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Natalie Merchant — Carnival (Live)
Album: Live in Concert
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Total ratings: 3148

Released: 1999
Length: 6:54
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Well I've walked these streets
A virtual stage it seemed to me
Makeup on their faces
Actors took their places next to me

Well I've walked these streets
In a carnival of sights to see
All the cheap thrill seekers
The vendors and the dealers they crowded around me

Have I been blind
Have I been lost inside myself and my own mind
Hypnotized mesmerized by what my eyes have seen

Well I've walked these streets
In a spectacle of wealth and poverty
In the diamond market
The scarlet welcome carpet that they just rolled out for me

And I've walked these streets
In the madhouse asylum they can be
Where a wild eyed misfit prophet on a traffic island stopped
And he raved of saving me

Have I been blind
Have I been lost inside myself and my own mind
Hypnotized mesmerized by what my eyes have seen

Have I been wrong
Have I been wise to shut my eyes and play along
Hypnotized paralyzed by what my eyes have found
By what my eyes have seen
What they have seen

Have I been blind
Have I been lost have I been wrong
Have I been wise have I been strong
Have I been hypnotized mesmerized
By what my eyes have found

In that great street carnival
In that carnival
Comments (312)add comment
Western NY - represent!
Geez I love this song. 
 lizardking wrote:

Odd....when I went to Urban Dictionary and typed in INSIPID the first listing appeared to be about your post....https://www.urbandictionary.co...

So you dont like her. Then don't  listen. Who cares what you think. 
Love this version
Epic sound
Going to need to go back and listen to the studio version.  I don't recall this wonderful bassline at all...

The instrumental parts between the bass and guitar on this performance are tasefully awesome!
I don't care for the vocals, but boy do the band groove and the guitar purr.
 Pjesnik wrote:
In virtuosity, this live performance equals  Reed's version of Sweet Jane from Rock and Roll Animal.
Wow I don't see it at all.  Hunter (with Wagner) added an episodic, original, thrilling dual-guitar intro to Reed's simple three chord anthem.  In this Merchant song, the guitarist is just soloing over the (three-chord?) changes of the original song.
 pomalley wrote:

People have commented on the guitar on this song... and really, if you listen to the whole album i.e. the Tiger Lily album where this song came from, the guitar work is awesome.  

A different guitarist on the album. The fantastic Jennifer Turner was on the studio recording. For me, this live version really lacks those iconic licks throughout the song.
I turn this one up for the guitar. That's all I'm gonna' say about that.  :-)
Yeah, it was overplayed; or was it? I always stop and listen to the lyrics and her presentation thereof...who sounds like her? No one.
10000 Maniacs continued on without Natalie, with arguably a better vocalist in Mary Ramsey (who also plays viola).
Not as good as Jen on the guitar.  But ok. 
You might enjoy this carnival song...https://youtu.be/AdKV4i1K4b8
I'm getting some 'Rosanna' vibes at the beginning of this song.
I see why B played this after the Neil Young.  The guitarist sounds like/plays like Neil.  Nice track!
Nice version - but no Jenn Turner on guitar ... means it is missing something. 
People have commented on the guitar on this song... and really, if you listen to the whole album i.e. the Tiger Lily album where this song came from, the guitar work is awesome.  
 Proclivities wrote:

Pretty cool guitar on this track, nice bass too.

In virtuosity, this live performance equals  Reed's version of Sweet Jane from Rock and Roll Animal.   
Great album - my favourite track is 'Gulf of Araby', though the Katell Keineg performance of it is perhaps still my fave. We need to hear some Keineg - any time.
this rocks
Love this girls voice more each time I hear any of her songs.
 talexb wrote:
I don't often mention this, but what a great bass sound on this track. There's nothing like a good foundation to make a fantastic performance.
Word! I was just about to mention that. The bassist is likely Steve Gustafson who is a founding member of 10,000 Maniacs.

I don't often mention this, but what a great bass sound on this track. There's nothing like a good foundation to make a fantastic performance.
 kbs wrote:
I've just realised that to me Natalie is a female version of Eddie Vedder (or vice versa). The vocal delivery appears similar, and neither of them floats my boat, although with continued RP exposure I find the occasional track that seems more accessible. 
 Umm she is not the female version of Eddie Vedder....there is only one Eddie!

