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Dave Matthews Band — Seek Up
Album: Live At Red Rocks
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Total ratings: 1145

Released: 1997
Length: 13:28
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Sometimes I feel like I'm falling
Fall back again, fall back again,
Fall back again, fall back again

Oh, life it seems a struggle between
What we see what we do
I'm not going to change my ways
Just to please you or appease you
Look at this crowd, six billion proud
Willing to punch it out
Right, wrong, weak, strong
Ashes to ashes all fall down
Look around about this round
About this merry-go-round and around
If at all God's gaze upon us falls
It's with a mischievous grin, look at him

Forget about the reasons and
The treasons we are seeking
Forget about the notion that
Our emotions can be kept at bay
Forget about being guilty,
We are innocent instead
For soon we will all find our lives swept away

Look at me in my fancy car
And my bank account
Oh, how I wish I could take it all down
Into my grave, I'd save
Take a look again, take a look again,
Take a look again
Everyday things change,...stay the same

Forget about the reasons and
The treasons we are seeking
Forget about the notion that your emotions can be
Wept away, kept at bay
Forget about being guilty, i am innocent instead
For soon we will all find our lives swept away

You seek up an emotion
And our cup is overflowing
You seek up an emotion,
Sometimes your well is dry
You seek up a big monster
For him to fight your wars for you
But when he finds his way to you, the devil's not
Going--ha, ha

Say, oh say

Late at night with TV's hungry child
His belly swells
Oh, for a price of a coke or a smoke
I could keep alive those hungy eyes
Take a look again, take a look again
Take a look again
Every day things change
But basically you and me stay the same(*)

Forget about the reasons and
The treasons we are seeking
Forget about the notion that
Our emotions can be kept at bay
Intentions are not wicked,
Don't be tricked into thinking so
Soon we will all find our lives swept away

You seek up an emotion
And our cup is overflowing
You seek up an emotion,
Sometimes your well is dry
You seek up a big monster
For him to fight your wars for you
But when he finds his way to you,
The devil's not going--ha, ha

Fall back again, fall back again,
fall back again...
Comments (403)add comment
 scrubbrush wrote:

Interesting because, for the life of me, I can't understand the blanket "I hate all DMB music" that a lot of folks spew across every DMB comment section. 

This song is amazing to me. The way it builds then releases. The joyful introspection of the lyrics. The fucking passion of the musicians! I've been listening to this song for over 20 years now and I still turn it up to 10 every time it comes on.

Case in point: Can't say that I "hate all DMB music" but I do find much of it to be repetitive. With that said, I love this piece.
 camerashy wrote:

Lordy, I didn't like that one! 
For the life of me I don't understand Dave Matthews's popularity

It sort of reminds me of that scene in an old Woody Allen movie where one older lady says she didn't like the food in a restaurant and her friend agrees and says..' and the portions were so small!'
That 'song' wasn't enjoyable and the portion was way too large!

Interesting because, for the life of me, I can't understand the blanket "I hate all DMB music" that a lot of folks spew across every DMB comment section. 

This song is amazing to me. The way it builds then releases. The joyful introspection of the lyrics. The fucking passion of the musicians! I've been listening to this song for over 20 years now and I still turn it up to 10 every time it comes on.
I first heard this song on Radio Paradise in 2013 and can't get enough of it. Its energy is overwhelming. My wife and me at once became (continuous) big fans of DMB. We really like their music and got the rare chance to meet the band in a concert in Berlin last year after their absence in Europe for nearly five years (the main reason why e.g. in Gernany DMB is almost unknown).Thanks RP for being introduced to the great music and band.
Lordy, I didn't like that one! 
For the life of me I don't understand Dave Matthews's popularity

It sort of reminds me of that scene in an old Woody Allen movie where one older lady says she didn't like the food in a restaurant and her friend agrees and says..' and the portions were so small!'
That 'song' wasn't enjoyable and the portion was way too large!
Fingernails on the chalkboard.  Can't say exactly what it is that makes me hate this but this is the worst of whatever "it" is.
 SECA_Alan wrote:
Epic musicianship for sure, but I just don't believe the stories these guys are telling. Not for want of trying....

