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Bruce Springsteen — Worlds Apart
Album: The Rising
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Total ratings: 954

Released: 2002
Length: 5:55
Plays (last 30 days): 0
I hold you in my arms, yeah, that's where it starts
I seek faith in your kiss and comfort in your heart
I taste the seed upon your lips, lay my tongue upon your scars
I look into your eyes and we stand worlds apart

Where the distant oceans sing and rise to the plain
In this dry and troubled country, your beauty remains
Down from the mountain roads where the highway rolls to dark
'Neath Allah's blessed rain, we remain worlds apart

Sometimes the truth just ain't enough or it's too much in times like this
Let's throw the truth away, we'll find it in this kiss
In your skin upon my skin, in the beating of our hearts
May the living let us in before the dead tear us apart

We'll let blood build a bridge over mountains draped in stars
I'll meet you on the ridge between these worlds apart
We've got this moment now to live, then it's all just dust and dark
Let love give what it gives, let's let love give what it gives
Comments (178)add comment
Like this especially becuase it's a bit different than his usual stuff.  Nice to see he can surprise me.
 sfoster66 wrote:

He did more than write angry crap on a music comment board?

I Agree!!  What is that commenter good at? ...eh?
GREAT!!  I like it!
Lalalalalalala? Really? What a awful song.
 itsme_bygolly wrote:

Twenty years. What happened to us? You sold your catalog to Sony for $500 million dollars, and I sold my 2007 Sante Fe for $5100. We're both doing pretty good.

That's not bad for a 2007 Santa Fe! : )
 sfoster66 wrote:

He did more than write angry crap on a music comment board?

Twenty years. What happened to us? You sold your catalog to Sony for $500 million dollars, and I sold my 2007 Sante Fe for $5100. We're both doing pretty good.

We've got this moment now to live, then it's all just dust and dark

I normally like Bruce Springsteen, but this doesn't do it for me. 
The confusion stems from the temporal placement of this song, this album. The whole album was Bruce's gift to the world, the Rising, following 9/11. It was pure catharsis , every song, that finally coaxed tears from my eyes, a year later. 
Every song on this album transports me back to that time, and for that I'll never forget or forgive Bruce Springsteen. 
 beelzebubba wrote:
How did this dick ever become famous?

He did more than write angry crap on a music comment board?
 springof63 wrote:
The photo of Bruce you've got there, is that the best we can do?
Personally, I think its just awful, and the same goes for the very similar and equally awful photo of Beck come to think of it.

Always been a Bruce fan. Was lucky enough to see him & The E-Street Band live at (the old) Wembley Stadium 1985 (i think, or was it 84?). 
No support band, and they played for hours. Never seen any other live act do that, before or since.
and Worlds Apart is a great track. Thanks for playing 

If you don't like the photos consider becoming a Wikipedia contributor. The photo and the rest of the description comes directly from Wikipedia.
The photo of Bruce you've got there, is that the best we can do?
Personally, I think its just awful, and the same goes for the very similar and equally awful photo of Beck come to think of it.

Always been a Bruce fan. Was lucky enough to see him & The E-Street Band live at (the old) Wembley Stadium 1985 (i think, or was it 84?). 
No support band, and they played for hours. Never seen any other live act do that, before or since.
and Worlds Apart is a great track. Thanks for playing 
Sounds more like Bruce Cockburn than Bruce Springsteen. Still....BRUCE!
Power of music, not a particular Springsteen fan but this song resonates.  Got me through a very difficult time years ago and for that I am thankful.
 NEOvManhattan wrote:

Decent CD version, much better live with 20,000 in the room-

Try with 60,000 where all are singing.....amazing
At the start there thought American's Bruce was channeling Canada's Bruce.  With a dose of Robbie Robertson for good measure.  (Hey, remember, my version of Utopia is my version of Utopia.)
I like it!! I never heard it before.  Thanx RP!
 khardog145 wrote:

Wow, interesting.  I would have never guessed in a million years it was him until 45 seconds in.

I agree!
 MinMan wrote:

Gotta give him credit for trying something different from his customary formula.

I agree!!
Gotta give him credit for trying something different from his customary formula.
RP newbie here. OMG, I've stumbled into a Hipster Music Goldmine. Fun.
 jrenfro wrote:

Could be time for Bruce to call it a career.

18 years later, your comment didn't hold up very well...Letter to You is sublime and a career defining piece....
Not Bruce's best, but I agree with the sentiment. 