I've tried to like Natalie, hell I even went to a 10000 Maniacs concert  In a small venue.But when she comes on, I have to move on....so I will.
I've just realised that to me Natalie is a female version of Eddie Vedder (or vice versa). The vocal delivery appears similar, and neither of them floats my boat, although with continued RP exposure I find the occasional track that seems more accessible. 
I love this song every single time. 
voce interessante - bella canzone - dal vivo immagino davvero accattivante
i like this version
MERCHANT here sounds like she's sick of singing this tune.
 Segue wrote:
I love RP. I have been a fan since before RP even existed. I am at a point where I can finally support RP and send gratitude for being the soundtrack and often the solace of this strange time we are in. 

What I don't understand is the appeal of this INSIPID woman. Go ahead. Google it. Go to Urban Dictionary. If you can spell INSIPID the first listing will be Natalie Merchant.


Odd....when I went to Urban Dictionary and typed in INSIPID the first listing appeared to be about your post....https://www.urbandictionary.co...
I always hear " wild eyed Mr. Coffee" instead of "misfit prophet ". Love the song.
love the bass
Who is the guitarist?
One of the greatest female artists of the last few decades!!....Distinctive!!....nobody like her!!...an Italian girl from Jamestown,NY....the same city that Lucy Ball was born in!!...I've watched her evolve over the years from 10,000 Maniacs to where she is today.I truly love this artist!!
Anyone else know that this was the song that the (alleged) serial killer Aileen Warnos wanted played at her funeral?  To hear the words and know her background story, sends a shiver.  She nailed it with this tune.
 h8rhater wrote:

Prophet.,,,,,I thought you thought she was saying, "crazy oddball financial gain"....wow....
Yup, too fast in typing, and lyrical spellcheck. Thanks for the correction. Smarty pants...... 
Love this track! Bill, please play Gulf Of Araby as well. Pretty please!
 rsfc_carp wrote:
I'm not a Merchant fan at all, but this is one song where the music and instrumentals really seem to work well with her otherwise annoying (to me) vocal traits.
Exactly my thoughts too. Though with age I got myself liking her more (found her really annoying when I was young). 

Very nice groove and bass too.
My Favourite song of hers. Great Vocal by NM.  Not to take away from the rest of the band but I love the guitar work on this song if a bit heavy on the distotion.
NM rules, but to appease haters I'll say I prefer studio version of this marvelous song.
Love it -- and kinda sad, thoughtful music this morning. Sorta fits my mood though...especially when I listen to the news and see the dire projections of how many registered voters will NOT bother to vote in the election on Tuesday Nov 6. Guess I'm just feeling melancholy. Please vote, folks! It's more important than ever this time. Sorry for the rant.
as a matter of principle I don’t like Natalie Metchant’s stuff. But I like this. 
 Segue wrote:

So the lameness (of Natalie Merchant) grates at times. 

If you'll merely turn your eyes to the average rating of this song, you'll notice that your opinion, however ... loud, is a minority, at least for this one.  I submit for your consideration ... that maybe it's just you.
 Segue wrote:
I love RP. I have been a fan since before RP even existed. I am at a point where I can finally support RP and send gratitude for being the soundtrack and often the solace of this strange time we are in. 

What I don't understand is the appeal of this INSIPID woman. Go ahead. Google it. Go to Urban Dictionary. If you can spell INSIPID the first listing will be Natalie Merchant.

Billbecca and RP can slip into a set Dave Matthews (ack) or Hootie and the Counting Crowfish and make it work and maybe even enjoyable and always sneaks in there with some gem by DS or Mark Knopfler who is not my cuppa tea .... but there are apparently no redeeming qualities to this lame, pretentious former star of 10,000 Maniacs. I don't get it. Do you? 

It's no joke that we count on RP in any and all life events, and when I send my tithe I have a story for Billbecca about that. So at some point, we feel perhaps proprietary to RP with all due respect and show gratitude for the EXCEPTIONAL LEVEL OF ARTISTRY AND PUBLIC SERVIE exemplified here.

So the lameness (of Natalie Merchant) grates at times. 

I would tend to agree and add Bob Dylan, but this is one of a few very good tunes to my ears.
I love RP. I have been a fan since before RP even existed. I am at a point where I can finally support RP and send gratitude for being the soundtrack and often the solace of this strange time we are in. 

What I don't understand is the appeal of this INSIPID woman. Go ahead. Google it. Go to Urban Dictionary. If you can spell INSIPID the first listing will be Natalie Merchant.

Billbecca and RP can slip into a set Dave Matthews (ack) or Hootie and the Counting Crowfish and make it work and maybe even enjoyable and always sneaks in there with some gem by DS or Mark Knopfler who is not my cuppa tea .... but there are apparently no redeeming qualities to this lame, pretentious former star of 10,000 Maniacs. I don't get it. Do you? 