DMB somehow always feel pretentious IMHO, music for music's sake, or other musicians. 

This is pretty much exactly how I feel about DMB.  I'm not a hater and I do like a few of his songs.  But most of them, this included, just drive me up the wall with his weird voice inflections.  For as much crap as people throw at Bono and U2, Dave Mathews seems at least twice as pretentious.
Epic musicianship for sure, but I just don't believe the stories these guys are telling. Not for want of trying....

DMB somehow always feel pretentious IMHO, music for music's sake, or other musicians. 
 RCinSoCal wrote:

HAAA!!  Pardon my lack of musical sophistication, but I am always a bit puzzled by the overwhelming majority of comments against music of the DMB...  So this made me laff out loud.  As I prepare to be around serious annual family drama tomorrow. :))

He's an annoying wanker and the "haters" can't stand it.
Cue the haters...

I was at this concert.  One glorious evening of sound overlooking the Denver Metro area in one of the best venues on the planet. 
ever try to psd your way out of a bad song and it just won't let you? Had to keep trying and was finally set free with Iron Butterfly, yay!
in-a-gadda-dave-matthews free baby 
This is just awful. I'm trying very hard to hear what the artist created............can't do it!      {#No}
Sucko Barfo on a galactic scale.  How the phuck did this guy ever make it{#No}
 justin_cook wrote:

...and of course this page is filled with rich comments from people making the world such a better place... i'm sure.   Talk about timesome.

HAAA!!  Pardon my lack of musical sophistication, but I am always a bit puzzled by the overwhelming majority of comments against music of the DMB...  So this made me laff out loud.  As I prepare to be around serious annual family drama tomorrow. :))
 Nadine wrote:
my first time for hitting the psd button. god, this song is long. and...an awful listen. my ears started bleeding!
poor dear, this was posted on a Christmas Eve  : (       yes,  psd the DMB
 alexmwalker wrote:

Or instruments..

Or Dave.
overwrought, self-indulgent whining.

No sir, I don't like it.
Carter Beauford needs to change his snare drum sometimes. That high pitched, dry 'tic' doesn't work with everything.
 Meolla_Reio wrote:
Could have been much better without audience.

Or instruments..
Another hot chocolate mess from the DMB.  Turned on RP with a big smile on my face, coffee in hand, it's gonna be a GREAT day!...and this musical travesty comes forth from my speakers.  UGH.
thought is was an acoustic twilight zone for a minute...
 bitbanger wrote:
Sadly this guy has gotten tiresome.

...and of course this page is filled with rich comments from people making the world such a better place... i'm sure.   Talk about timesome.
An amazing song to see played live. Love those drums Carter! Not my favorite version but rating it a 10 to offset the whiny Dave haters.
"Fuckin' long i'n'it?"
By the time it ends you can hear that most of what's going on is tics and mannerisms ... a little hard to listen to.  
A sonic disaster.
 kcar wrote:

For all the time you spent typing out your griping, you could have hit the PSD button 10 times. 

Some of us don't listen through the app or website and don't have access to the PSD button. Or we're driving. So we tough it out.
RIP LeRoi Moore
another one of those shitty songs that does not "psd" so I've got to mute the fucka, hate when that happens
 kcar wrote:

For all the time you spent typing out your griping, you could have hit the PSD button 10 times. 

The griping, or crying if you prefer, is the point for these people.
didn't mind the music but that moaning noise, what a dreadful voice.
 arserocket wrote:
What, this isn't over yet?

Unending droning noise

Can anyone else in his band sing lead?

my first time for hitting the psd button. god, this song is long. and...an awful listen. my ears started bleeding!

I like this about as much as I like most of DMB's other songs.  That's why I gave it a 2.

Jissis does this song ever end?