May the living let us in before the dead tear us apart

Let's let love give what it gives
Wow, interesting.  I would have never guessed in a million years it was him until 45 seconds in.
Solid stuff from the Boss off an important album.
Decent CD version, much better live with 20,000 in the room-

Haji Nazir Afridi
terrible. gawddd{#Frustrated}
 lasker98 wrote:
Warren Zevon on a bad day?

My thought exactly...
 subgyro wrote:
Before actually looking, I would've SWORN this was Oysterband.

Sounded like Bruce Cockburn when I first heard it.
Before actually looking, I would've SWORN this was Oysterband.
 lasker98 wrote:
Warren Zevon on a bad day?

Ha! that is really close. I have to say I like this but yeah, now it's always gonna be Warren having a bad day.
 djblitz wrote:
Not nearly one of Bruce's best but are ANY of his songs ever less than like a 6 or 7?  

Yes, yes there are many.
Bruce & Qawwali? gotta have some kahunas to put such a rough voice against a master like that. kudos for the guts, but really makes him sound bad. sucks the soul out of the sufis. 

An incredible song when heard live in person with the huge and powerful E Street Orchestra.

Everybody in my homeless camp loves this song...

Can't help but think of Warren Zevon when I hear this song.

Warren Zevon on a bad day?
This doesn't even SOUND like the version I've been listening to on this album for 13 years.... 

