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Dave Matthews Band — Ants Marching
Album: Remember Two Things
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Total ratings: 279

Released: 1995
Length: 6:02
Plays (last 30 days): 0
He wakes up in the morning
Does his teeth, bite to eat, and he's rollin
Never changes a thing
The week ends, the week begins

She thinks, we look at each other
Wonderin what the other is thinking
But we never say a thing
As these crimes between us grow deeper

Take these chances
Place them in a box until a quieter time
Lights down, you up and die

Goes to visit his mommy
She feeds him well his concerns he forgets them
And remembers being small
Playing under the table and dreaming

Take these chances
Place them in a box until a quieter time
Lights down, you up and die

Driving in on this highway
All these cars and upon the sidewalk
People in every direction
No words exchanged, no time to exchange


And all the little ants are marching
Red and black antennae waving
They all do it the same
They all do it the same...way

Candyman tempting the thoughts of a
Sweet tooth tortured by weight loss
Program cutting the corners
A Loose end, loose end cut cut
On the fence, but not to offend
Cut cut, cut cut

Take these chances
Place them in a box until a quieter time
Lights down, you up and die

Lights down you up and die
Comments (71)add comment
I gave it a 1 (no zero available) to help get it off the programme. Ecclectism has (hopefully) no limits by essence. What's next ? The chicken dance ?
Ugh, I entered the 2 I felt this song deserves. It is marginal. Then, the score I sent caused a change from 5.6 up to 5.7! That is some tricky math. So, I had to revise with a 1 only to hold the line on the song's average . . .
This is like Jimmy Buffett trying to channel Elliot Smith, with the theme to Taxi playing in the background. Request to Bill: When spinning DMB, sync to have *actual* Elliot Smith playing over on LRC.
Geecheeboy wrote:
Does anybody know of any women who like DMB? Just wondering...
Yah. One of my classmates is nuts over him/them. She hasn't missed them in the last 6-7 years when they've swung by (every summer). For one class, we had a visit from Michael Santucci, an audiologist from Chicago who handles special ear protection for many musicians, including Mr. Matthews and co. My classmate immediately inquired about interning at Santucci's clinic.
Geecheeboy wrote:
Does anybody know of any women who like DMB? Just wondering...
I do. And I think his voice is incredibly sexy. And no, I am not a member of a sorority and in general have a disdain for frat boys.
Check out a now disbanded band named From Good Homes if you like this type of music. They opened for DMB around 1993 and were so much musically better...
The actual CD track of this leads of with something like 30 seconds of rimshot. The slow buildup is one of my favorite parts of this recording. DMB is the sort of music that I'm a bit embarassed to like. I really do think that a lot of their older stuff was fairly musically interesting. Don't much care for the new.
On the whole I am not a big DMB fan, but I do happen to think this is one of his better songs. He does have a few.
awfavre wrote:
I really like the Under the Table and Dreaming Version of this song. Alas, this version sounds like it's from an old cassette tape wound too tight and fighting against the player. It's painfully slow.
Ya, drugs are bad.
Can't he write a song without adopting some righteous cause to make it meaningful?
The horns. Kill the horns!
Do you have to join a Frat to enjoy this band? Sorry this brings back bad memories of Frat guys blasting DMB out of the windows of their Frat Houses. There is a reason this band virtually unknown outside the US.
Wake me when it's over.
physicsgenius wrote:
DMB would be unremarkable if it weren't for that crime-against-humanity voice.
And the poop-dumping incident.
Geecheeboy wrote:
Does anybody know of any women who like DMB? Just wondering...
I do, for the most part.
4 at best and that's for all his stuff
This song always makes me smile. The wordplay, the music - it's a delight inspite of the downbeat tone of the lyrics. Good to hear a live version.
DMB would be unremarkable if it weren't for that crime-against-humanity voice.
mysteryplane wrote:
are you kidding? they suck because they *ARE* frat-boys, and they're lyrics rank among the most meaningless of all time.