It's no joke that we count on RP in any and all life events, and when I send my tithe I have a story for Billbecca about that. So at some point, we feel perhaps proprietary to RP with all due respect and show gratitude for the EXCEPTIONAL LEVEL OF ARTISTRY AND PUBLIC SERVIE exemplified here.

So the lameness (of Natalie Merchant) grates at times. 

This article reports on a study that links empathy with how the brain processes music, and even with a taste for sad music!
Very interesting, to me.
I had to find out whether I was empathetic or not; so here's another link, for a "quick and dirty" test for empathy.
and thanks, Wallaby!
I concur, totally...  Thanks for what you wrote! 

haretic wrote:
Reading some of the negative comments below, I wondered for a moment if I was in some tiny minority. I give this song a 10, without reservation! And I see that some 980 listeners out of some 2000 who rated the song consider it "Most Excellent" or better; so I have no reason to feel alone.
I will say, though, that it seems to me that singers who have strongly "affected" sounding voices seem to limit significantly the range of songs they can perform convincingly. (I have no idea whether Natalie Merchant deliberately projects that sort of "echo-y" sound into her singing or if it is just a natural quality of her voice). In many songs she sings, I do find her voice is a distraction from the song, regrettably.

Ms. Merchant wrote this song, and it is by far my favorite of the songs I've heard her sing. The lyrics are perfectly suited to her hauntingly emotive, sadly atmospheric delivery. (I do not hear any "phoned in" quality at all)!
I would also rate the studio version a 10. I do usually rate a live version slightly higher, 'cuz it's live!

Reading some of the negative comments below, I wondered for a moment if I was in some tiny minority. I give this song a 10, without reservation! And I see that some 980 listeners out of some 2000 who rated the song consider it "Most Excellent" or better; so I have no reason to feel alone.
I will say, though, that it seems to me that singers who have strongly "affected" sounding voices seem to limit significantly the range of songs they can perform convincingly. (I have no idea whether Natalie Merchant deliberately projects that sort of "echo-y" sound into her singing or if it is just a natural quality of her voice). In many songs she sings, I do find her voice is a distraction from the song, regrettably.

Ms. Merchant wrote this song, and it is by far my favorite of the songs I've heard her sing. The lyrics are perfectly suited to her hauntingly emotive, sadly atmospheric delivery. (I do not hear any "phoned in" quality at all)!
I would also rate the studio version a 10. I do usually rate a live version slightly higher, 'cuz it's live!
Ack. Double Plus Ungood .....................................................make it stop!!! The end is excruciating.
I love the song, her voice and the guitar work.
Natalie and band know what they're doing, but this feels uninspired. 
Lifeless, and the studio version actually is OK, has a truly inspired guitar part. This version has the life sucked out of it ..Yawn {#Sleep}
 Krakus wrote:
Do not owe a single Natalie Merchant album or song and proud of it!

Who would you owe a Natalie Merchant album to anyhow?  That seems like a strange debt.
Wake up, Natalie!  You're supposed to be singing!! 
 Krakus wrote:
Do not owe a single Natalie Merchant album or song and proud of it!


 Krakus wrote:
Do not owe a single Natalie Merchant album or song and proud of it!

Your back must be bruised from all the patting. 
 maggierob wrote:
Sometimes she hits a note flat as a pancake. Add to that her gargling marbles while she sings, and you have a couple pretty irritating vocal habits. Too bad — it's a good song, and the backup is great on this track. 

I always thought she was singing about Mr Coffee all these years .....guess she wasn't as I looked up the lyrics here for the first time.
 Krakus wrote:
Just a heads up  she is coming to Portland Oregon this June to play at the Portland Zoo for one of their concert series... You should come{#Motor}


 ScottN wrote:
Shoot the guitarist (metaphorically, of course).

No.  Let's go full barrel.
Do not owe a single Natalie Merchant album or song and proud of it!
 ThePoose wrote:
Should have the opportunity to meet her some day - you might change your tune. Sophomore year in college and the 10,000 Maniacs were playing at our school. I was tasked with following her around all day and being her personal secretary. She put me through my paces and had me running around all day - I think just to prove some point which I could never figure. Stuff like, 

Natalie: I need chewing gum.

Me: What flavor?

Natalie: I don't care, any flavor. 

(20 minutes later)

Me: Here's your gum Ms. Merchant.

Natalie: Oh, call me Natalie. What flavor is this?

