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Coldplay — Spies
Album: Parachutes
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Total ratings: 3276

Released: 2000
Length: 5:16
Plays (last 30 days): 2
I awake to find no peace of mind
I said how do you live
As a fugitive?
Down here, where I cannot see so clear
I said what do I know?
Show me the right way to go

And the spies came out of the water
And you're feeling so bad 'cause you know
And the spies hide out in every corner
But you can't touch them, no
'Cause they're all spies

They're all spies

I awake to see that no one is free
We're all fugitives, look at the way we live
Down here, I cannot sleep from fear, no
I said which way do I turn?
Oh I forget everything I learn

Spies came out of the water
And you're feeling so bad 'cause you know
And the spies hide out in every corner
But you can't touch them, no
'Cause they're all spies

They're all spies

And if we don't hide here
They're gonna find us
And if we don't hide now
They're gonna catch us when we sleep
Oh, And if we don't hide here
They're gonna find us

Spies came out of the water
And you're feeling so good 'cause you know
But those spies hide out in every corner
They can't touch you, no
'Cause they're just spies

They're just spies
They're just spies
They're just spies
They're just spies
Comments (303)add comment
Coldplay at their best 😊
 sfoster66 wrote:

That's a tease of a story...left me wanting more...

you think that was real?
This is a great song.  It brings back some great memories of seeing them live early in their career when they played the Fillmore/SF.   

I never understood the hate around this band.  Sure, Coldplay made some mediocre albums later in the 2000s, and there's always detractors who want to slag a band.  However, their first two albums were excellent IMHO.  
I'll always love Coldplay.
The spies came out of the water...
I was fairly agnostic on Coldplay, having liked their first couple of albums but then lost interest.  However, I took my partner to see them for a belated birthday present earlier this year and I was blown away by the show, and by Chris Martin's great stage presence even though we were in an enormous stadium.  Plus he asked someone on stage with him and was very nice, kind and humble.  I'm still not planning on buying any more of their records, but I'm definitely not a hater.
 SuperWeh wrote:

I don't really understand the hate for Coldplay either and agree that it seems to be driven by sheepish behavior, a bit like suddenly everyone liking Johnny Cash or wearing Ramones t-shirts.

Coldplay is not my favorite band ever, but they do have some good songs.

You need to tune into the hate and try harder to feel it ... it's easy once you do, just try a little every day and you'll get there ... bless you
Coldplay, before they sucked, nice track.
Their first two albums were really good, the third was a mixed bag, then it became embarrassing.
they became so commercial now, and strangely got famous being so indie  back in the days. they could have stopped after first 3 albums  - that would make them ikons, but now they are dissolved in a grey mainstream mass ...
 buddy wrote:

Ah, the good ol' days of Coldplay.....

yes! this is till my fav album of theirs.
remember people saying they sound like radiohead? i never understood that.
just like i don't understand people saying elbow sounds like coldplay or peter gabriel. i don't hear any of that.
Their first two albums were quite good.
 peter19 wrote:

A number of years ago my family and I were sailing around the world. My wife jumped ship and left me with two little boys on a boat off the coast of Mexico. The three of us spent the next month sailing hundreds of miles together alone. We had this CD aboard, and played it a lot. This will always bring me back to sailing along the coast of the Sea Of Cortez as dawn broke on the horizon as my two little boys slept below.

this is an awesome read. are you a writer? sounds like the starting or outline of a great novel.

i'm hoping your wife didn't ACTUALLY jump ship as you were sailing (that's where i thought this was going).

anyway, thanks for this!
 peter19 wrote:

A number of years ago my family and I were sailing around the world. My wife jumped ship and left me with two little boys on a boat off the coast of Mexico. The three of us spent the next month sailing hundreds of miles together alone. We had this CD aboard, and played it a lot. This will always bring me back to sailing along the coast of the Sea Of Cortez as dawn broke on the horizon as my two little boys slept below.

OK, there is a lot more to this story here! Glad you enjoyed the music though.
 SuperWeh wrote:

I don't really understand the hate for Coldplay either and agree that it seems to be driven by sheepish behavior, a bit like suddenly everyone liking Johnny Cash or wearing Ramones t-shirts.

