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Profile: coding_to_music

Tagline: Sometimes I forget there is a war going on
Location: Beantown
Member since: Nov 02, 2004
Occupation: Software Developer
Bathroom preference: Men's
Birthday: Dec 13, 1901
Song Ratings: ?
10 - AirLeft Bank
10 - alt-JTaro
10 - BeckBlue Moon
10 - BeckTurn Away
10 - BeckOrphans
10 - BeckMorning
10 - BlurFool's Day
10 - BlurOut Of Time
10 - BonoboCirrus
10 - BTSatellite
10 - ColdplaySpies
10 - ColdplayTrouble
10 - ColdplayTalk
10 - Dengue FeverUku
10 - DovesDarker
10 - DovesFiresuite
10 - ElbowMirrorball
10 - Elton JohnLevon
10 - FaithlessBombs
10 - FlukeO.K.
10 - Frou FrouFlicks
10 - GoldfrappUtopia
10 - Howie DayGhost
10 - Johnny CashOne
10 - Johnny CashHurt
10 - KT TunstallLost
10 - LambGorecki
10 - MadonnaFrozen
10 - Pink FloydSheep
10 - Pink FloydTime
10 - PlaceboI Know
10 - PortisheadRoads
10 - RadioheadCodex
10 - RadioheadLucky
10 - RushLimelight
10 - Sheryl CrowHome
10 - SiaBreathe Me
10 - SlowdiveShine
10 - SpoonPink Up
10 - SpoonInside Out
10 - Steely DanAja
10 - SupergrassRun
10 - The KinksApeman
10 - U2The Fly
10 - U2One
10 - U2One Tree Hill
10 - VASTThrown Away
10 - WilcoBlack Moon
10 - Xavier RuddHome
10 - Zero 7Destiny
10 - Zero 7Home
9 - 2CellosHurt
9 - AdeleLovesong
9 - AirAll I Need
9 - AirBiological
9 - ArchiveAgain
9 - BabbleTribe
9 - BeckMissing
9 - BeckDark Star
9 - BeckLoser
9 - BeckJack-Ass
9 - BeckYouthless
9 - BeckDear Life
9 - BellyGepetto
9 - BjörkJóga
9 - BjörkOne Day
9 - BlissBreathe
9 - BlondieAtomic
9 - BlurGood Song
9 - BombinoImuhar
9 - BonoboAnimals
9 - BonoboEl Toro
9 - CakeLong Time
9 - CalexicoCruel
9 - CalexicoRoka
9 - CamelRajaz
9 - CantomaMarisi
9 - ChicagoListen
9 - CrackerLow
9 - CrackerShine
9 - DaughterStill
9 - DevicsMoments
9 - DidoThank You
9 - DovesSnowden
9 - EivørRain
9 - ElbowK2
9 - EuphoriaBlue
9 - FacesFlying
9 - FinkPilgrim
9 - GarbageParade
9 - GarbageMilk
9 - GigiGuramayle
9 - GitheadDrop
9 - GoldfrappDrew
9 - GoldfrappJo
9 - GoldfrappA&E
9 - GoldfrappThea
9 - GorillazTranz
9 - HemHalf Acre
9 - HemHollow
9 - InterpolNarc
9 - IvyUndertow
9 - JainMakeba
9 - JainCome
9 - JemThey
9 - JunipChickens
9 - Kan'NalGypsy
9 - Kent400 Slag
9 - KolidaWishes
9 - KoopGlömd
9 - LambIn Binary
9 - LambRounds
9 - LowCalifornia
9 - MGMTKids
9 - MobyPorcelain
9 - MorphineBuena
9 - MuseEndlessly
9 - NamasteJam
9 - Nick DrakeFly
9 - PhishWaste
9 - R.E.M.Belong
9 - R.E.M.Drive
9 - RJD21976
9 - SiaNumb
9 - SloanTraces
