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Pink Floyd — Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Album: Animals
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Total ratings: 6226

Released: 1977
Length: 11:15
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.
You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.
And when your hand is on your heart
You're nearly a good laugh,
Almost a joker,
With your head down in the pig bin,
Saying, "Keep on digging."
Pig stain on your fat chin.
What do you hope to find?
Down in the pig mine.
You're nearly a laugh,
You're nearly a laugh,
But you're really a cry.

Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.
You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass
You're nearly a good laugh,
Almost worth a quick grin
You like the feel of steel,
You're hot stuff with a hat pin,
And good fun with a hand gun.
You're nearly a laugh,
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.

Hey you, Mary Whitehouse, ha ha charade you are.
You house proud town mouse, ha ha charade you are.
You're trying to keep our feelings off the street
You're nearly a real treat,
All tight lips and cold feet,
And do you feel abused?

You gotta stem the evil tide,
And keep it all on the inside,
Mary you're nearly a treat,
Mary you're nearly a treat
But you're really a cry.
Comments (940)add comment
 iloveradio wrote:

Terrific music with highly political lyrics. Timeless 
Who was Mary Whitehouse?

Remember, Google can be your friend.


Constance Mary Whitehouse CBE was a British teacher and
conservative activist. She campaigned against social liberalism and the
mainstream British media, both of which she accused of encouraging a
more permissive society.
 iloveradio wrote:

Terrific music with highly political lyrics. Timeless 
Who was Mary Whitehouse?

Constance Mary Whitehouse CBE was a British teacher and conservative activist. She campaigned against social liberalism and the mainstream British media, both of which she accused of encouraging a more permissive society.

 Stipe72 wrote:

Is there anyplace in the world I would heard this masterpiece from beginning to end? Love you RP and right now I go to donate and support your fantastic work. Thank you.

And the audio quality is unmatched streaming wise.
Terrific music with highly political lyrics. Timeless 
Who was Mary Whitehouse?
my favorite floyd song probably 

i have never had a vinyl setup so i was stuck on the cd version of the album which i do not like. it's always sounded thin and old to me

the 2018 remaster 24/192 version fixed all of that for me and i had the experience of listening to it again for the first time. outstanding mix and sounds great loud

One of the greatest albums. If you read George Orwell's, Animal Farm then you get it, man. Highly recommend the book. 
 fredriley wrote:

I liked Animals when it came out, but I still think it's unfair on the animals to compare them with hunan scumbags. Pigs, for instance, are cool, sociable, and intelligent.

Great song but I don't understand what it has to do with comparing animals to scumbags from the Hunan province in China. 
la musique commence par n'importe quel album des pink floyd  
Is there anyplace in the world I would heard this masterpiece from beginning to end? Love you RP and right now I go to donate and support your fantastic work. Thank you.
 NeuroJoe wrote:

He rated Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 2 a 10, but this a 1. His other 10 ratings include quite a few classics, but it seems that lyrics and meaning are much less important than sound to him? 

His first paragraphe is sick. How can people be so brainwashed ?
 sfoster66 wrote:

Holy...I always wondered what the output of the Russian troll farms looked like and now I get to see an example in the wild...

Just to be clear...there are no free elections in Russia.  Any credible opposition is "disposed of"...

How's about you run back to Facebot now and spread your "information" to a more willing audience...

 Greyerwrit wrote:
I think this is related to the feeling I sometimes get with particularly evocative soloes, a feeling that the solo is achingly close to  understandable English.   As well, there are soloes, like Elizabeth Reed that are pure emotion for me.

really enjoyed both your and ToppTonn2's comments about this, because i feel that stuff, too.

this song was something i hadn't heard until the mid 80s...and i was hooked from the first listen. one of my favs.
 skiboy53 wrote:

This album came out right when I joined the Navy. I heard bits and pieces while in boot camp. Couldn't wait to transfer to my ship so I could buy the cassette tape. Was not disappointed. 

I was in US Navy Nuclear Power School when this came out.  Drove from Orlando to see the tour at the old Tampa Stadium, with giant Animal balloons scattered about and a big pile of speakers BEHIND the audience.  Fantastic show.  
 TOppTonn2 wrote:

There's a distinct set of emotions that only a wizard like David Gilmour elicits within me. I can't even define these emotions, but I know they come racing to the surface each time I hear the guitar in this song. 