you say tom-A-to, i say tom-a-to
jarrudy wrote:
i do. seriously. used to go see shows up until around 95 or 96. couldn't take the crowd after that. they suffer from exactly the same demise as blues traveller. great musicians. they had a few hits (and missses) and arent taken seriously on the jam band circuit anymore. horrible the damage a few drunk frat boys singing your songs can do...
are you kidding? they suck because they *ARE* frat-boys, and they're lyrics rank among the most meaningless of all time.
betterdaze wrote:
i do. seriously. used to go see shows up until around 95 or 96. couldn't take the crowd after that. they suffer from exactly the same demise as blues traveller. great musicians. they had a few hits (and missses) and arent taken seriously on the jam band circuit anymore. horrible the damage a few drunk frat boys singing your songs can do...
musical arrangement: quite good voice: table saw-like
please remind me to go back in time and give his parents a condom.
Headphones off.
Whatever people say about how talented he is...fine, but I hate this song
I used to see comments like "howcum Bill plays so much DMB?" - now I'm wondering why it is days and weeks go by and he doesn't play ANY!
Just noticed this comment on another DM song: mrrmt wrote: Sometimes i find his music to actually be entertaining and almost enjoyable, it is ashame i associate DMB with the annoying frat guys and sororiety girls that annoyed the @!*@*@* out of me in college.
Well, yeah, seriously. I know it's stupid to make gross generalizations, but anytime I have seen DMB played, the guys all jump up and sing along, trying to outdo each other and impress each other that they know the words, and dance with each other and the women roll their eyes and get their drinks refilled. And at parties I have been to, the frat boys, again, sing along as if he is one of them, and the girls have made pukeing motions. I mean, yeah, my experience is very limited, but from Clemson to CofC to Salt Lake City, I have seen the same thing. Maybe it's just the world I live in, but he seems to be the darling of the (now) mid 20's American male.
Geecheeboy wrote:
Does anybody know of any women who like DMB? Just wondering...
Never dug dave.. you can't deny the incredible musicianship, but dang... the songwriting? Just not my thing I guess.
Geecheeboy wrote:
Does anybody know of any women who like DMB? Just wondering...
I do... but I am not one of them. Blech! And we were on such a good roll here, as I work late on a Friday night! Dangitall!
Does anybody know of any women who like DMB? Just wondering...
hcaudill wrote:
Is the cover one of those hidden-3d-image things?
Yeah, It's a hand holding up two fingers (ie. a peace sign) remember two things = peace
Is the cover one of those hidden-3d-image things?
I didn't care for the way they 'progressed' since then but this is still a good album, as was Under the Table and Crash... They kinda lost me after that. I like it, glad to hear it occasionally. Always reminds me of humid summer nights for some reason. Pass me a margarita.
huh huh huh farts munching huh huh huh
I really like the Under the Table and Dreaming Version of this song. Alas, this version sounds like it's from an old cassette tape wound too tight and fighting against the player. It's painfully slow.
No! No! Make it stop! I could handle the stress positions and waterboarding, but you have to make those horns stop repeating that same phrase over and over and over and over. Please! Oh for the love of all that is holy, they've added bad fiddle to the mix--have mercy on me, I'll tell you where I planted the bomb!
We had a Dave Matthews cover band at my high school's graduation party. Their lead singer did an excellent impression. That is not a good thing. I think I may also be allergic to alto saxophones.
What the arse is this?? urgh!
I happen to love DMB music but I prefer the older tunes. I'd like to hear #41 on RP sometime. Can someone upload that song?
Me want keel heem!! Aahh. Hees voice...oohh, paaiinnn...
In general, I love DMB...however, i do not think this is a great representation, or the best version of this song.
kult wrote:
I generally concur with all the 'this is shit' comments below. I'd just add that I think Dave Matthews Band is a particularly dull name for a group. Come on, if your name happens to be Lucifer Gonads or something, then fine, but not...'Dave'. Definitely not Dave.