I don't understand how that happens, but I've noticed it several times on RP.  I'm listening to a song I know WELL from an album I've listened to for YEARS, and the tempo seems different, or it's not mixed the same way..  something.
Top stuff and good to hear it again!  {#Dancingbanana}
Not nearly one of Bruce's best but are ANY of his songs ever less than like a 6 or 7?  
Chunk wrote:
But this track ain't half bad.
Does that mean it ain't half good?
Funny exchange below. I like a lot of Springsteen, but this is bloody awful! Platypus wrote:
oddly enough, I typically cannot stand anything that Springsteen ever recorded, but i actually really dig this track. works for me!
philarktos wrote:
Most of his stuff isn't as bad as this.... This at least, is indeed terrible.
oddly enough, I typically cannot stand anything that Springsteen ever recorded, but i actually really dig this track. works for me!
katzendogs wrote:
Here it is 10 days later....Prerecorded I'm gonna set the mood radio.This is listener supported alright.
I think I heard once that the playlist on the weekends are reruns.
ladyj wrote:
Nice transition from Pearl Jams "Daughter" to this. You couldn't have flowed it together any smoother 8) and I'm not really a fan of either one
Here it is 10 days later....Prerecorded I'm gonna set the mood radio.This is listener supported alright.
Check out the song Paradise on this CD. AWESOME songs, AWESOME CD!
Illustr8r wrote:
Anyone ELSE revulsed by the thought of Bruce Springsteen tasting his "seed" on ANYONE's lips?
Um, that's not what he says: I hold you in my arms, yeah that's when it starts I seek faith in your kiss and comfort in your heart I taste the seed upon your lips, lay my tongue upon your scars But when I look into your eyes we stand worlds apart
I think it got worse the second time I heard it. La-la-la-la-laa.... dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-duuumb
I was just about to post saying how much I wish RP would play some old Springsteen concert tracks from the 70's instead, and how a live version of Thunder Road or Racing in the Streets or similar would be infinitely better. But this track ain't half bad.
Shimmer wrote:
I think I like this, mainly because it doesn't sound like typical Springsteenian crap. Never liked his stuff very much in the past.
i agree .
Nice transition from Pearl Jams "Daughter" to this. You couldn't have flowed it together any smoother 8) and I'm not really a fan of either one
Those who dismiss Bruce probably have never listened to Nebraska, which is brilliant and haunting (and not typical rockin' Bruce) and is widely considered by music critics to be one of the best albums of all folk/rock. The Rising has some good and some bad. See him live -- his concerts are more energetic and fun than many I've seen.
I think Bruce has been smoking the same stuff as Sting.
Finally Bruce dares to be different. Great tune. =RR=
Lalalalala lalalala lalalala Great, finally a song without any difficult lyrics. Suggestion to Bruce for his next song: Hahahaha hohohoho hehehehe huhuhuhu
Great work by Nils Lofgren.
Anyone ELSE revulsed by the thought of Bruce Springsteen tasting his "seed" on ANYONE's lips?
la-la-la-la- LA la-la-la-la- LA
I think I like this, mainly because it doesn't sound like typical Springsteenian crap. Never liked his stuff very much in the past.
I\'m a big early and mid-career Boss fan. Not too keen on The Rising though, and this song does sound like he is trying too hard to be something else. Not as bad as Bowie with his Drum and Bass phase though! I agree on the whole, less whiney Thom Yorke and more Brooooooooooce!!
I'm struck by the intensity of the dislike, verging on intolerance, by many RP listeners for Springsteen. I'll admit, I do think the guy has integrity and cares about his fans, and I basically admire him although I'm not a fan myself. Save your ire for things that really merit it.
Bruuuuuuce! Chill out people. Why be "anti" artist. If you don't like the music fine - don't listen. Springsteen however puts on one of the best concerts of any band out there and has a body of work that is impressive by any standard. His passion (and the passion of the people who play with him) is always evident. People put down the pop-record-company-manufactured bands as contrived and generally no-talent hacks, but when an artist that has paid his dues with hard work and a long career tries something new the comments are much the same. Give the guy at least some respect.
Who died and made him Boss? I want a recount.
Always tried hard to like Bruce. (Even still have 'Born to Run' on vinyl...) But this is truly horrendous.
sever wrote:
the boss again!....please stop him and his same old simple easy american rock
Originally Posted by JCJ: I think it's Owata Gu Siam.
Ha ha. Unamused. Hey, since everyone seems to be dissing the new Springsteen, how about some moderately old Boss? Born to Run, Rosalita... or one of his quieter mid-career songs--Turn Out the Light, Johnny 99....
Originally Posted by beelzebubba: How did this dick ever become famous?
By working hard, being unpretentious, and passionate about his music. I'm not a fan of Springsteen but I liked the intro and outro of this song. :)
Originally Posted by beelzebubba: How did this dick ever become famous?
Most of his stuff isn't as bad as this. Gee we almost agree about something. This at least, is indeed terrible.
Why do people like this guy. Cheesy muzak.
If RP replaced all of the Radiohead that is played with Bruce tunes, I\'d be happier. Jake, not afraid to stick up for one of the greatest American musicians
How did this dick ever become famous?
A great song that goes very well on such a wonderful, healing, spiritual CD!!!
Originally Posted by aharamanx: I've been anti-Bruce since the 70's and this one certainly doesn't change my opinion in the least.
so let me get this straight, you were always anti-Bruce.
so... let me get his straight... white musicians have finished pimping out african musicians, that stuff is tired. sooo, logically, middle/far eastern musicians are the next big thing to exploit?
Thank you for The Rising Bruce....