Coldplay is not my favorite band ever, but they do have some good songs.

There are a number of reasons to not prefer Coldplay but don't be insulting. Defending Coldplay because you like them and they're popular is also sheepish behavior.
Back when they still made good music. (imo)
Ahh man, don't come across this song often. Thank you RP!
 dandueck07 wrote:

Coldplay is a good case in point.  The current trend in North America, based on what I've heard and read, seems to be that Coldplay is now a band to verbally trash.

I don't really understand the hate for Coldplay either and agree that it seems to be driven by sheepish behavior, a bit like suddenly everyone liking Johnny Cash or wearing Ramones t-shirts.

Coldplay is not my favorite band ever, but they do have some good songs.
Very early-2000s. Pretty out-of-date now. 
 Stratocaster wrote:

It’s beyond me how anyone can dislike this music.

Well, I do. Sorry.
 peter19 wrote:

A number of years ago my family and I were sailing around the world. My wife jumped ship and left me with two little boys on a boat off the coast of Mexico. The three of us spent the next month sailing hundreds of miles together alone. We had this CD aboard, and played it a lot. This will always bring me back to sailing along the coast of the Sea Of Cortez as dawn broke on the horizon as my two little boys slept below.

Hahaha... I had a similar experience... Sailed up the North Sea from Southampton to Oslo and there were about 3 CDs on board, this being one. We then stayed 2 weeks on the boat in Oslo. The owner of the boat was a serious piss artist and he'd get wasted then put on Parachutes and sing 

After that horrendous experience of Andrew singing and belching at the same time, I still like the album... Brings back fond memories of gorgeous Scandinavian girls who hung out on the boat with us.
justin4kick wrote:

That's an easy one: There is no doubt they will fill all these stadiums but there will probably be not many RP-listeners among the audience. Any further questions?

On_The_Beach wrote:

Coldplay songs are consistently highly-rated by RP listeners, so your argument is simply wrong.
There just happens to be a lot of whining by the minority that don't like them.

I count 15 Coldplay-songs that get a rating between 4.1 and 5.9. 

I don't think that's "consistently highly-rated". 

I agree with you about the whining, though. Besides, nearly all Coldplay-songs I rated here at least a 8. You're barking up the wrong tree.

It’s beyond me how anyone can dislike this music.
It's sad how a band this good could turn into the utter crap it is today. I guess that's what greed does to you. :(
 (of a remark, saying, song, etc.) already said in exactly the same way so often that it no longer has any worth, effectiveness etc....also see Coldplay

I love this album!
 peter19 wrote:

A number of years ago my family and I were sailing around the world. My wife jumped ship and left me with two little boys on a boat off the coast of Mexico. The three of us spent the next month sailing hundreds of miles together alone. We had this CD aboard, and played it a lot. This will always bring me back to sailing along the coast of the Sea Of Cortez as dawn broke on the horizon as my two little boys slept below.

That's a tease of a story...left me wanting more...
A number of years ago my family and I were sailing around the world. My wife jumped ship and left me with two little boys on a boat off the coast of Mexico. The three of us spent the next month sailing hundreds of miles together alone. We had this CD aboard, and played it a lot. This will always bring me back to sailing along the coast of the Sea Of Cortez as dawn broke on the horizon as my two little boys slept below.
Great album <3
One of the many things I like about Bill and Rebecca's artist/song selection on RP is that they play what they like, regardless of what music sentiments of the day are in vogue.

Coldplay is a good case in point.  The current trend in North America, based on what I've heard and read, seems to be that Coldplay is now a band to verbally trash.

