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Angélique Kidjo — Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
Album: Cover the World
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Total ratings: 1319

Released: 1994
Length: 3:49
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Well I'm standing next to a mountain
Chop it down with the edge of my hand
Well I'm standing next to a mountain
Chop it down with the edge of my hand
Pick up the pieces and make an island
Might even raise a little sand
'Cause I'm a voodoo child
Lord knows I'm a voodoo child
I didn't mean to take up all your sweet time
Give it back to you one of these days
I didn't mean to take up all your sweet time
Give it back to you one of these days
If I don't meet you again in this world
Then I see you in the next one
Don't be late
'Cause I'm a voodoo child
Lord knows I'm a voodoo child
Comments (103)add comment
If you ever have the opportunity to see Angelique perform live, do not hesitate! Run like a bunny and snap up tickets! She is amazing - and this is one of my two favourite Jimi covers (the other being PM Dawn's "You Got Me Floatin'."
excellent segue from SRV's "Couldn't Stand the Weather"
This kicks ass! 
This is how to do a cover of a great song.

You keep the essence but...make it your own. 

sweet version
 thewiseking wrote:

a poor man's Sade. Very poor

Are we listening to the same artist? Other than the range of their voices I hear little in common.
From SRV to 'Voodoo Chile'... it's almost like there's some omnipotent unseen hand guiding the music...
a poor man's Sade. Very poor
Love this artist!  More, please!
 timmus wrote:

Curious what "slight return" is supposed to mean.

On the original Electric Ladyland, Voodoo Chile is on side 1, this song is on side 4 ; so Slight Return, but it sort of takes on an interesting new context here...

I love covers that totally re-imagine the original!

I would ordinarily suggest to stay away from songs performed by Hendrix. From now on, I'll keep my mouth shut
When I turned my head and looked at the title after hearing recognizable lyrics, my first thought was "sacrilege!!!!". A minute into it though, I'm appreciating the complexity. Sounds more like a celebration of the original to me now.
Curious what "slight return" is supposed to mean.
 Faithful_Fool wrote:

Bill, I'll take songs that stop me in my tracks for 1000 please. Catchy tune indeed. :fight.gif:

... and follow it with Smoke on the Water by Senor Coconut which had a similar effect on me!

Nice and Funky Groooooooove!!
This CD rattled around in my car for yeeeaaarrrssss !!

That warrior wail!! So hot it chills! 
Brilliant performer. Just some serious funk. Oh my God. Putumayo, thank you.
My first listen... had to look to see if this was a Peter Gabriel New World production, as it sure sounds like he had a hand in the mix on this (a very good thing). He is listed as a collaborator in general but couldn't confirm. Also was wondering if that was Tony Levin kickin out that deep bass  line... and again can't confirm. But being a huge fan of both those guys, I'm diggin this!
I could swear that i rated this a 9 in the past. I'll just make sure and rate it a 9 again. So original for a cover version. It really caught my attention, and I love Jimi for this song, too. 
Absolutely brilliant! This is why I listen to RP.
 manzanitafire wrote:
Why do we get Anjelique Kidjo on RP but not Zap Mama? I do not understand this.
Zap Mama is here too.  Maybe a more recent addition since your post is from 2008.  
 Mugro wrote:
I prefer to see this as a reinterpretation, rather than a cover. In that light, it is not that bad! You can't cover Jimi by trying to compete with his guitar playing. Forget it. This tune, though, focuses on funkiness and interesting vocals, so it works!

Indeed, Jonathan!  See - we *do* agree on a lot more things than we disagree on!  {#High-five}
I love Angelique Kidjo......play more of her!
Jamunca wrote:

this is good!