Originally Posted by dignan2: When I am in hell, Bruce will be playing. For the life of me I can understand why people like this guy!?!?!?!?
I couldn't agree more.... I just don't get it... he's not very good people
BORN IN THE INDIA, or whatever he is trying to acheive with this stuff.
When I am in hell, Bruce will be playing. For the life of me I can understand why people like this guy!?!?!?!?
Originally Posted by rgj13: Dude, quite YELLING, okay? No one can here the song over your tirade. Otherwise, I appreciate your incisive analysis. :p
Annoying is right. Although I\'m big on world music and enthusiastic at best and tolerant at worst of most rock-traditional fusions (eg Peter Gabriel, Paul Simon, Sting) this is the very worst example I have ever heard. Bruce should stick to his Jersey Stud with-the-cigarette-pack-tucked-in-his-t-shirt-sleeve shtick. Sometimes I can get off on true primatives. But the lack of pretension is a big part of the appeal there. \"La-la-la-la-LA, la-la-la-la-LA \" Sheeesh ! :roll:
originally posted by lbrc: worlds apart? - you must mean yours, and the one with all the intelligent rock and rollers with music skills. hack!
dude, quite yelling, okay? no one can here the song over your tirade. otherwise, i appreciate your incisive analysis. :p
Originally Posted by ludwig7: Who's doing the background ululations? Sounds like Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, but he's been dead for years. (pimp)
I think it's Owata Gu Siam.
I don\'t normally rate Bruce Springsteen very highly, but I like this one!
Who\'s doing the background ululations? Sounds like Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, but he\'s been dead for years. (pimp)
Originally Posted by mperry: maybe you are a "medium" Bruce fan.
I should say it\'s a rock n\' roll stomper with some judicious Indian influences, which I really like. Maybe Bruce met Bill Laswell, who is also from Joisey. :D
I like it. Had no idea it was Bruce until he started singing. I like it when he uses musical influences outside of Jersey...
I think this song is amazing. And that drum intro is the rockinest thing I've heard in awhile.
I think this sounds great, what a surprise it is Bruce. I think Bruce is ok....but this impressed me how he is expanding his relm of musical influences. Impressive.
I have no problem with this at all. It\'s a good ol\' rock n\' roll stomper. It\'s also a contrast to the rest of The Rising.
it is sad how some people have such a hard time with things outside the \"standard\" conception of what something \"should\" be. Bill, you have a great \"ear\" for music. Thanks for showcasing this on Radio Paradise. The set of music really flows nicely. Kudos.
Could be time for Bruce to call it a career.
Originally Posted by jdevine888: I am a BIG Bruce fan, but when I went to see him in concert, I saw this song as a good opportunity to make a trip to the restroom.
maybe you are a "medium" Bruce fan. ;) :p
never heard this one, different but cool. nice mix of eastern and east new jersey :)
The hard pronunciation of his \"R\'s\" gets on my nerves. His voice sticks out of this otherwise wonderful song like a sore thumb.
Originally Posted by fronti: I think it's still(and always will be) a Jersey, East Coast thing with the Boss. I really do belive if your not from here (and I am) there is a part of it you just don't get. His songs have always had an attitude that you have to live around to understand. This is a good song, but not the best on the CD.
Well put, I'm not from "there" and there is much more that I don't "get" than I do. This is an area that produced Seger, Nugent, Iggy, Alice, MC5, Motown in general and to our dismay, Eminem and Kid Rock. We pretty much lay it on the line and as anyone can see, we are very fond of rhythm which may be what is missing in a lot of those tunes we don't get. IMO when Bruce is on, he is excellent - enough said.
Originally Posted by Myrrh: Bruce trying to do a Paul Simon. :oops:
I thought exactly the same thing. In my mind, Simon and Springsteen are, along with Dylan, the American singer-songwriters. However, while Simon has been able to expand, adapt and include music from other cultures, Springsteen remains essentially Heartland American, and I'm not sure he has the ability to move beyond that. There's nothing wrong with that; this is not a criticism of Springsteen, just an observation. This song just sounds awkward, like he's trying too hard. The rest of the album is wonderful.
Originally Posted by lyn: True, all you say, but, regardless, the song really is still pretty darn boring. So OK, i'm a Canadian (a long way from new Jersey), and i loved the "old" Springsteen and I don't think this is the bet thing he's ever done .... but i still think it's pretty good and it provokes comment, which is more than you can say for tons of the self-serving instant gratification cr*p out there. Give the music a break. Overblown expectations are not the fault of the artist but of the expecter :)
So OK, i\'m a Canadian (a long way from new Jersey), and i loved the \"old\" Springsteen and I don\'t think this is the bet thing he\'s ever done .... but i still think it\'s pretty good and it provokes comment, which is more than you can say for tons of the self-serving instant gratification cr*p out there. Give the music a break. Overblown expectations are not the fault of the artist but of the expecter :)
I think it\'s still(and always will be) a Jersey, East Coast thing with the Boss. I really do belive if your not from here (and I am) there is a part of it you just don\'t get. His songs have always had an attitude that you have to live around to understand. This is a good song, but not the best on the CD.
Originally Posted by Three: I can't stand to see the bashing trend - I don't follow BP faithfully, but have enjoyed his past work, like Tunnel of Love. There are a few songs I really like on this album as well. I like the rhythm and power on this song. I think he is an American Icon whether you worship his music or not.