I think this is related to the feeling I sometimes get with particularly evocative solos, a feeling that the solo is achingly close to  understandable English.   As well, there are solos, like Elizabeth Reed that are pure emotion for me.

Allways making louder and singing, every time RP playing this masterpeace.
 Trully,  the all Pink Floyd songs are making the same effect. 
 belegato wrote:

I think Pigs is referencing Orwell's Animal Farm.

It's been a long time since I read that so I can't recall. I was thinking that because there are 3 referenced it was referring to the moral of the Three Little Pigs. But I actually haven't bothered to read the lyrics because I'm not a big fan. I like some Floyd stuff, and perhaps it was ground breaking at the time, but that alone isn't enough to do it for me. If "you had to be there" & "I wasn't there" then I can give it its due but it doesn't mean I'll try to like it if it's not appealing to me.
 sfoster66 wrote:

Holy...I always wondered what the output of the Russian troll farms looked like and now I get to see an example in the wild...

Just to be clear...there are no free elections in Russia.  Any credible opposition is "disposed of"...

How's about you run back to Facebot now and spread your "information" to a more willing audience...

Wow. Are you a copy writer for CNN or MSNBC? Or maybe you're just an executive at one of the weapons manufacturing chum houses that's receiving billions in taxpayer money, all financed by debt, to support one of the most corrupt regimes in the world. You probably believe that Ukraine is a democracy and fighting to defend freedom, and you probably believe you're an independent thinker just like all the other bots that spew their projection at everyone they disagree with.
 dmcanany wrote:

Yeah, maybe it's something about "walls" perhaps?

You mean like the one the Democrats put up around DC?
BillG wrote:
They definitely merged instrumentally — David played all of the bass parts

 SeriousLee wrote:

Finally got around to do some research, and apparently Waters is credited as playing bass on one song: Dogs.

Whoa. Did not know that. Inneresting the stuff you find if you take time to learn. A fav of mine, the trifecta of DSOTM, WYWH and Animals. 
 GarageDragon wrote:

Just caught his performance of this song earlier this year in Philadelphia. The background imagery of Trump was an absolutely perfect visual. Waters *really* does not like Trump.

Roger has always been very outspoken on Politics in general and does not take any prisoners - including Donald Trump...The background imagery was pretty spot on...
 lovelyhelicopter wrote:

Anti semite? I think you'll find that the Palestinians are the Semite's mate not the invaders currently squatting the land

I presume you have another place for the Semites you don't favor to squat?  Europe has made it's feeling plain.
I'd like to see Battersea some day in person...all these days contemplating this cover...
I have a fever. ... more Cowbell!!!
I think Pigs is referencing Orwell's Animal Farm.
For all times - 10   
 blotto wrote:

I can never resist to turn volume way up

lol first thing I just did when instantly recognizing the intro :D

needs more cowbell though
 fredriley wrote:

I liked Animals when it came out, but I still think it's unfair on the animals to compare them with hunan scumbags. Pigs, for instance, are cool, sociable, and intelligent.

Whoa!  What have the Chinese people ever done to YOU?
I can never resist to turn volume way up
These guys could have made it big... Not bad stuff

They DO sound like a lot of other bands on here I understand - from all the 'sounds like...' comments. Are they just copy-cats??
 memoryboxer wrote:

Whenever I see trolling comments like this I wonder wtf the author offers as a 9 or 10 from their play lists? There is certainly room for opinions in all directions, but some leave me dumbfounded. Please... tell me what rocks *your* world.

He rated Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 2 a 10, but this a 1. His other 10 ratings include quite a few classics, but it seems that lyrics and meaning are much less important than sound to him? 
GREAT TUNE!!!   I like this much better than "The Wall"!
The pig is created by Theo Botschuijvers. Read Playful Inventions.

I love listening to Waters and Gilmore playing off of each other both of them excellent guitarists
Roger really did not like Mary Whitehouse. The song taking such a personal shot at her, deserved or not, prevents me from accepting this is a classic song - too rooted in a time and place.
 westslope wrote:

Give us all a break please.  You might not like Putin's policy decisions but he has been elected by a plurality of votes and for better or worse, appears to enjoy a lot of popularity with the Russian people.

I do wonder what George Orwell would think of today's Neo-Marxist guided authoritarian populist regimes -- Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, to some extent Argentina, Zimbabwe, Republic of South Africa.  The wealth destruction has been massive.   The opportunity cost relative to potential has been absolutely gigantic.