I've always liked Coldplay's music, not enough to listen to a whole album all at once, but as part of a mixed playlist, so I personally like the regularity that I hear their music on RP!  Keep up the great work, Bill and Rebecca!  Most of the huddled masses are off driving the music chart machinery while RP listeners get to enjoy a much more eclectic mix of great tunes.

 arserocket wrote:
Unbelievable - I actually enjoyed this .... remembering a cool nephew saying how good Coldplay was back in 2005 ... now ..... he wouldn't touch them ... just sayin folks
I'm right there with your nephew. Sparks by Coldplay, from this album, is still my husband & I's song. Once the band became happy & rich, they became complacent, churning out total bubblegum music that poisoned the brilliant artistic colors they once possessed. It's like we are all Gwyneth Paltrow. We once loved the greatness, and we had to walk away, disappointed. 
 dziebell wrote:
I voted 4 because 4 seems a little under-represented in the polling.  And I just barely didn't barf.
Winner: Comment of the decade!
This song, like so many others for me, is a RP discovery. Heard it here years ago and still really like hearing it. Love RP!  
Unbelievable - I actually enjoyed this .... remembering a cool nephew saying how good Coldplay was back in 2005 ... now ..... he wouldn't touch them ... just sayin folks
 Duc1098 wrote:
Banal, vapid, insipid, and offensive to good taste.

You forgot mundane, forgettable, bland, and simply bad.
 juanrico wrote:
Spies, from Coldplay, was broadcast one day after Trump's ally, Roger Stone, was arrested by the FBI on charges of lying to the congress ...

Sheers for this political standpoint, Rebecca and Bill!

So, ummm, not sure how to break this to 'ya, Juan, but Roger Stone is not a spy. He's, nowadays, a convicted felon. He used to be a bag man. But yeah, that kinda fell through. Too.  
Ah, the good ol' days of Coldplay.....
Realize I haven't paid much attention to this...hearing "spiders" in lieu of "spies" for some years.
This song always reminds me of "A Horse With No Name" by America. Same chords, same pace, but a much better song IMO. 
 wgsu_1978 wrote:

There you go again, conflating popularity and quality.

Ah but is popularity here amongst the discerning RP listeners the same as popularity of the corporate radio masses? 
7 down to 3
Spies, from Coldplay, was broadcast one day after Trump's ally, Roger Stone, was arrested by the FBI on charges of lying to the congress ...

Sheers for this political standpoint, Rebecca and Bill!
 RingoTheFirst wrote:

THIS. Radio Paradise is the open-minded antithesis of music snobbery. Not that half the people listening to it seem to realise it. 

Kinda....although BnR feel that feedback in either direction is OK and encouraged...from the About RP tab: 

We also depend on input from you to help fine-tune our music mix. If you hear something that you feel strongly about (either positively or negatively), please take a moment to rate and/or post a comment on that song. Just click the song title anywhere on our site or the heart icon on the web player.

Personally, I will on occasion comment about my dislike for a song/band, etc., and do not make personal attacks on others who feel differently than me.  I think it's the personal nature of 'negative' posts that really gets in folks' craw.  

Long Live RP!!

Oh...I'm at a 6 on this one....never really big on Coldplay although it's not Sucko-Barfo to me by any means!
From me  only 7  
 bm.deavenport613 wrote:
It cracks me up, all the negative posts in all the different forums. RP is for listeners who don't want to be pinned into one genre or sound. RP listeners enjoy eclectic, and classic, toe tapping. And RP listeners enjoy different music at different times. 

THIS. Radio Paradise is the open-minded antithesis of music snobbery. Not that half the people listening to it seem to realise it. 
Moved from 9 > 10. Just amazing music, and has definitely stood the test of time. I wish their music had stayed like this...
The Gwyneth Paltrow of Rock
Such a dull band
Why yes. Who blew my cover?
I voted 4 because 4 seems a little under-represented in the polling.  And I just barely didn't barf.
 wgsu_1978 wrote:
There you go again, conflating popularity and quality.
Who said anything about quality?
I was simply pointing out a false statement.
 On_The_Beach wrote:

Coldplay songs are consistently highly-rated by RP listeners, so your argument is simply wrong.
There just happens to be a lot of whining by the minority that don't like them.

There you go again, conflating popularity and quality.

Go go    Coldplay :-)

I think I am over Coldplay.
 Duc1098 wrote:
Banal, vapid, insipid, and offensive to good taste.