Sucko Barfo! I want the last 8 minutes of my life back.

don't shoot the messenger, I'm sure his mother loves him

For all the time you spent typing out your griping, you could have hit the PSD button 10 times. 
Love this version
damn, that was long. ugh.
The horror, the horror!

I like some DMB songs, but not this one.    3, being generous....no wait.....giving it a 2......excessive squeaky violin playing just sealed the deal for a 2.
What, this isn't over yet?

Unending droning noise

Can anyone else in his band sing lead?

my first time for hitting the psd button. god, this song is long. and...an awful listen. my ears started bleeding!

I like this about as much as I like most of DMB's other songs.  That's why I gave it a 2.

Jissis does this song ever end?

Sucko Barfo! I want the last 8 minutes of my life back.

don't shoot the messenger, I'm sure his mother loves him
Can anyone else in his band sing lead?
Creative genius
Unending droning noise
Flaccid Rock                         1
Say what you will about Dave Matthews, but the late great Leroi Moore and his sax make the intro to this song so special. He was truly one of a kind.
my first time for hitting the psd button. god, this song is long. and...an awful listen. my ears started bleeding!
Could have been much better without audience.
Sucko Barfo! I want the last 8 minutes of my life back.
Jissis does this song ever end?
Here it sounds quite obvious Dave Matthews dreams about Blue Turtles.
I like this about as much as I like most of DMB's other songs.  That's why I gave it a 2.
 scrubbrush wrote:

Amen. I enjoyed a lot of DMB stuff a while back and still love a handful of songs (this being one) but I'll always respect his talent and the talent of his fellow musicians. DMB is like broccoli: some people decided they didn't like it 20 years ago and never got over that initial descision.

I totally see your perspective (I think), but this performance really seems to work the same vein so completely that whatever inspiration may have initiated it seems lost far back along the trail. I am generally agnostic about his divinity, but can appreciate the effort that went into this performance. Just not moved in any direction
I like DMB, but this, this, is God awful. I think it has to be one of those "you had to be there" songs.
What, this isn't over yet?
 govna wrote:
Great band, most annoying fans ever (excluding Phish fans, of course).

But aren't they usually the same people anyhow?  They're definitely not mutually exclusive.
NOOOOOOO.......Make it stop! Every song sounds exactly like every other song! 
 WonderLizard wrote:
I'm not a rabid DM fan. I tend to take him in measured doses. But this monumental opus is amazing. The haters can say what they want—of course, they always do—about DM, but he's never stuck in a rut, is absolutely committed to his music, and has kept his band pretty much intact (RIP LeRoi Moore).

Amen. I enjoyed a lot of DMB stuff a while back and still love a handful of songs (this being one) but I'll always respect his talent and the talent of his fellow musicians. DMB is like broccoli: some people decided they didn't like it 20 years ago and never got over that initial descision.
It ran a little long for my tastes. And then about 10 minutes beyond that.

Oy, that MUZAK SAX!

 bitbanger wrote:
Sadly this guy has gotten tiresome.
Very good song!
 aspicer wrote:
I really like DMB... and this does go on too long. I'm sure great live, just not on the radio...

It probably does suffer from the transition away from the stage, but on the radio it's interminable. 
Sadly this guy has gotten tiresome.
Outgrown most of his catalog but this one still makes me crank the volume
I'm not a rabid DM fan. I tend to take him in measured doses. But this monumental opus is amazing. The haters can say what they want--of course, they always do--about DM, but he's never stuck in a rut, is absolutely committed to his music, and has kept his band pretty much intact (RIP LeRoi Moore).
 peregrin8 wrote:

the solution for that is easy: choose any European radio station and you won't have to endure any DMB. 

And with that leave the good eclectic music mix for us Europeans who want more of it...

Here you go: https://www.rthess.gr/ Enjoy.
I really like DMB... and this does go on too long. I'm sure great live, just not on the radio...
Fantastic version of this epic tune! Sweet way to open a show as well.