Holy...I always wondered what the output of the Russian troll farms looked like and now I get to see an example in the wild...

Just to be clear...there are no free elections in Russia.  Any credible opposition is "disposed of"...

How's about you run back to Facebot now and spread your "information" to a more willing audience...
Thanks RP.
 ziggytrix wrote:


I'm about to Godwin up the place, but...

so did Hitler.

Suppress dissent with a strong enough arm and popularity is not just guaranteed, it's mandatory{#Hand}

Hitler certainly did *NOT* enjoy a lot of popularity with the Russian people.
Man, I love this song. Tough listen though.
 BillG wrote:

They definitely merged instrumentally — David played all of the bass parts :-)

Finally got around to do some research, and apparently Waters is credited as playing bass on one song: Dogs.
 MinMan wrote:

Fred, nobody denies your assertions - but dude, they are pigs. Have you seen how / what hogs eat? Besides you really should read more George Orwell.

Or Margaret Atwood´s Oryx and Crake...
There's a distinct set of emotions that only a wizard like David Gilmour elicits within me. I can't even define these emotions, but I know they come racing to the surface each time I hear the guitar in this song. 
You just made my day.
Thanks for playing Animals.
How about Dogs and sheeps
First heard part of this song in WKRP in Cincinnati when I was 11 years old. It was in my teens when I finally checked it out. Have not been the same.
Goin' off on Margaret Thatcher, with a catchy tune, full of oinking and squealing. Much to like, hard to dance to....
Please can you stop saying that David Gilmore is your favourite bass guitarist. He is the best lead guitarist in the world. I love Radio Paradise. It make the world a better place to be. 
 rocklandlove wrote:

Sadly, this has not aged well.

What does this even mean?

 fredriley wrote:

I liked Animals when it came out, but I still think it's unfair on the animals to compare them with hunan scumbags. Pigs, for instance, are cool, sociable, and intelligent.

Fred, nobody denies your assertions - but dude, they are pigs. Have you seen how / what hogs eat? Besides you really should read more George Orwell.
J'aime, j'aime, j'aime sans condition ! 
 Actuel wrote:

Top 1 album of my entire life !

ummmmm......get a life?
 skiboy53 wrote:

This album came out right when I joined the Navy. I heard bits and pieces while in boot camp. Couldn't wait to transfer to my ship so I could buy the cassette tape. Was not disappointed. 

These are the stories that I read the comments for.
One of the most boring cowbells of all times.
 sfyi2001 wrote:

'Hey you, White House
Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse' . . . .

RADIO PARADISE recently changed those lyrics to:

'Hey you, Mary Whitehouse
Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse' . . . .

Eclectic !



 sfyi2001 wrote:

'Hey you, White House
Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse' . . . .

RADIO PARADISE recently changed those lyrics to:

'Hey you, Mary Whitehouse
Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse' . . . .

Eclectic !


Whilst the lyrics clearly reference Mary Whitehouse, the quoted lyrics are wrong. The word "Mary" is not spoken until later in the verse.
This song/album sounds to me like they took the entire 'Pink Floyd' sound and bent all the strings at once or pulled the whammy bar to full and didn't let up.

'Hey you, White House
Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse' . . . .

RADIO PARADISE recently changed those lyrics to:

'Hey you, Mary Whitehouse
Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse' . . . .

Eclectic !


This album came out right when I joined the Navy. I heard bits and pieces while in boot camp. Couldn't wait to transfer to my ship so I could buy the cassette tape. Was not disappointed. 
 franklinvanwoud wrote:
one of their best albums..
# 1  album of my life
 rocklandlove wrote:
Sadly, this has not aged well.
Well trolled!  
one of their best albums..
 jp33442 wrote:
Between RP and WFMU this is the kind of song that never gets played on the radio anymore
WFMU!  I listened to it in the 70s when I lived in northern NJ.  Still have a t-shirt.  Cool then.  Probably cool now.
Top 1 album of my entire life !
play it more often please :-)
I liked Animals when it came out, but I still think it's unfair on the animals to compare them with hunan scumbags. Pigs, for instance, are cool, sociable, and intelligent.
 cely wrote:
As great as all the Pink Floyd records around this one are, and even though the theme of the album is kind of programmed, the music is so good all the way through that I sometimes think this is the best of all.  Listen to the bass solo over the top of the organ part.  Makes me feel like I wasn't really wrong back in my teen years when we "pressure cooked" in the car and got carried away by the power of this music.   
I can confirm that you WERE NOT wrong getting stoned then or now.....live free and fuck governments telling you what YOU can and can't do!!  Long Live RP!!  Long Live Freedom and Liberty!! 
Cowbell coulda been louder in the mix!
 GarageDragon wrote:
Just caught his performance of this song earlier this year in Philadelphia. The background imagery of Trump was an absolutely perfect visual. Waters *really* does not like Trump.