Why do we get Anjelique Kidjo on RP but not Zap Mama? I do not understand this.
No, can't get behind this. Used to think it was tolerable, but, no, it's a 1.
nice, 4th song with the word "voodoo"in it. These are not fantastic transitions....
Jamunca wrote:
I like it
nuggler wrote:
Go Jimi ! Long may you reign....long may your astral visions grace us...
amen to dat brutha
Hooray for Angelique! I'm a huge fan and it's great to hear her on RP.
Bill, I'll take songs that stop me in my tracks for 1000 please. Catchy tune indeed. :fight.gif:
Heh, little flashback here... String Cheese Incident used to play this before most of their concerts in the late 90s.
I like her voice, and the musical sensibility here. I want to hear more of her stuff. But I don't want to hear this song, ever again. Ick.
And the Spirit of the Voodoo Chile finds itself back in the ancient lands of Afrika, sacred place of his prophetic birth...and the legend does continues... Go Jimi ! Long may you reign....long may your astral visions grace us... LUV IT !!!!!!
appst89 wrote:
Just awful.
I disagree - 8/10.... got something.
Just awful.
Now we need Cassandra Wilson's version of Voodoo Child (Slight Return). How many ways can we do a great song? Just a 9, 'cuz I like the studio version better.
kevbo77 wrote:
Have you no sense of decency? This song has two major strikes. It attempts to remake a song that is already perfect and, more importantly it does a horrible job.
You gotta be kidding, I would like to hear the original version because I think this artist and this song is really worthy of airplay. Makes you want to dance around...and I am rather serious sort. So long live Angelique Kidjo's music-lets hear more!
had to bump that one from a 6 to an 8 - had since gotten significantly better speakers and now hear a lot more intelligent layering to this reprise. Check out Beautiful People's "If 60's Were 90's" album - it's blended with amazingly aranged cuts from Jimi's work, some bytes are rare. I'll have to upload from it...
kevbo77 wrote:
Have you no sense of decency? This song has two major strikes. It attempts to remake a song that is already perfect and, more importantly it does a horrible job.
I will have to agree...From an incredible song that actually changed my perception of music...comes this MEDIOCRE rendering..what a shame...
I spent two years in the Peace Corps in Benin, where Angelique is from. I have unfortunately never seen her in concert but hear that she puts on an absolutely mind-blowing show. I listen to this and think, "She comes from one of the 30 poorest countries in the entire world." I know well the area where she grew up. THAT blows my mind. More power to her!
took a good song, and drove it straight down the middle of the road.
Shesdifferent wrote:
Thanks RP for playing Angelique Kidjo
Amen. I like the original and I like her too
Thanks RP for playing Angelique Kidjo :sunny.gif:
KevinM wrote:
I'll probably catch hell for this but I like it better than the original.
Yes - I hereby throw hell at you. Twice.
Wow - I thought I had commented on this song before, so I checked. Yep. And Yep - it's still complete crap.
Usually I enjoy 're-interpretations' of classic songs. This one is for the birds.. Give me Johnny A doing "The Wind Cries Mary" ...
i like it. this is definitely the best putumayo album.
Even if it wasn't a remake of an unremakeable song (barring SRV's scorcher), this would just be average at best.
Mugro wrote:
I prefer to see this as a reinterpretation, rather than a cover. In that light, it is not that bad! You can't cover Jimi by trying to compete with his guitar playing. Forget it. This tune, though, focuses on funkiness and interesting vocals, so it works!
Take this off the playlist! Play either the Hendrix or Stevie Ray.
I'll probably catch hell for this but I like it better than the original.
Have you no sense of decency? This song has two major strikes. It attempts to remake a song that is already perfect and, more importantly it does a horrible job.
If I ruled the world, my first act would be to arrest anybody involved with this crime.
truk77 wrote:
See folks, this is a good cover. It takes the original and explores new territory, as opposed to simply trying to be a remake. I'm likin' it. :nodhead:
I'm glad to see a lot of people agreeing with this particular view. Doing a cover is a chance to really tell people what it means to you. One of my favorite cover tunes is Grant Langston's (https://grantlangston.com) version of Fat Bottom Girls. Since he is best classified as "alt-country" it is odd to hear that song with a country twang to it; however, the song turns out to be excellent.
zipper wrote:
wtf? 8O
Agree.. I am ususally open minded but what was she trying to do? Besides screwing Hendrix's MASTER CREATION?
I was SO prepared to hate this, but it's really kind of cool. I give it a 7.
truk77 wrote:
See folks, this is a good cover. It takes the original and explores new territory, as opposed to simply trying to be a remake. I'm likin' it. :nodhead:
Ditto that. Lyrics notwithstanding, this is a totally different song, and I would like it whether I'd heard the original or not. Kinda nice blend of African and synthesia IMO. Obviously not everyone's cup o' tea, but it works for me.