I used to go to school with Lucifer.
Sorry to say--poor, very poor song, imo.
I generally concur with all the 'this is shit' comments below. I'd just add that I think Dave Matthews Band is a particularly dull name for a group. Come on, if your name happens to be Lucifer Gonads or something, then fine, but not...'Dave'. Definitely not Dave.
Oh wow! This is so shit...
AliGator wrote:
This might just suck beyond all suckdom.
But then again, it could be a great song! I vote for the latter.
Another bland offering from Dave Matthews Band.
This might just suck beyond all suckdom.
As the Neil Young's song this band is "A PIECE OF CRAP". Please stop it!!!!!!!!!!!
so agree thewiseking wrote:
damn this is godawful. listen to the cliched, whining, kenny g horns. listen to the amateurish vocals, arrangement, and rhythm section. kinda reminds you of some awful, crap youd hear in a cheesy campus rathskeller. how this guys career, a complete no talent, slipped under the radar, is a mystery to me. by the way, he cant act either.
Benjamin1225 wrote:
go crawl back in the hole you came from you cynical bastard
benjie; if your opinion differs, make some attempt to express it. perhaps, use words to argue, or try expressing an opposing point of view. if you have some knowledge of music (ie r&b, jazz, rock and roll) and wish to demonstrate that, you can give that a shot. because you have failed to do all the above, we can only assume; you dont have an opinion worth expressing, you are incapable of using words and intelligently arguing a viewpoint, and you have no love for or knowledge of music. have a nice day
thewiseking wrote:
damn this is godawful. listen to the cliched, whining, kenny g horns. listen to the amateurish vocals, arrangement, and rhythm section. kinda reminds you of some awful, crap youd hear in a cheesy campus rathskeller. how this guys career, a complete no talent, slipped under the radar, is a mystery to me. by the way, he cant act either.
go crawl back in the hole you came from you cynical bastard
Ouch! During the intro of this song I had to stop my work and check who was playing because surely RP doesn't play Kenny G?! I'm not a big fan of Dave Matthews, but I probably owe them an apology for the mere thought?
damn this is godawful. listen to the cliched, whining, kenny g horns. listen to the amateurish vocals, arrangement, and rhythm section. kinda reminds you of some awful, crap youd hear in a cheesy campus rathskeller. how this guys career, a complete no talent, slipped under the radar, is a mystery to me. by the way, he cant act either.
anniebear wrote:
such a fun song!
yes, but - such an insipid version! /it's like having one foot in boiling water and one in ice; the rest of me's kinda lukewarm
such a fun song!
thewiseking wrote:
damn this is godawful. listen to the cliched, whining, kenny g horns. listen to the amateurish vocals, arrangement, and rhythm section. kinda reminds you of some awful, crap youd hear in a cheesy campus rathskeller. how this guys career, a complete no talent, slipped under the radar, is a mystery to me. by the way, he cant act either.
I assume you're a big fan??
Compared to another live version I've heard, this sounds lifeless and uninspired.... still, it's a good song. A "7"...
while this song was certainly overplayed around 94'/95', it's still a great song and good to hear once in awhile. Thanks Bill!!
damn this is godawful. listen to the cliched, whining, kenny g horns. listen to the amateurish vocals, arrangement, and rhythm section. kinda reminds you of some awful, crap youd hear in a cheesy campus rathskeller. how this guys career, a complete no talent, slipped under the radar, is a mystery to me. by the way, he cant act either.
Originally Posted by lbrc: your so lame!
Such irony!
Originally Posted by lordcruloze: These guys failed to get any better. Totally carried by the drummer. That fiddle player is embarrasing. So's the sax. So's Dave.
Note the above obtuse babbelings of an amazed peasant!
Most excellent. Obviously a lot I don\'t know about DMB when something so cool, that I\'ve never heard, is obviously so well known as to lead rise to connoiseurship regarding versions.
Originally Posted by gypsy222: Old school version of Ants Marching! Dig it!!
Need one more!
These guys failed to get any better. Totally carried by the drummer. That fiddle player is embarrasing. So\'s the sax. So\'s Dave. :roll:
Old school version of Ants Marching! Dig it!!