Take heart. The bashing is not that widespread. The person who favors the "evil" emoticon spreads his ill will and anger (for whatever reason?) across Paradise. I think it took some guts to break the typical "Springsteen" mold that expectations and habit bring to bear. Those who love "classic" Springsteen will find it challenging (maybe too much so) and those who never liked him will certainly rebuke him for breaking out of whatever their preconceived image of cultivated dislike might be. I was lucky to first hear the song on RP without being at the computer screen. It caught my ear and I was surprised and impressed when I finally recognized Bruce and the band. I like this.
I can\'t stand to see the bashing trend - I don\'t follow BP faithfully, but have enjoyed his past work, like Tunnel of Love. There are a few songs I really like on this album as well. I like the rhythm and power on this song. I think he is an American Icon whether you worship his music or not.
originally posted by lbrc: his music is crap! bad melodies, bad voice, and bad lyrics.
couldn't agree more.
La la la... la la. La la la...la la. La la la...la la.......La la Arrrrrrrgh!
BD did real art, BS has only done testosterone-driven trailer-park rock'n'roll.
wow. so you, despite being an "original disser" really haven't listened to his music.
Seems to me he\'s having a hard time finding the notes.
Originally Posted by 3Dave: Sometimes it makes me laugh in the saddest of ways to see the immediate dismissal established older artists by young people, just because it may seem "hip" to do so. I have always learned to respect most people that have legions of hard-core fans, like Bob Dylan, or The Grateful Dead, even though I've never acquired a taste for their music.
(hand in air) I'm one of the original dissers of the Bruce. I'm 44 -- not really young. I too acknowledge that many artists, including those cited, have *something* that draws a huge following, but I can't say I have "respect" for them. Bob Dylan yes, Bruce Springsteen no. It depends on the nature of their art. BD did real art, BS has only done testosterone-driven trailer-park rock'n'roll. In this song he attempts something more "intelligent" (and sensitive), so maybe it's OK for RP to play it.
Originally Posted by mlsully7: I cannot see how any sane-minded adult could find any redeeming value in a great majority of today's popular music. Ugh
I'm mostly sane-minded, and you're right: not much out there on the radio these days (my 17-yr old son's favorite radio station is an 80's station :)). Which is why RADIO PARADISE RULES!!! I've heard some dang good stuff here in RP from today's artists, especially obscure ones.
Originally Posted by briandel: I just saw Bruce live about a couple of days ago and it was simply phenomonal. The stamina and energy of his show is nothing short of legendary. I sincerely belive that 95% of the Bruce-bashers here at RP would change their minds if they saw one of his shows.
When I want to witness stamina and energy, I watch athletes. When I want some eclectic intelligent rock, I listen to RP. Even though Bill sometimes plays these less-than-intelligent songs. If you're still reading this, sorry for the length.
Just hearing this for the first time. Took a bit before I realized it was Springsteen. Sounds good.
Originally Posted by Flying_Donut: Jeez, can't we just rate and comment on songs without political commentary?
Hey Flying_Donut ... yup, you can certainly not like any song you want. Heck, I personally can't stomach most of the almost-worshipped-around-here Coldplay songs. :) But music and lyrics and art in general aren't created in a vacuum; they're always responses to things going on in the world in general or the world of the artist. Obviously, this song was created post-September 11th and in response to that, and it will likely be politicized because of that.
Interesting choice after Worlds Apart. BP rules!
Jeez, can\'t we just rate and comment on songs without political commentary? I don\'t like this song. Sorry, but I don\'t. I think lyrically it is enh, and the melody is repetitive. What\'s with all the la-la-las? Sounds like too much filler. Oh well. Does that make me less of an American because I don\'t like a Bruce Springsteen song? Please.
Jeez, I thought only Dylan engendered this kind of response on RP. I have the cd, and I think it\'s one of the few responses to 9/11 that challenges the listener to do more than simply salute the flag. That said, this isn\'t one of the strongest tracks on the cd imho. However, there are 7 or 8 tunes that face9/11 in a deep, mournful and compassionate way. To an earlier commenter: this is Born in the USA, 2002 style.
I\'ve been critical of \"the boss\" before in these comments, but I\'m enjoying this song. It has a lighter yet more powerful tone. Still a bit of that tongue nonsense in this one -- what was it: \"lay my tongue on you scars\" ? Guy\'s got a thing for tongues. Yikes! :roll:
Originally Posted by foy: Enough already - please throw that CD in the trash.
I don't get it. Call me crazy, but I expect a little bit more respect from RP listeners. And not just because he's Bruce or because of some ridiculous idea that he represents patriotism or American pride. I just saw Bruce live about a couple of days ago and it was simply phenomonal. The stamina and energy of his show is nothing short of legendary. I sincerely belive that 95% of the Bruce-bashers here at RP would change their minds if they saw one of his shows.
Originally Posted by 3Dave: Sometimes it makes me laugh in the saddest of ways to see the immediate dismissal established older artists by young people, just because it may seem "hip" to do so. I have always learned to respect most people that have legions of hard-core fans, like Bob Dylan, or The Grateful Dead, even though I've never acquired a taste for their music. To not at least see some redeeming value in literally the global reach this song attempts, or even the blistering guitar work, is as about as small and closed minded as you can get.
Hey, hey. Please don't talk about younger people like that. Generalizations = bad. I like the Grateful Dead. My ears aren't overly fond of Bob Dylan (though I realize he was an important figure), but my just-turned-fourteen friend likes his stuff a lot. The younger generation really isn't as hopeless as you'd think :) That said, I enjoyed this song.