I prefer to see this as a reinterpretation, rather than a cover. In that light, it is not that bad! You can't cover Jimi by trying to compete with his guitar playing. Forget it. This tune, though, focuses on funkiness and interesting vocals, so it works!
wtf? 8O
truk77 wrote:
See folks, this is a good cover. It takes the original and explores new territory, as opposed to simply trying to be a remake. I'm likin' it. :nodhead:
Amen and well-said.
i am not enjoying this and am wishing that i was hearing the original. bad sign. luckily bill's following it with jimi doing a short live "little wing" thing. i feel better now. <----jimi hendrix
Typesbad wrote:
This was way cool, and its not like I've forgotten the power of the original, I was just shakin' my head to it just yesterday. And since in this case, it becomes a lead in to Hendrix' Little Wing - all the better!
:nodhead: i agree :D
(pimp) all day. why not?
I wonder what they felt/thought, listening to the original :-k Well, it can hardly get any more exciting than Hendrix' version, so yes, a totally other approach is maybe the only way to do a relevant cover of it. A good attempt in that respect. The "African feel" is nice (voodoo, you know ).
neither good nor bad, it just is. Feh.
Well, ya got yer good voodoo and then ya got yer bad voodoo. Having said that, it takes guts to cover Hendrix, and while it isn't better than Jimi, it doesn't suck altogether. Good effort at being creative at least.
See folks, this is a good cover. It takes the original and explores new territory, as opposed to simply trying to be a remake. I'm likin' it. :nodhead:
Oh man ' what a let down. I read earlier that someone prefered this to Jimi - I was hopeful this would be exciting. Instead it seems to suck the urgency right out of the song.
This was way cool, and its not like I've forgotten the power of the original, I was just shakin' my head to it just yesterday. And since in this case, it becomes a lead in to Hendrix' Little Wing - all the better!
No frickin' way - what a great version!
I like this! A good 7 and you never know, it might go higher the more I hear it. Thanks RP
groovy stuff! i love it.
Where's the guitar? Wasn't the whole "chop it down withthe edge of my axe" a guitar reference? I'd rather hear Ben Harper's version...
bc wrote:
I'm glad to hear a new take on this one. I bet Jimi would be, too. He was open minded, experimental, and pushed the envelope.
Yeah, I agree...Jimmie would dig this girl...
This has to be the absolute worst piece of God knows what. Just stop it already.Torturous!!
I lke it! I like it! Who is this? I want more!!!!!
Beez wrote:
Jimi is rolling right now. :headshake:
I'm glad to hear a new take on this one. I bet Jimi would be, too. He was open minded, experimental, and pushed the envelope.
had a good beat... I could dance to it... I think Jimi would dig it-- somehow I think he didn't take himself as seriously as his fans do...
Man! RP must have some nice sound equipment! The beginning of this tune came through my tinny ,little desk speakers like an experiment in audio at a museum, where you are left dumbfounded at what you actually hear! Nice!
Ahh - the satisfaction of having my vote lower this tune's average by one tenth.
I personally happen to think that the original and this song are different enough that the two songs can be rated independent of each other. Nevertheless, I only rated it as "decent"
I have Angelique Kidjo's album, Oremi (with this song on it), and LOVE it. Highly recommended.
very interesting. don't know what jimi would think and don't presume to guess. it's certainly danceable.
I though it was Zap Mama before the instuments kicked in.
Oh yea! I somehow was expecting this song to come next all along while hearing the song before (how I knew it would come? Voodoo powers ...). And I wasn't disappointed. Of all the new pop-rock songs of the last few years, this one is definitely one of my absolute favourites.
OmegaConcern wrote:
Um, no. And not because I think it's killing Jimi's legend. Just no.
Agreed :nodhead:
Um, no. And not because I think it's killing Jimi's legend. Just no.
very cool... wonder what some of the other tracks off this album are like.. given the albumn's name..
I think its quit blasphemic :-)
Jimi is rolling right now. :headshake:
The more I hear the song the more I like it. Amazing.
Wow. Very interesting interpretation. I hope that gets played a lot because it simply rocks. I'm an Angelique Kidjou fan since having seen her live on stage together with Santana where he introduced the song of his new album, Adouma. Well, I bought the album later and the song was cool but in my opinion it was nowhere near to when sung by Angelique Kidjou (who wrote the song, Santana did the cover). I am still mad at Santana because the version on his album does not feature Angelique Kidjou (and why not? He played it live with her and nearly every other song on the album features another artist).
Not sure what I'll think after repeated listening, but it's an interesting interpretation, and I like it. I'm sure we'll see several overheated comments about "besmirching Jimi's memory" if this gets much play.
I'm there.
Jimi is casting a spell as we speak. Please, never again.