Yeah, maybe it's something about "walls" perhaps?
More PIGS then ever smh...
 GarageDragon wrote: Hey, who does like trump. No one listening to pink Floyd would like trump.
Just caught his performance of this song earlier this year in Philadelphia. The background imagery of Trump was an absolutely perfect visual. Waters *really* does not like Trump.

Man I needed to hear that song this morning. Frikken something else. Thanks Bill
 cely wrote:
As great as all the Pink Floyd records around this one are, and even though the theme of the album is kind of programmed, the music is so good all the way through that I sometimes think this is the best of all.  Listen to the bass solo over the top of the organ part.  Makes me feel like I wasn't really wrong back in my teen years when we "pressure cooked" in the car and got carried away by the power of this music.   
The reason this song (and Sheep) rock so hard is that the "bass solo over the top of the organ part" is played by David Gilmour instead of Roger Waters.  Waters is a great writer, but Gilmour can play circles around him.

From Wikipedia:

David Gilmourlead guitar, co-lead vocals, rhythm and acoustic guitar on "Dogs", bass guitar on "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" and "Sheep", talk box on "Pigs (Three Different Ones)"Roger Waterslead and harmony vocals, acoustic guitar on "Pigs on the Wing", rhythm guitar on "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" and "Sheep", tape effects, vocoder, bass guitar on "Dogs"Nick Masondrums, percussion, tape effectsRichard WrightHammond organ, Farfisa organ, EMS VCS 3, electric piano, Minimoog, ARP string synthesizer, grand piano, clavinet, harmony vocals on "Dogs"
 maboleth wrote:
Ultra-mega-abnormally boring. +1 for solo at the end. The rest is pure boredom. Can't believe anyone but old farts like this.


memoryboxer wrote:

Whenever I see trolling comments like this I wonder wtf the author offers as a 9 or 10 from their play lists? There is certainly room for opinions in all directions, but some leave me dumbfounded. Please... tell me what rocks *your* world.

He doesn't hate all Pink Floyd songs. Just this one. Rated Learning to Fly a 10.
 maboleth wrote:
Ultra-mega-abnormally boring. +1 for solo at the end. The rest is pure boredom. Can't believe anyone but old farts like this.
Whenever I see trolling comments like this I wonder wtf the author offers as a 9 or 10 from their play lists? There is certainly room for opinions in all directions, but some leave me dumbfounded. Please... tell me what rocks *your* world.
One of the best songs of all times, great guitar, imagery, vocals, sound effects and great production value with 3-D imaging of all instruments.  
Probably my favorite PF album, I love how angry it is in lyrics and in the music.  Gilmour is killing it on this album, and Waters is so pissed off, you can feel the rage.
Between RP and WFMU this is the kind of song that never gets played on the radio anymore
Fantastic song from a fantastic band
If Roger is looking for Pigs he needn't leave his own home  https://pagesix.com/2015/02/25...
 westslope wrote:

Give us all a break please.  You might not like Putin's policy decisions but he has been elected by a plurality of votes and for better or worse, appears to enjoy a lot of popularity with the Russian people.

I'm about to Godwin up the place, but...

so did Hitler.

Suppress dissent with a strong enough arm and popularity is not just guaranteed, it's mandatory{#Hand}
Anti semite? I think you'll find that the Palestinians are the Semite's mate not the invaders currently squatting the land
 cely wrote:
As great as all the Pink Floyd records around this one are, and even though the theme of the album is kind of programmed, the music is so good all the way through that I sometimes think this is the best of all.  Listen to the bass solo over the top of the organ part.  Makes me feel like I wasn't really wrong back in my teen years when we "pressure cooked" in the car and got carried away by the power of this music.   

I would agree. Often times I tell people if I were stranded on a deserted island with only an MP3 player and one album, it would be this one. It just never gets old. 
One of the most definitive uses of the Heil Talk Box...