Hoping for a bust out at Deer Creek this weekend:)
Sometimes I listen to DMB ALL DAY.
This is a fantastic song.
What was Dave on here? Or just super tired on the road from many shows and free forming looped wayyyy out? Usually his wordplay is much crisper than this.
...... as it finished yet!!?
 dig wrote:

I actually listen to rp to escape from mainstream shlock like DMB...Don't care much for prog rock (oxymoron) either.

the solution for that is easy: choose any European radio station and you won't have to endure any DMB. 

And with that leave the good eclectic music mix for us Europeans who want more of it...
 ckcotton wrote:
WOW.... Incredibly low rating for what I consider one of DMB's best songs...

Just my worthless opinion though.... 

You must be looking at the average rating, it is meaningless in the case of DMB.
DMB has both hard core haters & fans, so votes pile up in two distinct peaks - take your pick of 1 or 7.5.
Gosh, I should have hit PSD ages ago!
Great band, most annoying fans ever (excluding Phish fans, of course).
WOW.... Incredibly low rating for what I consider one of DMB's best songs...

Just my worthless opinion though.... 
 Coldcreek wrote:
Reminds me a little British band ,named Marillion 
She chameleon,Watch the lizard, song...end of 90's

She Chameleon from the Fugazi album - 1984
5.6?? You have to be insane !!!! Unbelievable :^ /
Reminds me a little British band ,named Marillion 
She chameleon,Watch the lizard, song...end of 90's
It would be interesting to hear a Dave Matthews/Eddie Vedder duet (both in growel mode). Excruciating, but interesting. They would have to put me into one of those oral surgery chairs with the big velcro straps to keep me from hurting myself.
Live, the way dmb should be heard
Somebody's gonna have to convince me Dave's not actually in pain here.
DMB = Love or Hate. I love it (and I think it's a great live album - bought it many many years ago in Boston).
 Toke wrote:

Then its obvious you are listening to the wrong Radio Prog ... this to me is simply amazing such musicianship would be welcome at any jazz/Prog Rock venue worldwide, He sure is one Dude and has such an amazing band .. so to score one is beyond me.PS I am trying to get my dinner out of the oven Bill... Cant leave until its finished ...

I actually listen to rp to escape from mainstream shlock like DMB...Don't care much for prog rock (oxymoron) either.
 dig wrote:
My first 1.

Then its obvious you are listening to the wrong Radio Prog ... this to me is simply amazing such musicianship would be welcome at any jazz/Prog Rock venue worldwide, He sure is one Dude and has such an amazing band .. so to score one is beyond me.PS I am trying to get my dinner out of the oven Bill... Cant leave until its finished ...
 Jazbo wrote:
There is no doubt he's feeling it.....

Pity I'm not.... meandering nonsense dressed up as 'intellectual muzik'!!
 owchita wrote:
BTW is this the Red Rocks near Colorado Springs?

Red Rocks is in Colorodo, but it is just west of Denver on the way up into the front range.  Suburban Denver actually, just 15 minutes (or so) outside of the city.  One of the most fantastic venues in the world.
There is no doubt he's feeling it.....
Musicians in this band are stellar! Too bad I don't like the result too much.
 oldsaxon wrote:
I really like this. The artists all get a chance to stretch out a bit, Dave sings clever lyrics in his usual nasaly but, to me, not awful way. Nice melody, great driving drums, tight bassline....what's not to like, really?

oh, yeah, I forgot. He got popular...shame on him.


Yeah, right.  People like him.  How dare he make music people like.{#Lol}
Alto or soprano sax? My ears are failing me this morning....
 dig wrote:
My first 1.

Wake Up!
BTW is this the Red Rocks near Colorado Springs?
My first 1.

This guy has been singing the same song for 20 years now, and getting away with it.  Now that's talent.

I really like this. The artists all get a chance to stretch out a bit, Dave sings clever lyrics in his usual nasaly but, to me, not awful way. Nice melody, great driving drums, tight bassline....what's not to like, really?

oh, yeah, I forgot. He got popular...shame on him.
Let's face it.  Dave's a stud. I am giving this an 8 to balance out all the unfair negativity against Dave.   If I were a woman, I'd want to lay with this man.........{#Foot-in-mouth}


Most excellent, at least!