Fence sitter
Sounds like Dirk Diggler's effort in his recording session.
 justin4kick wrote:
That's an easy one: There is no doubt they will fill all these stadiums but there will probably be not many RP-listeners among the audience. Any further questions?
Coldplay songs are consistently highly-rated by RP listeners, so your argument is simply wrong.
There just happens to be a lot of whining by the minority that don't like them.
Banal, vapid, insipid, and offensive to good taste.
It cracks me up, all the negative posts in all the different forums. RP is for listeners who don't want to be pinned into one genre or sound. RP listeners enjoy eclectic, and classic, toe tapping. And RP listeners enjoy different music at different times. 
Great song!
All went downhill from here.
One of the best songs of Coldplay. One of the best album ever
justin4kick wrote:
Nowadays everybody here seems to hate them. 

treatment_bound wrote:

If "everybody hates them", how are they playing nothing but U.S. stadiums this summer?

July 16: New York/New Jersey (MetLife Stadium)

July 23: Chicago (Soldier Field)

July 30: Boston (Gillette Stadium)

Aug. 6: Philadelphia (Lincoln Financial Field)

Aug. 20: Los Angeles (Rose Bowl)

Aug. 27: Dallas (AT&T Stadium)

Sept. 3: San Francisco (Levi's Stadium)


That's an easy one: There is no doubt they will fill all these stadiums but there will probably be not many RP-listeners among the audience. Any further questions?
Excrementally runny.
 justin4kick wrote:
Nowadays everybody here seems to hate them. 

If "everybody hates them", how are they playing nothing but U.S. stadiums this summer?

July 16: New York/New Jersey (MetLife Stadium)

July 23: Chicago (Soldier Field)

July 30: Boston (Gillette Stadium)

Aug. 6: Philadelphia (Lincoln Financial Field)

Aug. 20: Los Angeles (Rose Bowl)

Aug. 27: Dallas (AT&T Stadium)

Sept. 3: San Francisco (Levi's Stadium)

 stonemenigel wrote:
Stop playing these ... I'm allergic to them ... they belong somewhere else, but not here ...

How can something "not belong" on an eclectic radio station?  I'm intrigued.
 stonemenigel wrote:
.. they belong somewhere else, but not here ...

well said! agreed!
Just awful.
This is really a great song. Although I must confess it went downhill after this album and the magic was definitely over after the second. 

Nowadays everybody here seems to hate them. I maintain my 8 rating. 
Stop playing these ... I'm allergic to them ... they belong somewhere else, but not here ...
Chris Martin should be rewarded for his consistent use of falsettos. The reward needs to feature of something which involves a large, beautifully wrapped package containing a hornet's nest, with a label on the outside reading 'shake before opening'.
I use to like this, now I just want a pillow.
 Stratocaster wrote:
Amazing song and album.

Amazing album indeed and this was always my favorite track off the record for sure. It's the guitar line during the chorus...what a hook!
Amazing song and album.
 I totaly agree with that

CoYoT51 wrote:
They were so good at that time.


They were so good at that time.
 toomanyollys wrote:
I've taken to replacing "spies" with "amphibious ghost-spiders" in my head, then it makes more sense.

I think you may be on to something. I just tried it, and instead of lowering my previous 7 rating to 3, I only lowered it to 5.
 DaidyBoy wrote:
If I want yodelling I will listen to Frank Ifield.

Someone's got to perpetuate Frank's legacy (though I think he's still alive).  Maybe these guys should do a version of "I Remember You".
Coldplay is better live!
And with that I am off to the driving range....
If I want yodelling I will listen to Frank Ifield.
 Stratocaster wrote:

Supertramp had two lead vocalists, sharing their songs about equally on each album. Which "the singer" did you mean?...

Given the "quavery" description of the voice, I'd guess he was referring to Roger Hodgson.
 kcar wrote:

For me, it's the singing that sinks this band. I didn't like Supertramp for the same reason--couldn't stand the singer, especially when he pulled out the quavery "pity poor me" style. Coldplay and Supertramp seem to fall into the love-em-or-hate-em camp for a lot of people. 

Supertramp had two lead vocalists, sharing their songs about equally on each album. Which "the singer" did you mean?