Heil Talk Box 
Just caught his performance of this song earlier this year in Philadelphia. The background imagery of Trump was an absolutely perfect visual. Waters *really* does not like Trump.
As great as all the Pink Floyd records around this one are, and even though the theme of the album is kind of programmed, the music is so good all the way through that I sometimes think this is the best of all.  Listen to the bass solo over the top of the organ part.  Makes me feel like I wasn't really wrong back in my teen years when we "pressure cooked" in the car and got carried away by the power of this music.   
does this song ever end? absolute rubbish from Waters et al
 maboleth wrote:
Ultra-mega-abnormally boring. +1 for solo at the end. The rest is pure boredom. Can't believe anyone but old farts like this.
or not
 Hey_Porter wrote:
Listening to this tune, I can't help thinking about George Orwell's Animal Farm.  The pigs (then Stalin, now Putin) pull all the strings.
Give us all a break please.  You might not like Putin's policy decisions but he has been elected by a plurality of votes and for better or worse, appears to enjoy a lot of popularity with the Russian people.

I do wonder what George Orwell would think of today's Neo-Marxist guided authoritarian populist regimes -- Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, to some extent Argentina, Zimbabwe, Republic of South Africa.  The wealth destruction has been massive.   The opportunity cost relative to potential has been absolutely gigantic.
Listening to this tune, I can't help thinking about George Orwell's Animal Farm.  The pigs (then Stalin, now Putin) pull all the strings.
 lizardking wrote:

I completely agree with your disagreement to rocklandlove's "this hasn't aged well" comment.  I'm surprised at the "low" 8.4 avg rating on this one, I guess kick ass guitar playing and spot-on lyrics (both for the time it came out and NOW) aren't enough to get this to the hallowed 9+ ground. 

And for all the PF fans, how cool is it that they put out so much varied music and yet kept a few cool concepts in all their albums?  Like the cyclical album, starting and ending with the same motif/song/sound....so effin cool to my ears and mind.  Long Live RP!!  and maybe PEACE too??!!!

I completely agree with your agreement to the disagreement.  If this isn't a classic,  well,  I don't want to live in that world.
ahhh...1977 19yrs old and Shrooooms,  my fav pf album!{#Bananajam}{#Bananapiano}
When this album was first released as a digital download on Amazon, you could buy the individual tracks for $1 each, which was cheaper than purchasing the album, since the entire album contains only 5 tracks. They have since fixed that issue.

Also, I noticed Amazon has a Remastered version of this album scheduled for release on Dec. 31, 2039!
The album was just released and we'd camped out for tix. The day before the show we went down and talked to the roadies who were setting up.
"Oh there's this flying pig..."

Less cowbell
 davell wrote:

Totally disagree
are u paying attention? 

I completely agree with your disagreement to rocklandlove's "this hasn't aged well" comment.  I'm surprised at the "low" 8.4 avg rating on this one, I guess kick ass guitar playing and spot-on lyrics (both for the time it came out and NOW) aren't enough to get this to the hallowed 9+ ground. 

And for all the PF fans, how cool is it that they put out so much varied music and yet kept a few cool concepts in all their albums?  Like the cyclical album, starting and ending with the same motif/song/sound....so effin cool to my ears and mind.  Long Live RP!!  and maybe PEACE too??!!!

 davell wrote:
Vanity of youth.

Totally disagree
are u paying attention? 


 rocklandlove wrote:
Sadly, this has not aged well.
Totally disagree
are u paying attention? 
Sadly, this has not aged well.
Waters is right on with this song and has been for years. The guy is a musical genius. For a good laugh go take a look at NY Daily News headline today .🤡
 thewiseking wrote:
I'm guessing there are a lot of "house-proud-town-mouses" to go along with "well-heeled-big-wheels" in this story.  Pigs on all sides.  I can't say that I really feel for the people of The Hamptons.
Pigs, indeed! 
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters wars with Hamptons neighbors

If good fences make good neighbors, Roger Watersof Pink Floyd fame needs to put another brick in the wall — the wall he should build around his property in the Hamptons, that is.

The legendary British rocker has been at war for three years over a right-of-way that gives his neighbors on Quimby Lane access to Sag Pond.

The trouble started when Ben Krupinski, the contractor hired by Waters and his beautiful wife, Laura Durning, began building a 14,000-square-foot house with a swimming pool, a pool house and a sunken tennis court.

Krupinski started driving trucks and bulldozers down the right-of-way, so neighbors put a chain across the lane. But Krupinski tore down the chain and paved the right-of-way, turning it into Waters’ driveway.