Me: Spearmint

Natalie: I HATE spearmint! Go back and get me cinnamon - and I need a box of tampons (I am not making this up!)
Anyway, she was a bit of a c—t, and I don't use the term loosely.  Robert Buck was really cool however. He said at some point that day, "She's just being an a-hole because she signed a deal for a solo album and she's leaving the band after the next few gigs."

So many memories.

sweet story...Why didn't you offer to install one of the tampons? Or two? 

Same story at George Mason University, when she came to Patriot Center in early 1990s. My buddy, who DJ-ed for the college radio asked if he could interview here and Ms. Merchant was also rude to him.


I'm not a Merchant fan at all, but this is one song where the music and instrumentals really seem to work well with her otherwise annoying (to me) vocal traits.
This is really good; probably my favorite of her stuff I hear on RP. The groove is transmitted between her voice and all the instruments!
 Phlegmaticman wrote:
Erik Della Penna is on guitar, apparently.

Pretty cool guitar on this track, nice bass too.
id comment but the stupid spell check keeps changing my text 

could be the wine but I don't think so

any way I really like this song

Loved her with 10,000 Maniacs, not such a fan of her solo stuff.
Wow, this stuff can send you into a trance. Much better than the album version, or at least a very different rendition. Excellent - thanks Nat!
Should have the opportunity to meet her some day - you might change your tune. Sophomore year in college and the 10,000 Maniacs were playing at our school. I was tasked with following her around all day and being her personal secretary. She put me through my paces and had me running around all day - I think just to prove some point which I could never figure. Stuff like, 

Natalie: I need chewing gum.

Me: What flavor?

Natalie: I don't care, any flavor. 

(20 minutes later)

Me: Here's your gum Ms. Merchant.

Natalie: Oh, call me Natalie. What flavor is this?

Me: Spearmint

Natalie: I HATE spearmint! Go back and get me cinnamon - and I need a box of tampons (I am not making this up!)
Anyway, she was a bit of a c—t, and I don't use the term loosely.  Robert Buck was really cool however. He said at some point that day, "She's just being an a-hole because she signed a deal for a solo album and she's leaving the band after the next few gigs."

So many memories.

sweet story...Why didn't you offer to install one of the tampons? Or two? 
Erik Della Penna is on guitar, apparently.
Sometimes she hits a note flat as a pancake. Add to that her gargling marbles while she sings, and you have a couple pretty irritating vocal habits. Too bad — it's a good song, and the backup is great on this track. 
 BowTieDad wrote:
how plays guitar on this?

Steve Howe?
how plays guitar on this?
 jgriffin56 wrote:
I don't know why, but I am a sucker for over driven amps.

well said
Great Live Version. I always really like this song and her voice.
Its fine.
Good music for solitary night shift workers who have nothing else to do except sit comfortably and tune in to RP.
Interesting music, thanks.
There are so many artists out there, yet I hear this track pretty consistently. I don't quite get the attraction. Not a big fan of the original, let alone this live version. I really liked Natalie when she was with Ten Thousand Maniacs. Solo, not so much. Played too often here.
Too much Natalie Merchant play on RP, IMO.  I like her, she is a diva....but I need some variety - there are a lot of great female artists out there.  Please play others more frequently.
The same happened when I saw them in Memphis. Natalie was talking about something, someone yelled for her to shut up and just sing, and she walked off, never to return. In my mind, she was about to sing Verdi Cries, one of my favorites, but I don't know that for sure. Oh well ...  

wgsu_1978 wrote:
Saw her with 10000 Maniacs in Poughkeepsie. A woman started screaming in front and Natalie walked offstage and didn't come back.

Good show otherwise. Tired of her voice quickly after, though.

I don't know why, but I am a sucker for over driven amps.
Saw her with 10000 Maniacs in Poughkeepsie. A woman started screaming in front and Natalie walked offstage and didn't come back.

Good show otherwise. Tired of her voice quickly after, though.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aileen_Wuornos#Execution:

Wuornos requested that Natalie Merchant's song "Carnival" be played at her funeral. Merchant commented on this when asked why she permitted "Carnival" to be played during the credits of the documentary Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer:

When director Nick Broomfield sent a working edit of the film, I was so disturbed by the subject matter that I couldn't even watch it. Aileen Wuornos led a tortured, torturing life that is beyond my worst nightmares. It wasn't until I was told that Aileen spent many hours listening to my album Tigerlily while on death row and requested "Carnival" be played at her funeral that I gave permission for the use of the song. It's very odd to think of the places my music can go once it leaves my hands. If it gave her some solace, I have to be grateful.