I get a kick out of the comments for Coldplay...they run about 75% negative. But, the score of 7.1 doesn't indicate this. I guess that means Coldplay brings out a very emotional response from both camps. That's a good thing.
The music is generally good but I don't like Chris Martin's style.
 kcar wrote:

For me, it's the singing that sinks this band. I didn't like Supertramp for the same reason--couldn't stand the singer, especially when he pulled out the quavery "pity poor me" style. Coldplay and Supertramp seem to fall into the love-em-or-hate-em camp for a lot of people. 

Couldn't agree more. And I also agree with the commenter you were replying to originally. This band is tedious drivel right across the board. I would just completely ignore them if they weren't so damned overrated and ubiquitous. Dull, dull, deadly dull and, for a couple of years, inescapable. A losing combination.
 kcar wrote:

For me, it's the singing that sinks this band. I didn't like Supertramp for the same reason--couldn't stand the singer, especially when he pulled out the quavery "pity poor me" style. Coldplay and Supertramp seem to fall into the love-em-or-hate-em camp for a lot of people. 

Issues, maybe?
 kcar wrote:

For me, it's the singing that sinks this band. I didn't like Supertramp for the same reason--couldn't stand the singer, especially when he pulled out the quavery "pity poor me" style. Coldplay and Supertramp seem to fall into the love-em-or-hate-em camp for a lot of people. 


I love both Supertramp and Coldplay simply because they give me an out after a stressful day at the office...a form of meditation/relaxation.

One should never over analyze art...either we like it or not...it's that simple. 
 bb_matt wrote:
So, exactly what do these lyrics mean? 
Have a little listen - spies come out the water / she can't touch them / they're all spies ...
if we don't hide ... blah blah.

See, this is why so many people dislike this band. There's some quality in the production, the backing music is pretty good - similar era to Radiohead, but *completely* lacking in depth. Therein lies the problem, if it wasn't masquerading as deep music, fair enough.
But it is - and lyrically, it's bloody auwful meaningless drivel.  

For me, it's the singing that sinks this band. I didn't like Supertramp for the same reason--couldn't stand the singer, especially when he pulled out the quavery "pity poor me" style. Coldplay and Supertramp seem to fall into the love-em-or-hate-em camp for a lot of people. 
One of their best, for sure.
I've taken to replacing "spies" with "amphibious ghost-spiders" in my head, then it makes more sense.
So, exactly what do these lyrics mean? 
Have a little listen - spies come out the water / she can't touch them / they're all spies ...
if we don't hide ... blah blah.

See, this is why so many people dislike this band. There's some quality in the production, the backing music is pretty good - similar era to Radiohead, but *completely* lacking in depth. Therein lies the problem, if it wasn't masquerading as deep music, fair enough.
But it is - and lyrically, it's bloody auwful meaningless drivel.  
straight dope
One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite bands. 10 out of 10 from me.
10! Godlike!
The first 2 Albums are simply brilliant! And now? Just another band, that plays commercial stuff for the Radio.
It's such a shame! 
 Likewiseagkagk wrote:

Just cranked it up for Talk Talk.
Then Coldplay came on, and I was forced to dial it WAY back.
What a letdown.  

Likewise today for me
This song reminds me of a time when my gal pal and I rented a cabin on Lake Tahoe and a group of folks were practicing deep diving nearby.  As the sun was going down, my gal pal was convinced that the divers were navy seals and had been spying on us and that once the sun went down, the spies were going to invade our cabin.  Honestly, she was as sober as the trees.  I could not stop laughing and will   never let her forget her silly fears from that night.  BTW, I do like this song very much.
Ah Bill at RP - I see you've been hearing all the hullabaloo about Big Brother and his extensive spy network going on!!!  Good set of songs to point this out!
I dig this song. Bass and lead guitar. I enjoy Chris's falsetto. 

Great band. These guys slowly grew on me.  Seeing them live in 2012 sealed the deal for me. Best live show production since I saw Pink Floyd in 1996.
One of my favorite bands that happen to have 25 million+ fans on facebook, and are in elevators and the such now...IE "over played"

Nail.. head.. hit...
I can still listen to the early stuff like this, but can't bear anything else from them now.

Stingray wrote:

They can do what they want,

I am simply DONE with them!

And they are not even a bad band. I just dunno why

I cannot hear them any longer!


