon y Yoko Ono, and The Plastic Ono Elephant's Memory Band, this was their last concert together"
Lennon was a young man when he wrote songs like this and Imagine. I wonder, too, if he were still alive —- he'd be 68 now —- if "the truth" would be so obvious to him.
This is a fantastic song...
I only ever heard the old Generation X punk (Billy Idol's early band) version of this...how did I miss that this was a John Lennon song? Duh!
This is a fantastic song...
It is. John was an ass. And he was a god.
Wouldn't it be fun to have him around right now. Bet he'd have a few things to say ;-)
Could you "IMAGINE" what John Lennon, would have done with the Bush administration, if he felt he was not getting truth during the Nixon administration?
" "Oh My Love" is a song written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono that appeared on Lennon's Imagine album. George Harrison contributed guitar on this and several other songs for the album. Oh My Love is considered by many to be one of Lennon's finest vocal performances", in Wikipedia.org.
John Lennon and George Harrison in 1971 recording "Oh My Love"
Sorry...had to vent. Now, back to the music.
The content, and the anger expressed therein, are a big part of this song. The connection between Bush's lies and the lyrics "I've had enough of reading things by neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians" and "No short-haired, yellow-bellied son of Tricky Dicky's gonna Mother Hubbard soft soap me with just a pocket full of hope" is quite pertinent. The song is meant to provoke such reflections.
Could you "IMAGINE" what John Lennon, would have done with the Bush administration, if he felt he was not getting truth during the Nixon administration?
Sorry...had to vent. Now, back to the music.
You are free to skip any posts that get your panties in a bunch.
Sorry...had to vent. Now, back to the music.
Indeed! Brilliant song.
Sorry...had to vent. Now, back to the music.
The invasion was justified by Bush on there actually being WMD in Iraq. The administration did make equivocations, that's true, but that is just twaddle. They claimed to the American people and the world that they knew . They did not know. It's more like they feared (we all did). How is that not a lie?
The feared thing is interesting, and is on all fours with a fairly lengthy defense of the Iraq invasion that our good friends at the National Review published.
Don't get me wrong —- I would love it if it could be proven that Bush lied.
I happen to think that he did, but as Colin Powell once said, "Tell me first what you know and what you don't know, and then you can tell me what you think."
What we know is that the WMD and 9/11 arguments remain unproven, and that the Bushies will argue to their last breath that they acted based on the information they had at the time.
You may not believe that —- I certainly don't —- but only Dubya will ever really know if he lied or not.
Easy for you to say.
And I reiterate, it's just never as simple as "Bush lied". If my decoder ring is accurate, you appear to be saying that that's unlikely. But we'll never know, will we?
The invasion was justified by Bush on there actually being WMD in Iraq. The administration did make equivocations, that's true, but that is just twaddle. They claimed to the American people and the world that they knew . They did not know. It's more like they feared (we all did). How is that not a lie?
correction: we cannot be certain that he knew that there were NOT WMD in Iraq, he probably in fact thought that they were there. We can, however, be 100% certain that he did not know for certain that they were there (because they were in fact not there). It's not really that difficult.
Easy for you to say.
And I reiterate, it's just never as simple as "Bush lied". If my decoder ring is accurate, you appear to be saying that that's unlikely. But we'll never know, will we?
"Bush lied" as a for instance: It can't be categorically denied that he didn't, or proven that he did.
My head hurts. I wish "truth" was as easy to discern as our colleague RadioDoc says.
correction: we cannot be certain that he knew that there were NOT WMD in Iraq, he probably in fact thought that they were there. We can, however, be 100% certain that he did not know for certain that they were there (because they were in fact not there). It's not really that difficult.
I think it's the other way around: some affirmations can be discarded as probably false, and everything that hasn't been discarded in this manner can be held as probably (or possibly) true, with the provision that the "truth" thus obtained shall be subject to revision. This is how science works, and science is the best method our species has come up with for bringing our minds a bit more into harmony with external reality.
Lennon's lyrics, however, seem to be referring to "truth" in another sense, i.e. statements that are not deliberate lies. He was probably saying "Cut the crap and get real" in a more refined, poetic way.
"Bush lied" as a for instance: It can't be categorically denied that he didn't, or proven that he did.
My head hurts. I wish "truth" was as easy to discern as our colleague RadioDoc says.
I think it's the other way around: some affirmations can be discarded as probably false, and everything that hasn't been discarded in this manner can be held as probably (or possibly) true, with the provision that the "truth" thus obtained shall be subject to revision. This is how science works, and science is the best method our species has come up with for bringing our minds a bit more into harmony with external reality.
Lennon's lyrics, however, seem to be referring to "truth" in another sense, i.e. statements that are not deliberate lies. He was probably saying "Cut the crap and get real" in a more refined, poetic way.
Yeah, it should be that simple. Good f**king luck proving it.
As a for instance, let's posit that Rush Limbaugh is an obese, drug addicted college dropout.
Every sentence he utters is a $20 million lie. Want the truth? Thom Hartmann will give you the truth and nothing but the truth.
Truth is true. Everything else is false. Pretty simple, really.
Yeah, it should be that simple. Good f**king luck proving it.
As a for instance, let's posit that Rush Limbaugh is an obese, drug addicted college dropout.
Truth is true. Everything else is false. Pretty simple, really.
(Yeah I know I'm dragging up a year-old comment.)
Not better or worse — just different. His music changed as his life changed.
See this is the problem with most humans, always wanting something that doesn't exist. Truth is nothing more than a mental construct, your truth will differ from mine and neither of them are of any importance whatsoever.
Yeah ...
But then, as another post has pointed out, there's just plain f**king lies, which got the US into the Iraq war.
The lyrics to this tune, while heartfelt, aren't that great. Check out Magic by Springsteen.
Here, here.
Well, there it is. The greatest psychological problem of our age (the insistence that nothing is certain, knowledge is impossible, our perceptions are not fit to perceive reality) declaring itself the solution.
It is our tendency to swallow crap like this which is the 'problem with most humans'.