This is better than the album version if only for the lack of the annoying backup singer echoing "Wise" "Lost" etc from the album.
My new favorite version, much better live!
 Kaisersosay wrote:
Wildeyed Misfit Profit,,,,,,,,,I thought she was saying Mr Coffee, so I thought she needed caffeine all these years in this song....wow who'd a thunk it.....

Prophet.,,,,,I thought you thought she was saying, "crazy oddball financial gain"....wow....
Wildeyed Misfit Profit,,,,,,,,,I thought she was saying Mr Coffee, so I thought she needed caffeine all these years in this song....wow who'd a thunk it.....
Always moves me.
Natalie Merchant, so soulful.
A perfect melody to listen to, sitting in the winter dark with a nice cup of coffee and a piece of Stollen, and let the mind drift away.
Guitarist has many hints of Robin Trower.
 ScottN wrote:
Shoot the guitarist (metaphorically, of course).


Wow. . .lots of diametrically opposed opinions here :-) I was actually going to check out this guitarist because I find this playing to be totally rocking and inspiring! 
I don't hate this song as much as her other crap. Too bad she's such a pompous beatch.
Shoot the guitarist (metaphorically, of course).
 Caino wrote:
I always enjoy hearing this version until she completely screws up the timing at the end.


I can't stand her music -- usually -- but I always enjoyed this little ditty....  this version, though, wowee...  it's horrid...
I always enjoy hearing this version until she completely screws up the timing at the end.
THX for the new app radio paradise! Just awesome
 PisToff wrote:
Less frequent play please!

Less frequent bitching, please!
Seems to me this version doesn't do any justice to the original's excellent syntax. Maybe Natalie tries too much to make it different form the recorded version. Still an awesome song.
One of my all time favourite albums to me she has not matched it since.

The intro to this reminds me of Kathleen Edwards' Goodbye, California, another gem of a singer that RP introduced me to. 
I enjoy this more at each listening.  Thanks RP.
Natalie Merchant Laser Light Show
 unclehud wrote:
An example (rare, in my opinion) where a 'live' recording contains those few extra sparks that can make it special.
The funky instrumental underpinnings get the hips moving and the shoulders swaying, and Ms. Merchant (the c--t described below) has an opportunity to loosen her vibrato voice and flow with the stream  ............ 

Less frequent play please!
Is it over yet?
This was the 1 st Natalie Merchant song I heard. I didn't hear her whole 10k Maniacs period till after. Somehow it's still my fav from her.
I saw her perform this song live in the summer of 2010, S Western MI at a cool outdoor venue...she stoppped a song in the middle of it due to a person on their cell phone call. She called them out about it, it was a poeteic moment at it's best!

Tip of the hat my lady...you have been found. 
I love this! A great tune to come back to RP with after having been away for awhile. It's a 9 for me right now. 
Absolutely awesome. Natalie !
Guitar player has the touch too. 
As good as it gets with Natalie, which is not bad at all, despite all the negativaholics.
the only thing that i could think of that could possibly be worse than natalie merchant is natalie merchant LIVE.......she is just fingernails-on-the-blackboard awful
NAT ROCKS....{#Nyah}
An example (rare, in my opinion) where a 'live' recording contains those few extra sparks that can make it special.
The funky instrumental underpinnings get the hips moving and the shoulders swaying, and Ms. Merchant (the c--t described below) has an opportunity to loosen her vibrato voice and flow with the stream  ............ 

 Sasha2001 wrote:

Should have the opportunity to meet her some day - you might change your tune. Sophomore year in college and the 10,000 Maniacs were playing at our school. I was tasked with following her around all day and being her personal secretary. She put me through my paces and had me running around all day - I think just to prove some point which I could never figure. Stuff like,

Natalie: I need chewing gum.

Me: What flavor?

Natalie: I don't care, any flavor.

(20 minutes later)

Me: Here's your gum Ms. Merchant.

Natalie: Oh, call me Natalie. What flavor is this?

Me: Spearmint

Natalie: I HATE spearmint! Go back and get me cinnamon - and I need a box of tampons (I am not making this up!)
Anyway, she was a bit of a c—t, and I don't use the term loosely.  Robert Buck was really cool however. He said at some point that day, "She's just being an a-hole because she signed a deal for a solo album and she's leaving the band after the next few gigs."

So many memories.

md1ncb wrote:

On the other hand, in view of the tampon shopping, she may have just been having a bad week.  I understand a little tetchiness can sometimes occur at those times.

Strange that someone named Sasha couldn't figure that out.  Perhaps Natalie should have let this clown continue to refer to her as Ms. Merchant.  At least Natalie had a reason for acting self important.
See on hea.