Sorry, but I feel that Martin's singing gets between me and the musicianship or the message in the song.  I find I can hear neither when he starts his pretentious warbling.  Sing in key, for God's sake.
 kilroyjoe3 wrote:
I've always been so conflicted about this song.  My first thought is that it has a terrific dark mood and sound.  Like the guy said below, tight production, unique sound.  At the same time, if I had written a 5th grade English paper using the lyrics in this song I would get an F.  Its such a cool song, why can't Chris elaborate on what actually makes spies mysterious and dangerous.  Why can't I touch spies? Because they're just spies, duh!  Why are apples delicious?  Because they're apples.  Tell me why RP is so cool.  Because its just RP, FOOL!  I guess I need to stop over-thinking this one, but I just can't.  So irked...
Exactly.  They're just spies.


Why this, if my suggestion "WAS - NOT WAS" was rejected

with songs from their classic "What's up, dog!" album - one of the best

albums of the decade. When this was rejected by RP, I did not know what

to think any longer about RP's taste and musicology! WEIRD REFUSAL!

They can do what they want,

I am simply DONE with them!

And they are not even a bad band. I just dunno why

I cannot hear them any longer!

Just cranked it up for Talk Talk.
Then Coldplay came on, and I was forced to dial it WAY back.
What a letdown.  

 kilroyjoe3 wrote:
I've always been so conflicted about this song.  My first thought is that it has a terrific dark mood and sound.  Like the guy said below, tight production, unique sound.  At the same time, if I had written a 5th grade English paper using the lyrics in this song I would get an F.  Its such a cool song, why can't Chris elaborate on what actually makes spies mysterious and dangerous.  Why can't I touch spies? Because they're just spies, duh!  Why are apples delicious?  Because they're apples.  Tell me why RP is so cool.  Because its just RP, FOOL!  I guess I need to stop over-thinking this one, but I just can't.  So irked...
You may get an "F" for using these lyrics in a 5th-grade English paper because you would have plagiarized them.  I think you are over-thinking it.  The term "spies" is used as a metaphor, and requires no more elaboration; just about anyone can imagine why spies seem mysterious and dangerous. I'm not saying that these are great lyrics, but they are song lyrics, not a dissertation or a user's manual.
I still play this album sometimes but not this song!  If you changed the timbre of the vocal from falsetto to a more low Bono/McCoullough sound you would have a B-side from Simple Minds, circa 1984.    Not a song for the ages. For true fans only.
I've always been so conflicted about this song.  My first thought is that it has a terrific dark mood and sound.  Like the guy said below, tight production, unique sound.  At the same time, if I had written a 5th grade English paper using the lyrics in this song I would get an F.  Its such a cool song, why can't Chris elaborate on what actually makes spies mysterious and dangerous.  Why can't I touch spies? Because they're just spies, duh!  Why are apples delicious?  Because they're apples.  Tell me why RP is so cool.  Because its just RP, FOOL!  I guess I need to stop over-thinking this one, but I just can't.  So irked...
 coyote620 wrote:
Coldplay at their best.
Yes, it is.

Pity that.
Martin and Yorke should have a contest to determine who can sing more off key and with less range. 
 rdo wrote:
If you like this song, then you are a member of Generation Wuss.
Though I don't necessarily agree with your statement...I found it incredibly funny. Thanks for the laughs. {#Dance}
If you like this song, then you are a member of Generation Wuss.
 joempie wrote:
tuning out. can't stand this howling...
Irritating.  Not Coldplay at "their best."   I hope.{#Beat} 
very nice!
 coyote620 wrote:
Coldplay at their best.
..... back when. (sigh)
 coyote620 wrote:
Coldplay at their best.
You know what? I'm a Coyot' too and I DO think you're 100% right!
Their 2 first EPs were great, this first album (excluding Yellow) was too.

Thanks, Bill!
This song has always evoked a feeling rather than an image for me. "Calm and still."
Coldplay at their best.
tuning out. can't stand this howling...
 rdo wrote:
Bye Bye Coldplay.  No, we do not hear Para Para Paradise!  THANK GOD!
That was a fun game.
Changed my rating from 8 to 9....this is sublime.  Love the sound.