Well  —>  9 !

I have never given him his due.  My problem, really.
 sajitjacob wrote:
Back in the troubled days of my youth I didn't like Dave and his band but in these halcyon days it seems to tickle my fancy somewhat.
Perhaps it really is old people's music, anyway I like it.
Hmmm... I'm feeling pretty much the opposite upon TRYING to listen to (tolerate) this piece. I tried, number of years ago, to appreciate Dave's music, because my older son was really into it... and some of it I found listenable and somewhat enjoyable (mainly because I appreciate jazz somewhat).

But now, hearing this... I agree with the previous poster: a whole lot of "screeching and wailing"... in this case, Dave, not the audience.



Awful... just DREADFUL.

Steve (older guy... 57... who doesn't agree this is "old people's music")
.......Several days later.............
Back in the troubled days of my youth I didn't like Dave and his band but in these halcyon days it seems to tickle my fancy somewhat.
Perhaps it really is old people's music, anyway I like it.
 mrdak wrote:


How many years does Dave Matthews plan to continue re-recording the same song?
 funkyalfonso wrote:
I have heard some of DMB that I sort of liked but this is just awful...make it stop.
I've spent the last 10 minutes giving this song the benefit of the doubt. It was a tiresome time.
 MiracleDrug wrote:

don't get the hate...
at all...
these guys SINGLEHANDEDLY brought fusion back from the musical scrap-heap..


I have heard some of DMB that I sort of liked but this is just awful...make it stop.

don't get the hate...
at all...
these guys SINGLEHANDEDLY brought fusion back from the musical scrap-heap..


 Art_Carnage wrote:

You can ask the same question about Dane Cook. There is absolutely nothing remotely humorous in his act. But people whoop and cheer (though there's not much actual laughter).

I'm from deepintheheart of Europe and have never heard of Dane Cook, but perhaps that's because of his lack of humor

dave is a musical stud.
Put me in the Dave is bloody brilliant camp. The more I hear him, the more I like him.

This is an awesome live performance!
I actually don't mind this song...but DMB's "live" albums have grown tiresome and this version of Seek Up is particularily dull. Ever since Kenny G I do not need to hear saxaphone anymore...nevermind sax solos and fills every 20 seconds.  3
 MM13 wrote:
You can argue about DMB's music, whether it's dull or brilliant or whatever. What I really don't understand though, is the hysterical audience they attract. I mean, come on... it's not like they're incredibly good looking or make really exciting music. Then why the incessant screaming? I saw them in Europe once, because I was curious what they would be like live. Apparently a large group of crusties had travelled along and made the whole concert completely unbearable because of their screeching and wailing (no, not the band...)
You can ask the same question about Dane Cook. There is absolutely nothing remotely humorous in his act. But people whoop and cheer (though there's not much actual laughter).

What 's wrong with this guys voice? I can't stand it. sounds like he's singing through a Milk web in his throat.
What a waste of a band.

Holy crap, this sucks.
You can argue about DMB's music, whether it's dull or brilliant or whatever. What I really don't understand though, is the hysterical audience they attract. I mean, come on... it's not like they're incredibly good looking or make really exciting music. Then why the incessant screaming? I saw them in Europe once, because I was curious what they would be like live. Apparently a large group of crusties had travelled along and made the whole concert completely unbearable because of their screeching and wailing (no, not the band...)
It's a while now since I've bothered to comment on RP. But I just have to say that this is the longest set of out-of-tune "musicians" there is on the RP playlist. Time to give it a loooooooooooooooooooong rest, please.
Well, it's not the worst DMB track I've ever heard, and the instrumental opening is quite nice. I was actaully enthralled enough to tab on over, only to discover I was listening to DMB. "Better wait on getting all excited, " I thought. So it gets a solid 5 for the time being.
Uugggggghhhh. Get rid of Matthews and Kenny G and this would almost be listenable.  Or not...