One neighbor claims a 15-foot hedge was ripped out, and $50,000 damage was done to his gardens, irrigation and in-ground lighting.

“We went to court, and the judge issued an order blocking him from using the illegal road he built,” a neighbor told me.

“Waters has shown no respect or interest in his neighbors and has taken aggressive action to satisfy his convenience — not waiting for the court to evaluate the litigation he initiated.”

But a friend of Waters told me of the neighbor, “This guy is crazy and wrong and sad . . . He’s looking to start some propaganda campaign based on nothing factual . . . He has been a nightmare for no legal reasons, and we’ve patiently put up with him.”

 (Banned) wrote:
How ironic that Waters has become what he sang against:  an anti-semite, bully pig man.  Ha ha charade you are, Waters!

Anti-semite?    Are you kidding?    

Banned, you might support the Israeli ethnic cleansing project.   You are clearly a terrorist because without terror, the Israeli nation state would never have seen the light of day. 

Besides, the Arabs are also a Semitic people.  

Half a century of military occupation with the frequent use of Nazi-like tactics......  

There is no free lunch when it comes to using violence to take land and resources.   I have counted close to 30,000 Americans who have died directly and indirectly because of US support for the Israeli nation building process. 

My willingness to pay for the annexation and cleansing of East Jerusalem and the West Bank with American lives is zero.   

How many Americans lives are you willing to sacrifice for the glory of Israel?  

As for Roger Waters, I do not agree with his refusal to play Israel but I do believe he recognizes the Israeli state despite its controversial terrorist beginnings. 
The house proud town mice are the worst.
How ironic that Waters has become what he sang against:  an anti-semite, bully pig man.  Ha ha charade you are, Waters!
music started
eyes opened
mind blossomed
a pigchild was born

Dr. Strangelove

Music is my oxygen. This album I first listen when I was about 12 years old changed my life...10/10 for the song, 10/10 for this no1. album of my life.
 Queue wrote:

What's your #1?

for me it's the number one album of my life
I'd hate to be a house proud town mouse.  Or a fucked up old hag.
One of the highlights of the most recent tour.  Fantastic show!
 black321 wrote:
Saw Roger perform this a few weeks back...full of vim and vigor.  Great performance.
Yes, I just caught the show a couple nights ago.
Lots of anti-Trump imagery accompanying this song:https://www.nationalobserver.com/sites/nationalobserver.com/files/styles/body_img/public/img/2017/10/29/trump-rogerwaters.jpeg?itok=t7ER1Qd2
Saw Roger perform this a few weeks back...full of vim and vigor.  Great performance.
 MassivRuss wrote:
It's taken 40 years, but I'm now quite comfortable saying Animals is Pink's second best album.

What's your #1?
 LowPhreak wrote:

Already answered this below:

"Yes but many in the U.S. at the time took it as a critique of Nixon/Ford, since in the song you hear, "Hey you....White House", not "Hey Mary Whitehouse."

You seem to be claiming that it *was* about Nixon because people misunderstood the lyrics.  Surely that's not what you mean.
 MassivRuss wrote:
It's taken 40 years, but I'm now quite comfortable saying Animals is Pink's second best album.

Their best in my books. {#Cheers}
It's taken 40 years, but I'm now quite comfortable saying Animals is Pink's second best album.
 Steely_D wrote:

Including that this wasn't about Nixon.

Already answered this below:

"Yes but many in the U.S. at the time took it as a critique of Nixon/Ford, since in the song you hear, "Hey you....White House", not "Hey Mary Whitehouse."
 LowPhreak wrote:
What if a band called Trump's secretary "you fucked up old hag" today, like PF was calling Nixon's Rose Mary Woods here? And what if radio stations played it uncensored like this used to be? They'd probably be arrested and deported for "terrorism" or "inciting a riot".

Just shows how low we've sunk in the people we elect. You know it's really bad when you think Tricky Dick was better than the current pack of degenerates and assorted criminals in the White House (and Congress).

45 years later and we haven't learned a goddamned thing.

Including that this wasn't about Nixon.
Utterly boring and SO overrated.
Sounds like Pink Floyd. hahaha
 maxvonevil wrote:

Indeed. Here we are, about 6 months in, with the Pig-inna-Wig in the Oval Office. Any buyer's remorse yet, Goppers?

was that meant to read 'Gropers'?  If the hat fits, Donald..
Too much Pink Floyd!