9 - SpiritClear
9 - SpiritTaurus
9 - StarsLook Up
9 - SupergrassFin
9 - SwatiStay
9 - SyntaxBliss
9 - SyntaxMessage
9 - SyntaxPride
9 - Talk TalkEden
9 - The CureBurn
9 - ThemGloria
9 - Tori AmosGod
9 - TrafficGlad
9 - TravisSide
9 - TravisSing
9 - TychoDaydream
9 - TychoA Walk
9 - U2Seconds
9 - U2Surrender
9 - U2Lemon
9 - U2Bad
9 - U2Bad (Live)
9 - UnkleReign
9 - VASTLost
9 - VASTTouched
9 - WeenThe Argus
9 - Wye OakSpiral
9 - Wye OakFish
9 - XIXADead Man
9 - XTCGrass
9 - YesRoundabout
9 - Zero 7In Time
9 - Zero 7Futures
9 - ZwanRiverview
8 - !!!Myth Takes
8 - AirPhotograph
8 - AirRadian
8 - AirRun
8 - alt-JAdeline
8 - alt-JNara
8 - AmasonÄlgen
8 - AminaYa Baba
8 - AquiloHuman
8 - ArchiveMeon
8 - Ari HestThem
8 - BeckGirl
8 - BeckGamma Ray
8 - BeckTarantula
8 - BellySlow Dog
8 - BellyDusted
8 - BlondieMaria
8 - BlurTender
8 - BoDeansIdaho
8 - BombinoInar
8 - BushComedown
8 - CakeWheels
8 - CakeThrills
8 - CakeDime
8 - ClinicHarmony
8 - CreamSwlabr
8 - DeleriumMyth
8 - DevoMongoloid
8 - Doves10-03
8 - DovesValley
8 - EelsGone Man
8 - EivørBroken
8 - ElbowThe Fix
8 - Frou FrouShh
8 - FuelShimmer
8 - GenesisAbacab
8 - GigiGud Fella
8 - GoldfrappHunt
8 - GomezOptions
8 - GomezEqualize
8 - GorillazStylo
8 - GusterCareful
8 - GusterDemons
8 - HemReservoir
8 - HemIdle
8 - Immanu ElHome
8 - InterpolEvil
8 - Ismael LoKhar
8 - JamesSound
8 - JemStay Now
8 - J.J. CaleLies
8 - JumpMidnight
8 - KeaneAtlantic
8 - KentDom Andra
8 - LambHeaven
8 - LesiemLesiem
8 - Lily AllenLDN
8 - Liz PhairRide
8 - LuminGarden
8 - MobyHymn
8 - MobyThe Dogs
8 - MobySpiders
8 - Mojave 3Mercy
8 - NitsDistance
8 - Oi Va VoiYuri
8 - OursSometimes
8 - PhishSand
8 - PinbackSender
8 - PinbackBoo
8 - PoeControl
8 - PoeWild
8 - PoeHey Pretty
8 - PoeHaunted
8 - R.E.M.Strange
8 - Remy ZeroFair
8 - RideSennen
8 - RushFreewill
8 - SantanaJingo
8 - SealCrazy
8 - SiaAcademia
8 - Son VoltRoute
8 - SpoonWhisper
8 - StarsChanges
8 - SubaSereia
8 - TamaTa'aba
8 - The XXAngels
8 - The XXFiction
8 - ThriceCircles
8 - TrickyExcess
8 - U2So Cruel
8 - U2Desire
8 - UnkleGlow
8 - VASTFrog
8 - WesAwa Awa
8 - WilcoI Might
8 - WilcoKamera
8 - XTCPlayground
8 - XTCDear God
8 - YazooDon't Go
8 - YelloThe Race
7 - AirTalisman
7 - BeckScarecrow
7 - DadaDim
7 - Elastica2:1
7 - GalacticPaint
7 - HemOld Adam
7 - Jesse CookRed
7 - MuseStarlight
7 - MuseUprising
7 - OutbackBaka
7 - RJD2Reality
7 - SolasDignity
7 - The VerveBlue
7 - U2Salomé
6 - DidoStoned
6 - U2Breathe
6 - VASTFlames